8 research outputs found

    Parenting Across the Social Ecology Facilitated by Information and Communications Technology: Implications for Research and Educational Design

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    To inform parenting research and aid educators seeking to deliver programs that support effective parenting, this study explored types of information and communications technology (ICT) used to fulfill childrearing goals. Mothers’ (N = 1,804) reports of ICT activity frequency were examined from data collected from an online survey. Results suggest that mothers’ ICT use for parenting is less frequent than general use in adulthood. Mothers employ ICT to fulfill parenting goals within and across five domains of the parenting social ecology: (a) parent development, (b) parent-child relationships, (c) child development, (d), family development, and (e) culture and community. Several types of ICT activities may strengthen parenting in a single domain, and a single ICT activity may help fulfill multiple domains. Implications for research and for promoting and selecting ICT for effective parent learning and education design are discussed

    How Useful Is It? Differences in Parents’ Perceptions of Parenting Information Sources

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    This study examined parents’ perceptions of the usefulness of various sources of parenting information including: family members and friends, professionals, and various media sources, such as books and the Internet. Applying a modification of the Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking to parenting, this study examined associations between parents’ demographic characteristics, relevant personal experiences, and their perceptions of the usefulness of parenting information sources. Data were collected using an online survey (N = 1,339 parents of children 18 years old and younger). Results indicated that parents of preschool-aged children viewed family members, professionals, and books/magazines to be more useful than did parents of teenagers. Mothers reported all sources that were included in the survey as more useful sources of parenting information than did fathers, with the exception of their spouse/partner and information pamphlets. Fathers reported their spouse/partner to be a more useful source than the other sources offered in the survey. Parents of children with disabilities viewed their own parents and professionals as more useful sources of parenting information than did parents of children with no disabilities. Implications and recommendations for family life educators to consider both demographics and parent’s experience when designing parenting information dissemination efforts are discussed

    MTurk 101: An Introduction to Amazon Mechanical Turk for Extension Professionals

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    Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is an online marketplace for labor recruitment that has become a popular platform for data collection. In particular, MTurk can be a valuable tool for Extension professionals. As an example, MTurk workers can provide feedback, write reviews, or give input on a website design. In this article we discuss the many uses of MTurk for Extension professionals and provide best practices for its use

    Youth Online Media Use: Associations with Youth Demographics, Parental Monitoring, and Parent-Child Relationships

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    As online media has become an increasingly important part of youths’ daily lives, it is critical for the field to explore questions related to youth online media use in order to support youth workers, youth development practice and programming. Using a national sample of youth age 13-22 (N = 585), the current study explored demographic differences in youth online media use, and examined associations between youth demographics, parental monitoring, parent-child relationship quality, and likelihood of being a frequent user of online activities. Although youth reported being frequent users of online media, Internet use was not the same for all youth. Online media use differed significantly by youth age, gender, race, and family relationship quality. The findings remind the field to consider the young people we are working with and how they use online media in their daily lives

    Using American Indian Legends to Teach Youths Financial Literacy: Innovative Approaches to Cultural Adaptation

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    In this article, we report on pilot implementation of a financial education program for American Indian (AI) youths. Our purpose is to share our experience engaging AI youths in a culturally relevant experience in which they learn financial education concepts. Specifically, we incorporated Ojibwe legends into lesson content to connect Ojibwe culture to the information being taught. We report a combination of quantitative survey data and qualitative observational notes that overall suggest evidence of success regarding effectively engaging AI youths in financial education. Our approach may be of particular interest to Extension educators working with youths from culturally underserved audiences

    Analisis dan Perancangan e - SCM PT. Lucky Print Abadi

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    The researh purpose is to analize Supply Chain Management (SCM) system on Lucky Print Abadi company, to find the problems occure on the system, to solve some problems, and to design SCM system based on web that able to provide material movement information, information, and cash on real-time. The research methods are analysis and design. The result is the e-SCM system able to runs cash flow, material, and information on SCM of Lucky Print Abadi Company so it is easy to be monitoring and planning. The conclusion is with e-SCM on Lucky Print Abadi company is able to know the flow of material, cash, and information quickly and real-time, able to fulfil the customer needs on time and as orders, and adding one new channel in connection with supplier and customer. Tujuan penelitian ialah menganalisis sistem SCM pada PT Lucky Print Abadi, menemukan permasalahan yang ada pada sistem berjalan, memecahkan beberapa masalah, dan merancang usulan sistem SCM berbasis web yang dapat menyediakan informasi pergerakan material, informasi, dan uang secara real-time. Metode penelitian terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu metode analisis dan perancangan. Hasil yang dicapai ialah sistem e-SCM dapat memperlancar aliran uang, material, dan informasi pada SCM PT Lucky Print Abadi sehingga mempermudah dalam melakukan monitor dan perencanaan. Simpulan yang didapat, dengan e-SCM PT Lucky Print Abadi dapat mengetahui arus pergerakan material, uang, dan informasi secara cepat dan real-time, memenuhi permintaan pelanggan tepat pada waktunya dan sesuai dengan keinginan, dan penambahan satu channel baru dalam berhubungan dengan pemasok dan pelanggan

    Youth Online Media Use: Associations with Youth Demographics, Parental Monitoring, and Parent-Child Relationships

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    As online media has become an increasingly important part of youths’ daily lives, it is critical for the field to explore questions related to youth online media use in order to support youth workers, youth development practice and programming. Using a national sample of youth age 13-22 (N = 585), the current study explored demographic differences in youth online media use, and examined associations between youth demographics, parental monitoring, parent-child relationship quality, and likelihood of being a frequent user of online activities. Although youth reported being frequent users of online media, Internet use was not the same for all youth. Online media use differed significantly by youth age, gender, race, and family relationship quality. The findings remind the field to consider the young people we are working with and how they use online media in their daily lives


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    Om Swastiastu, Seminar Nasional pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2016, diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD), Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar dan diikuti oleh 17 pemakalah inti dan artikel pendamping yang dihimpun dalam buku Procceding Seminar Nasional 2016: “Seni Rupa Nusantara Basis Keunggulan Indonesia”. Makalah Seminar Nasional ini call for pa- per, sangat berarti bagi FSRD-ISI Denpasar dalam bentuk procceding yang ber ISBN 978-602- 9855-8-3. Seminar nasional ini juga menghadirkan keynote speaker Wali Kota Denpasar, I.B Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, Pembicara sesi (I) Prof. Dr. Agus Burhan (Rektor ISI Yogyakarta), Pembicara sesi (II) Dr. Dody Wyancoko (Dosen ITB Bandung), dan Pembicara sesi (III) Dr. I Wayan Kun Adnyana ISI Denpasar. Seminar nasional akan diarahkan untuk mengembangkan “cara berpikir” dari berbagai aspek dalam studi seni rupa dan desain, termasuk media rekam untuk penciptaan suatu karya. Panitia penyelenggara mewakili institusi FSRD-ISI Denpasar yang menjadi tuan rumah seminar nasional, mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas partisi- pasi para akademisi dan para pemerhati seni rupa Indonesia seperti: Seni Lukis, Seni Patung, Produk Kriya, Desain Interior, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fotografi, Desain Mode, Film dan Televisi kemudian mempresentasikan dalam seminar nasional ini. Adapun bentuk sub tema: 1). Eksplorasi Seni Rupa Nusantara; 2). Keragaman Seni Rupa Nusantara, 3). Peluang studi dan penelitian; 4). Konsep dan filosofi Seni Rupa Nusantara. Dengan kerendahan hati panitia men- gucapkan selamat berseminar, terutama kepada peserta utusan dari; Universitas Negeri Malang (UNM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) Bandung, Uni- versitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universita Mahasaraswati (UNMAS) Denpasar, Universitas Bunda Mulia Jakarta, dan Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar. Dengan penuh harapan, bahwa kegiatan seminar nasional ini dapat terselenggara den- gan sukses membawa pengalaman baru serta persahabatan abadi. Atas nama panitia, tidak lupa kami mengucapkan mohon maaf apabila ada pelayanan yang kurang memuaskan dan mungkin dilain waktu bisa lebih baik lagi penyelenggaraannya. Salam seni dan budaya. Om Santih Santih Santih O