207 research outputs found

    On Relativistic Generalization of Perelman's W-entropy and Statistical Thermodynamic Description of Gravitational Fields

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    Using double 2+2 and 3+1 nonholonomic fibrations on Lorentz manifolds, we extend the concept of W-entropy for gravitational fields in the general relativity, GR, theory. Such F- and W-functionals were introduced in the Ricci flow theory of three dimensional, 3-d, Riemannian metrics by G. Perelman, arXiv: math.DG/0211159. Nonrelativistic 3-d Ricci flows are characterized by associated statistical thermodynamical values determined by W--entropy. Generalizations for geometric flows of 4-d pseudo-Riemannian metrics are considered for models with local thermodynamical equilibrium and separation of dissipative and non-dissipative processes in relativistic hydrodynamics. The approach is elaborated in the framework of classical filed theories (relativistic continuum and hydrodynamic models) without an underlying kinetic description which will be elaborated in other works. The 3+1 splitting allows us to provide a general relativistic definition of gravitational entropy in the Lyapunov-Perelman sense. It increases monotonically as structure forms in the Universe. We can formulate a thermodynamic description of exact solutions in GR depending, in general, on all spacetime coordinates. A corresponding 2+2 splitting with nonholonomic deformation of linear connection and frame structures is necessary for generating in very general form various classes of exact solutions of the Einstein and general relativistic geometric flow equations. Finally, we speculate on physical macrostates and microstate interpretations of the W-entropy in GR, geometric flow theories and possible connections to string theory (a second unsolved problem also contained in Perelman's works) in the Polyakov's approach.Comment: latex2e, v4 is an accepted to EPJC substantial extension of a former letter type paper on 10 pages to a research article on 41 pages; a new author added, the paper's title and permanent and visiting affiliations were correspondingly modified; and new results, conclusions and references are provide

    An overview of helminths of the European fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina (Amphi-bia, Anura) in the Volga River Basin

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    The helminthofauna of Bombina bombina (Linnaeus, 1761) has been studied to an unequal degree in different parts of the habitat. Thus, it has been studied in more detail in the west of its range (in the countries of central and eastern Europe) and in less detail in the center (in Belarus and Ukraine). There were few data on helminths of this host in the east of its range (in Russia). For the first time, an inventory of the helminthofauna in B. bombina was carried out for populations in the Volga River Basin. The results of our own research are presented and supplemented with information from other authors. We summarized scattered data on helminths from 390 specimens of amphibians collected over more than 40 years in the territory of five regions: Kaluga and Samara regions, the Republics of Mordovia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. The helminthofauna includes 21 species from three classes: Trematoda (15), Chromadorea (5) and Clitellata (1). For each species, we give the systematic position, localization, places of detection, geographical distribution and characteristics of the life cycle. The leech Helobdella stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758) was first recorded in the European fire-bellied toad in Europe. Four species of trematodes are new to this amphibian species in Russia: Haematoloechus abbreviatus (Bychowsky, 1932), Paralepoderma cloacicola (Luhe, 1909), larvae, Tylodelphys excavata (Rudolphi, 1803), larvae and Astiotrema monticelli (Stossich, 1904), larvae. Another species of trematode – Strigea strigis (Schrank, 1788), larvae – was first recorded in this host within the boundaries of the Volga Basin. A specific parasite is the trematode Haematoloechus abbreviatus (Bychowsky, 1932). The number and composition of the species of helminths of the European fire-bellied toad vary in different regions; the structure of the helminth fauna is generally stable and includes three groups of species: adult and larval stages of trematodes, adult nematodes-geohelminths. The results of the study create a database for further population studies and contribute to the development of ideas about the distribution and formation of the amphibian helminth fauna in Europe, Russia and the Volga Basin

    Some aspects of vertical distribution of Aculeata (Hymenoptera, Insecta) in glades within forest ecosystems (temperate forests as an example)

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    The vertical distribution and seasonal abundance of Aculeata in glades in temperate forests of central European Russia was investigated. It was shown that the total number increased at a height of 6 and 8 m and decreased at a height of 2 m. At the same time, the species diversity of this group did not differ at different heights. Beer traps were dominated by social wasps from the family Vespidae, dominated by Vespa crabro and Vespula vulgaris. The subdominants were Dolichovespula media and Polistes nimpha. The maximum abundance of Vespa crabro was obtained at a height of 6 m, and Vespula vulgaris at a height of 8 m. Polistes nympha predominated in abundance at a height of 2 and 4 m, and the abundance of Dolichovespula media was higher at a height of 8 and 10 m. The seasonal rhythm of abundance included a minimum in June and reached a maximum in July and August. It did not differ at different heights

    Seasonal dynamics of Diptera in individual biotopes in the center of the European part of Russia

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    In a changing climate, phenological observations are gaining new importance. They can tell what changes are taking place in certain environmental conditions. The studies were conducted in 2019 within the territory of the Republic of Mordovia (the center of the European part of Russia). Beer traps (beer as a bait) were used to collect Diptera. The material was collected in the period from April to October in different forest biotopes (pine forest, lime forest, aspen forest, birch forest and oak forest) and the air temperature was recorded at the same time. In total, more than 14.000 specimens of Diptera were recorded. Overall, 29 families were recorded. The largest number of families was observed for birch (23 families) and pine (24 families) forests, the smallest number – in aspen forest (16 families). The families Muscidae, Drosophilidae, Calliphoridae had the largest number of captured individuals (44.5%, 35.2%, 7.6% of the total number of individuals respectively). The highest number of individuals was captured in oak forest. The dynamics of abundance in all biotopes were similar and were characterized by the same number of declines and rises. The first small significant peak in the number of Diptera occurred in the first half of summer. A slight increase in the number of specimenÑ– occurred in mid-June. In the second half of September, there was a gradual increase in the number and the maximum peak was recorded in mid-October, then there was a decline. The autumn increase in the number of Diptera in all five biotopes exceeded the summer peak by several times. This dynamic was typical for most families. However, species from the family Lonchaeidae had the peak in July. For our better understanding of the changes in the seasonal dynamics of the number of Diptera, long-term observations in different climatic zones are needed

    The contemporary public place normative and spatial implications of cyberspace on the architecture of the public realm

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    Department: Architecture

    Dermatological disorders during pregnancy: a study from tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Various types of physiological and pathological mucocutaneous changes are commonly observed during pregnancy. Infectious, non-infectious and pregnancy specific dermatoses are seen during pregnancy. This study was carried out with an aim of studying association of various dermatosis with pregnancy and to find out incidence of pregnancy specific dermatoses v/s non-specific dermatosis.Methods: Total 131 pregnant female presenting with complain of skin lesions were included in study. Detail examination and necessary investigations were carried out to diagnose type of skin disease.Results: Out of 131 patients, only 11(8.4%) patients presented with pregnancy specific dermatoses while rest 120 (91.6%) presented with pregnancy non-specific dermatoses. Among pregnancy non-specific dermatoses, non-infectious conditions were found in 48.1% and 43.5% presented with infectious dermatoses. Most common infectious dermatoses was herpes labialis while most common non-infectious dermatosis was pruritus. Conclusions: Pregnancy specific dermatoses are rare and require vigilant eye to recognize them while wide variety of pregnancy non-specific dermatoses are commonly encountered and require prompt diagnosis and treatment for uneventful pregnancy outcome

    Seasonal activity of Coleoptera attracted by fermental crown traps in forest ecosystems of Central Russia

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    The seasonal activity of Coleoptera was studied using fermental crown traps. The study was conducted from April to October 2019 in five forest biotopes (aspen, lime, pine, birch and oak) in the territory of the Mordovia State Nature Reserve (Russia, Republic of Mordovia). Eighty-three species are found from 31 families. Cerambycidae (13 species), Nitidulidae (11 species) and Curculionidae (9 species) had the greatest species diversity. A significant part of the identified taxa (57 species from 23 families) can be attributed to saproxylic beetles. The peak abundance of Coleoptera in four biotopes (aspen, lime, pine and birch forests) was in mid-May; in an oak forest, it was at the beginning of June. Seven species seasonal activity was monitored (Cryptarcha strigata, Glischrochilus hortensis, Glischrochilus grandis, Cychramus luteus, Soronia grisea, Protaetia marmorata and Anisandrus dispar)

    Number of different insecta groups and its dynamics on burned areas after megafires (second year of study)

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    The paper describes the results of studying the insect fauna after the megafires of 2021. Studied of 30,721 individuals from 10 insect orders were obtained for study in 2023, the second year after the megafires. We have established that in the traps were dominated by taxa from the orders Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, and Hymenoptera. It is shown that the remaining orders were relatively few in number and occurred as single specimens. It is noted that the number of species belonging to the orders Heteroptera, Neuroptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Mecoptera, and Trichoptera increased in 2023 in comparison to the previous year. As a result of this the number of individuals of the Heteroptera (4.8 times), the Neuroptera (3.2 times), and the Lepidoptera (2.0 times) increased significantly in the second year after megafires. It is shown that the seasonal dynamics was characterized by the configuration observed in insects native to temperate zones, with a single maximum observed in either July or August
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