9 research outputs found

    Sustainable Consumption Behaviour in Colombia: An Exploratory Analysis

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    Sustainable consumption has positioned itself as an alternative for economic growth and social development because of its ability to deal with the future scarcity of natural resources and the prevention and mitigation of climate change, among other things. In this sense, the role of the consumer is preponderant, due to the fact their consumption behaviour has a direct effect on the environment; hence the importance of analysing their habits from different perspectives and social realities. Accordingly, the aim of this work is to explore the low-impact sustainable consumption behaviour in Colombia and the convergence and divergence of this type of consumer behaviour in the country. To achieve this, an exploratory, quantitative, and transversal methodology was used. The latter was based on a sample of 393 consumers to whom a self-report scale was applied in order to evaluate behaviours linked to quality of life, care for the environment, and resources for future generations. With the data collected, the following step to follow was to identify how consumers are grouped (hierarchical cluster analysis), what the differences are (single-factor ANOVA), the behaviours (descriptive statistics), as well as the relationship among them (Pearson correlation statistics). Results show that there are two consumer profiles with different levels of awareness of sustainable consumption behaviour. The principal outcome of the study was that Colombian consumers have embraced the behaviour of quality of life and resources for future generations; however, those consumers related to environmental care have been less involved, especially due to the influence of economic variables as such the cost of products and speculation in the prices of environmentally friendly products

    Formulation of the public policy of sport and physical activity, from a participatory approach in a Colombian municipality

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    Introducción: el desarrollo constitucional y legal ha favorecido la participación de la ciudadanía en la formulación de políticas públicas. Sin embargo, el rol de los grupos de interés en contextos específicos es limitado, en especial, en el sector del deporte y la actividad física, por tanto, se desconocen sus etapas de formulación, desde lo local, debido al predominio de investigaciones desde lo nacional y la falta de una visión “bottom-up”. Objetivo general: describir la formulación de la política pública del deporte y la actividad física desde el enfoque participativo en un municipio colombiano. Materiales y métodos: se desarrolló una metodología cualitativa, teniendo como muestra un municipio colombiano. Resultados y discusión: se evidenció que con participación de los grupos de interés es factible formular una política pública para el sector que resuelva las problemáticas de una comunidad. Conclusión: para plantear alternativas de solución, es necesario tener en cuenta el enfoque y principio de participación activa de los grupos de interés del sector.Introduction: The constitutional and legal development has favored the participation of citizens in the formulation of public policies. However, the role of stakeholders in specific contexts is limited, especially in the sport and physical activity sector, therefore, their formulation stages are unknown, from the local level, due to the predominance of research from the national level and the lack of a "bottomup" vision. Objective: To describe the formulation of public policy on sport and physical activity from a participatory approach in a municipality of Colombia. Materials and methods: A qualitative methodology was developed, having as sample a municipality of Colombia. Results and discussion: It was shown that with the participation of stakeholders it is feasible to formulate a public policy for the sector that solves the problems of a community. Conclusion: In order to propose alternative solutions, it is necessary to take into account the approach and principle of active participation of the sector's stakeholdersIncluye referencias bibliográfica

    Art workers in Colombia: Characteristics, symbolic consumption and social identity

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    Purpose: To explore the characteristics of Art Workers in Colombia, expressed in terms of lifestyles and consumption practices, as well as the relationship between symbolic consumption and the social identity of the group. Design/methodology/approach: For this quantitative study, the instrument called "Lifestyles and consumption practices", designed by the Konrand Lorentz University Foundation, was applied along with the incorporation of two new sections which evaluate symbolic consumption and social identity. The sample was intentional and represented 160 people, 80 of them corresponding to the Art Workers category and the other 80 to the Non-Art Workers category (mirror sample). Findings: It is observed that Art Workers in Colombia represent a social group with unique characteristics (lifestyles and consumption practices) looking for symbols in the products which allow them to relate to their counterparts in order to strengthen their sense of belonging to the social group. Originality/Value: This work contributes the literature of marketing with a new perspective of the Art Workers which separates them from their role as instruments of advertising strategies by linking them as consumers.Incluye referencias bibliográfica

    Symbolic consumption as a non-traditional predictor of brand loyalty in the sports industry, football club segment

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    Brand loyalty is one of the main objectives of marketing, due to its impact on the sustainability of organisations; however, the explanation of how this type of loyalty is built in the sports industry is complex, due to the way it is organised. Traditionally, brand loyalty in this industry has been explained by satisfaction, service quality, commitment and trust, thus other variables that have been analysed from the marketing field have not been included in the models developed for the sports industry. The aim of this article was to explore the relationship between symbolic consumption as a non-traditional predictor of brand loyalty in the sports industry, more specifically in the football club segment. For this purpose, a quantitative cross-sectional study was defined, with a non-probabilistic sampling. To test the proposed relationship, modelling by means of partial least squares structural equations was chosen. The results showed that symbolic consumption is positively related to brand loyalty in the sports industry in the football club segment, with a large effect size. This study becomes a starting point for scholars who wish to further explore the relationship between symbolic consumption and brand loyalty in the context of sport. Likewise, for marketing professionals in the sports industry, it suggests the importance of symbolic consumption for the design of strategies that enable the creation of brand loyalty in consumers in the case of football clubs. In this sense, marketing professionals should seek to create advertising and promotional campaigns that appeal to strengthen the relationship of the sports consumer with their social groups based on the actual and ideal self-concept, as lifestyle

    Disinformation in Social Networks and Bots: Simulated Scenarios of Its Spread from System Dynamics

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    Social networks have become the scenario with the greatest potential for the circulation of disinformation, hence there is a growing interest in understanding how this type of information is spread, especially in relation to the mechanisms used by disinformation agents such as bots and trolls, among others. In this scenario, the potential of bots to facilitate the spread of disinformation is recognised, however, the analysis of how they do this is still in its initial stages. Taking into consideration what was previously stated, this paper aimed to model and simulate scenarios of disinformation propagation in social networks caused by bots based on the dynamics of this mechanism documented in the literature. For achieving the purpose, System dynamics was used as the main modelling technique. The results present a mathematical model, as far as disinformation by this mechanism is concerned, and the simulations carried out against the increase in the rate of activation and deactivation of bots. Thus, the preponderant role of social networks in controlling disinformation through this mechanism, and the potential of bots to affect citizens, is recognised

    Social networks, disinformation and diplomacy: a dynamic model for a current problem

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    Abstract The potential of social networks for the circulation of disinformation as a strategy of diplomacy has been of great interest to the academic community, but the way in which it is propagated and modelled is still in its beginnings. This article aimed to simulate the propagation of disinformation in social networks derived from the diplomacy strategy, based on the elements of the system. The main research question that was opened up was how do the elements of disinformation derived from the social media diplomacy strategy interact to affect a susceptible population? For the design of the simulation model, system dynamics was used as the main technique in the re-search methodology in conjunction with statistical analysis. Five computational simulations were run for the adoption methods of susceptible and uninformed population, misinformation techniques and echo chamber. The model developed found that the diplomacy disinformation agent is able to spread its message efficiently through the bot outreach mechanism and only a part of the susceptible population unsubscribes to the disinformation agent’s account. Significant differences were identified in the absence of paid outreach, bots and trolls in the propagation of information, and in the variation in the timing of disinformation propagation. Consequently, the developed model allows the understanding of the problem of disinformation as a strategy of diplomacy from international rather than local dynamics, as well as the effects of the use of each element in the system

    Governance and legitimacy in Colombian sports federations

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    Con base en la investigación que adelantó la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales y el Comité Olímpico Colombiano, se elaboró el presente artículo, en el que se determina el estado de la gobernanza y legitimidad de las federaciones deportivas colombianas. Los resultados evidencian la existencia de debilidades relacionadas con el desequilibrio de género, como también, sobre la solidaridad con atletas e instituciones de menor jerarquía; el estudio estableció la necesidad de estructurar la creación de un observatorio de buena gobernanza. La muestra estuvo determinada, por ocho federaciones deportivas colombianas, en una población total de 19, cuya participación está reflejada en dar a conocer a través de elementos puntuales como su página web, sus estatutos, sus planes de gobierno, entre otros, acciones indirectas que evidencian elementos de transparencia, democracia, separación de poderes y solidaridad, los cuales son fundamento de la buena gobernanza y la legitimidad. La investigación se centró en evaluar las federaciones deportivas nacionales, con base en un estudio adelantado por la organización internacional Play the Game que evalúo el estado de la gobernanza y la legitimidad de las federaciones deportivas internacionales, las cuales hacen parte del programa olímpico.Incluye referencias bibliográficas

    Gobernanza y legitimidad en las federaciones deportivas colombianas

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    This article was prepared based on the research carried out by the University of Applied and Environmental Sciences and the Colombian Olympic Committee, in which the state of governance and legitimacy of Colombian sports federations is determined. The results show the existence of weaknesses related to gender imbalance, as well as solidarity with athletes and lower-ranking institutions; the study established the need to structure the creation of a good governance observatory. The sample was taken from 8 federations out of a total of 19, in which their participation aims at the recognition of indirect actions that would present elements of transparency, democracy, separation of powers and democracy, through punctual elements such as their web page, statutes, government plans, among others; these to be shown as the basis of governance and legitimacy. The research focused on evaluating the national sports federations, based on a study carried out by the international organization Play the Game that evaluated the state of governance and the legitimacy of the international sports federations, which are part of the Olympic program.Con base en la investigación que adelantó la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales y el Comité Olímpico Colombiano, se elaboró el presente artículo, en el que se determina el estado de la gobernanza y legitimidad de las federaciones deportivas colombianas. Los resultados evidencian la existencia de debilidades relacionadas con el desequilibrio de género, como también, sobre la solidaridad con atletas e instituciones de menor jerarquía; el estudio estableció la necesidad de estructurar la creación de un observatorio de buena gobernanza. La muestra estuvo determinada, por ocho federaciones deportivas colombianas, en una población total de 19, cuya participación está reflejada en dar a conocer a través de elementos puntuales como su página web, sus estatutos, sus planes de gobierno, entre otros, acciones indirectas que evidencian elementos de transparencia, democracia, separación de poderes y solidaridad, los cuales son fundamento de la buena gobernanza y la legitimidad. La investigación se centró en evaluar las federaciones deportivas nacionales, con base en un estudio adelantado por la organización internacional Play the Game que evalúo el estado de la gobernanza y la legitimidad de las federaciones deportivas internacionales, las cuales hacen parte del programa olímpico

    The Constitutional Development of Social Risk: Recognition of the Profession of Sports Coach in Colombia

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    Introducción: El riesgo social se menciona de manera indeterminada en el artículo 26 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, en el marco de la exigencia de títulos de idoneidad para las ocupaciones, artes y oficios. Objetivo: Delimitar la definición, concepto y alcance del riesgo social, desde la perspectiva de algunas fuentes de derecho. Metodología: Corresponde a una investigación cualitativa y de reflexión crítica, que tiene como finalidad la generación de conocimiento en el ámbito del derecho constitucional específicamente sobre sobre el riesgo social en el marco del reconocimiento de la profesión de entrenador deportivo. Resultados: Dentro de los principales hallazgos se encuentra que, Colombia tardó más de una década en el proceso legislativo y de revisión constitucional para reconocer y reglamentar la profesión del entrenamiento deportivo, para eso requirió del trámite de dos proyectos de ley en el Congreso de la Republica; así mismo, de cuatro sentencias de la Corte Constitucional para resolver las objeciones del Gobierno Nacional. Conclusiones: El riesgo social debe ser de magnitud considerable, respecto de la capacidad para afectar el interés general y los derechos fundamentales; así mismo, ser susceptible de control sustantivo con la formación académica y tener como finalidad la prevención, para no producir efectos nocivos.Introduction: Social risk is mentioned indefinitely in article 26 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, within the framework of the requirement of qualifications of suitability for occupations, arts and crafts. Objective: To define the definition, concept and scope of social risk, from the perspective of some sources of law. Methodology: Corresponds to a qualitative research and critical reflection, which aims to generate knowledge in the field of constitutional law, specifically on social risk in the framework of recognition of the profession of sports coach. Results: Among the main findings is that, Colombia took more than a decade in the legislative and constitutional review process to recognize and regulate the profession of sports training, for that it required the processing of two bills in the Congress of the Republic; likewise, of four judgments of the Constitutional Court to resolve the objections of the National Government. Conclusions: The social risk must be of considerable magnitude, with respect to the capacity to affect the general interest and fundamental rights; likewise, be susceptible to substantive control with academic training and aim at prevention, so as not to produce harmful effects.Sin financiaciónNo data JCR 2020No data SJR 20200.321 IDR (2020) C3, 25/43 DeporteUE