214 research outputs found

    The History of Coffee and its Concurrent Marketing Strategies

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    This thesis explores how the advertising of coffee has evolved over the past three centuries by comparing the timing of historical events with their concurrent coffee advertisements and the corresponding popularity of coffee and its evolving variations. I have conducted primary research by analyzing coffee advertisements in newspapers, commercials, magazines, and on social media. I have used this research to determine when companies initiated different approaches in order to advertise their coffee. Additionally, I discuss how work culture played a role in the methods coffee producers and companies used to reach their consumers. More specifically, I have identified five different categories that demonstrate the overall appeal of coffee and have correlated them with American historical events and the culture of those particular times. By doing this, I have drawn conclusions about how advertisements have helped coffee to become America’s acceptable addiction

    Issue in Forest Restoration: Communications between Forest Managers and Property Owners in Pine Flats, Arizona: A Case Study of Community Interactions in a High Fire Hazard Area

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    The wildland-urban interface presents a number of challenges for forest managers, particularly in the context of fire-prone ecosystems. Forest restoration and fire protection needs can conflict with the very reasons people have for moving to forested settings. Homeowners often believe that public agencies, rather than the homeowners themselves, should bear the responsibility for fire protection.1 However, effective communication and education can increase homeowners acceptability of fuel treatments and encourage them to take personal action.2 Conversely, poor communication can lead to feelings of mistrust, frustration, and homeowner reluctance to take personal action

    The Balk Stops Here: Standards for the Justiciability of Gerrymandering in the Coming Age of Artificial Intelligence

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    At the time of this writing, the Supreme Court seems to have abandoned establishing an objective test for drawing nonpartisan districts altogether—leaving this task largely to state-level courts and legislatures in the aftermath of Rucho v. Common Cause.1 Many have seen this deferment to the states as the latest in a series of unsatisfactory ‘balks,’ and have openly wondered what redistricting laws will look like in the next several years as a result of the Court’s general refusal to intervene in this area outside of Voting Rights Act2 litigation. This paper will argue that there is at least one foreseeable outcome— that (in the absence of mathematically rigorous legal standards for gerrymandering) state-level redistricting processes will be left vulnerable to abuse through the use of sophisticated artificial intelligence platforms. To make this argument, the paper will first provide a brief and beginner-friendly primer on the basics of AI and machine learning. Then it will detail how AI is uniquely suited to perpetrate gerrymanders in ways that computer systems would not have been able to during the 2010 redistricting cycle. Finally, it will conclude with a policy recommendation—that the only reliable way to forestall gerrymandering in the age of AI is to employ a form of fully-automatic redistricting, or a novel semi-automatic redistricting process I will call the “Rawlsian Default.

    Line plotting program using DI-3000/Grafmaker routines

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    A line plotting program has been developed using the DI-3000 graphics libraries and incorporates Grafmaker subroutines. The program allows multiple lines on a frame and multiple frames per run. Options such as automatic scaling, linear or single-cycle log graphs, and plot text such as titles, legends and axis labels are incorporated in the program. Greek and other fonts can be used in the plot text as well as upper and lower case text. Plot inputs are specified through a control file. The program also allows display of multiple independent data sets on a single graph

    Monomakhian veterum Hyperboreorum, cum pace celeberrimorum ad Aoram philosophorum, et ope admodum reverendi domini, Torstani Rudeen, poës. prof. amplissimi, in auditorio Aboënsi. Die 27 Octob. anni 1703. ad honores magisterii iturus, disputandam dat Johannes Tålpo S. f.

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    Invokaatio: Quod bene vertat!Dedikaatio: Johannes Rungius.Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, A-B4 C3.Painovuosi nimekkeestä.Nimekkeessä on kreikkaa

    tritrophic interactions among larval western corn rootworm, Bt corn and entomopathogens

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    The western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a major soil-borne pest of corn Zea mays L. in both the United States and Europe, where larval feeding on corn roots can cause severe economic losses. Two factors that can affect survival of larval D. v. virgifera are natural populations of soil-dwelling entomopathogens and transgenic corn, Zea mays L., expressing genes from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt). During the fall of 2008 and 2009, we measured incidence of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes in corn fields that displayed a high abundance of D. v. virgifera by exposing three insect species: D. v. virgifera, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to field soil. Entomopathogenic activity of select field isolated nematode strains and fungal isolates was tested in follow up laboratory bioassays. We conducted laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments to examine the effects of Bt corn (producing Cry34Ab1/35Ab1) and isoline (non-Bt) corn on behavior, survival, and development of larval D. v. virgifera. We also tested effects of soil entomopathogens on D. v. virgifera development in the presence of Bt and isoline corn. We report a high prevalence of naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in corn fields and nematodes were present, but at lower abundance than fungi. Of the entomopathogens observed, M. anisopliae appears to have the greatest potential to control D. v. virgifera in temperate cornfields, as follow up bioassays showed that select field isolates were more efficacious against D. v. virgifera larvae than a standard commercial isolate. Results from laboratory feeding experiments indicated that larvae prefer to feed on isoline corn more than Bt corn. In a greenhouse experiment, larval survival at 17 days did not differ significantly among isoline corn, Bt corn and a blend of the two. However, larval development was hindered on Bt corn compared to either isoline or a blend. Additionally, later instar larvae on isoline corn had lower survival at high concentrations of entomopathogenic nematodes. In a field experiment that tested larval survival and movement, the number of larvae recovered was higher from isoline than from Bt corn, and recovery decreased as distance from the infested plant increased. These data suggest that Bt corn influences larval movement and development, which can influence the efficacy of entomopathogens against D. v. virgifera larvae

    Handbook for Parents: How to Improve your Children\u27s Reading (Ages 9-12)

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    From this writer\u27s classroom experience, children\u27s reading achievement improves when there is cooperation between teachers and parents. This author felt that a handbook should be developed to help guide them in improving their children\u27s reading. The purpose of this project is to create a handbook which develops comprehension and vocabulary skills. Increased parental involvement in home reading with children will help the children to read better to enjoy it. Parents have powerful influence on their children in developing reading interests. This paper deals with parental participation in improving children\u27s reading from age pre-kindergarten to twelve. The handbook deals with the same topic but only for ages nine to twelve

    De parabolis, benedicente Deo! Veniâ ampl. sen. philos. sub praesidio viri admodum reverendi celeberrimique dn. Torst. Rudeen, poës. prof. ord. Tirocinium hoc academicum publico examini modeste defert Michael Jesenhaus. M. f. Ost. Bothn. Loco horisque suetis, d. XVI. Cal. Jan. MDCCV.

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    Dedikaatio: Johannes Gezelius, Georgius Biugg, Israel Alftanus, Martinus Gallus, Samuel Backman, Martinus Rivelius, Bartholdus Vaehl, Ericus Wallenius, Jacobus Hildeen, Michael Gavelius, Johannes Gabrielis.Gratulaatio: Petrus Hahn, Torst. Rudeen, Benedictus Granroot, Nicolaus Berger, Johannes Röring, Johannes Lauraeus, O. f.Painovuosi nimekkeestä.Arkit: 4 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, A-E4

    Oncogenic Serine 45-Deleted β-Catenin Remains Susceptible to Wnt Stimulation and APC Regulation in Human Colonocytes

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    The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is deregulated in nearly all colorectal cancers (CRCs), predominantly through mutation of the tumor suppressor Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC). APC mutation is thought to allow a “just-right” amount of Wnt pathway activation by fine-tuning β-catenin levels. While at a much lower frequency, mutations that result in a β-catenin that is compromised for degradation occur in a subset of human CRCs. Here, we investigate whether one such “stabilized” β-catenin responds to regulatory stimuli, thus allowing β-catenin levels conducive for tumor formation. We utilize cells harboring a single mutant allele encoding Ser45-deleted β-catenin (β-catΔS45) to test the effects of Wnt3a treatment or APC-depletion on β-catΔS45 regulation and activity. We find that APC and β-catΔS45 retain interaction with Wnt receptors. Unexpectedly, β-catΔS45 accumulates and activates TOPflash reporter upon Wnt treatment or APC-depletion, but only accumulates in the nucleus upon APC loss. Finally, we find that β-catenin phosphorylation at GSK-3β sites and proteasomal degradation continue to occur in the absence of Ser45. Our results expand the current understanding of Wnt/β-catenin signaling and provide an example of a β-catenin mutation that maintains some ability to respond to Wnt, a possible key to establishing β-catenin activity that is “just-right” for tumorigenesis


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