405 research outputs found

    The total energy splitting of ionic eigenstates in the axial crystal fields

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    The relationship between the energy total splitting ΔE\Delta E of the free-ion electron states in the axial crystal-fields and the second moment of that splitting σ2\sigma^{2} is thoroughly investigated. The non-Kramers and Kramers states with the quantum number 1J81\leq J \leq 8 in the axial crystal-fields of any multipolar composition but fixed σ2\sigma^{2} are considered. Since the crystal-field Hamiltonian HCF{\cal H}_{\rm CF} is a superposition of the three effective multipoles various ΔE\Delta E can correspond to a fixed σ2\sigma^{2} according to the resultant combination of the independent contributions. This ΔE\Delta E variation range is the subject of the study. For the states under examination ΔE\Delta E can take the values from 2.00σ2.00\sigma to 3.75σ3.75\sigma, whereas the difference ΔEmaxΔEmin\Delta E_{max}- \Delta E_{min}, except the states with J5/2J\leq 5/2, amounts roughly to σ\sigma. For comparison, the one-multipolar HCF{\cal H}_{\rm CF}s yield accurately defined ΔE\Delta E ranging from 2.50σ2.50\sigma to 3.00σ3.00\sigma. The limitations of the allowed ΔE\Delta E values exclude rigorously a number of virtually possible splitting diagrams. The documentary evidence for this restriction has been supplied in the paper collating the nominally admissible total energy splittings ΔE\Delta {\cal E} (i.e. those preserving the σ2\sigma^{2}) with the (ΔEmin,ΔEmax)(\Delta E_{min}, \Delta E_{max}) ranges occurring in the actual axial crystal-fields. Although the ΔE\Delta E unlike the σ2\sigma^{2} is not an essential characteristic and depends on the reference frame orientation, it is useful to know its dispersion range, particularly attempting to assign or verify complex electron spectra.Comment: 17 pages, 4 tables, submitted to pss(b

    Leczeniem sunitynibem chorej na zaawansowanego raka nerkowokomórkowego

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    Non-penetrating phaco-deep sclerectomy with SkGel implantation — long-term observations

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    INTRODUCTION. The aim of this study is to present the efficacy and safety of non-penetrating phaco-deep sclerectomy (PDS) with implantation of an absorbable sodium hyaluronate implant (SkGel/Corneal). MATERIALS AND METHODS. In a prospective case series study 219 procedures were performed on 176 subjects receiving PDS with SkGel implantation. Indications were uncontrolled primary-open angle glaucoma (POAG) and operable cataract. Data collected included best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure (IOP), and number of hypotensive medications. Follow-up examinations were performed one and seven days after procedure, then one, three, and six months after, and thereafter every six months. Complete and qualified success (without and with hypotensive medications) was assessed for IOP ≤ 18 mm Hg and IOP ≤ 12 mm Hg. RESULTS . The mean follow-up was 48.3 } 12.8 months. At 24 months, mean IOP decreased from 19.9 ± 5.0 mm Hg to 13.4 ± 3.1 mm Hg (P < 0.001) (31.8% reduction) and to 13.3 ± 2.7 mm Hg (P = 0.003) and after 60 months (33.2% reduction). At the 24-month follow-up, the average number of anti-glaucoma medications was reduced from 2.3 ± 0.8 to 0.62 ± 0.88 (p < 0.001). Complete and qualified success rates for IOP ≤ 18 mm Hg were 70.1% and 93.0%, respectively. Goniopuncture (23.8%), suturolysis (20.1%), and needling (18.3%) were performed. The most common complication was transient hypotony (36.07%). CONCLUSIONS. PDS with SkGel leads to an effective decrease in IOP over a long-term follow-up. The profile of the complications indicates that it is a safe procedure

    The limits of the total crystal-field splittings

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    The crystal-fields causing J>|J> electron states splittings of the same second moment σ2\sigma^{2} can produce different total splittings ΔE\Delta E magnitudes. Based on the numerical data on crystal-field splittings for the representative sets of crystal-field Hamiltonians HCF=kqBkqCq(k){\cal H}_{\rm CF}=\sum_{k}\sum_{q}B_{kq}C_{q}^{(k)} with fixed indexes either kk or qq, the potentials leading to the extreme ΔE\Delta E have been identified. For all crystal-fields the admissible ranges (ΔEmin,ΔEmax)(\Delta E_{min},\Delta E_{max}) have been found numerically for 1J81\leq J\leq 8. The extreme splittings are reached in the crystal-fields for which HCFs{\cal H}_{\rm CF}s are the definite superpositions of the Cq(k)C_{q}^{(k)} components with different rank k=2,4k=2,4 and 6 and the same index qq. Apart from few exceptions, the lower limits ΔEmin\Delta E_{min} occur in the axial fields of HCF(q=0)=B20C0(2)+B40C0(4)+B60C0(6){\cal H}_{\rm CF}(q=0)=B_{20}C_{0}^{(2)}+B_{40}C_{0}^{(4)}+B_{60}C_{0}^{(6)}, whereas the upper limits ΔEmax\Delta E_{max} in the low symmetry fields of HCF(q=1)=B21C1(2)+B41C1(4)+B61C1(6){\cal H}_{\rm CF}(q=1)=B_{21}C_{1}^{(2)}+B_{41}C_{1}^{(4)}+B_{61}C_{1}^{(6)}. Mixing the HCF{\cal H}_{\rm CF} components with different qq yields a secondary effect and does not determine the extreme splittings. The admissible ΔEmin\Delta E_{min} changes with JJ from 2.00σ2.00\sigma to 2.40σ2.40\sigma, whereas the ΔEmax\Delta E_{max} from 2.00σ2.00\sigma to 4.10σ4.10\sigma. The maximal gap ΔEmaxΔEmin=2.00σ\Delta E_{max}-\Delta E_{min}=2.00\sigma has been found for the states J=4>|J=4>. Not all the nominally allowed total splittings, preserving σ2=const\sigma^{2}=const condition, are physically available, and in consequence not all virtual splittings diagrams can be observed in real crystal-fields.Comment: 30 pages, Appendix (8 pages) and 11 tables; submitted to pss(b

    Reentrant phenomenon in the exactly solvable mixed spin-1/2 and spin-1 Ising-Heisenberg model on diamond-like decorated planar lattices

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    Ground-state and finite-temperature behaviour of the mixed spin-1/2 and spin-1 Ising-Heisenberg model on decorated planar lattices consisting of inter-connected diamonds is investigated by means of the generalised decoration-iteration mapping transformation. The obtained exact results clearly point out that this model has a rather complex ground state composed of two unusual quantum phases, which is valid regardless of the lattice topology as well as the spatial dimensionality of the investigated system. It is shown that the diamond-like decorated planar lattices with a sufficiently high coordination number may exhibit a striking critical behaviour including reentrant phase transitions with two or three consecutive critical points.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physica Status Solidi

    Postępowanie w przypadku wystąpienia działań niepożądanych w trakcie terapii podtrzymującej olaparybem u chorych na raka jajnika

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    Olaparyb jest pierwszym inhibitorem polimerazy poli-ADP-rybozy (PARPi), który został zarejestrowany w Europie w 2014 roku do leczenia podtrzymującego chorych z platynowrażliwym surowiczym rakiem jajnika z mutacją w genach BRCA1/2, u których uzyskano odpowiedź na pochodne platyny w trakcie leczenia wznowy. Wyniki badań klinicznych: Badania 19 i SOLO2 wykazały skuteczność terapii z użyciem olaparybu u pacjentek z rakiem jajnika w zakresie wydłużania przeżycia bez progresji choroby i odsuwania w czasie kolejnych linii chemioterapii przy zachowaniu akceptowalnego profilu bezpieczeństwa. W przebiegu tych badań większość zdarzeń niepożądanych występowała w stopniu nasilenia 1. lub 2. wg CTCAE, miała przejściowy charakter i nie wymagała przerywania leczenia. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie zasad monitorowania najczęstszych działań niepożądanych występujących w trakcie terapii podtrzymującej olaparybem, takich jak: nudności, wymioty, zmęczenie, biegunka i niedokrwistość. Opisano również metody postępowania w sytuacji ich wystąpienia, polegające na wdrożeniu leczenia objawowego, zastosowaniu metod niefarmakologicznych, edukacji pacjentek, czasowym przerwaniu stosowania olaparybu lub redukcji dawki. Decyzję dotyczącą redukcji dawki olaparybu należy podjąć szczególnie rozważnie, gdyż ponowny powrót do dawki początkowej nie jest zalecany. Zastosowanie w odpowiednim czasie skutecznych środków zaradczych pozwoli chorym kontynuować leczenie, a tym samym odnieść z niego oczekiwane korzyści