39 research outputs found

    Processos administrativos de guarda de documentos para a prestação de contas de convênios

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    Orientador : Helison Bertoli Alves DiasTrabalho de conclusão de curso (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Curso de Especialização em Gestão Pública MunicipalInclui referênciasResumo : Os convênios são instrumentos cada vez mais utilizados para o repasse de verbas do Governo Federal para os Estados e Municípios. Por questão legal, existe a necessidade de guardar os documentos comprobatórios da sua execução pelo período de dez anos após o início da prestação de contas final. Com o passar dos anos, haverá a necessidade de muito espaço físico, e esse problema só aumentará. Além disso, para realizar as atividades requisitadas, demanda-se uso intensivo de mão-de-obra, a qual está cada vez mais escassa e que poderia ser utilizada em atividades mais relevantes e produtivas. Portanto, existe a necessidade da automação do processo para diminuir a quantidade de papel produzido no decorrer da sua execução e aumentar a velocidade nas consultas que se fizerem necessárias. A proposta deste trabalho é aumentar o uso da tecnologia da informação para racionalizar o processo de guarda de documentos para prestação de contas de convênios, e readequar o processo com o uso dos meios já disponíveis no Arquivo Central


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    This work reviews the main fuels used in industrial processes, emphasizing the gases from these emissions. The air pollution caused by these pollutants has a direct impact over the human health and ecosystems, due to liberation of these gases to the atmosphere at high rates. For several years, discussions about this theme deal the minimization of the environmental problems and international agreements have been done focusing on substitution of conventional fuels for another ones. The alternative energy resources has been chosen by their benefits.Este trabalho tem o objetivo de traçar uma revisão sobre os combustíveis utilizados em diferentes processos industriais, com ênfase nos principais gases daí emitidos. A poluição do ar causada por tais poluentes exerce grande influência na saúde humana e em vários ecossistemas, pois diariamente são liberados altas taxas dos mesmos para a atmosfera. Há alguns anos já ocorrem discussões para que haja a minimização dos problemas ambientais, os acordos internacionais estão sendo fundamentais nesse contexto uma vez que, entre metas bem definidas, encontram-se a substituição de combustíveis altamente poluidores. As fontes alternativas de energia têm sido a escolha utilizada pelos países, que além de ambientalmente corretos, possibilitam benefícios para as indústrias


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    The knowledge of the areas susceptible to the occurrence of floods contributes to the urban planning and to the minimization of the effects to which the population is exposed. This study aimed to identify sites that are prone to floods in the urban area of the main hydrographic basin of the city of Irati, State of Paraná. For this mapping, we used a Geographic Information System (GIS) associated with methodologies including fuzzy logic and hierarchical analysis. For that, criteria for analysis were the altitude, slope, distance of water courses and degree of urbanization. The results showed that 3,645 km² of the Irati urban perimeter, about 13,8% of the study area, present some degree of susceptibility to floods. The generation of maps with degrees of susceptibility varying from 0 (null) to 1 (high) was a good visual indicator to identify points of greater or lesser risk of riverbed extravasatio

    Аналіз фінансового стану банківського сектору України

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    Враховуючи значний негативний вплив фінансових криз на банківський сектор України, питання, що пов’язані з оцінкою фінансового стану банків, стають особливо актуальними. Аналіз впливу світової фінансової кризи на діяльність банків України протягом останніх років дозволив зробити висновок, що сьогодні ще не розроблено ефективного, діючого механізму антикризового управління банківською діяльністю, орієнтованого на прогнозування, подолання, обмеження поширення кризи в банківській системі. В рамках нашого дослідження ми проаналізували стан банківської системи України, чинники криз, які вплинули на фінансовий стан банківського сектору України у розрізі 2009-2019 років; розглянули основні показники діяльності банків, що функціонують наразі в Україні; проаналізовані фінансові результати банківської діяльності. Виявили системні ризики, які діють в банківському секторі, а також найбільші фактори ризику для фінансового сектору. Розраховані індикатори фінансової стійкості вказали на наявність системних ризиків. За результатами даного дослідження динаміка показників співвідношення недіючих кредитів до сукупних валових кредитів та співвідношення недіючих кредитів без урахування резервів та капіталу вказала на те, що банківська система України наряду з нестабільною політичною та загально-економічною ситуацією ще більше підвищує системні ризики для банківської системи та для економіки в цілому; аналіз показника Z-score підтвердив наявність системних ризиків та наочно продемонстрував тривалість та масштаби криз; аналіз динаміки та політичної складової індексу недієздатності країни вказав на те що Україна на даний момент перебуває в найбільш нестабільній ситуації за останнє десятиліття.Considering the significant negative impact of financial crises on the banking sector in Ukraine, issues related to the assessment of the financial condition of banks are becoming particularly relevant. Analysis of the impact of the global financial crisis on the activities of Ukrainian banks in recent years has led to the conclusion that an effective, working mechanism for anti-crisis management has not yet been developed, focused on forecasting, overcoming, and limiting the spread of the crisis in the banking system. In this study, we analyzed the state of the banking system of Ukraine, the factors of crises that affected the financial condition of the banking sector of Ukraine in the context of 2009-2019; studied the main performance indicators of banks currently operating in Ukraine; analyzed the financial results of banking activities; Identified systemic risks that operate in the banking sector, as well as the largest risk factors for the financial sector. Calculated indicators of financial stability indicated the existence of systemic risks. According to the results of our study, the dynamics of the ratio of non-performing loans pointed out that the banking system of Ukraine, along with the unstable political and general economic situation, further increases systemic risks for the banking system and for the economy in the entirety; analysis of the Z-score indicator confirmed the presence of systemic risks and clearly demonstrated the duration and level of the crisis; an analysis of the dynamics and the political component of the country's incapacity index indicated that now Ukraine is in the most volatile situation in the last decade

    Analysis of the regional energy potential of solar radiation

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    Rational energy management, to meet the daily needs of consumers, should take into account many aspects of environmental protection. It is also important to use renewable energy sources and increasing their role in obtaining heat and power systems autonomous or cooperating with other sources. A key role in this area plays a proper determination of the resources of individual sources, among them especially the potential of solar radiation, characterized by the availability at a specific location of solar energy for possible use. It is obvious a large discrepancy of availability of this source relative to the energy demand during the day as well as at particular seasons. The potential of solar energy, for a given region, depends on its specific geographical location, as well as on air pollution or local cloudy conditions. Unfortunately, the measurements of individual local solar radiation resources are not so often realized. Therefore useful data are compiled by qualified institutions such as Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB), obtained from the long-term bases and measurements of various factors describing the local climate. The article presents an analysis of the structure of the resources of solar radiation in the Silesian voivodeship, for a few selected locations, including Częstochowa, with particular emphasis on data from the typical meteorological years, statistical climate data, and others. Analyzed values of the parameters characterizing the potential yields of solar energy for various positioning devices, as well as the impact of local factors on the energy resource possible to obtain locally. In the evaluation of distributions for solar radiation sums for the region of Silesian voivodeship in selected locations, as well as the sun hours, it was found that solar conditions are here satisfactory. However, even with very accurate determination of the local potential of solar energy, should also be considered its high irregularity and lack of reproducibility, due to weather conditions, climate, locally emitted pollution into the atmosphere or flowed from adjacent areas. Proper assessment of the potential of solar energy for the specific location is an important factor determining the potential development of solar energy in Silesian voivodeship. It is important to improve the quality of atmospheric air as an element of the environment, and its protection can simultaneously increase the availability of solar radiation potential locally and throughout the region. This will increase opportunities for realization of low-power systems with photovoltaic cells or the installation of solar collectors.Racjonalne gospodarowanie energią, respektujące ochronę środowiska naturalnego, powinno uwzględniać także właściwe określanie zasobów różnych źródeł, w tym szczególnie odnawialnych źródeł energii. W artykule przedstawiono analizę struktury zasobów promieniowania słonecznego w województwie śląskim dla kilku wybranych lokalizacji, w tym Częstochowy, z uwzględnieniem danych z typowych lat meteorologicznych, statystycznych danych klimatycznych i in. Przeanalizowano wartości parametrów charakteryzujących potencjalne uzyski energii promieniowania słonecznego dla różnego usytuowania urządzeń, jak również wpływ czynników miejscowych na zasób energii możliwej lokalnie do pozyskania. Oceniając rozkłady sum natężenia promieniowania słonecznego oraz wartości usłonecznienia dla regionu województwa śląskiego w wybranych miejscowościach, stwierdzono, że panujące tu warunki słoneczne są zadowalające z punktu widzenia możliwości ich zagospodarowania Jednak, nawet przy bardzo dokładnym określeniu miejscowego potencjału energii promieniowania słonecznego, należy brać pod uwagę jego dużą nieregularność oraz brak powtarzalności, spowodowane warunkami meteorologicznymi, klimatycznymi, jak również zanieczyszczeniami lokalnie emitowanymi do atmosfery bądź napływającymi z przyległych terenów. Właściwa ocena potencjału energii promieniowania słonecznego dla określonych lokalizacji stanowi istotny czynnik warunkujący ewentualny rozwój energetyki słonecznej w województwie śląskim. Niezmiernie ważna poprawa jakości powietrza atmosferycznego, jako elementu środowiska naturalnego, oraz jego ochrona skutkować może równocześnie wzrostem dostępności potencjału energii promieniowania słonecznego lokalnie, jak też w całym regionie. Pozwolić to może na zintensyfikowanie realizacji np. układów małej mocy z ogniwami fotowoltaicznymi lub też instalacji z kolektorami słonecznymi

    Solar parameters of the local climate during the summer in relation to data from typical meteorological year

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    Parameters characterizing the properties of the local climate, among them the solar irradiance, as part of the so-called Typical Meteorological Year – TMY, are often averaged and modeled. To determine the actually available solar conditions, it is beneficial to perform additional studies of climate factors in specific locations. The article presents the analysis of the solar irradiance measurements results for Częstochowa, carried out in June, July and August, in different years, in comparison to data from typical meteorological year for this period. TMY developed in Poland as well as TMY from PVGIS databases were used. Due to the occurrence of significant discrepancies in the values of solar irradiance, in the considered large data sets, it was found necessity to update the currently used TMY PL for Częstochowa, which were determined on the basis of data from the years 1971–1991. The analysis also included local sunshine duration and its summer anomalies. In addition, the dependence of solar conditions on the particulate matter PM10 content in the air, which is rarely considered in the summer, is presented

    Regional solar conditions in the context of sustainable development

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    The realization of the principles of sustainable development in the Silesia Voivodeship assumes, among others, a low-emission economy and the implementation of renewable energy sources e.g. by increasing the use of solar energy for yield of heat and electricity. The article presents perspectives for solar energy obtaining and the potential of this renewable energy source in the region. It was pointed out, that due to the specificity of the place, the influence of factors limiting the availability of solar radiation such as: air pollutants emitted to the atmosphere, local episodes, weather anomalies, cannot be neglected. Fulfilling the priorities of sustainable development can significantly contribute to improving the quality of atmospheric air, and thus improve the availability of solar radiation in the Silesia Voivodeship

    Processos administrativos de guarda de documentos para a prestação de contas de convênios

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    Orientador : Helison Bertoli Alves DiasTrabalho de conclusão de curso (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Curso de Especialização em Gestão Pública MunicipalInclui referênciasResumo : Os convênios são instrumentos cada vez mais utilizados para o repasse de verbas do Governo Federal para os Estados e Municípios. Por questão legal, existe a necessidade de guardar os documentos comprobatórios da sua execução pelo período de dez anos após o início da prestação de contas final. Com o passar dos anos, haverá a necessidade de muito espaço físico, e esse problema só aumentará. Além disso, para realizar as atividades requisitadas, demanda-se uso intensivo de mão-de-obra, a qual está cada vez mais escassa e que poderia ser utilizada em atividades mais relevantes e produtivas. Portanto, existe a necessidade da automação do processo para diminuir a quantidade de papel produzido no decorrer da sua execução e aumentar a velocidade nas consultas que se fizerem necessárias. A proposta deste trabalho é aumentar o uso da tecnologia da informação para racionalizar o processo de guarda de documentos para prestação de contas de convênios, e readequar o processo com o uso dos meios já disponíveis no Arquivo Central

    Possibility of use of Fluent code for helicopter aerodynamics analysis

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    W pracy przedstawiono możliwe do wykorzystania w obliczeniach aerodynamiki śmigłowców zaimplementowane w programie Fluent modele przepływu przez wirnik różniące się stopniem uproszczenia i obszarem zastosowań. Pokazano kilka przykładów obliczeń wykonanych przy pomocy uniwersalnego programu komercyjnego Fluent ilustrujących możliwości programu.Paper presents range of methods for analysis of the aerodynamic interaction between rotors and airframe imple-mented into the generał purpose solver Fluent. Starting from the simplest FAN model followed by single reference frame models (SRF) and Sliding Mesh Model (SMM) the most suitable for helicopter applications Virtual Blade Model with description of its limitations are shortly presented