15 research outputs found

    Effects of testosterone hormone and ages on carcass characteristics of Kacang doe

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    Forty Kacang doe (average initial BW, 10.2 kg) were used in 4x2 factorial arrangement to determine carcass characteristics. Dose of the testosterone as first factor were assigned to four levels, i.e.: control (T0), 1 dose of testosterone propionate (T1),  2 doses of TP (T2), and 3 doses of TP (T3). The age of animals as the second factor, i.e.: 7-8 months of age (U1) and  9-12 months of age (U2), referred to chevon method. The treatment combinations were replicated 5 times, respectively, so that there were 40 heads of doe. Animals were injected with 0.77 mg of TP/kg BW/d weekly for first dose and  the goats were fed for 90 days.  The diet were assigned to met or exceed 50 g ADG. The variables included slaughter weight, carcass weight, pelt weight, and Kidney Pelvic Heart (KPH) fat weight. There were significant interaction (P<0.01), except on KPH weight. The best carcass characteristics were significantly resulted from injection of 49 mg TP head-1 week-1 treated on 9 kg of Kacang doe. Key Words: Testosterone, Age, Carcass Characteristic, Kacang Do


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    Weight loss due stres during transportation had become economic defect on livestock business. According to this situation, an operational research using 136 cattle were held to evaluated effect of vitamin C treatment since the capability of vitamin C to reduced stres. There are 68 heads which is oral treated using 500 mg vitamin C and 68 control,  respectively. Observation were done on May-August 2014, during cattle transportation from Karang Endah Sub district, Lampung Tengah Municipal, Lampung Province to Palembang, Sumatera Selatan Province. Transportation repeated 6 times using trucks consist of half treated, which has odd tag, and control cattle. Cattle weighing were done before and after transportation, while data analyzed using t-test. Observation showed that the weight lost difference between treated (10,15%)  and control (9,74%) is 0,41% (P<0,05). Result also showed that vitamin C could saving of Rp.647.595,00/truck/ transportation


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    Body weight of cattle would be lose about 10-30% during transportation because of stress. The condition affected on cattle business. Vitamin C could reduce stress, so it’s assumed that vitamin C treatment could reduce weight lost during transportation. An operation research was done on May up to August, 2014 to evaluate the effect of  vitamin C treatment on weight lost of during transportation from Lampung Province to Bengkulu Province.. Two group of cattle were observed in this research, 60 heads of the first group got 500 mg vitamin C treatment and 60 heads as control. Varibale observed were body weight of cattle before and after transportation. Quarrel between body weight before and after transportation were weight lost. Weight lost of cattle of the treatment group and the control group were analysed by t tests. This research indicated that weight lost of  treatment group were not different with control group (P>0,05).It could be concluded that 500 mg vitamin C had not reduced yet stress condition of cattle during transportation. It was suggested to increase dose of vitamin C in the next research. Keywords : Vitamin C, transportation, and weight lost

    Kajian Persepsi Anggota Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Di Kabupaten Kediri Terhadap Aspek Reproduksi Sapi

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    Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) merupakan sistem pemberdayaan peternak yang dibina oleh perguruan tinggi dengan tujuan untuk mewujudkan peternak berjamaah, mandiri, dan berdaulat. SPR diinisiasi oleh IPB dan ditindaklanjuti oleh UNISKA. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji persepsi anggota SPR binaan UNISKA terhadap aspek reproduksi sapi.Penelitian merupakan quasi eksperimen menggunakan 3 (tiga) SPR sebagai perlakuan; yaitu: P1: SPR Mojo; P2: SPR Kandat; dan P3: SPR Plosoklaten.&nbsp; Analisis menggunakan RAL dengan ulangan tidak sama.&nbsp; Bila uji F nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan LSD. Data berupa data kualitatif dan diperoleh melalui survey dengan kuesioner tertutup. Parameter reproduksi yang diamati meliputi: siklus berahi, tanda berahi, saat mulai berahi, arti penting berahi, kawin suntik (IB), cara pengawinan betina, pengecekan identitas straw, pelaku IB, pemilihan straw dalam IB, saat tepat untuk IB, saat terlambat untuk IB, teknis pelaksanaan IB, skor S/C, penggunaan pejantan, pemilihan pejantan pemacek, tanda sapi bunting muda, tanda sapi bunting tua, tanda sapi akan beranak, dan jarak beranak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan persepsi antarSPR dengan latar belakang kultur berbeda sehingga diduga menghasilkan kinerja yang berbeda.&nbsp; Disarankan untuk melakukan adopsi dan adaptasi kelebihan dari setiap kultur SPR untuk meningkatkan kinerja setiap SPR; dan pada saat yang sama mengeleminir kelemahan dari setiap SPR.Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) merupakan sistem pemberdayaan peternak yang dibina oleh perguruan tinggi dengan tujuan untuk mewujudkan peternak berjamaah, mandiri, dan berdaulat. SPR diinisiasi oleh IPB dan ditindaklanjuti oleh UNISKA. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji persepsi anggota SPR binaan UNISKA terhadap aspek reproduksi sapi.Penelitian merupakan quasi eksperimen menggunakan 3 (tiga) SPR sebagai perlakuan; yaitu: P1: SPR Mojo; P2: SPR Kandat; dan P3: SPR Plosoklaten.&nbsp; Analisis menggunakan RAL dengan ulangan tidak sama.&nbsp; Bila uji F nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan LSD. Data berupa data kualitatif dan diperoleh melalui survey dengan kuesioner tertutup. Parameter reproduksi yang diamati meliputi: siklus berahi, tanda berahi, saat mulai berahi, arti penting berahi, kawin suntik (IB), cara pengawinan betina, pengecekan identitas straw, pelaku IB, pemilihan straw dalam IB, saat tepat untuk IB, saat terlambat untuk IB, teknis pelaksanaan IB, skor S/C, penggunaan pejantan, pemilihan pejantan pemacek, tanda sapi bunting muda, tanda sapi bunting tua, tanda sapi akan beranak, dan jarak beranak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan persepsi antarSPR dengan latar belakang kultur berbeda sehingga diduga menghasilkan kinerja yang berbeda.&nbsp; Disarankan untuk melakukan adopsi dan adaptasi kelebihan dari setiap kultur SPR untuk meningkatkan kinerja setiap SPR; dan pada saat yang sama mengeleminir kelemahan dari setiap SPR

    Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin C terhadap Susut Bobot Selama Pengangkutan Sapi dari Provinsi Lampung ke Palembang

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    Weight loss due stres during transportation had become economic defect on livestock business. According to this situation, an operational research using 136 cattle were held to evaluated effect of vitamin C treatment since the capability of vitamin C to reduced stres. There are 68 heads which is oral treated using 500 mg vitamin C and 68 control, respectively. Observation were done on May-August 2014, during cattle transportation from Karang Endah Sub district, Lampung Tengah Municipal, Lampung Province to Palembang, Sumatera Selatan Province. Transportation repeated 6 times using trucks consist of half treated, which has odd tag, and control cattle. Cattle weighing were done before and after transportation, while data analyzed using t-test. Observation showed that the weight lost difference between treated (10,15%) and control (9,74%) is 0,41% (P<0,05). Result also showed that vitamin C could saving of Rp.647.595,00/truck/ transportation

    Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin C terhadap Susut Bobot dalam Pengangkutan Sapi dari Lampung ke Bengkulu

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    Body weight of cattle would be lose about 10-30% during transportation because of stress. The condition affected on cattle business. Vitamin C could reduce stress, so it\u27s assumed that vitamin C treatment could reduce weight lost during transportation. An operation research was done on May up to August, 2014 to evaluate the effect of vitamin C treatment on weight lost of during transportation from Lampung Province to Bengkulu Province.. Two group of cattle were observed in this research, 60 heads of the first group got 500 mg vitamin C treatment and 60 heads as control. Varibale observed were body weight of cattle before and after transportation. Quarrel between body weight before and after transportation were weight lost. Weight lost of cattle of the treatment group and the control group were analysed by t tests. This research indicated that weight lost of treatment group were not different with control group (P>0,05).It could be concluded that 500 mg vitamin C had not reduced yet stress condition of cattle during transportation. It was suggested to increase dose of vitamin C in the next research


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    Forty two cattles were kept for 21 days, to evaluated effects of different fermented rations using research operation. Nineteen were held in A pen while twenty three in B pen, and fed using A formula and B formula, respectively. Data were analizing using t test, and the parameters are included: feed quality, feedlot performance, and farmer perception. The result show that A formula consist of 64,64% DM; 9,13% CP; and 26,66% CF; while the other is 55,61% DM; 6,06% CP; and 41,02% CF. There are significant effect of ration (P&lt;0,05) on ADG (1,28 kg/h/d vs 0,81 kg/h/d); DM consumption (14,62 kg/h/d vs 14,65 kg/h/d); FCR (12,53 kg/h/d vs 18,29 kg/h/d); and FER (8,76% vs 5,51%). There also difference perception among the farmers, especially on materials and the price.&nbsp;It’s conclude that A formula is betters than that B formula, but the both are need to be improved.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui&nbsp;pengaruh pakan fermentasi dengan formula berbeda terhadap performa penggemukan. Materi yang digunakan adalah 42 ekor sapi, 19 ekor&nbsp;di lokasi A sedangkan&nbsp;23 ekor di&nbsp;lokasi B. Metode yang digunakan adalah riset operasional (RO) dan analisis data dilakukan dengan uji t&nbsp;test tidak berpasangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah&nbsp;P1&nbsp;= formula fermentasi A;&nbsp;P2&nbsp;= formula&nbsp;fermentasi B. Parameter yang diukur meliputi&nbsp;kualitas pakan; performa penggemukan; dan persepsi peternak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa&nbsp;fermentasi dengan formula berbeda memberikan pengaruh nyata (P&lt;0,05) terhadap parameter yang diukur. Pakan&nbsp;P1 mengandung&nbsp;BK 64,64%; PK 9,13%;&nbsp;SK 26,66%; sedangkan P2 mengandung BK 55,61%; PK 6,06%; dan SK 41,02%. Pertambahan bobot badan P1 (1,28 kg/e/h) berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05) &nbsp;dengan P2 (0,81 kg/e/h); konsumsi BK P1 (14,62 kg/e/h) berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05) dengan P2 (14,65 kg/e/h); konversi pakan P1 (12,53 kg/e/h) berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05) dengan P2 (18,29 kg/e/h); dan efisiensi pakan P1 (8,76%) berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05) dengan P2 (5,51%). Persepsi peternak berbeda pada aspek harga&nbsp;dan&nbsp;bahan pakan. Penelitian menyimpulkan&nbsp;bahwa formula P1 lebih baik daripada formula P2, meskipun keduanya memiliki kualitas yang masih di bawah standart SNI. Disarankan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pakan dengan mengubah formula pakan yang saat ini digunakan. Kata Kunci : Formula Pakan Fermentasi, Kualitas Pakan, Performa Feedloot, dan Persepsi Peternak