14 research outputs found

    Organizacja logistyki w zak艂adach przetw贸rstwa mleka

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    Dairy processing is a specific branch of industry belonging to the agricultural and food processing industries. The specificity of this branch arises from the fact that throughout the production process we deal with raw materials or semi- -finished products and products with short-term fitness for use, exposed to external factors such as temperature and light. Dairies wanting to meet the requirements of EU Directives, in particular requiring the HACCP Programme, are obliged to organize logistics which would ensure the quality of each link in the production process and logistics process to guarantee the health of purchasers and consumersPrzetw贸rstwo mleczarskie jest specyficzn膮 bran偶膮 nale偶膮c膮 do ga艂臋zi przemys艂u przetw贸rstwa rolno spo偶ywczego. Specyfika tej ga艂臋zi wynika z faktu, 偶e w ca艂ym procesie produkcyjnym spotykamy si臋 z surowcami, lub p贸艂fabrykatami, a nast臋pnie wyrobami o kr贸tkim okresie przydatno艣ci u偶ytkowej, nara偶onymi na dzia艂anie czynnik贸w zewn臋trznych, takich jak temperatura oraz 艣wiat艂o. Mleczarnie chc膮c sprosta膰 wymogom Dyrektyw Unii Europejskiej, a szczeg贸lnie Programowi HACCP zobligowane s膮 do takiej organizacji logistyki, kt贸ra zapewnia艂aby wysok膮 jako艣膰 w ka偶dym ogniwie procesu produkcyjnego oraz ogniwie logistycznym w celu zapewnienia zdrowia nabywc贸w i konsument贸

    Zasady przechowywania i magazynowania towar贸w pochodzenia rolniczego

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    Agriculture is one of the branches of the economy whose main task is to provide agricultural products. Agriculture receives vegetable and animal products through tillage and plant and animal farming. Agriculture produces food and raw materials which as goods are widely used in various branches of manufacturing industry. Due to the wide range and the specificity of products and raw materials, as well as the competition and delivered rigorous norms by customer market, the goods must be of high technical quality and usefulness. Raw materials of agricultural origin are characterized by varying the chemical composition which has a significant impact on their quality and usefulness for industry. To maintain the high quality and extend the usefulness of the raw materials for processing industries, it is necessary to provide them with adequate storage conditions and warehousingRolnictwo to jeden z dzia艂贸w gospodarki, kt贸rego g艂贸wnym zadaniem jest dostarczanie p艂od贸w rolnych. Uzyskuje ono produkty ro艣linne i zwierz臋ce dzi臋ki uprawie roli i ro艣lin oraz z chowu i hodowli zwierz膮t. Zajmuje si臋 produkcj膮 偶ywno艣ci oraz surowc贸w, kt贸re jako towary maj膮 szerokie zastosowanie w r贸偶nych ga艂臋ziach przemys艂u przetw贸rczego. Ze wzgl臋du na szerok膮 gam臋 i specyfik臋 produkt贸w oraz surowc贸w, a tak偶e konkurencj臋 i stawiane przez rynek odbiorc贸w rygorystyczne normy, towary musz膮 odznacza膰 si臋 wysok膮 jako艣ci膮 i przydatno艣ci膮 techniczn膮. Surowce pochodzenia rolniczego charakteryzuj膮 si臋 zr贸偶nicowanym sk艂adem chemicznym, kt贸ry wywiera istotny wp艂yw na ich jako艣膰 i przydatno艣膰 dla przemys艂u. Aby utrzyma膰 wysok膮 jako艣膰 i wyd艂u偶y膰 przydatno艣膰 surowc贸w dla przemys艂u przetw贸rczego, niezb臋dne jest zapewnienie im odpowiednich warunk贸w przechowywania i magazynowani

    Organizacja przewozu 艂adunk贸w ponadnormatywnych transportem drogowym w Polsce

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    The functioning of road transport for oversize loads in Poland is primarily determined by technological advances. Cutting-edge logistic solutions applied to planning routes, or the manner for arrangement of loads on the vehicle, significantly contribute to reducing the necessary time for fulfilment of commissioned orders, as well as mitigating the risk of errors made during the organization phase. What is important is that entrepreneurs tap into these tools, and adhere to all requirements for safety, as out of gauge vehicles are not the only road usersFunkcjonowanie drogowego transportu 艂adunk贸w ponadnormatywnych w Polsce w du偶ym stopniu uzale偶nione jest od rozwoju technologicznego. Nowoczesne rozwi膮zania logistyczne wykorzystywane do planowania trasy przejazdu czy sposobu u艂o偶enia 艂adunku na poje藕dzie, znacznie przyczyniaj膮 si臋 do skracania czasu realizacji zlecenia oraz zmniejszaj膮 ryzyko b艂臋du pope艂nionego podczas organizacji. Wa偶ne jest by przedsi臋biorcy wykorzystywali te narz臋dzia, oraz zachowywali wszelkie wymogi dotycz膮ce bezpiecze艅stwa, gdy偶 pojazd nienormatywny nie jest jedynym uczestnikiem ruchu drogoweg

    System GS1 w Europie i w Polsce, jego struktura oraz obowi膮zkowe identyfikatory

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    GS1 - a global non-profit organization involved in standardization in supply chain and demand management. An organization under the present name has been operating since 2005, and its beginnings date from 1970s. Poland joined the organization in 1990. The organization's website informs that at present the GS1 system is applied by over 900,000 users from 128 countries who perform five billion operations on a daily basisGS1 - globalna organizacja o charakterze non-profit zajmuj膮ca si臋 standaryzacj膮 w obszarze zarz膮dzania 艂a艅cuchem dostaw oraz zarz膮dzania popytem. Organizacja pod obecn膮 nazw膮 funkcjonuje od 2005 roku, a pocz膮tki jej si臋gaj膮 lat 70. XX wieku. Polska przyst膮pi艂a do organizacji w 1990 roku. Strony organizacji informuj膮, i偶 obecnie z systemu GS1 korzysta ponad 900 tysi臋cy u偶ytkownik贸w ze 128 kraj贸w, kt贸rzy dziennie przeprowadzaj膮 pi臋膰 miliard贸w operacj

    Istota i charakterystyka 艂adunk贸w ponadnormatywnych

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    The transport of loads has always been, and will continue to be one of the principal elements of the economy of every country. Beyond doubt, the greatest significance is given to road transport, mainly due to its availability - opportunities of delivering services "door to door" as well as numerous limitations in other transport methods. Today a dynamic expansion in the economy has triggered substantial changes in terms of freight dimensions. Thus, increasing importance is put on the transport of loads which exceed transport limits, the oversize (or out of gauge) load. Nonetheless, each movement of an abnormal load presents a big challenge for shipping companies which need to possess the necessary expertise and means for its fulfilmentPrzemieszczanie 艂adunk贸w stanowi艂o i b臋dzie stanowi膰 jeden z najwa偶niejszych element贸w gospodarki ka偶dego kraju. Nie ulega w膮tpliwo艣ci, i偶 najwi臋ksze znaczenie w transporcie maj膮 przewozy samochodowe, g艂贸wnie za spraw膮 ich dost臋pno艣ci - mo偶liwo艣ci 艣wiadczenia us艂ug "door to door" oraz wielu ogranicze艅 w innych ga艂臋ziach transportu. Obecnie dynamiczny rozw贸j gospodarki doprowadzi艂 do istotnych zmian w zakresie wielko艣ci przesy艂ek. Zatem coraz wi臋ksze znaczenie nabiera przemieszczanie 艂adunk贸w o przekroczonych parametrach 艣rodk贸w transportowych, zwanych ponadnormatywnymi. Jednak偶e ka偶dy przew贸z 艂adunku ponadnormatywnego stanowi du偶e wyzwanie dla firm przewozowych, kt贸re musz膮 posiada膰 odpowiedni膮 wiedz臋 oraz 艣rodki do jego realizacj

    On the Nature of the Energetic Surface Heterogeneity in Ion Adsorption at an Electrolyte/Oxide Interface. Theoretical Studies of the Correlations between Binding-to-Surface Energies of Various Surface Complexes

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    When a metal oxide is brought into contact with an electrolyte, the outermost surface oxygens adsorb one or two protons, a cation or an aggregate composed of two protons and an anion. In this way, various surface complexes are formed. The actual surfaces are, as a rule, geometrically distorted. This causes a variation of the binding-to-surface energy from one surface oxygen to another for each of these complexes. This energetic heterogeneity of the actual oxide surfaces strongly affects the adsorption of ions within the electrical double layer formed at the oxide/electrolyte interface. The way in which the surface heterogeneity affects the adsorption of ions depends on the correlations between the binding-to-surface energies of the various surface complexes. To date, two extreme models have been considered by us; one assuming the existence of very high correlations, and the other one assuming a total lack of correlation between binding-to-surface energies in going from one surface oxygen to another. This paper presents a theoretical study of ion adsorption based on the assumption of a partial correlation between the binding-to-surface energies

    Effect of Zinc along with Organic Fertilizers on Phosphorus Uptake and Use Efficiency by Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.)

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    Scarce findings on phosphorus (P) uptake and its utilization under increased zinc (Zn) levels in organic fertilizers amended soil led to conducting research. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of increasing the application of zinc (200, 400, and 600 mg·kg−1 of soil) together with different organic fertilizers (bovine manure, chicken manure, and spent mushroom substrate) on the content and uptake of phosphorus by cocksfoot and the phosphorus use efficiency from organic fertilizers. The application of different amounts of zinc did not affect phosphorus content in the grass, but it significantly influenced its accumulation (p < 0.05). The most phosphorus uptake was accumulated by plants following zinc application at 200 mg·kg−1 of soil and the least following application of 600 mg·kg−1 of soil. The phosphorus use efficiency from organic fertilizers was increased by zinc application of 400 mg·kg−1 of soil and reduced by 600 mg·kg−1 of soil. Organic fertilizers did not significantly affect the phosphorus content in the grass but did increase its uptake. The highest phosphorus use efficiency was obtained for bovine manure. The study showed no antagonistic relationships between zinc and phosphorus, but increasing zinc application affected the coefficient of phosphorus utilization from organic fertilizers

    The Effect of the Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Companion Red Clover on the Total Protein Content and Yield of the Grain of Spring Barley Grown in a System of Organic Agriculture

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    Field research was conducted in Poland from 2019–2021 to determine the effect of the bacteria Azospirillumlipoferum Br17 and Azotobacter chroococcum, as well as companion red clover on the total protein content and yield in the grain of spring barley cultivated in a system of organic agriculture. Two factors were examined in the field experiment: I. bacterial formulations: 1—control, 2—nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Azospirillumlipoferum Br17, Azotobacter chroococcum), 3—nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Azospirillumlipoferum Br17, Azotobacter chroococcum) + phosphorus-releasing bacteria (Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum, Arthrobacter agilis), and 4—nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Azotobacter chroococcum) + plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Pseudomonas fluorescens); II. companion crop: control without a companion crop, red clover, and red clover + Italian ryegrass. In spring barley grain, the total protein content was determined and the total protein yield was calculated. The obtained study results demonstrated that the growing season conditions significantly affected the total protein content and yield in the spring barley grain. The highest total protein content was recorded in the grain of spring barley following an application of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Azotobacter chroococcum) combined with PGPR (Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens) and grown with companion red clover

    Wyniki przezsk贸rnego zamkni臋cia ubytku typu Gerbode z zastosowaniem Nit-Occlud Le VSD (PFM) coil.

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    Introduction: Left ventricle-to-right atrial (LV-RA) communications termed Gerbode defects are a special and very rare type of ventricular septal defects. Transcatheter closure using Nit-Occlud Le VSD-coils is a new and not well-known alternative to cardiac surgery in selected cases. The aim of our study was to describe results and our experience with interventional closure of Gerbode defects using Nit-Occlud Le VSD-Coil. Material and Methods: The procedures were performed between October 2014 and October 2018. Patients were selected based on detailed transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). The diameter of the defects based on the TTE study was verified and comparable to values found in the angiocardiography. Despite of the fluoroscopy guidance the intraprocedural transesophageal echocardiography was carried out in every case. Finally, the effectiveness of the procedure and the occurrence of complications during the observation were assessed in each case. Results: The study involved eight children, including an infant with native Gerbode defect and seven older children with acquired post-operative LV-RA shunts. Age ranged from 8 months to 17.8 years, body weight from 7.4 kg to 56 kg, body weight from 7.4 kg to 56 kg, 5/8 females. The diameter mean of the defects in the angiocardiography was 3.86卤0.82 mm and it was comparable to values from TTE. All procedures were successful. The coils ranged from 8x6 mm to 12x6 mm. Early complications after procedure: one case of a transient haemolysis which required blood transfusion and steroids, one case of temporary arrhythmia. The follow-up period ranged 2-36 months, with only one case of a permanent small residual shunt was observed. Conclusions: The interventional treatment of very rare Gerbode defect seems to be a safe alternative to surgery in selected cases. This study is one of the largest suchlike published.Wprowadzenie: Ubytki typu Gerbode s膮 szczeg贸lnym i rzadkim typem ubytk贸w mi臋dzykomorowych (VSD) i umo偶liwiaj膮 one przeciek pomi臋dzy lew膮 komor膮 a prawym przedsionkiem (LV-RA). Cz臋sto mo偶e by膰 b艂臋dnie interpretowane jako VSD z niedomykalno艣ci膮 zastawki tr贸jdzielnej i znacznym nadci艣nieniem p艂ucnym. Do niedawna jedynym wyj艣ciem by艂o leczenie chirurgiczne. Jednak偶e obecnie, ich przezsk贸rne leczenie z zastosowaniem zestaw贸w Nit-Occlud Le VSD-coils jest now膮, ciekaw膮 alternatyw膮 do klasycznego chirurgicznego post臋powania. Celem naszego badania by艂a ocena skuteczno艣ci i bezpiecze艅stwa interwencyjnego leczenia ubytk贸w typu Gerbode z zastosowaniem Nit-Occlud Le VSD-coils. Materia艂 i Metody: W przeprowadzonych zabiegach wykorzystali艣my nasze dotychczasowe do艣wiadczenie w przesk贸rnym zamykaniu oko艂ob艂oniastych VSD. Zabiegi przeprowadzono od pa藕dziernika 2014 do pa藕dziernika 2018. Materia艂 badania stanowili pacjenci z ubytkami LV-RA wyselekcjonowani na podstawie przezklatkowego badania echokardiograficznego (TTE). Wymiar ka偶dego ubytku by艂 ponownie weryfikowany podczas angiografii. W ka偶dym przypadku wykonano r贸wnie偶 艣r贸doperacyjne przezprze艂ykowe badanie echokardiograficzne. U wszystkich pacjent贸w oceniono skuteczno艣膰 zabiegu i wyst膮pienie powik艂a艅 w obserwacji. Wyniki: Ostatecznie badana grupa sk艂ada艂a si臋 z 8 pacjent贸w pediatrycznych, w tym 1 niemowl臋 z natywnym i 7 starszych dzieci z nabytym, resztkowym ubytkiem typu Gerbode. Wiek waha艂 si臋 od 8 miesi臋cy do 17.8 lat, masa cia艂a od 7.4 kg do 56 kg, 5/8 kobiet. 艢redni wymiar ubytku w angiografii wynosi艂 3.86卤0.82 mm i by艂 por贸wnywalny do warto艣ci uzyskanej w TTE. Zabieg by艂 skuteczny we wszystkich pacjent贸w. Wielko艣膰 coli贸w waha艂a si臋 od 8x6 mm do 12x6 mm. Po zabiegu odnotowano jeden przypadek hemolizy, jeden przypadek przej艣ciowej arytmii. Okres obserwacji wynosi艂 od 2 do 36 miesi臋cy. Kontrolne TTE wykaza艂o tylko ma艂y, rezydualny przeciek u tylko jednego pacjenta. Wnioski: Interwencyjne leczenie ubytk贸w typu Gerbode stanowi bezpieczn膮 alternatyw臋 do chirurgicznej korekcji w wybranych przypadkach. Nasze opracowanie dotychczas jest jednym z najwi臋kszych dla tej bardzo rzadkiej wady