11 research outputs found


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    The editorial frames a special issue that introduces Scandinavian cinema and media scholars to ecomedia studies and its potentials

    Reality beckons: metamodernist depthiness beyond panfictionality

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    It is often argued that postmodernism has been succeeded by a new dominant cultural logic. We conceive of this new logic as metamodernism. Whilst some twenty-first century texts still engage with and utilise postmodernist practices, they put these practices to new use. In this article, we investigate the metamodern usage of the typically postmodernist devices of metatextuality and ontological slippage in two genres: autofiction and true crime documentary. Specifically, we analyse Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being and the Netflix mini-series The Keepers, demonstrating that forms of fictionalisation, metafictionality and ontological blurring between fiction and reality have been repurposed. We argue that, rather than expand the scope of fiction, overriding reality, the metamodernist repurposing of postmodernist textual strategies generates a kind of ‘reality-effect’

    Kinski/Herzog y Ullman/Bergman: el autor y el actor en el cine autobiográfico

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    La idea del autor cinematográfico implica que una sola visión artística es la que crea el filme, y que esa visión es muy personal. De hecho, una película hecha por un autor supuestamente refleja de alguna manera a la persona del director/autor y puede entenderse como biográfica, aunque la noción de autobiografía precisa ser reformulada para el ámbito del cine. La naturaleza cooperativa del cine, por ejemplo, parece ir en contra de la esencia de la autobiografía. Este artículo examina el trabajo de dos directores muy personales, Ingmar Bergman y Werner Herzog, y se centra en particular en las relaciones dinámicas que se forjaron entre ellos y sus actores. ¿Qué pueden decirnos esas relaciones sobre la naturaleza de la autobiografía cinematográfica

    Power, Myths, Materiality: A Multilingual Reflection over the Conditions for Knowledge Production in Times of Political Turbulence

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    During 2016 to 2018 the research node “Science, validation, partial perspectives: Knowledge production beyond the norms,” create spaces for transdisciplinary meetings at Uppsala university. In spring of 2017, the node arranged a journey to California in the USA, for MA candidates, PhD candidates, lecturers, and researchers. The aim was to meet with academics, activists, and artists to discuss the conditions for knowledge production in relation to the current political situation, in which ideas of “post truth” and “alternative facts” have surfaced. We visited the Scandinavian Studies and the Gender and Women’s Studies departments at UC Berkeley, and the Science and Justice Research Center at UC Santa Cruz. This multilingual essay, written in the months following the trip, is a collective, rhizomatic reflection over the relationship between narratives, cultural identities and truths; privilege and politics; language and reality; art and science; potential and risk in boundarycrossing encounters.Camilla Wallin Bergström heter numera Camilla Wallin Lämsä</p

    Power, Myths, Materiality: A Multilingual Reflection over the Conditions for Knowledge Production in Times of Political Turbulence

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    During 2016 to 2018 the research node “Science, validation, partial perspectives: Knowledge production beyond the norms,” create spaces for transdisciplinary meetings at Uppsala university. In spring of 2017, the node arranged a journey to California in the USA, for MA candidates, PhD candidates, lecturers, and researchers. The aim was to meet with academics, activists, and artists to discuss the conditions for knowledge production in relation to the current political situation, in which ideas of “post truth” and “alternative facts” have surfaced. We visited the Scandinavian Studies and the Gender and Women’s Studies departments at UC Berkeley, and the Science and Justice Research Center at UC Santa Cruz. This multilingual essay, written in the months following the trip, is a collective, rhizomatic reflection over the relationship between narratives, cultural identities and truths; privilege and politics; language and reality; art and science; potential and risk in boundarycrossing encounters.Camilla Wallin Bergström heter numera Camilla Wallin Lämsä</p