8 research outputs found

    Dorsal hindbrain ablation results in rerouting of neural crest migration and changes in gene expression, but normal hyoid development

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    Our previous studies have shown that hindbrain neural tube cells can regulate to form neural crest cells for a limited time after neural fold removal (Scherson, T., Serbedzija, G., Fraser, S. E. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (1993). Development 188, 1049-1061; Sechrist, J., Nieto, M. A., Zamanian, R. T. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (1995). Development 121, 4103-4115). In the present study, we ablated the dorsal hindbrain at later stages to examine possible alterations in migratory behavior and/or gene expression in neural crest populations rostral and caudal to the operated region. The results were compared with those obtained by misdirecting neural crest cells via rhombomere rotation. Following surgical ablation of dorsal r5 and r6 prior to the 10 somite stage, r4 neural crest cells migrate along normal pathways toward the second branchial arch. Similarly, r7 neural crest cells migrate primarily to the fourth branchial arch. When analogous ablations are performed at the 10- 12 somite stage, however, a marked increase in the numbers of DiI/Hoxa-3-positive cells from r7 are observed within the third branchial arch. In addition, some DiI-labeled r4 cells migrate into the depleted hindbrain region and the third branchial arch. During their migration, a subset of these r4 cells up-regulate Hoxa-3, a transcript they do not normally express. Krox20 transcript levels were augmented after ablation in a population of neural crest cells migrating from r4, caudal r3 and rostral r3. Long-term survivors of bilateral ablations possess normal neural crest-derived cartilage of the hyoid complex, suggesting that misrouted r4 and r7 cells contribute to cranial derivatives appropriate for their new location. In contrast, misdirecting of the neural crest by rostrocaudal rotation of r4 through r6 results in a reduction of Hoxa-3 expression in the third branchial arch and corresponding deficits in third arch-derived structures of the hyoid apparatus. These results demonstrate that neural crest/tube progenitors in the hindbrain can compensate by altering migratory trajectories and patterns of gene expression when the adjacent neural crest is removed, but fail to compensate appropriately when the existing neural crest is misrouted by neural tube rotation

    Digital Three-Dimensional Atlas of Quail Development Using High-Resolution MRI

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    We present an archetypal set of three-dimensional digital atlases of the quail embryo based on microscopic magnetic resonance imaging (µMRI). The atlases are composed of three modules: (1) images of fixed ex ovo quail, ranging in age from embryonic day 5 to 10 (e05 to e10); (2) a coarsely delineated anatomical atlas of the µMRI data; and (3) an organ system–based hierarchical graph linked to the anatomical delineations. The atlas is designed to be accessed using SHIVA, a free Java application. The atlas is extensible and can contain other types of information including anatomical, physiological, and functional descriptors. It can also be linked to online resources and references. This digital atlas provides a framework to place various data types, such as gene expression and cell migration data, within the normal three-dimensional anatomy of the developing quail embryo. This provides a method for the analysis and examination of the spatial relationships among the different types of information within the context of the entire embryo

    MRI in Developmental Biology and the Construction of Developmental Atlases

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    Microscopic magnetic resonance imaging (μMRI) is a noninvasive, nonoptical imaging modality that allows the entire volume of opaque specimens to be imaged. Because μMRI is not a destructive method, biologists are afforded anatomically unperturbed imagery of embryonic development and the ability to observe morphogenetic movements deep within optically inaccessible embryos. Compared with optical methods, μMRI data acquisition is slow, and image resolution is very low. This might suggest that μMRI is not viable for developmental studies. In this article, we discuss when μMRI is an appropriate imaging modality and how it has contributed to a richer understanding of embryonic development by allowing direct observation of dynamic processes in optically inaccessible regions of unperturbed embryos. We close the article with a discussion of μMRI for the construction of digital anatomical developmental atlases and how such atlases can be used

    Three-Dimensional Digital Mouse Atlas Using High-Resolution MRI

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    We present an archetypal digital atlas of the mouse embryo based on microscopic magnetic resonance imaging. The atlas is composed of three modules: (1) images of fixed embryos 6 to 15.5 days postconception (dpc) [Theiler Stages (TS) 8 to 24]; (2) an annotated atlas of the anterior portion of a 13.5 dpc (TS 22) mouse with anatomical structures delineated and linked to explanatory files; and (3) three-dimensional renderings of the entire 13.5 dpc embryo and specific organ systems. The explanatory files include brief descriptions of the structure at each volume element in the image and links to 3D reconstructions, allowing visualization of the shape of the isolated structures. These files can also contain or be linked to other types of information and data including detailed anatomical and physiological information about structures with pointers to online references, relationships between structures, temporal characteristics (cell lineage patterns, size, and shape changes), and gene expression patterns (both spatial and temporal). As an example, we have “painted” in the expression pattern of Dlx5/Dlx6 genes. This digital atlas provides a means to put specific data within the context of normal specimen anatomy, to analyze the information in 3D, and to examine relationships between different types of information

    Towards a Tralfamadorian view of the embryo: multidimensional imaging of development

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    Biological problems such as embryonic development require tools to follow cell and tissue movements as well as the distribution of active genes. A variety of emerging imaging techniques offer the capability of fully rendering the three-dimensional structure of the embryo, and some offer the possibility of following changes directly over time. The data sets that result offer both new insights and new challenges. A framework of digital atlases will soon offer the integration of different imaging modalities and permit users to interact with multidimensional data sets

    A multimodal, multidimensional atlas of the C57BL/6J mouse brain

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    Strains of mice, through breeding or the disruption of normal genetic pathways, are widely used to model human diseases. Atlases are an invaluable aid in understanding the impact of such manipulations by providing a standard for comparison. We have developed a digital atlas of the adult C57BL/6J mouse brain as a comprehensive framework for storing and accessing the myriad types of information about the mouse brain. Our implementation was constructed using several different imaging techniques: magnetic resonance microscopy, blockface imaging, classical histology and immunohistochemistry. Along with raw and annotated images, it contains database management systems and a set of tools for comparing information from different techniques. The framework allows facile correlation of results from different animals, investigators or laboratories by establishing a canonical representation of the mouse brain and providing the tools for the insertion of independent data into the same space as the atlas. This tool will aid in managing the increasingly complex and voluminous amounts of information about the mammalian brain. It provides a framework that encompasses genetic information in the context of anatomical imaging and holds tremendous promise for producing new insights into the relationship between genotype and phenotype. We describe a suite of tools that enables the independent entry of other types of data, facile retrieval of information and straightforward display of images. Thus, the atlas becomes a framework for managing complex genetic and epigenetic information about the mouse brain. The atlas and associated tools may be accessed at http://www.loni.ucla.edu/MAP