12 research outputs found

    E-Voting Wasm Cryptography

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    The Sequent Voting Platform is an open-source E2EV internet voting system currently used in private organisations and non-legally binding elections of public organisations. The system employs standard cryptographic techniques following in the steps of well-established voting schemes proposed in the academic literature. We demo core cryptographic components that are being developed for the next generation of Sequent's platform. The main novelty demonstrated is the execution of (heavyweight) cryptographic operations in the browser, in a performant way. Potential applications of this technique are listed and possible bene ts for security, privacy and veri ability are suggested

    Optimization of DVB-T Networks for the Provision of Local and Mobile Services

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    [EN] Nowadays, the main standard around the world for digital terrestrial TV broadcasting is Digital Video Broadcast - Terrestrial (DVB-T). Most of DVB-T networks deployments have been designed for fixed rooftop antennas and high transmission capacity, without providing good coverage level for vehicular mobile reception. These networks also make use of either a Single Frequency Network (SFN) or a Multi Frequency Network (MFN), but none of these topologies is ideally suited for delivery of both global and local services in an efficiently way. This article discusses the use of the hierarchical modulation, the Scalable Video Coding (SVC), antenna diversity reception, Application Layer Forward Error Correction (AL-FEC) and time slicing techniques for the optimization of DVB-T networks in two different issues: the provision of mobile digital television in vehicles and the transmission of local services in SFN topologies. The paper shows that the combined usage of these solutions can compensate the impairments caused by the mobility of the receivers, such as signal fast fading due to Doppler shift, and the poor coverage at ground level. Furthermore, our results show that it is possible to enable Local Services Areas (LSAs) in SFNs without affecting the availability of neither global services nor any of its all advantages. Performance evaluation results have been obtained through field measurement campaigns, laboratory testing and dynamic simulations in the city of Valencia (Spain).This work has been partiality supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade under project Redes Hibridas TSI-020307-2010-165 and the FEDER founds.López Sánchez, J.; Romero Ruescas, C.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2011). Optimization of DVB-T Networks for the Provision of Local and Mobile Services. Waves. 3:48-57. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/56301S4857

    On Transmitting of Global and Local Contents within DVB-T Single Frequency Networks

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    Current broadcast digital networks make use of either a Single Frequency Network (SFN) or a Multi Frequency Network (MFN). None of these networks topologies is ideally suited for delivery of both global and local services in an efficiently way. MFNs enable the transmission of local services but need a significant amount of frequencies and therefore large amounts of valuable spectrum. SFNs are especially suitable for global services due to mutual support of the signals from multiples transmitters operated in the same frequency. SFNs are very spectrum efficiently; however they do not support local services. In this paper a hierarchical modulation method and Time Slicing technology are proposed for providing local and global contents in a terrestrial SFN (such DVB-T) keeping all its advantages. The hierarchical modulation has already been included in the DVB-T standard and time slicing solution is backwards compatible, in the sense that receivers that have been deployed in the original system can continue receiving data without hardware modifications. The performances of these technical solutions for both global and local services are analyzed. The applicability of these concepts is shown by a signal propagation simulation and coverage estimation in real scenario of Valencia region (Spain). © 2005 IEEE.López Sánchez, J.; Romero Ruescas, C.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2011). On Transmitting of Global and Local Contents within DVB-T Single Frequency Networks. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 9(5):444-453. doi:10.1109/TLA.2011.6030975S4444539

    A Methodology to Create 3D Body Models in Motion

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    [EN] Size, shape and posture are fundamental features of digital human models (DHM) to obtain accurate virtual simulations of the ergonomics of products and environments. Research on 3D body scanning, processing and modelling have enabled the generation of avatars representing specific populations and morphotypes in standing and seated postures being the basis to define size and shape of DHM. Posture is implemented with biomechanical models of the human movement. Most of the research is focused on posture control and movement tracking to analyze the variability in different contexts (e.g. driving, performing a working task). Motion capture technology used for this purpose, requires a limited number of sensors or reflective markers attached to the body according to the definition of body segments. 3D body scanning and motion capture are both technologies currently used to analyze human body shape and biomechanics to apply it to enhance digital human models. These technologies may converge on the so-called temporal 3D scanners or 4D scanners, a new technology recently developed to scan the body in motion. With this technology, it is possible to obtain sequences of dense 3D point clouds representing the movement of the body. In this paper, a novel methodology to create realistic 3D body models in motion is proposed. This method is supported by a new 4D scanning system (Move 4D) and a data driven-model. Move4D is a modular photogrammetry-based 4D scanning system. It consists of a set of 12 synchronized modules to scan full bodies with texture in motion. It can capture up to 180 fps with a resolution of 2 mm. The algorithms have been conceived and optimized to automatically process the series of raw point clouds captured. They rely on a data-driven body model including shape, pose and soft-tissue deformation trained with a large database and a deep learning model. The process is fully automatic and does not require any interactive landmarking or revision. The 3D outcome of this methodology is one noise-and artefact-free watertight mesh per frame and a model of shape, pose and soft-tissue that can be rigged with a 23-joint skeleton. This type of outcome permits their use for many applications such as simulations, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) or biomechanical analysis purposes.The research presented in this paper have been developed within the projects IMDEEA/2020/85 and MDEEA/2020/87. Funding requested to Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE), call for proposals 2020 for Technology Centers of the Comunitat Valenciana, co-funded by ERDF Funds, EU Operational Program of the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.Parrilla Bernabé, E.; Ruescas, A.; Solves, J.; Ballester Fernandez, A.; Nacher Fernandez, B.; Alemany Mut, MS.; Garrido Jaen, JD. (2020). A Methodology to Create 3D Body Models in Motion. Springer. 309-314. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51064-0_39S309314Scataglini, S., Paul, G.: DHM and Posturography. Academic Press, London (2019)Zakaria, N., Gupta, D.: Anthropometry, Apparel Sizing and Design. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge (2019)Liberadzki, P., Adamczyk, M., Witkowski, M., Sitnik, R.: Structured-light-based system for shape measurement of the human body in motion. Sensors 18, 2827 (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/s18092827Parrilla, E., Ballester, A., Parra, P., Ruescas, A., Uriel, J., Garrido, D., Alemany, S.: MOVE 4D: accurate high-speed 3D body models in motion. In: Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2019, Lugano, Switzerland, 22–23 October 2019, pp. 30–32 (2019). https://doi.org/10.15221/19.03

    Análisis de viabilidad de una promoción inmobiliaria en el barrio de la Gran Vía

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    El objetivo de este PFG es analizar la viabilidad comercial y económico-financiera según la fórmula de cesión con derecho a vuelo de un solar situado en el barrio de La Gran Vía, en el distrito L'Eixample de la ciudad de Valencia. El contenido se estructura en cuatro capítulos. En el primero se describen los objetivos a conseguir y la metodología o plan de trabajo empleado. En el segundo capítulo se desarrolla la viabilidad comercial del estudio y contiene una descripción detallada del edificio, con su ubicación y sus características urbanísticas, seguida de un estudio donde se analizan los factores legales, jurídicos y urbanísticos que afectan a la promoción y por último un estudio comercial o de mercado. En el tercer capítulo se lleva a cabo un estudio de la viabilidad económica y financiera de la promoción a través de todos los datos recogidos en de los apartados anteriores. Este apartado contiene un estudio del coste que conllevaría la realización de la promoción y de los ingresos esperados, un análisis de la cuenta de resultados y de los flujos de caja y de los criterios de rentabilidad estáticos y dinámicos. También se estudia la posible aplicación de medidas correctoras y el coste que estas tendrían. En el cuarto capítulo se desarrollan los resultados obtenidos y se valoran en forma de conclusiones.Mondéjar Ruescas, D. (2013). Análisis de viabilidad de una promoción inmobiliaria en el barrio de la Gran Vía. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33485.Archivo delegad

    Conversaciones con Àngela Escribano

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    En este mini-vídeo se entrevista a la Dra. Ángela Escribano, experta universitaria en violencia de género. El vídeo nos aporta pinceladas sobre cómo detectar y actuar en caso de que sospechemos que una de nuestras pacientes pueda estar sufriendo violencia de género

    Gramàtica a l'aula

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    Estudio reflexivo y crítico sobre la introducción de la gramática en el aula en los distintos niveles educativos. Se parte de las aportaciones de distintas disciplinas en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua para mejorar la comprensión y la producción de textos de los alumnos así como sus relaciones. Se explica por qué es importante el conocimiento gramatical en el aula y el tema de la transposición didáctica. Se analizan la estructura sintáctica de la frase y la estructura general de los textos, materiales didácticos y prácticas de enseñanza. Se hace una revisión crítica de los materiales para la formación de los alumnos de lengua y se caracterizan los niveles del saber gramatical de los alumnos. Se hacen propuestas en base a experiencias prácticas. Por último, se reflexiona sobre las técnicas para mejorar la comprensión lectora y la expresión escrita y se valora qué contenidos del ámbito textual pueden ser aplicados en las diferentes etapas educativas. Igualmente, se dan propuestas para la formación de profesores de lengua y se hace una aproximación hacia una nueva concepción de la oración lingúística desde un enfoque integrador.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Conception d une pompe à chaleur eau-eau optimisée pour la récupération de chaleur perdue à basse température basée sur la régulation du sous-refroidissement

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    [EN] Traditional heat pumps designs have been optimized for heating applications based on small secondary temperature lifts (around 5K); however, in applications with other characteristic temperature lifts, different design criteria could be required. For instance, transcritical cycles have demonstrated to have a high efficiency for domestic hot water production with high water temperature lifts. This work presents the experimental results of a new water-to-water heat pump composed by the basic heat pump components (condenser, compressor, evaporator, expansion valve and liquid reliever) able to adapt its performance depending on the required water temperature lift. Domestic hot water production from grey water waste heat recovery has been chosen as experimental application to test this heat pump. Results show COP values up to 5.5 at the design condition (20-15 degrees C at the inlet-outlet of the evaporator and 10-60 degrees C at the inlet-outlet of the condenser) and an optimal degree of subcooling of 47 K. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.Part of the results of this study were developed in the mainframe of the FP7 European project 'Next Generation of Heat Pumps working with Natural fluids' (NxtHPG). Part of the work presented was carried out by Estefania Hervas Blasco with the financial support of a PhD scholarship from the Spanish government SFPI1500 x 074478XV0. The authors would like also to acknowledge the Spanish 'MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD', through the project "MAXIMIZACION DE LA EFICIENCIA Y MINIMIZACION DEL IMPACTO AMBIENTAL DE BOMBAS DE CALOR PARA LA DESCARBONIZACION DE LA CALEFACCION/ACS EN LOS EDIFICIOS DE CONSUMO CASI NULO"with the reference ENE2017-83665-C2-1-P for the given support.Hervas-Blasco, E.; Navarro-Peris, E.; Barceló Ruescas, F.; Corberán, JM. (2019). Improved water to water heat pump design for low-temperature waste heat recovery based on subcooling control. International Journal of Refrigeration. 106:374-383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.06.030S37438310