85 research outputs found
Transitional Boundary Layers Under the Influence of High Free Stream Turbulence, Intensive Wall Cooling and High Pressure Gradients in Hot Gas Circulation
The requirements for fundamental experimental studies of the influence of free stream turbulence, pressure gradients and wall cooling are discussed. Under turbine-like free stream conditions, comprehensive tests of transitional boundary layers with laminar, reversing and turbulent flow increments were performed to decouple the effects of the parameters and to determine the effects during mutual interaction
Evaluating Musical Foreshadowing of Videogame Narrative Experiences
We experiment with mood-expressing, procedurally gener-ated music for narrative foreshadowing in videogames, in-vestigating the relationship between music and the player’s experience of narrative events in a game. We designed and conducted a user study in which the game’s music expresses true foreshadowing in some trials (e.g. foreboding music before a negative event) and false foreshadowing in others (e.g. happy music that does not lead to a positive event). We observed players playing the game, recorded analytics data, and had them complete a survey upon completion of the gameplay. Thirty undergraduate and graduate students participated in the study. Statistical analyses suggest that the use of musical cues for narrative foreshadowing induces a better perceived consistency between music and game narra-tive. Surprisingly, false foreshadowing was found to enhance the player’s enjoyment
Viewpoints. 75 Sides to Freie Universität Berlin
Das Buch mit 75 Illustrationen und Kurztexten ist eine Reise durch die Geschichte und Welt der Freien Universität Berlin und entstand im April 2023 anlässlich ihres 75-jährigen Gründungsjubiläums. Die Bilder zeigen, ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, mit Augenzwinkern, eine vernetzte und internationale Universität, die sich seit ihren Anfängen und fortwährend ihren Leitwerten Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit verpflichtet fühlt und zu einem bedeutenden Teil der Stadt und des Wissenschaftsraums Berlin geworden ist. Aspekte ihrer Geschichte und Gegenwart wurden künstlerisch interpretiert von Yves Haltner, einem Schweizer Illustrator und Grafiker, der in Berlin lebt und arbeitet.The book containing 75 illustrations and short texts is a journey through the history and world of Freie Universität Berlin. It was created in April 2023 to mark the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the university’s founding. With a hint of irony and pointed fragmentary playfulness, the images depict a connected, international university deeply committed to its core values: freedom, justice, truth. The university has become an important part of Berlin as a city and research hub. Various aspects of the past and present of the university were artistically interpreted by Yves Haltner, a Swiss illustrator and graphic designer who lives and works in Berlin
FEBUKO and MODMEP: Field measurements and modelling of aerosol and cloud multiphase processes
An overview of the two FEBUKO aerosol–cloud interaction field experiments in the Thüringer Wald (Germany) in October 2001 and 2002 and the corresponding modelling project MODMEP is given. Experimentally, a variety of measurement methods were deployed to probe the gas phase, particles and cloud droplets at three sites upwind, downwind and within an orographic cloud with special emphasis on the budgets and interconversions of organic gas and particle phase constituents. Out of a total of 14 sampling periods within 30 cloud events three events (EI, EII and EIII) are selected for detailed analysis. At various occasions an impact of the cloud process on particle chemical composition such as on the organic compounds content, sulphate and nitrate and also on particle size distributions and particle mass is observed. Moreover, direct phase transfer of polar organic compound from the gas phase is found to be very important for the understanding of cloudwater composition. For the modelling side, a main result of the MODMEP project is the development of a cloud model, which combines a complex multiphase chemistry with detailed microphysics. Both components are described in a fine-resolved particle/drop spectrum. New numerical methods are developed for an efficient solution of the entire complex model. A further development of the CAPRAM mechanism has lead to a more detailed description of tropospheric aqueous phase organic chemistry. In parallel, effective tools for the reduction of highly complex reaction schemes are provided. Techniques are provided and tested which allow the description of complex multiphase chemistry and of detailed microphysics in multidimensional chemistry-transport models
Alien Registration Card- Rued, Anton (Waterville, Kennebec County)
Alien Registration- Rued, Anton (Waterville, Kennebec County)
Health Risk Feedback: The Effects of ACE Insight on Stress Reactivity
Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) has lasting repercussions throughout an individual’s lifetime. An adult with a history of childhood trauma is at increased risk for excessive stress reactivity, which exacerbates the development of chronic disease. It is important to investigate how this information can be used for adult trauma survivors. This study assessed the psychophysiological impacts of providing “ACE insight”. Participants completed questionnaires and were given false feedback that their childhood experiences put them at increased risk for excessive stress reactivity and the development of disease. Following ACE insight, participants underwent a speech stressor task during which cardiovascular reactivity was monitored and psychological reactions were assessed. Results indicated that participants with more adverse childhoods reported feeling more worried and less happy about feedback. Further, ACE insight caused a significant increase in cardiac output for participants with a history of childhood trauma. Implications and future directions are discussed
Alien Registration Card- Rued, Anton (Waterville, Kennebec County)
Social Structure and Female Foraging Strategies in White-Collared Lemurs (Eulemur cinereiceps)
Bibliography: p. 89-12
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