6 research outputs found

    Assessment of Potential Nutrient Release from Phosphate Rock and Dolostone for Application in Acid Soils

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    This is the accepted manuscript of the following article: Rafael, R. B. A., Fernández-Marcos, M. L., Cocco, S., Ruello, M. L., Weindorf, D. C., Cardelli, V., and Corti, G. (2018). Assessment of Potential Nutrient Release from Phosphate Rock and Dolostone for Application in Acid Soils. Pedosphere 28, 44-58. doi: 10.1016/S1002- 0160(17)60437-5Finding alternative local sources of plant nutrients is a practical, low-cost, and long-term strategy. In this study, laboratory column experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design to evaluate the feasibility of using phosphate rock and dolostone as fertilizers or acid-neutralizing agents for application in tropical acid soils. The dissolution rates of different particle-size fractions (0.063–0.25, 0.25–0.5, and 0.5–2 mm) of both rocks were studied by citric acid solution at pH 4 and 2 and water, with extraction times of 1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 24, 72, 144, 240, and 360 h. The results showed that the dissolution of both rocks depended on the particle size, leaching solution, and extraction time. The dissolution rate of rock-forming minerals increased as the specific surface area increased, corresponding to a decrease in particle size. In all cases, the release kinetics was characterized by two phases: 1) a first stage of rapid release that lasted 24 h and would ensure short-term nutrient release, and 2) a second stage of slow release after 24 h, representing the long-term nutrient release efficiency. Both rocks were suitable as slow-release fertilizers in strongly acid soils and would ensure the replenishment of P, Ca, and Mg. A combination of fine and medium particle-size fractions should be used to ensure high nutrient-release efficiency. Much work could remain to determine the overall impact of considerable amounts of fresh rocks in soilsThis study was mainly supported by the “Applied Research and Multi-sectorial Program” (FIAM) (No. 5.2.1) granted by the Italian Cooperation and Development Agency (ICDA) to the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. The authors also acknowledge the Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy for the PhD scholarship provided to the first author as well as research funding for this workS

    I Positivi argentici in bianco e nero

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    Per la prima volta in Italia un numero ampio di restauratori e studiosi della fotografia affrontano la cultura materiale e gli aspetti di prevenzione, conservazione e restauro dei maggiori processi fotografici e cinematografici, dai dagherrotipi alle tecniche argentiche, da quelle non argentiche alle stampe digitali. Le fasi di restauro conservativo sono argomentate in modo analitico, con l'intento di proporre una base metodologica e critica che serva ad affrontare il restauro dei beni fotografici e cinematografici, riconosciuti in Italia come beni culturali solo all'affacciarsi del XXI secolo. Autori: Alice Laudisa, Antonia Giusino, Barbara Cattaneo, Donatella Cecchin, Elvira Tonelli, Emiko Davies, Federica Delia, Giorgio Pedretti , Laura Gasparini, Letizia Baracchini, Lorenza Fenzi, Luisa Casella, Luisa Guerra, Marco Pagni Fontebuoni, Maura Zacchi , Melissa Gianferrari, Mirasol Estrada, Monica di Barbora, Morena Alitta, Pierangelo Cavanna, Roberta Piantavigna, Silvia Berselli, Stefania Ruello, Tania Barbieri, Tiziana Serena, Viviana Goggi DISPONIBILE ANCHE IN EBOO

    Evoluzione del paesaggio costiero tra Parthenopee Neapolis

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    Il paesaggio costiero fra Parthenope e Neapolis Ăš stato ridisegnato dopo i recenti risultati ottenuti dagli studi archeologici, geo-archeologici e stratigrafici effettuati durante i lavori per il completamento delle stazioni della nuova metropolitana di Napoli. In particolare Ăš stata identificata l’antica linea di costa, nonchĂš le sue variazioni nel tempo, e la posizione del porto della cittĂ  greco-romana nell’insenatura presente fra Piazza Bovio e Piazza Municipio. Gli scavi nel sito di Municipio hanno messo in luce una successione di sedimenti di riempimento dell’antico bacino portuale che fu attivo dal tardo iv – inizio iii secolo a.C. fino all’inizio del v secolo d.C.. Grazie alla scoperta di tre relitti di navi romane e di varie strutture portuali, fra cui un molo e dei pali, nonchĂ© di numerosi oggetti sui diversi fondali stratigraficamente sovrapposti, Ăš stato possibile ricostruire la storia della frequentazione di questa parte del porto di Neapolis.The coastal landscape between Parthenope and Neapolis has been redrawn in light of recent archaeological and geoarchaeological investigations undertaken during the construction of the Naples Underground Line 1. The ancient coastline, together with changes during the past centuries, has been precisely identified and the harbour of the Greco-Roman city has been located in the large cove between Municipio square and Bovio square. The Municipio station excavation revealed several different levels of the harbor bottom, which was used from the late fourth or early third century BC to the early fifth century AD. Thanks to the discovery of three shipwrecks and various structures, including a mole and piers, it has been possible to reconstruct the history of this part of the port of Neapolis.Le paysage littoral entre Parthenope et Neapolis a Ă©tĂ© reconstituĂ© Ă  partir de donnĂ©es archĂ©ologiques et gĂ©oarchĂ©ologiques lors des travaux de construction des stations du mĂ©tro de Naples. La mobilitĂ© des anciennes lignes de rivage a pu ĂȘtre prĂ©cisĂ©e ainsi que la localisation du port grĂ©co-romain entre les places Municipio et Bovio. Les fouilles de la place Municipio on rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© plusieurs couches de sables portuaires utilisĂ©es entre le iiie siĂšcle avant J.-C. et le ve siĂšcle aprĂšs J.-C. La dĂ©couverte de trois Ă©paves et de nombreuses structures portuaires (mĂŽle, pontons
) permettent de reconstituer l’histoire de cette portion du port antique de Neapolis

    Benefits of Biochars and NPK Fertilizers for Soil Quality and Growth of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) in an Acid Arenosol

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    Fertilization is required for optimum plant growth, particularly in unfertile soils, while optimizing nutrient use efficiency is an alternative to reduce inorganic fertilizer needs and reduce environmental problems caused by nutrient leaching. This study investigated soil properties and cowpea yield responses to biochars (BCs) made from different feedstocks, baby corn peel biochar (BC1), branches of mango tree biochar (BC2), and rice husk biochar (BC3), applied in combination with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) fertilizers. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, using an acid sandy soil (Arenosol) that was submitted for 70 d to the following eight treatments: i) control; ii) full dose of NPK (a commercial compound fertilizer (12-24-12 of N-P2O5-K2O) + urea (46% N)); iii) BC1 + half dose of NPK; iv) BC1 + full dose of NPK; v) BC2 + half dose of NPK; vi) BC2 + full dose of NPK; vii) BC3 + half dose of NPK; and viii) BC3 + full dose of NPK. All biochars were applied at a rate of 0.9% (weight/weight), and each type of biochar was combined with half and full doses of NPK fertilizers. Soil pH increased significantly (P < 0:05) in treatments with BC1 and BC2, while cation exchange capacity (CEC) and available P were higher in the treatments with BC1; BC1 and BC2 also induced higher activity of enzymes related to the P cycle and higher cowpea yield. Similar soil properties and cowpea yield parameters were obtained with the full and half doses of NPK fertilizers for each type of biochar used. In conclusion, biochars in the combination with NPK fertilizers improved soil chemistry and enzymatic activities, allowing reduced fertilizer application and food production costs in the acid soil studied

    Il restauro della fotografia. Materiali fotografici e cinematografici, analogici e digitali

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    Per la prima volta in Italia un numero ampio di restauratori e studiosi della fotografia affrontano la cultura materiale e gli aspetti di prevenzione, conservazione e restauro dei maggiori processi fotografici e cinematografici, dai dagherrotipi alle tecniche argentiche, da quelle non argentiche alle stampe digitali. Le fasi di restauro conservativo sono argomentate in modo analitico, con l'intento di proporre una base metodologica e critica che serva ad affrontare il restauro dei beni fotografici e cinematografici, riconosciuti in Italia come beni culturali solo all'affacciarsi del XXI secolo. Autori: Alice Laudisa, Antonia Giusino, Barbara Cattaneo, Donatella Cecchin, Elvira Tonelli, Emiko Davies, Federica Delia, Giorgio Pedretti , Laura Gasparini, Letizia Baracchini, Lorenza Fenzi, Luisa Casella, Luisa Guerra, Marco Pagni Fontebuoni, Maura Zacchi , Melissa Gianferrari, Mirasol Estrada, Monica di Barbora, Morena Alitta, Pierangelo Cavanna, Roberta Piantavigna, Silvia Berselli, Stefania Ruello, Tania Barbieri, Tiziana Serena, Viviana Goggi DISPONIBILE ANCHE IN EBOO

    Géoarchéologie de la péninsule italienne

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    Le n°112 de MĂ©diterranĂ©e, consacrĂ© Ă  la gĂ©oarchĂ©ologie de la pĂ©ninsule italienne, aborde l’impact des sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines dans l’évolution des paysages et des modelĂ©s de la pĂ©ninsule surtout Ă  partir de la colonisation grecque Ă  l’époque archaĂŻque. Ce numĂ©ro fait suite au colloque international de Salerno qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ© en septembre 2007 et a traitĂ© du thĂšme « People/environment relationships from the mesolithic to the middle ages : recent geo-archeological findings in Southern Italy ». Il concrĂ©tise 10 ans de collaboration scientifique entre les chercheurs de l’universitĂ© d’Aix-Marseille, du Centre Jean BĂ©rard et de l’universitĂ© Federico Due de Naples. Trois langues vĂ©hiculaires ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es, l’anglais, le français et l’italien. Tous les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s sont inĂ©dits et de nombreuses donnĂ©es sont importantes et doivent intĂ©resser un public averti en Italie comme en France. Une courte introduction en l’honneur du professeur Aldo Cinque (UniversitĂ© de Naples) rappelle le cursus de ce gĂ©omorphologue talentueux, prĂ©curseur dans bien des domaines