100 research outputs found

    Denitrifikasi Limbah Nitrat pada Berbagai Tingkat Keasaman dengan Memanfaatkan Mikroba Autotroph

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    A biological denitrification using autotrophic bacteria in batch suspension runs was investigated to clarify the effect of pH on denitrification rate. Elemental sulfur was employed as an electron donor. The culture of autotrophic bacteria was obtained from activated sludge by acclimatization. The effect of pH on denitrification rate could be expressed by bell-shape equation with optimum pH of 7,07. However at a pH range of 5,5 to 8,0, the denitrification rate significantly fastl. Therefore, the application of the denitrification of wastewater using autotrophic bacteria is suggested running well although without controlling pH

    Development of Autotrophic Denitrification for Nitrate-contaminated Industrial Wastewater

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    An autotrophic denitrification system was developed for treatment wastewater from steel industry. The aim was to evaluate the kinetics and capability of the system in reducing nitrate content in such industrial wastewater. The experiments were conducted in batch suspension and continuous runs. The denitrification kinetics in suspension runs obeys first order reaction with the rate constant k1 and k2 were determined to be 0.014 and 0.004 g-N/m3.d, respectively. The continuous runs used a column packed with mixture of granular sulfur and limestone. The microbes of Thiobacillus denitrificans were attached on the surface of granular sulfur in the form of biofilm. The biofilm thickness was investigated to be approximately 40 ΞΌm. The denitrification kinetics in the packed column obeys half-order reaction with the rate constant k of 0.172 g-N1/2.m1/2/(kg-S.d). The lower denitrification extent of industrial wastewater compared with the synthetic wastewater might be due to the lack of alkalinity

    Pemanfaatan Mikroba Autotroph Dalam Pengolahan Limbah Nitrat Konsentrasi Tinggi

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    The treatment of wastewater containing high concentration of nitrate and lowconcentration of BOD using autotrophic bacteria were conducted in batchsuspension experiment to investigate nitrate concentration level which can betreated by the bacteria. The autotrophic bacteria were enriched by acclimatingactivated sludge with inorganic substrates. The experimental result shows thatdenitrification reaction with initial nitrate concentration in synthetic wastewater from 200 to 850 mg/l proceeded according to the one-order reaction. The denitrification rate increased with increasing the initial nitrate concentration. Sulfate was detected as the by product of the denitrification reaction. The sulfate produced for 1 mmol of nitrate decreased was 1.09 mmol

    Pemasyarakatan Daur Ulang Air Limbah untuk Mengantisipasi Kelangkaan Air Akibat Perubahan Iklim Global

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    Climate change has impact on many sectors in the earth such as on the water resources sector. For example, the occurrence of floods and droughts in Indonesia that needs to be anticipated. In the Technology Needs Assessment document of the Republic of Indonesia, there are three priorities technology of the water sector to anticipate the climate change. One of the technologies is recycling domestic wastewater. The recycling of waste water can be done through two consecutive stages. First, wastewater treatment processes itself to produce the quality standard limits allowed to be discharged into the environment. Second is processing the treated wastewater till the product water can be used for particular purpose. There are many technologies can be used for water recycling process. Selection of technology depends on the type of waste water and product water quality targets. The utilization of recycled water in the community is still very little due to the barriers of technical and non-technical factors (social, economic, regulatory and others) which need to be anticipated along. Technical barrier include technology that is relatively more expensive to treat wastewater into products that can be utilized. While the non-technical barrier is many people are still reluctant to use the recycled water due to psychological factors. Therefore sosialization of waste water recycling to be expected can eliminate such barriers


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    Hasil belajar siswa kelas III SDN 4 Mindahan pada pra siklus yaitu 21 peserta didik mendapat nilai tuntas dengan rata-rata kelas 60. Hal tersebut karena siswa tidak fokus dan bersemangat ketika proses pembelajaran sehingga siswa tersebut kurang bisa menerima penejlasan dari guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dengan model Kooperatif Tipe Scrambel berbantu media Interaktif. Jenis penelitian adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi dalam 3 siklus Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil belajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Scrambel berbantu media Interaktif mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan yaitu pada siklus I adalah 61,90%, siklus II 72,14% dan naik menjadi 77,14% di siklus III dengan KKM 65 pada semua siklus


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    Intisari β€” Bencana alam seperti gerakan tanah atau longsor dapat terjadi pada berbagai skala dan kecepatan. Untuk meminimalkan kerugian akibat bencana tersebut maka dilakukan usaha mengenal tanda-tanda yang mengawali gerakan tanah, atau disebut sebagai mitigasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang wireless sensor network yang mampu mengidentifikasi bencana longsor. Node sensor terdiri dari: sensor getaran, sensor kemiringan lahan, sensor pergeseran lahan, kontroler, dan modul transmisi data. Node-node sensor ini ditanam pada daerah yang rawan longsor dan saling berkomunikasi antara node satu dengan lainnya. Data-data berupa getaran, kemiringan lahan, dan status selalu ditransmisikan ke base station sistem peringatan dini longsor secara realtime. Ketika bencana longsor akan segera terjadi node sensor diharapkan mampu mendeteksi dan mengaktifkan alarm yang ada pada node sensor serta mengirimkan tanda bahaya ke base station. Kata Kunci β€” longsor, wireless sensor network, node sensor, mikrokontroler   Abstrak β€” Natural disasters such as land movements or landslides can occur at various scales and speeds. To minimize damages due to the disaster, an effort is made to recognize the signs that initiate soil movements or referred to as mitigation. This research was conducted to design a wireless sensor network that can identify landslides. Sensor nodes consist of vibration sensor, slope sensor, land shift sensor, controller, and data transmission module. These sensor nodes are planted in areas inclined to landslides and communicate with each other between nodes. The data vibration, the slope of the land, and status are always transmitted to the base station of the landslide early warning system in real time. When an landslide will occur soon the sensor node is expected to be able to detect and activate the alarm on the sensor node and send an signal to the base station. Keyword β€” landslides, wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes, microcontroller


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    Konsekuensi signifikan dari pemanasan global akibat meningkatnya konsentrasi gas rumah kaca (GRK) di atmosfer adalah terjadinya perubahan iklim, yang diantaranya ditandai dengan meningkatnya kejadian-kejadian iklim ekstrim, baik magnitude maupun frekuensinya. Peningkatan iklim ekstrim khususnya temperatur udara dan curah hujan diduga akan semakin menguat sebagai akibat perubahan iklim perlu mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih serius karena dampaknya akan berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas manusia dan ekosistem alam (Griffiths and Bradley, 2007; Klein Tank et.al, 2006). Dengan demikian pemahaman tentang iklim ektrim perlu terus dikembangkan, seiring dengan semakin seringnya kejadian-kejadian iklim ekstri
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