73 research outputs found

    Search for shower's duplicates at the IAU MDC. Methods and general results

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    Observers submit both new and known meteor shower parameters to the database of the IAU Meteor Data Center (MDC). It may happen that a new observation of an already known meteor shower is submitted as a discovery of a new shower. Then, a duplicate shower appears in the MDC. On the other hand, the observers may provide data which, in their opinion, is another set of parameters of an already existing shower. However, if this is not true, we can talk about a shower that is a false-duplicate of a known meteor shower. We aim to develop a method for objective detection of duplicates among meteor showers and apply it to the MDC. The method will also enable us to verify whether various sets of parameters of the same shower are compatible and, thus, reveal the false-duplicates. We suggest two methods based on cluster analyses and two similarity functions among geocentric and heliocentric shower parameters collected in the MDC. 8 new showers represented by two or more parameter sets were discovered. 31 times there was full agreement between our results and those reported in the MDC. 23 times the same duplicates as given in the MDC, were found only by one method. We found 27 multi-solution showers for which the number of the same duplicates found by both method is close to the corresponding number in the MDC database. However for 60 multi-solution showers listed in the MDC no duplicates were found by any of the applied methods. The obtained results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach of identifying duplicates. We have shown that in order to detect and verify duplicate meteor showers, it is possible to apply the objective proposal instead of the subjective approach used so far

    Showers with both northern and southern solutions

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    Meteoroids of a low-inclination stream hit the Earth arriving from a direction near the ecliptic. The radiant area of stream like this is often divided into two parts: one is situated northward and the other southward of the ecliptic. In other words, two showers are caused by such a stream. Well-known examples of such showers are the Northern Taurids, #17, and Southern Taurids, #2, or the Northern δ\delta-Aquariids, #26, and Southern δ\delta-Aquariids, #5. While the meteoroids of the northern shower collide with the Earth in the descending node, those of the southern shower collide with our planet in the ascending node of their orbits. Because of this circumstance and tradition, the northern and southern showers must be distinguished. Unfortunately, this is not always the case with meteor showers listed in the IAU Meteor Data Center (MDC). For the same shower, some authors reported a set of its mean parameters corresponding to the northern shower and other authors to the southern shower. We found eleven such cases in the MDC. In this paper, we propose corrections of these mis-identifications.Comment: Submitted: Planetary and Space Scienc

    New Nomenclature Rules for Meteor Showers Adopted

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    The Shower Database (SD) of the Meteor Data Center (MDC) had been operating on the basis of stream-naming rules which were too complex and insufficiently precise for 15 years. With a gradual increase in the number of discovered meteor showers, the procedure for submitting new showers to the database and naming them lead to situations that were inconsistent with the fundamental role of the SD - the disambiguation of stream names in the scientific literature. Our aim is to simplify the meteor shower nomenclature rules. We propose a much simpler set of meteor shower nomenclature rules, based on a two-stage approach, similar to those used in the case of asteroids. The first stage applies to a new shower just after its discovery. The second stage concerns the repeatedly observed shower, the existence of which no longer raises any doubts. Our proposed new procedure was approved by a vote of the commission F1 of the IAU in July 2022.Comment: Submitted to: New Astronomy Review

    Modification of the Shower Database of the IAU Meteor Data Center

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    The Shower Database (SD) of the Meteor Data Center (MDC) has been operating for 15 years and is used by the entire community of meteor astronomers. It contains meteor showers categorised in individual lists on the basis of their status. Since the inception of the SD, no objective rules for moving showers between individual lists have been established. The content of the SD has not yet been checked for the correctness of the meteor data contained therein. Our aims are (1) to formulate criteria for nominating meteor showers for established status, (2) to improve the rules for the removal of showers, (3) to verify and enhance the content of the SD, and (4) to improve the user area of the MDC SD. The criteria for moving showers from the Working list to the Lists of established or removed Showers were generated using an empirical evaluation of their impact on the registered showers. The correctness of the parameters of each stream included in the SD was checked by comparing them with the values given in the source publications. We developed a set of criteria for nominating showers to be established. We objectified rules for the temporary and permanent removal of meteor showers from the Working list. Both of our proposed new procedures were approved by a vote of the commission F1 of the IAU in July 2022. We verified more than 13501350 data records of the MDC SD and introduced \sim1700 corrections. We included new parameters for shower characterisation. As a result of our verification procedure, 117 showers have been moved to the List of removed showers. As of October 2022, the SD contains 923 showers, 110 of which are in the List of established Showers and 813 are in the Working list. We also improved the user area of the SD and added a simple tool to allow a quick check of the similarity of a new shower to those in the database