3,020 research outputs found

    Core formation, evolution, and convection: A geophysical model

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    A model is proposed for the formation and evolution of the Earth's core which provides an adequate energy source for maintaining the geodynamo. A modified inhomogeneous accretion model is proposed which leads to initial iron and refractory enrichment at the center of the planet. The probable heat source for melting of the core is the decay of Al. The refractory material is emplaced irregularly in the lowermost mantle with uranium and thorium serving as a long lived heat source. Fluid motions in the core are driven by the differential heating from above and the resulting cyclonic motions may be the source of the geodynamo

    Growth of a mat-forming photograph in the presence of UV radiation

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    Knowledge of the survival and growth of microorganisms in the presence of ultraviolet radiation is important for understanding the potential for life to exist in environments exposed to high fluxes of UV radiation. The growth of a mat-forming phototrophic prokaryote, Chloroflexus aurantiacus, was examined in the presence of continuous high UV irradiation under otherwise optimal growth conditions. Evidence was sought for an intrinsic ability to grow in the presence of UV radiation in a carefully chosen organism known to be unusually resistant to UV radiation, of ancient lineage among the phototrophs, to resemble ancient microfossils from the Precambrian, and to be a mat-former. It was assumed that even a high intrinsic UV resistance would be inadequate for survival and growth in the presence of very high UV fluxes, and iron (Fe3+) was selected as a common, abundant UV-absorbing substance that might protest microorganisms growing in or under iron-bearing sediments. The effectiveness of Fe(3+) was tested as a UV protective agent at low concentrations in thin layers. It was concluded that intrinsic UV resistance in some organisms may account for growth, not just survival, of these organisms when exposed to high UV fluxes under otherwise optimal growth conditions in an anoxic environment. It was also concluded that Fe(3+) bearing sediments of 1 mm or less in thickness may provide an adequate shield against high UV fluxes permitting the growth of microorganisms just below their surface. As long as growth conditions were met, then the evolution and development of microorganisms would not be hampered by high UV fluxes impinging upon the surface of iron-bearing sediments

    Recent origin of low trabecular bone density in modern humans

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    Humans are unique, compared with our closest living relatives (chimpanzees) and early fossil hominins, in having an enlarged body size and lower limb joint surfaces in combination with a relatively gracile skeleton (i.e., lower bone mass for our body size). Some analyses have observed that in at least a few anatomical regions modern humans today appear to have relatively low trabecular density, but little is known about how that density varies throughout the human skeleton and across species or how and when the present trabecular patterns emerged over the course of human evolution. Here, we test the hypotheses that (i) recent modern humans have low trabecular density throughout the upper and lower limbs compared with other primate taxa and (ii) the reduction in trabecular density first occurred in early Homo erectus, consistent with the shift toward a modern human locomotor anatomy, or more recently in concert with diaphyseal gracilization in Holocene humans. We used peripheral quantitative CT and microtomography to measure trabecular bone of limb epiphyses (long bone articular ends) in modern humans and chimpanzees and in fossil hominins attributed to Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus robustus/early Homo from Swartkrans, Homo neanderthalensis, and early Homo sapiens. Results show that only recent modern humans have low trabecular density throughout the limb joints. Extinct hominins, including pre-Holocene Homo sapiens, retain the high levels seen in nonhuman primates. Thus, the low trabecular density of the recent modern human skeleton evolved late in our evolutionary history, potentially resulting from increased sedentism and reliance on technological and cultural innovations

    Study of the predatory effects of a reduced magpie population on the ring-necked pheasant

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    Telemetered Heart Rates of Free-Living Uinta Ground Squirrels in Response to Social Interactions

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    Free-living Uinta ground squirrels (Spermophilus armatus) were instrumented with miniaturized ECG radio-transmitters to measure their short-term and long-term heart rate responses to social interactions. A continuous trapping and direct observation program prior to and during the study provided complete behavioral and life history information for virtually all ground squirrels on the 22-acre study area. Three broad categories of heart rate information were obtained: responses by squirrels (1) in their burrows, (2) above ground during social interactions, and (3) above ground when animals were not fighting and when conspecifics were both absent and present. Marked changes in the heart rate of ground squirrels occurred even as animals behaved in their burrows and conspecifics were absent. Some changes were caused by motor behaviors and appeared commensurate with different degrees of physical exertion. Others were evident among inactive animals and took the form of diurnal cardiac rhythms which were independent of immediate motor behavior hut nonetheless attuned to aboveground activity cycles. The heart rate of all ground squirrels increased well above burrow baselines when animals behaved aboveground. The greatest elevations occurred during social interactions which ranged from mere threat to physical combat. Combat encounters elicited responses which frequently exceeded 400 beats/minute as compared to burrow and aboveground baselines for inactive animals of 269 and 284 beats/minute , respectively. Threat interactions produced less dramatic increases, but because threat usually lasted longer, it was perhaps as stressful as combat. There were no significant differences between peak responses of dominants and subordinates, initiates and recipients of aggression, or sex and age classes. However, the duration of cardiac response was less for dominants and hence, they apparently experienced less stress than subordinates. Increases in heart rate, independent of motor behavior and immediate social interactions, were also observed as female ground squirrels roamed within and/or made occasional excurs ions outside their home ranges. These cardiac changes occurred regardless of the presence or absence of conspecifics in the vicinity. It was concluded that such cardiac acceleration represented chronic response to social interactions and was elicited by spatial factors, specifically spatial familiarity, which acted as conditioned stimuli (previously paired with combat). Such chronic responses were greatest during the initial establishment of territories by females, decreased during territoriality, and increased again following the breakdown of territoriality. So territoriality acted to reduce the magnitude of heart rate response and hence, stress among females. The mere presence of conspecifics within the immediate vicinity of an instrumented ground squirrel tended to elevate its heart rate. Therefore, even in the absence of overt social interactions, conditions of crowding also contributed towards chronic stress in the population. The effects upon heart rate with respect to an individual\u27s sex, age, reproductive condilion, and its spatial and social relationship with neighboring ground squirrels are also discussed. Finally, the roles which social and nonsocial factors play in regulating animal numbers on the study are described

    On Simulating Concurrent Flame Spread in Reduced Gravity by Reducing Ambient Pressure

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    The flammability of combustible materials in spacecraft environments is of importance for fire safety applications because the environmental conditions can greatly differ from those on earth, and a fire in a spacecraft could be catastrophic. Moreover, experimental testing in spacecraft environments can be difficult and expensive, so using ground-based tests to inform microgravity tests is vital. Reducing buoyancy effects by decreasing ambient pressure is a possible approach to simulate a spacecraft environment on earth. The objective of this work is to study the effect of pressure on material flammability, and by comparison with microgravity data, determine the extent to which reducing pressure can be used to simulate reduced gravity. Specifically, this work studies the effect of pressure and microgravity on upward/concurrent flame spread rates and flame appearance of a burning thin composite fabric made of 75% cotton and 25% fiberglass (Sibal). Experiments in normal gravity were conducted using pressures ranging between 100 and 30 kPa and a forced flow velocity of 20 cm/s. Microgravity experiments were conducted during NASAs Spacecraft Fire Experiment (Saffire), on board of the Orbital Corporation Cygnus spacecraft at 100 kPa and an air flow velocity of 20 cm/s. Results show that reductions of ambient pressure slow the flame spread over the fabric. As pressure is reduced, flame intensity is also reduced. Comparison with the concurrent flame spread rates in microgravity show that similar flame spread rates are obtained at around 30 kPa. The normal gravity and microgravity data is correlated in terms of a mixed convection non-dimensional parameter that describes the heat transferred from the flame to the solid surface. The correlation provides information about the similitudes of the flame spread process in variable pressure and reduced gravity environments, providing guidance for potential on-earth testing for fire safety design in spacecraft and space habitats

    Buoyancy Effects on Concurrent Flame Spread Over Thick PMMA

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    The flammability of combustible materials in a spacecraft is important for fire safety applications because the conditions in spacecraft environments differ from those on earth. Experimental testing in space is difficult and expensive. However, reducing buoyancy by decreasing ambient pressure is a possible approach to simulate on-earth the burning behavior inside spacecraft environments. The objective of this work is to determine that possibility by studying the effect of pressure on concurrent flame spread, and by comparison with microgravity data, observe up to what point low-pressure can be used to replicate flame spread characteristics observed in microgravity. Specifically, this work studies the effect of pressure and microgravity on upward/concurrent flame spread over 10 mm thick polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) slabs. Experiments in normal gravity were conducted over pressures ranging between 100 and 40 kPa and a forced flow velocity of 200 mm/s. Microgravity experiments were conducted during NASAs Spacecraft Fire Experiment (Saffire II), on board the Cygnus spacecraft at 100 kPa with an air flow velocity of 200 mm/s. Results show that reductions of pressure slow down the flame spread over the PMMA surface approaching that in microgravity. The data is correlated in terms of a non-dimensional mixed convection analysis that describes the convective heat transferred from the flame to the solid, and the primary mechanism controlling the spread of the flame. The extrapolation of the correlation to low pressures predicts well the flame spread rate obtained in microgravity in the Saffire II experiments. Similar results were obtained by the authors with similar experiments with a thin composite cotton/fiberglass fabric (published elsewhere). Both results suggest that reduced pressure can be used to approximately replicate flame behavior of untested gravity conditions for the burning of thick and thin solids. This work could provide guidance for potential ground-based testing for fire safety design in spacecraft and space habitats

    On moment‐length scaling of large strike slip earthquakes and the strength of faults

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94719/1/grl15585.pd

    Time-dependent gravity in southern California, May 1974 - Apr 1979

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    Gravity measurements were coordinated with the long baseline three dimensional geodetic measurements of the Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying project which used radio interferometry with extra-galactic radio sources. Gravity data from 28 of the stations had a single reading standard deviation of 11 microgal which gives a relative single determination between stations a standard deviation of 16 microgal. The largest gravity variation observed, 80 microgal, correlated with nearby waterwell variations and with smoothed rainfall. Smoothed rainfall data appeared to be a good indicator of the qualitative response of gravity to changing groundwater levels at other suprasediment stations, but frequent measurement of gravity at a station was essential until the quantitative calibration of the station's response to groundwater variations was accomplished

    Technology Development for Fire Safety in Exploration Spacecraft and Habitats

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    Fire during an exploration mission far from Earth is a particularly critical risk for exploration vehicles and habitats. The Fire Prevention, Detection, and Suppression (FPDS) project is part of the Exploration Technology Development Program (ETDP) and has the goal to enhance crew health and safety on exploration missions by reducing the likelihood of a fire, or, if one does occur, minimizing the risk to the mission, crew, or system. Within the past year, the FPDS project has been formalized within the ETDP structure and has seen significant progress on its tasks in fire prevention, detection, and suppression. As requirements for Constellation vehicles and, specifically, the CEV have developed, the need for the FPDS technologies has become more apparent and we continue to make strides to infuse them into the Constellation architecture. This paper describes the current structure of the project within the ETDP and summarizes the significant programmatic activities. Major technical accomplishments are identified as are activities planned for FY07
