42 research outputs found


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    Abstraksi: Gaya hidup fase penuaan didominasi oleh nilai-nilai kenyamanan sosial dan simbol, etika budaya, identitas, dan sumber daya budaya lainnya. Masalah budaya pada tahapan lansia menampilkan kontennya dalam batas perspektif kehidupan. Dengan demikian, ruang hidup dan lingkungan hidup untuk lansia yang mandiri harus memperhatikan transformasi nilai-nilai sosial-budaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan preferensi lansia dari keseluruhan sistem lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan preferensi lansia dalam proses modifikasi elemen desain lingkungan menjadi lingkungan hidup yang ramah lansia. Investigasi menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara untuk lebih dalam mendapatkan preferensi lansia. Studi ini juga menggunakan prediksi lingkungan untuk meninjau fenomena eko-morfologi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari lansia berubah karena proses penuaan. Sementara itu, paradigma menyesuaikan tuntutan kehidupan secara signifikan mempengaruhi perubahan eko-morfologis spasial lingkungan mereka.Katakunci: manula mandiri; lingkungan untuk kaum manula; perubahan eko-morfologis.Title: Independent Elderly Generations and Aspects of Eco-Morphological Changes of Residential AreasAbstract: The life style of ageing phase is dominated by the values of social comfort and symbols, cultural ethics, identity, and other cultural resources. Cultural issues of the elderly’s stage perform their content within the perspective boundary of life. Accordingly, living space and eco-environment for the independent elderly should regard the transformation of socio-cultural values in order to meet the elderly’s need and preferences of the whole environmental system. This study aims to obtain elderly’s preferences in the modification process of environmental design elements to become elderly-friendly living environment. The investigation used observation and interviews methods to deeper gain the elderly’s preferences. The study also utilised environmental prediction to review the phenomenon of its eco-morphology. The results show that the needs of elderly daily lives changed due to the ageing process. Whilst, the paradigm of adjusting demands of life significantly affected the eco-morphological changes of their spatial environment.Keywords: independent elderly; environment for the elderly; eco-morphological changes

    Reflecting Community Involvement in Developing Local Tourism Potentials in Bukit Tompak, Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia.

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    Local community involvement is necessary for developing the Bukit Tompak tourism area as the community manages its continuation of tourism activities. The location of the Bukit Tompak tourism area is in Srimulyo Village, District of Piyungan, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia. A unique tourism development board accommodates the community's roles within the village. This board is under the village authority, with the main task of communicating between the community's aspirations with the Bantul Regency Planning Office to plan the future of the tourism village. Investigating the village potentials is significant to gain local tourism assets. This study aims to value community involvement in providing sufficient natural tourism attractions based on community self-management. It used existing site observation and interview methods to find alternative designs for the tourism development master plan. After facilitating the design development, it continued by the focus discussion with the Local Planning Office for the village development plan and programs. The results show that the involvement roles of the community still need to be improved with the more in-depth knowledge of potential tourism programs and the local natural assets and physical facilities

    Modul Aquaponik sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Wisata Tangguh Pangan di Desa Wisata Brayut Yogyakarta

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    Dampak pandemic covid 19 yang berkelanjutan mengakibatkan desa – desa wisata mengalami keterpurukan terutama dari sisi perekonomian. Pembatasan yang diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan memaksa warga untuk beradaptasi dengan kondisi tersebut salah satunya dengan kembali berswadaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok. Desa wisata Brayut yang selama ini mengandalkan atraksi wisata edukasi budaya dan tradisi pedesaan sebagai tambahan penghasilan, pada masa pandemi berupaya untuk kembali pada pertanian dan perkebunan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok pangan warga. Gerakan ini selaras dengan Gerakan Kampung Tangguh Nusantara yang digalakkan TNI POLRI dan pemerintah sebagai upaya menanggulangi pandemic COVID 19 pada awal tahun 2020 yang lalu. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, tim KKN tematik WIRADESA UAJY menerjunkan mahasiswa untuk membantu mendampingi masyarakat terutama untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian, perkebunan dan perikanan melalui model aquaponic yang portable dan sederhana sehingga dapat dibuat pada lahan pekarangan warga. Respon warga dan pendampingan tim menghasilkan rencana pengembangan untuk sebaran perletakan modul aquaponic agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan warga

    Contributing social safety and security for elderly-friendly environment (case study of Brayut Tourism Village, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

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    Social safety and security are vital in everyday life of elderly hood, as its aging process sometimes make them difficult to be independent. The elderly-friendly environment is significant to support their independent daily activities and behaviors. This paper aims to contribute to the concept of a friendly urban environment for elderly people. It explores how elderly people perceive their surrounding social environment, how the social life is conducive enough to motivate their survival to live, and how the physical environment should be set up to contribute social safety and security. The data gathering used depth interviews and behavior setting methods to obtain the elderly's perceptions and inspirat ion. The elderly’s perceptions of the social environment supporting safety and security used JMP 7 software analysis program to get an appropriate formula for setting up friendlier environments. The initial results show that during the aging process, elderly people need prosthetic facilities to care for their continuation of life and to strengthen their motivation to be independent. This intended friendly environment psychologically will imply to their social network


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    The New Normal Era needs future adaptation, in order to ensure cities still have competitiveness and resilience in the tourism sector during the pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Smart Tourism Branding concept in Bantul city, Indonesia, during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a quantitative study, using the random sampling method to obtain data from 230 respondents through a questionnaire, which was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). During the initial stage, a statistical test on each question’s validity and reliability in the questionnaire was conducted, after which data analysis was carried out. Before performing multiple linear regression analysis, several assumptions were fulfilled, including data normality and multicollinearity. The results showed that the evaluation of smart tourism branding provides an overview of people’s understanding and satisfaction level with regard to tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Jelajah Bantul application, which is a smart tourism branding instrument, supports Bantul City’s ability to compete in attracting tourists and investment globally. In addition, the city’s tourism management and branding identity can be facilitated and strengthened when the synergy strategy of the community and city stakeholders is appropriately regulated


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    The preservation of traditional houses is an attempt to maintain the local identity of a region. The existence of a traditional house in a village becomes one of the indicators of tradition that still survive, especially if the traditional houses are still inhabited by their owners. Related with the development of the village into a tourist village, Brayut tourism village has a uniqueness in maintaining the existence of traditional houses as part of the tradition as well as a cultural tourism attraction. The tradition that survives in the Brayut village can not be separated from the strong bonds of kinship among villagers. This paper intends to examine the influence of family ties as local wisdom to preserve traditional Javanese houses in Brayut village. The method used is the description analysis of some cases of traditional houses that are still well maintained. The results obtained are the kinship owned by the people of Brayut village become an influential element in maintaining the existence of traditional houses

    PENATAAN PERMUKIMAN PASCA BENCANA ALAM DI DESA PANJANGREJO KABUPATEN BANTUL Kajian Tingkat Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Ketercapaian Pembangunan

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    Panjangrejo Village is one of Yogyakarta 2006 Earthquake’s epicentrums. For that matter, evaluating its housing’s post-disaster rehabilitation is essential, considering its impacts in the future. Housing rehabilitation encompasses infrastructure whose planning was done by employing participation approach so as to achieve the target as has been planned. In the planning stage, the residents were entitled to participate in mapping and identifying the area’s potentials and resources. This research employed a qualitative-descriptive method by studying the Rencana Penataan Permukiman Desa Panjangrejo (Panjangrejo Village Housing Plan). The document was evaluated regarding the participation approach it employed and its target development. This research focused on addressing the issues of: “whether or not this approach has accommodated residents’ aspirations in formulating the infrastructure development policy based on the village’s potentials and priority” and “whether or not the rehabilitation and reconstruction have been done sistematically and in an integrated manner”. The investigation has found out that the residents’ aspirations were accommodated during the publicising, planning and organising stages. The rehabilitation and reconstruction have resulted in high quality infrastructure as it fulfills the standard of requirement and was organised sistematically and in an integrated manner. At the same time, quantitatively, the building went beyond the target pla