145 research outputs found

    Applying 3D-printing technology in planning operations of cancer patients

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The purpose of this work was creation 3D model of the front part of the skull of the patient and evaluates the effectiveness of its use in the planning of the operation. To achieve this goal was chosen an operation to remove a tumor of the right eyelid, germinate in the zygomatic bone. 3D printing was performed at different peripheral devices using the method of layering creating physical objects by a digital 3D model as well as the recovery model of the skull with the entire right malar bone for fixation on her titanium frame to maintain the eyeball in a fixed state

    Dynamics of erosion-accumulation processes along the stream bed of Turiya river (Kovel hydropost)

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    The article reflects the results of the study of deformations of the stream bed of the Turiya River (Kovel Hydropost, hydro range No. 5) during 1983–2018. For this purpose, multiple cross-sections of the channel and various combined flow curves were constructed and analyzed, the levels of water in the river, the relationships between the course of erosion-accumulation processes along the course and the dynamics of natural and anthropogenic factors are revealed. The information base of the study was the theoretical basis of the doctrine of channel processes, which are substantiated in the works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, the materials of our own observations, data from the Volyn Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (hereinafter VCGM). In the process of solving the tasks, the methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, graphic, mathematical and statistical methods were applied; the system approach was applied. During the study it was established that during the specified time interval in the stream bed there was an alternation of erosion and accumulation processes, which was expressed by the alternation of periods of some erosion of the stream bed and its siltation. The transverse profiles of the Turiya stream bed indicate that during the period 1983–1988, mainly accumulative processes prevailed in the channel, and in the following period (1988–2008) they changed to erosion ones. In recent years, rechargeable processes have become dominant and the profile of the stream bed in 2018 has come closer to its stream bed in 1988. The flow and water level curves of Turiya confirm our conclusions about trends in erosion-accumulation processes along the stream bed. During the periods 1983–1988 and 1996–2000, the accumulation processes dominated, and at the interval of time from 1988 to 1996 and in 2000–2008 erosion processes dominated. The 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 curves are in almost one field, which attests to the stability of the Turiya River over the last decade. The development of channel deformations depends, mainly, on the hydrological regime of the river. The dynamics of erosion-accumulation processes along the river Turiya is consistent with the long-term regime of its maximum runoff: in the 80-ies of the last century a significant fall in the values of maximum discharge (some decrease in annual precipitation, the influence of the Kovel reservoir) was observed, which led to their erosion. Compared to this time period, around the 1990s and during the 2000s, the values of maximum discharge increased slightly. As a consequence, the eroding ability of the watercourse during floods and freshets increased, which slightly increased the cross-sectional area of the channel. In the last four years, the values of maximum discharge have been significantly lower than normal, and as a result erosion processes have weakened. Reduction of the maximum discharge of the Turiya River, absence of runoff during the 2015–2018 boundary, dominance of accumulative processes in the channel leads to eutrophication of the watercourse, which, in turn, reduces its transport capacity and contributes to the further accumulation of solids. If this trend continues in the future, then the risks of flooding the Turiya floodplains in the event of heavy floods or freshets will increase

    Redox-dependent dimerization of p38 alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase with mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3

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    The kinase p38α MAPK (p38α) plays a pivotal role in many biological processes. p38α is activated by canonical upstream kinases that phosphorylate the activation region. The purpose of our study was to determine whether such activation may depend on redox-sensing cysteines within p38α. p38α was activated and formed a disulfide-bound heterodimer with MAP2K3 (MKK3) in rat cardiomyocytes and isolated hearts exposed to H2O2 This disulfide heterodimer was sensitive to reduction by mercaptoethanol and was enhanced by the thioredoxin-reductase inhibitor auranofin. We predicted that Cys-119 or Cys-162 of p38α, close to the known MKK3 docking domain, were relevant for these redox characteristics. The C119S mutation decreased whereas the C162S mutation increased the dimer formation, suggesting that these two Cys residues act as vicinal thiols, consistent with C119S/C162S being incapable of sensing H2O2 Similarly, disulfide heterodimer formation was abolished in H9C2 cells expressing both MKK3 and p38α C119S/C162S and subjected to simulated ischemia and reperfusion. However, the p38α C119S/C162S mutants did not exhibit appreciable alteration in activating dual phosphorylation. In contrast, the anti-inflammatory agent 10-nitro-oleic acid (NO2-OA), a component of the Mediterranean diet, reduced p38α activation and covalently modified Cys-119/Cys-162, probably obstructing MKK3 access. Moreover, NO2-OA reduced the dephosphorylation of p38α by hematopoietic tyrosine phosphatase (HePTP). Furthermore, steric obstruction of Cys-119/Cys-162 by NO2-OA pretreatment in Langendorff-perfused murine hearts prevented the p38-MKK3 disulfide dimer formation and attenuated H2O2-induced contractile dysfunction. Our findings suggest that cysteine residues within p38α act as redox sensors that can dynamically regulate the association between p38 and MKK3.</p

    On the statistical mechanics of prion diseases

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    We simulate a two-dimensional, lattice based, protein-level statistical mechanical model for prion diseases (e.g., Mad Cow disease) with concommitant prion protein misfolding and aggregation. Our simulations lead us to the hypothesis that the observed broad incubation time distribution in epidemiological data reflect fluctuation dominated growth seeded by a few nanometer scale aggregates, while much narrower incubation time distributions for innoculated lab animals arise from statistical self averaging. We model `species barriers' to prion infection and assess a related treatment protocol.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 eps figures (submitted to Physical Review Letters

    Tuning a sign of magnetoelectric coupling in paramagnetic NH2(CH3)2Al1-xCrx(SO4)*6H2O crystals by metal ion substitution

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    Hybrid organometallic systems offer a wide range of functionalities, including magnetoelectric interactions. However, the ability to design on-demand ME coupling remains challenging despite a variety of host-guest configurations and ME phases coexistence possibilities. Here, we report the effect of metal-ion substitution on the magnetic and electric properties in the paramagnetic ferroelectric DMAAS crystals. Doing so we are able to induce and even tune a sign of the ME interactions in the paramagnetic ferroelectric state. Both studied samples with 6.5% and 20% of Cr become paramagnetic, contrary to the initial diamagnetic compound. Due to the isomorphous substitution with Cr the ferroelectric phase transition temperature increases nonlinearly, with the shift being larger for the sample with Cr content of 6.5%. A magnetic field applied along the polar c axis increases ferroelectricity for this sample and shifts Tc to higher values, while inverse effects are observed for sample containing 20% of Cr. The ME coupling coefficient of 1.7ns/m found for a crystal with 20% of Cr is among the highest reported up to now. The observed sign change of ME coupling coefficient with a small change in Cr content paves the way for ME coupling engineering.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. New Organometallic Magnetoelectric and Ferroelectric compoun


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    The content of the concept "building information model" and the peculiarities of collecting and processing the information necessary for its creation are considered. It is noted the possibility of creating a BIM at the design stage for maintenance of construction, as well as on existing facilities to accompany them during operation. Examples of use of information models in the construction industry of Ukraine are given. The wide introduction of BIM in foreign projects was noted. The main advantages and disadvantages of using BIM are highlighted. The pilot project of a three-dimensional informational model of the building of a typical building of an educational institution was implemented on the example of the 6th building of the NUWEE. Building information model of the building is executed in the software ArchiCAD. A threedimensional model of construction,  communications, equipment of premises with the filling of attributive data is created. For rendering of the model there are about thirty two- and three-dimensional layers created. A comparison of the actual appearance of some elements of the building with the developed model is presented. A fragment of the heating network model with available attributive information is shown. Examples of use of the model are given in the decision of the applied tasks of its exploitation: the review of information on the state of buildings and communications; automated calculation of the estimate for carrying out of repair works; automatic formation of explication of premises of the building; creating a report on the specification of the windows and doors of the building. The main features of the free Graphisoft BIMx Viewer (BIMx) application are presented, which allows you to work with the created model without the ArchiCAD software. Identified potential users of this system. Depending on the needs of interested users, the typical tasks that it should solve are identified.Рассмотрено содержание понятия «информационная модель здания» и особенности сбора и обработки информации, необходимой для ее создания. Отмечена возможность создания BIM как на этапе проектирования для сопровождения строительства, так и на уже существующие сооружения для сопровождения их в процессе эксплуатации. Приведены примеры использования информационных моделей в строительной отрасли Украины. Отмечено широкое внедрение BIM в иностранных проектах. Выделены основные преимущества и недостатки использования BIM. Реализован пилотный проект трехмерной информационной модели здания типичного корпуса учебного заведения на примере 6 учебного корпусаНУВХП. Построение информационной модели здания выполнено в программном обеспечении ArchiCAD. Создано трехмерную модель сооружения, коммуникаций, оснащения помещений с наполнением атрибутивными данными. Для визуализации модели создано около тридцати дво- и трехмерных слоев. Представлено сравнение реального вида некоторых элементов здания с разработанной моделью. Продемонстрировано фрагмент модели теплосети с имеющейся атрибутивной информацией. Приведены примеры использования модели при решении прикладных задач ее эксплуатации: просмотр информации о состоянии здания и коммуникаций; автоматизированный расчет сметы для проведения ремонтных работ; автоматическое формирование экспликации помещений сооружения; создание отчета о спецификации окон и дверей здания.Представлены основные возможности бесплатного приложенияGraphisoft BIMx Viewer (BIMx), которое позволяет работать с созданной моделью без наличия программного обеспечения ArchiCAD.Определены потенциальные пользователи данной системы. В соответствии с потребностями заинтересованных пользователейвыделено типовые задачи, которые она должна решать.Розглянуто зміст поняття «інформаційна модель будівлі» та особливості збору й опрацювання інформації необхідної для її створення. Відзначено можливість створення BIM як на етапі проектування для супроводу будівництва, так і на вже існуючі споруди длясупроводу їх в процесі експлуатації. Наведено приклади використання інформаційних моделей у будівельній галузі України. Відзначено широке впровадження BIM у закордонних проектах. Виділеноосновні переваги та недоліки використання BIM. Реалізовано пілотний проект тривимірної інформаційної моделі будівлі типового навчального корпусу учбового закладу на прикладі 6 навчальногокорпусу НУВГП. Побудову інформаційної моделі будівлі виконано впрограмному забезпеченні ArchiCAD. Створено тривимірну модельспоруди, комунікацій, оснащення приміщень з наповненням атрибутивними даними. Для візуалізації моделі створено близько тридцяти дво- та тривимірних шарів. Представлено порівняння реального вигляду деяких елементів будівлі з розробленою моделлю.Продемонстровано фрагмент моделі тепломережі з наявною атрибутивною інформацією. Наведено приклади використання моделіпри вирішенні прикладних задач її експлуатації: перегляд інформації про стан будівлі та комунікацій; автоматизований розрахуноккошторису для проведення ремонтних робіт; автоматичне формування експлікації приміщень споруди; створення звіту про специфікацію вікон та дверей будівлі. Представлено основні можливостібезкоштовного додатку Graphisoft BIMx Viewer (BIMx), який дозволяє працювати зі створеною моделлю без наявності програмного забезпечення ArchiCAD. Визначено потенційних користувачів даноїсистеми. Відповідно до потреб зацікавлених користувачів виділенотипові задачі, які вона повинна вирішувати

    Динаміка морфологічних і біохімічних показників у крові білих мишей за дії препарату “Вітосепт”

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    The paper presents the results of the study of the drug toxicity “Vitosept” in its preclinical studies in intact white mice. It was found that according to the assessment of toxicological parameters of the studied biocidal product is low-toxic. Oral administration of even its highest concentrations (500 mg/l) did not show a pronounced toxic effect. During the action of the drug for 20 days no deviations in the clinical condition, behavioral reactions, reflex activity did not occur. It was found that most of the values that characterize the functional state of the hematopoietic and hepatobiliary systems, against the background of different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite, did not undergo significant changes compared with the control. The hemoglobin content in the blood of white mice in the experimental groups increased compared with the control in the first three experimental groups (concentration of GHN 100–300 mg/l). With increasing concentration of the drug, when administered intraperitoneally, there was a greater number of leukocytes in the blood of laboratory animals. At the same time, a probable increase in this indicator was found only in mice of the II experimental group when administered orally to animals of the lowest test concentration (100&nbsp;mg/l). The concentration of total protein, urea and glucose in the blood of white mice under the action of “Vitosept” was similar in animals of the control and experimental groups. The revealed tendency to increase the activity of certain enzymes (LF, ALT, AST) was short-lived, and is obviously a compensatory response of animals to the xenobiotic effect of the drug. On the 20th day of the experiment, the studied white mice of the experimental groups were close to those in the control group.У роботі наведені результати вивчення токсичності препарату “Вітосепт” за його доклінічних досліджень на інтактних білих мишах. Встановлено, що за оцінкою токсикологічних параметрів досліджуваний біоцидний засіб є малотоксичним. Пероральне введення навіть найвищих його концентрацій (500 мг/л) не проявляло вираженого токсичного ефекту. За дії препарату впродовж 20-и діб жодних відхилень у клінічному стані, поведінкових реакціях, рефлекторній діяльності не виникало. З’ясовано, що більшість величин, які характеризують функціональний стан кровотворної і гепатобіліарної систем, на тлі дії різних концентрацій натрію гіпохлориту, не зазнавали вірогідних змін, порівняно з контролем. Вміст гемоглобіну у крові білих мишей дослідних груп вірогідно збільшувався, порівняно з контролем у перших трьох дослідних групах (концентрація ГХН 100-300 мг/л). За зростання концентрації препарату, при його внутрішньошлунковому введенні більшою була і у крові лабораторних тварин кількість лейкоцитів. При цьому вірогідне підвищення цього показника виявлено лише у мишей ІІ дослідної групи за перорального застосування тваринам найнижчої досліджуваної концентрації (100 мг/л). Концентрація загального білка, сечовини і глюкози в крові білих мишей за дії “Вітосепту” була подібною у тварин контрольної і досліних груп. Виявлена тенденція щодо зростання активності окремих ензимів (ЛФ, АлАТ, АсАТ) була короткотривалою і є, очевидно, компенсаторною реакцією організму тварин на ксенобіотичну дію препарату. На 20-у добу досліджувані показники білих мишей дослідних груп були наближеними до аналогічних в групі контролю


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    The article reflects the results of the study of deformations of the stream bed of the Turiya River (Kovel Hydropost, hydro range No. 5) during 1983–2018. For this purpose, multiple cross-sections of the channel and various combined flow curves were constructed and analyzed, the levels of water in the river, the relationships between the course of erosion-accumulation processes along the course and the dynamics of natural and anthropogenic factors are revealed. The information base of the study was the theoretical basis of the doctrine of channel processes, which are substantiated in the works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, the materials of our own observations, data from the Volyn Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (hereinafter VCGM). In the process of solving the tasks, the methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, graphic, mathematical and statistical methods were applied; the system approach was applied. During the study it was established that during the specified time interval in the stream bed there was an alternation of erosion and accumulation processes, which was expressed by the alternation of periods of some erosion of the stream bed and its siltation. The transverse profiles of the Turiya stream bed indicate that during the period 1983–1988, mainly accumulative processes prevailed in the channel, and in the following period (1988–2008) they changed to erosion ones. In recent years, rechargeable processes have become dominant and the profile of the stream bed in 2018 has come closer to its stream bed in 1988. The flow and water level curves of Turiya confirm our conclusions about trends in erosion-accumulation processes along the stream bed. During the periods 1983–1988 and 1996–2000, the accumulation processes dominated, and at the interval of time from 1988 to 1996 and in 2000–2008 erosion processes dominated. The 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 curves are in almost one field, which attests to the stability of the Turiya River over the last decade. The development of channel deformations depends, mainly, on the hydrological regime of the river. The dynamics of erosion-accumulation processes along the river Turiya is consistent with the long-term regime of its maximum runoff: in the 80-ies of the last century a significant fall in the values of maximum discharge (some decrease in annual precipitation, the influence of the Kovel reservoir) was observed, which led to their erosion. Compared to this time period, around the 1990s and during the 2000s, the values of maximum discharge increased slightly. As a consequence, the eroding ability of the watercourse during floods and freshets increased, which slightly increased the cross-sectional area of the channel. In the last four years, the values of maximum discharge have been significantly lower than normal, and as a result erosion processes have weakened. Reduction of the maximum discharge of the Turiya River, absence of runoff during the 2015–2018 boundary, dominance of accumulative processes in the channel leads to eutrophication of the watercourse, which, in turn, reduces its transport capacity and contributes to the further accumulation of solids. If this trend continues in the future, then the risks of flooding the Turiya floodplains in the event of heavy floods or freshets will increase