34 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic myomectomy for treatment of leiomyoma of uterus

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    Catedra de obstetrică şi ginecologie nr.1, Universitatea Națională de Medicină, Odessa, Ucraina, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Apariția şi dezvoltarea leiomiomului uterin de tip proliferativ depinde de fundalul premorbid. Sindromul uterului operat se manifestă clinic prin dureri pelviene, disconfort la urinare şi defecație. Utilizarea miomectomiei laparoscopice reduce riscul acestor complicații. Scopul: Studierea caracteristicilor perioadei postoperatorii la femeile supuse miomectomiei conservative deschise şi laparoscopice. Material şi metode: Studiul a inclus 50 femei de vîrstă reproductivă cu leiomiom uterin tip proliferativ şi alele polimorfe de tip II colagen alfa I (COL2AI) care au suportat miomectomie conservativă. Grupul de control a fost constituit din 19 femei supuse miomectomiei conservative prin laparotomie Pfannenstiel, grupul de studiu – 31 femei la care miomectomia conservativă a fost efectuată laparoscopic. Rezultate: S-a constatat că durerile pelviene, disconfortul la urinare şi defecație au fost observate la 35,5% femei din grupul de studiu şi la 68,4% - din grupul de control. Metroragia, menoragia, tuberculoza a fost notată în 89,4%, 68,4%, 57,9% la pacientele din grupul de control, respectiv, şi la 45,2%, 29,0%, 25,8% - din grupul de studiu. Boli inflamatorii ale organelor pelviene: salpingită, colpită, cervicită sunt identificate în 94,7%, 52,6% și 47,4% dintre pacientele din grupul de control, respectiv, şi în 32,3%, 22,6% și 22,6% - în grupul de studiu. Hiperplazia endometrială glandulară în perioada postoperatorie a apărut la 47,4% femei din grupul de control şi la 16,1% - în grupul de studiu. Concluzie: Determinarea variațiilor alelelor genelor de colagen justifică stabilizarea metabolismului țesutului conjunctiv. Perioada postoperatorie mai favorabilă notată la femeile cu tipul polimorf al aleleor II colagen alfa I, după miomectomie conservativă laparoscopică, mărturiseşte despre avantajul acesteia.Introduction: The emergence and development of uterine leiomyoma proliferative type depends on the premorbid background. Developing syndrome of operated uterus clinically manifested by pelvic pain, discomfort at urinating and defecation. The use of laparoscopic myomectomy reduces the risk of these complications. The aim: A study of the clinical features of postoperative period in women undergoing open and laparoscopic conservative myomectomy. Material and methods: The study involved 50 women of reproductive age with diagnosed uterine leiomyoma proliferative type and polymorphic alleles type II collagen alpha I (COL2AI) who underwent conservative myomectomy. The control group consisted of 19 women who had conservative myomectomy performed by Pfannenstiel laparotomy, main group – 31 women in whom conservative myomectomy performed laparoscopically. Results: It was found that pelvic pain, discomfort at urinating, defication was observed in 35.5% women of the main group and in 68.4% women in the control group. Metrorrhagia, menorrhagia, tuberculosis was characterized in 89.4%, 68.4%, 57.9% of patients in the control group, respectively, and in 45.2%, 29.0%, 25.8% - in the main. Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs: salpingitis, colpitis, cervicitis identified in 94.7%, 52.6%, 47.4% of patients in the control group, respectively, and 32.3%, 22.6%, 22.6% - in main group. Glandular endometrial hyperplasia in the postoperative period occurred in 47.4% of cases in the control group and 16.1% in the main. Conclusion: Identify options for alleles of genes of collagen justifies conducting stabilization connective tissue metabolism. More favorable postoperative period in women with polymorphic alleles type II collagen alpha I, underwent laparoscopic myomectomy conservative, testifies to its advantage

    Novel technological possibilities for growth of GaAs autoepitaxial films, and properties of Gunn diodes made on their basis

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    The n⁺-n-n⁺-n⁺⁺-GaAs epitaxial structures were MBE-grown on porous nanostructured and traditional (standard) heavily doped n⁺⁺-GaAs substrates. On their basis, we fabricated the Gunn diodes generating power output in the 44−59 GHz (first harmonic) and 101−104 GHz (second harmonic) frequency ranges. For both harmonics, the power output of the Gunn diodes grown on porous substrates was shown to be from 20 to 30 % higher than those grown on the flat ones

    100 MeV/100 kW accelerator adjustment for the NSC KIPT Neutron Source physical start up

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    The NSC KIPT SCA Neutron Source uses 100 MeV/100 kW electron linear accelerator as a driver for the generation of the initial neutrons. The individual State tests of the accelerator were successfully carried out in July 2018 and pilot operation of the accelerator was started in autumn 2018. Since then the following were carried out: preparation and providing of the SCA Neutron Source State Integrating tests, adjustment and improvement of the accelerator technological system performance, optimization of the electron beam parameters, preparation to the SCA Neutron Source physical start up. The main results of the accelerator operation and methods of performance im-prove are described in the paper.Джерело нейтронів ННЦ ХФТІ використовує 100 MeВ/100 кВт електронний лінійний прискорювач як драйвер для генерації первинних нейтронів. У липні 2018 року індивідуальні випробування технологічних систем прискорювача були успішно проведені, і восени 2018 року було почато експериментальну експлуатацію прискорювача. З того часу було зроблено наступне: підготовлені та проведені державні комплексні випробування підкритичної установки – джерела нейтронів ННЦ ХФТІ, налагоджено та поліпшено функціонування технологічних систем прискорювача, оптимізовано параметри електронного пучка, прискорювач було підготовлено для проведення фізичного пуску. Найважливіші результати експериментальної експлуатації прискорювача та методи поліпшення роботи технологічних систем прискорювача представлено у статті.Источник нейтронов ННЦ ХФТИ использует 100 MэВ/100 кВт электронный линейный ускоритель как драйвер для генерации первичных нейтронов. В июле 2018 года индивидуальные испытания технологических систем ускорителя были успешно проведены, и осенью 2018 года была начата опытная эксплуатация ускорителя. С того времени было сделано следующее: подготовлены и проведены государственные комплексные испытания подкритической установки – источника нейтронов ННЦ ХФТИ, налажено и улучшено функционирование технологических систем ускорителя, оптимизированы параметры электронного пучка, ускоритель был подготовлен для проведения физического запуска. Наиболее важные результаты опытной эксплуатации ускорителя и методы улучшения работы технологических систем ускорителя представлены в статье


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    As a result of the carried-out theoretical analysis is shown, that phenomenology enables to establish history-logic, the reason sequence, functional, remedial, substantial, and other aspects of interrelation of education and culture, which is the basis for modeling a multicultural orientation of education. In view of this the cultural model of high education in a context of culture includes the following conditions: openness of education to the future; integration of all ways of development by the man of the world; development and inclusion in processes of education of performances about integrity of the man, nature, society; personality-guided multicultural orientation of education; organization educational process on ideas of cooperation. It is the basic and important moment in the development of the modern cultural concept of education


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    Conceptual foundations of management of infrastructure of support for small entrepreneurship

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    The article views the issues of development of conceptual frameworks of management of infrastructure of small entrepreneurship. As a result of the conducted research, the subject and object of management, as well as the forms of management functions of managerial influence are clarified; the proprietary vision of the principles of management of infrastructure of support for small entrepreneurship is given. The article also describes approaches to description of measures for support for small and medium enterprises, evaluation of effectiveness of realization of the concept, and direction of its further development. Special attention is paid to perfecting the legal base, regulating cash operations by subjects of SME, provision of access by subjects of SME to state and municipal purchases and investment resources for subjects of SME, and development of the system of micro-financing. The authors substantiate that it is necessary to distinguish two notions: “forms of management” and “methods of management”. Methods of management are viewed in the article as an important legal means which is a totality of means and methods used by state authorities and their official bodies within limits, set by the law, in order to perform management and administrative influence as to certain persons and objects. At that, form of management is certain external manifestation of managerial actions (management), performed by state authorities (of federal and regional level) and by local authorities. The authors substantiate that general functions of managing socio-economic systems have remained unchanged over several recent years. However, the number and content of functions of the system of management of infrastructure of support for small entrepreneurship will differ a little, as, according to its content, it is referred to the level of socio-economic management. © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved

    Parametric interaction in the Terfenol-D based magnetostrictive composite and nickel ferrite

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    The parametric interaction between electomagnetic pumping field and magnetoelastic oscillations in the Terfenol-D based composite has been studied. An original high-sensitivity expiremental technique to study the pulse pumping influence on the decay of magnetoelastic oscillations in the sub-threshold parametric mode in described. The results obtained for the Terfenol-D based composite are compared with data for the polycrystalline nickel ferrite

    Conceptual foundations of management of infrastructure of support for small entrepreneurship

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    The article views the issues of development of conceptual frameworks of management of infrastructure of small entrepreneurship. As a result of the conducted research, the subject and object of management, as well as the forms of management functions of managerial influence are clarified; the proprietary vision of the principles of management of infrastructure of support for small entrepreneurship is given. The article also describes approaches to description of measures for support for small and medium enterprises, evaluation of effectiveness of realization of the concept, and direction of its further development. Special attention is paid to perfecting the legal base, regulating cash operations by subjects of SME, provision of access by subjects of SME to state and municipal purchases and investment resources for subjects of SME, and development of the system of micro-financing. The authors substantiate that it is necessary to distinguish two notions: “forms of management” and “methods of management”. Methods of management are viewed in the article as an important legal means which is a totality of means and methods used by state authorities and their official bodies within limits, set by the law, in order to perform management and administrative influence as to certain persons and objects. At that, form of management is certain external manifestation of managerial actions (management), performed by state authorities (of federal and regional level) and by local authorities. The authors substantiate that general functions of managing socio-economic systems have remained unchanged over several recent years. However, the number and content of functions of the system of management of infrastructure of support for small entrepreneurship will differ a little, as, according to its content, it is referred to the level of socio-economic management. © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved