37 research outputs found

    Programming and deployment of active objects with application-level scheduling

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    We extend and implement a modeling language based on concurrent active objects with application-level scheduling policies. The language allows a programmer to assign pri-orities at the application level, for example, to method def-initions and method invocations, and assign corresponding policies to the individual active objects for scheduling the messages. Thus, we leverage scheduling and performance related issues, which are becoming increasingly important in multi-core and cloud applications, from the underlying operating system to the application level. We describe a tool-set to transform models of active objects extended with application-level scheduling policies into Java. This tool-set allows a direct use of Java class libraries; thus, we obtain a full-fledged programming language based on active objects which allows for high-level control of deployment related is-sues

    Dynamic symbolic execution for testing distributed objects

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    Abstract. This paper extends dynamic symbolic execution to distributed and concurrent systems. Dynamic symbolic execution can be used in software testing to systematically identify equivalence classes of input values and has been shown to scale well to large systems. Although mainly applied to sequential programs, this scalability makes it interesting to consider the technique in the distributed and concurrent setting as well. In order to extend the technique to concurrent systems, it is necessary to obtain sufficient control over the scheduling of concurrent activities to avoid race conditions. Creol, a modeling language for distributed concurrent objects, solves this problem by abstracting from a particular scheduling policy but explicitly defining scheduling points. This provides sufficient control to apply the technique of dynamic symbolic execution for model based testing of interleaved processes. The technique has been formalized in rewriting logic, executes in Maude, and applied to nontrivial examples, including an industrial case study

    Twinning-by-Construction: Ensuring Correctness for Self-adaptive Digital Twins

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    Postponed access: the file will be available after 2023-10-17Digital twin applications use digital artefacts to twin physical systems. The purpose is to continuously mirror the structure and behavior of the physical system, such that users can analyse the physical system by means of the digital twin. However, the physical system might change over time. In this case, the digital twin’s ensemble of digital artefacts needs to be reconfigured to correctly twin the physical system again. This paper considers a digital twin infrastructure combining MAPE-K feedback loops and semantic reflection to automatically ensure that the digital artefacts correctly twin the physical system; i.e., the resulting system is twinned-by-construction. We consider the monitoring of both structural and temporal correctness properties for digital twin, including the time delay required by reconfiguration, and the capture of execution traces to reflect digital threads in the digital twin framework.acceptedVersio

    Inseguendo fagiani selvatici: Partial order reduction for guarded command languages

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    This paper presents a method for testing whether objects in actor languages and active object languages exhibit locally deterministic behavior. We investigate such a method for a class of guarded command programs, abstracting from object-oriented features like method calls but focusing on cooperative scheduling of dynamically spawned processes executing in parallel. The proposed method can answer questions such as whether all permutations of an execution trace are equivalent, by generating candidate traces for testing which may lead to different final states. To prune the set of candidate traces, we employ partial order reduction. To further reduce the set, we introduce an analysis technique to decide whether a generated trace is schedulable. Schedulability cannot be decided for guarded commands using standard dependence and interference relations because guard enabledness is non-monotonic. To solve this problem, we use concolic execution to produce linearized symbolic traces of the executed program, which allows a weakest precondition computation to decide on the satisfiability of guards

    Database Development of a Work-Flow Planning and Tracking System Using VDM-SL

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    Abstract. This paper presents the techniques and experiences of an industrial project, applying the formal method VDM in order to develop a work- ow planning and tracking system. A method for creating formal models of relational databases has been developed | speci cally, formal representations of SQL datatypes, a model of the structure of a database including primary and foreign keys and the formulation of queries in the model. With this approach, familiar informal design methods from the database world can be used without giving up the expressive power of formal methods. The transition from the informal to the formal world can be automated, keeping the relevant parts of the formal model synchronized with minimal e ort. The formal method used is VDM, but the results are easily transferred into similar model oriented methods.

    Global Reproducibility Through Local Control for Distributed Active Objects

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    Non-determinism in a concurrent or distributed setting may lead to many different runs or executions of a program. This paper presents a method to reproduce a specific run for non-deterministic actor or active object systems. The method is based on recording traces of events reflecting local transitions at so-called stable states during execution; i.e., states in which local execution depends on interaction with the environment. The paper formalizes trace recording and replay for a basic active object language, to show that such local traces suffice to obtain global reproducibility of runs; during replay different objects may operate fairly independently of each other and in parallel, yet a program under replay has guaranteed deterministic outcome. We then show that the method extends to the other forms of non-determinism as found in richer active object languages. Following the proposed method, we have implemented a tool to record and replay runs, and to visualize the communication and scheduling decisions of a recorded run, for Real-Time ABS, a formally defined, rich active object language for modeling timed, resource-aware behavior in distributed systems