62 research outputs found

    Factores que facilitan y obstaculizan la transferencia de la formación en un contexto laboral

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    Los programas de formación están adquiriendo cada vez más relevancia en el desarrollo de un capital humano de importancia estratégica para la organización, sin embargo, numerosos esfuerzos destinados a la formación en contextos laborales se diluyen cuando las personas regresan a su lugar de trabajo diario. El propósito de este estudio cualitativo, fue caracterizar los factores que facilitan y obstaculizan la transferencia de la formación recibida en un programa de desarrollo del liderazgo en una empresa del sector agrícola colombiano. Como instrumento de recolección de información se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a gerentes, directores y jefes de diferentes áreas de la organización que completaron en su totalidad el programa. Los datos recopilados en las entrevistas fueron procesados utilizando el programa de software ATLAS.ti. Los hallazgos identificaron a la variable motivación para la transferencia como la de mayor impacto en cuanto a facilitar la transferencia de formación y a la cultura organizacional como el mayor obstáculo para transferir los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridas en el programa. Además, se proponen alternativas de intervención que potencien la transferencia de la formación al interior de la organización objeto de estudio.Training, as a human resource management practice, is becoming increasingly important in the development of human capital of strategic importance for the organization, however, many efforts aimed at training in work contexts are diluted when people return to work your daily workplace. The purpose of this qualitative study was to characterize the factors that facilitate and hinder the transfer of the training received in a leadership development program in a company in the colombian agricultural sector. As a data collection instrument, semi-structured interviews were used with managers, directors and boss of different areas of the organization who fully completed the program. The data collected in the interviews were processed using the ATLAS.ti software program. The findings identified the variable motivation for transfer as the one with the greatest impact in terms of facilitating the transfer of training and organizational culture as the greatest obstacle to transferring the knowledge and skills acquired in the program. In addition, intervention alternatives are proposed that promote the transfer of training within the organization under study

    Neutrino Oscillations in Neutrino-Dominated Accretion Around Rotating Black Holes

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    In the binary-driven hypernova model of long gamma-ray bursts, a carbon–oxygen star explodes as a supernova in the presence of a neutron star binary companion in close orbit. Hypercritical (i.e., highly super-Eddington) accretion of the ejecta matter onto the neutron star sets in, making it reach the critical mass with consequent formation of a Kerr black hole. We have recently shown that, during the accretion process onto the neutron star, fast neutrino flavor oscillations occur. Numerical simulations of the above system show that a part of the ejecta stays bound to the newborn Kerr black hole, leading to a new process of hypercritical accretion. We address herein, also for this phase of the binary-driven hypernova, the occurrence of neutrino flavor oscillations given the extreme conditions of high density (up to 1012 g cm−3) and temperatures (up to tens of MeV) inside this disk. We estimate the behavior of the electronic and non-electronic neutrino content within the two-flavor formalism (νeνx) under the action of neutrino collective effects by neutrino self-interactions. We find that in the case of inverted mass hierarchy, neutrino oscillations inside the disk have frequencies between ∼(105–109) s−1, leading the disk to achieve flavor equipartition. This implies that the energy deposition rate by neutrino annihilation (ν+ν¯→e−+e+) in the vicinity of the Kerr black hole is smaller than previous estimates in the literature not accounting for flavor oscillations inside the disk. The exact value of the reduction factor depends on the νe and νx optical depths but it can be as high as ∼5. The results of this work are a first step toward the analysis of neutrino oscillations in a novel astrophysical context, and as such, deserve further attention

    GRB 110709B in the Induced Gravitational Collapse paradigm

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    Context: GRB110709B is the first source for which Swift BAT triggered twice, with a time separation of ~10 min. The first emission (Ep. 1) goes from 40s before the 1{\deg} trigger up to 60s after it. The second (Ep. 2) goes from 35s before the 2{\deg} trigger to 100s after it.[...] Within the Induced Gravitational Collapse (IGC) model, we assume the progenitor to be a close binary system composed of a core of an evolved star and a Neutron Star (NS). The evolved star explodes as a Supernova (SN) and ejects material that is partially accreted by the NS. We identify this process with Ep. 1. The accretion process brings the NS over its critical mass, thus gravitationally collapsing to a BH. This process leads to the GRB emission, Ep. 2.[...] Aims: We analyze the spectra and time variability of Ep. 1 and 2 and compute the relevant parameters of the binary progenitor[...] in the IGC paradigm. Methods: We perform a time-resolved spectral analysis of Ep. 1 with a blackbody (BB) plus a power-law (PL) spectral model. We analyze Ep. 2 within the Fireshell model, identifying the Proper-GRB (P-GRB) and simulating the light curve and spectrum. We establish the redshift to be z=0.75 [...]. Results: We find for Ep. 1 a BB temperature following a broken PL with time, with the PL slopes at early and late times \alpha=0 and \beta=-4+/-2, respectively, and a break at t=41.21s. The total energy of Ep. 1 and 2 are E_{iso}^1=1.42x10^{53}erg and E_{iso}^2=2.43x10^{52}erg, respectively. We find at transparency a Lorentz factor \Gamma~173, laboratory radius of 6.04x10^{13}cm, P-GRB observed temperature kT_{P-GRB}=12.36keV, baryon load B=0.0057 and P-GRB energy E_{P-GRB}=3.44x10^{50}erg. [...] Conclusions: We interpret GRB110709B as a member of the IGC sources, together with GRB970828, GRB090618 and GRB101023. The XRT data during Ep. 2 offers an unprecedented tool for improving the diagnostic of GRBs emission.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, to appear on A&

    The Burden of Dengue Illness and Its Economics Costs in the Americas: A Review on the Most Affected Countries

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    According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reports, the annual average number of dengue cases in the Americas has been 1,579,658 in the last 8 years (2010–2017), affecting the population’s welfare. The high level in dengue cases does not only have an impact from an epidemiological perspective but also from an economical perspective as the treatment cost that must be borne. The aim of this chapter is to review the situation as reported in the American countries with the highest number of cases, focusing on the burden of the disease (measured in DALYs and number of cases) and its total treatment cost, which includes direct (medical and non-medical) costs and indirect costs. We calculate the total treatment cost per DALY for the epidemic year (2015). The results show that Mexico has the highest cost per DALY (US17,703)followedbyBrazil(US 17,703) followed by Brazil (US 11,218), Colombia (US4,540),andtheDominicanRepublic(US 4,540), and the Dominican Republic (US 1,157). Additionally, after adjusting for total health expenditure, we found all the countries exhibit a similar share of total treatment cost over health expenditure (0.16% in average)

    Neutrino production from proton-proton interactions in binary-driven hypernovae

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    We estimate the neutrino emission from the decay chain of the π\pi-meson and μ\mu-lepton, produced by proton-proton inelastic scattering in energetic (Eiso1052E_{\rm iso}\gtrsim 10^{52}~erg) long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), within the type I binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) model. The BdHN I progenitor is \textcolor{red}{a} binary system composed of a carbon-oxygen star (COcore_{\rm core}) and a neutron star (NS) companion. The COcore_{\rm core} explosion as supernova (SN) triggers a massive accretion process onto the NS. For short orbital periods of few minutes, the NS reaches the critical mass, hence forming a black hole (BH). Recent numerical simulations of the above scenario show that the SN ejecta becomes highly asymmetric, creating a \textit{cavity} around the newborn BH site, due to the NS accretion and gravitational collapse. Therefore, the electron-positron (e±e^{\pm}) plasma created in the BH formation, during its isotropic and self-accelerating expansion, engulfs different amounts of ejecta baryons along different directions, leading to a direction-dependent Lorentz factor. The protons engulfed inside the high-density (1023\sim 10^{23}~particle/cm3^3) ejecta reach energies in the range 1.24Ep6.141.24\lesssim E_p\lesssim 6.14 GeV and interact with the unshocked protons in the ejecta. The protons engulfed from the low density region around the BH reach energies 1\sim 1 TeV and interact with the low-density (1\sim1~particle/cm3^3) protons of the interstellar medium (ISM). The above interactions give rise, respectively, to neutrino energies Eν2E_{\nu}\leq 2 GeV and 10Eν10310\leq E_{\nu}\leq 10^3 GeV, and for both cases we calculate the spectra and luminosity.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figures, 2 tables, re-submitted to Physical Review Letters

    The double white dwarf merger progenitors of SDSS J2211+1136 and ZTF J1901+1458

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    Double white dwarf (DWD) mergers are possibly the leading formation channel of massive, rapidly rotating, highfield magnetic white dwarfs (HFMWDs). However, a direct link connecting a DWD merger to any observed HFMWD is still missing. We here show that the HFMWDs SDSS J221141.80+113604.4 (hereafter J2211+1136) and ZTF J190132.9+145808.7 (hereafter J1901+1458) might be DWD merger products. J2211+1136 is a 1.27 Me white dwarf (WD) with a rotation period of 70.32 s and a surface magnetic field of 15 MG. J1901+1458 is a 1.327–1.365 Me WD with a rotation period of 416.20 s, and a surface magnetic field in the range 600–900 MG. With the assumption of single-star evolution and the currently measured WD masses and surface temperatures, the cooling ages of J2211+1136 and J1901+1458 are, respectively, 2.61–2.85 Gyr and 10–100 Myr. We hypothesize that these WDs are DWD merger products and compute the evolution of the postmerged configuration formed by a central WD surrounded by a disk. We show that the postmerger system evolves through three phases depending on whether accretion, mass ejection (propeller), or magnetic braking dominates the torque onto the central WD. We calculate the time the WD spends in each of these phases and obtain the accretion rate and disk mass for which the WD rotational age, i.e., the total time elapsed since the merger to the instant where the WD central remnant reaches the current measured rotation period, agrees with the estimated WD cooling age. We infer the mass values of the primary and secondary WD components of the DWD merger that lead to a postmerger evolution consistent with the observations

    Fermionic dark matter: physics, astrophysics, and cosmology

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    The nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the most relevant questions in modern astrophysics. We present a brief overview of recent results that inquire into the possible fermionic quantum nature of the DM particles, focusing mainly on the interconnection between the microphysics of the neutral fermions and the macrophysical structure of galactic halos, including their formation both in the linear and non-linear cosmological regimes. We discuss the general relativistic Ruffini–Argüelles–Rueda (RAR) model of fermionic DM in galaxies, its applications to the MilkyWay, the possibility that the Galactic center harbors a DM core instead of a supermassive black hole (SMBH), the S-cluster stellar orbits with an in-depth analysis of the S2’s orbit including precession, the application of the RAR model to other galaxy types (dwarf, elliptic, big elliptic, and galaxy clusters), and universal galaxy relations. All the above focus on the model parameters’ constraints most relevant to the fermion mass. We also connect the RAR model fermions with particle physics DM candidates, self-interactions, and galactic observable constraints. The formation and stability of core–halo galactic structures predicted by the RAR model and their relations to warm DM cosmologies are also addressed. Finally, we provide a brief discussion of how gravitational lensing, dynamical friction, and the formation of SMBHs can also probe the DM’s nature.Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plat