81 research outputs found

    Proteoform-resolved profiling of plasminogen activation reveals novel abundant phosphorylation site and primary N-terminal cleavage site

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    Plasminogen (Plg), the zymogen of plasmin (Plm), is a glycoprotein involved in fibrinolysis and a wide variety of other physiological processes. Plg dysregulation has been implicated in a range of diseases. Classically, human Plg is categorized into two types, supposedly having different functional features, based on the presence (type I) or absence (type II) of a single N-linked glycan. Using high-resolution native mass spectrometry, we uncovered that the proteoform profiles of human Plg (and Plm) are substantially more extensive than this simple binary classification. In samples derived from human plasma, we identified up to 14 distinct proteoforms of Plg, including a novel highly stoichiometric phosphorylation site at Ser339. To elucidate the potential functional effects of these post-translational modifications, we performed proteoform-resolved kinetic analyses of the Plg-to-Plm conversion using several canonical activators. This conversion is thought to involve at least two independent cleavage events: one to remove the N-terminal peptide and another to release the active catalytic site. Our analyses reveal that these processes are not independent but are instead tightly regulated and occur in a step-wise manner. Notably, N-terminal cleavage at the canonical site (Lys77) does not occur directly from intact Plg. Instead, an activation intermediate corresponding to cleavage at Arg68 is initially produced, which only then is further processed to the canonical Lys77 product. Based on our results, we propose a refined categorization for human Plg proteoforms. In addition, we reveal that the proteoform profile of human Plg is more extensive than that of rat Plg, which lacks, for instance, the here-described phosphorylation at Ser339

    ガーネット、サマータウン、グローバル・イシューズ案内 : 英語教材のフィクション対ノンフィクション

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    For the sake of the Japanese learners of English who love reading, this paper introduces three different series of readers: Garnet Oracle Readers, Summertown Readers, and National Geographic's Global Issues. Garnet Oracle and Summertown are both so-called graded readers. The former are for highschool and university students who study English as a foreign or second language while the latter are written for business people who have to learn English as a lingua franca. Both are,however, original fictional stories, some of which are quite enjoyable and really worth reading. Peter Viney, Garnet's main author, can write a variety of genres: for example, Space Romance is a romantic sci-fi story in an impressive setting; A Tidy Ghost is a witty ghost story whose terror dramatically changes into sheer humor at the ending; but,above all,his Underground is highly recommended because of the unforgettable character Tommy, a mute elderly man who lives in the London underground, saving the protagonist in big trouble. Summertown's counterpart must be James Schofield. Although his amateurish suspense stories tend to be rather boring, his humorous stories such as Room Service and Double Trouble are readable with a lot of laughter. National Geographic's Global Issues may seem to be no comparison with these interesting stories since they are serious nonfiction pamphlets edited for American high school students. Despite the foreign language, Japanese students can also appreciate the discussed, grave environmental problems of our planet Earth where the population explosion has been causing disastrous situations. In a sense, fact is truly stranger than fiction. So, which is more interesting, fiction or nonfiction? I hope you read the three series and decide for yourself

    Characterisation of Peptide Microarrays for Studying Antibody-Antigen Binding Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Imagery

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    BACKGROUND: Non-specific binding to biosensor surfaces is a major obstacle to quantitative analysis of selective retention of analytes at immobilized target molecules. Although a range of chemical antifouling monolayers has been developed to address this problem, many macromolecular interactions still remain refractory to analysis due to the prevalent high degree of non-specific binding. We describe how we use the dynamic process of the formation of self assembling monolayers and optimise physical and chemical properties thus reducing considerably non-specific binding and allowing analysis of specific binding of analytes to immobilized target molecules. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We illustrate this approach by the production of specific protein arrays for the analysis of interactions between the 65kDa isoform of human glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) and a human monoclonal antibody. Our data illustrate that we have effectively eliminated non-specific interactions with the surface containing the immobilised GAD65 molecules. The findings have several implications. First, this approach obviates the dubious process of background subtraction and gives access to more accurate kinetic and equilibrium values that are no longer contaminated by multiphase non-specific binding. Second, an enhanced signal to noise ratio increases not only the sensitivity but also confidence in the use of SPR to generate kinetic constants that may then be inserted into van't Hoff type analyses to provide comparative DeltaG, DeltaS and DeltaH values, making this an efficient, rapid and competitive alternative to ITC measurements used in drug and macromolecular-interaction mechanistic studies. Third, the accuracy of the measurements allows the application of more intricate interaction models than simple Langmuir monophasic binding. CONCLUSIONS: The detection and measurement of antibody binding by the type 1 diabetes autoantigen GAD65 represents an example of an antibody-antigen interaction where good structural, mechanistic and immunological data are available. Using SPRi we were able to characterise the kinetics of the interaction in greater detail than ELISA/RIA methods. Furthermore, our data indicate that SPRi is well suited to a multiplexed immunoassay using GAD65 proteins, and may be applicable to other biomarkers

    The X-Ray Crystal Structure of Escherichia coli Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase; Structural Insights into NADP+/Enzyme Interactions

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    In mammals succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) plays an essential role in the metabolism of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to succinic acid (SA). Deficiency of SSADH in humans results in elevated levels of GABA and gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), which leads to psychomotor retardation, muscular hypotonia, non-progressive ataxia and seizures. In Escherichia coli, two genetically distinct forms of SSADHs had been described that are essential for preventing accumulation of toxic levels of succinic semialdehyde (SSA) in cells.Here we structurally characterise SSADH encoded by the E coli gabD gene by X-ray crystallographic studies and compare these data with the structure of human SSADH. In the E. coli SSADH structure, electron density for the complete NADP+ cofactor in the binding sites is clearly evident; these data in particular revealing how the nicotinamide ring of the cofactor is positioned in each active site.Our structural data suggest that a deletion of three amino acids in E. coli SSADH permits this enzyme to use NADP+, whereas in contrast the human enzyme utilises NAD+. Furthermore, the structure of E. coli SSADH gives additional insight into human mutations that result in disease

    Conformational changes during pore formation by the perforin-related protein pleurotolysin

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    Membrane attack complex/perforin-like (MACPF) proteins comprise the largest superfamily of pore-forming proteins, playing crucial roles in immunity and pathogenesis. Soluble monomers assemble into large transmembrane pores via conformational transitions that remain to be structurally and mechanistically characterised. Here we present an 11 Å resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the two-part, fungal toxin Pleurotolysin (Ply), together with crystal structures of both components (the lipid binding PlyA protein and the pore-forming MACPF component PlyB). These data reveal a 13-fold pore 80 Å in diameter and 100 Å in height, with each subunit comprised of a PlyB molecule atop a membrane bound dimer of PlyA. The resolution of the EM map, together with biophysical and computational experiments, allowed confident assignment of subdomains in a MACPF pore assembly. The major conformational changes in PlyB are a ~70° opening of the bent and distorted central β-sheet of the MACPF domain, accompanied by extrusion and refolding of two α-helical regions into transmembrane β-hairpins (TMH1 and TMH2). We determined the structures of three different disulphide bond-trapped prepore intermediates. Analysis of these data by molecular modelling and flexible fitting allows us to generate a potential trajectory of β-sheet unbending. The results suggest that MACPF conformational change is triggered through disruption of the interface between a conserved helix-turn-helix motif and the top of TMH2. Following their release we propose that the transmembrane regions assemble into β-hairpins via top down zippering of backbone hydrogen bonds to form the membrane-inserted β-barrel. The intermediate structures of the MACPF domain during refolding into the β-barrel pore establish a structural paradigm for the transition from soluble monomer to pore, which may be conserved across the whole superfamily. The TMH2 region is critical for the release of both TMH clusters, suggesting why this region is targeted by endogenous inhibitors of MACPF function

    Prodepth: Predict Residue Depth by Support Vector Regression Approach from Protein Sequences Only

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    Residue depth (RD) is a solvent exposure measure that complements the information provided by conventional accessible surface area (ASA) and describes to what extent a residue is buried in the protein structure space. Previous studies have established that RD is correlated with several protein properties, such as protein stability, residue conservation and amino acid types. Accurate prediction of RD has many potentially important applications in the field of structural bioinformatics, for example, facilitating the identification of functionally important residues, or residues in the folding nucleus, or enzyme active sites from sequence information. In this work, we introduce an efficient approach that uses support vector regression to quantify the relationship between RD and protein sequence. We systematically investigated eight different sequence encoding schemes including both local and global sequence characteristics and examined their respective prediction performances. For the objective evaluation of our approach, we used 5-fold cross-validation to assess the prediction accuracies and showed that the overall best performance could be achieved with a correlation coefficient (CC) of 0.71 between the observed and predicted RD values and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.74, after incorporating the relevant multiple sequence features. The results suggest that residue depth could be reliably predicted solely from protein primary sequences: local sequence environments are the major determinants, while global sequence features could influence the prediction performance marginally. We highlight two examples as a comparison in order to illustrate the applicability of this approach. We also discuss the potential implications of this new structural parameter in the field of protein structure prediction and homology modeling. This method might prove to be a powerful tool for sequence analysis

    2QP2 - Structure of a MACPF/Perforin-like protein

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    Protein crystallography raw diffraction images and unmerged reflection intensities Collection size: 36.1 GB Number of datasets: 5 Citation: Rosado et. al. (2007) A common fold mediates vertebrate defense and bacterial attack. Science. In Press. Proteins containing membrane attack complex/perforin (MACPF) domains play important roles in vertebrate immunity, embryonic development, and neural-cell migration. In vertebrates, the ninth component of complement and perforin form oligomeric pores that lyse bacteria and kill virus-infected cells, respectively. However, the mechanism of MACPF function is unknown. We determined the crystal structure of a bacterial MACPF protein, Plu-MACPF from Photorhabdus luminescens, to 2.0 angstrom resolution. The MACPF domain reveals structural similarity with poreforming cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) from Gram-positive bacteria. This suggests that lytic MACPF proteins may use a CDC-like mechanism to form pores and disrupt cell membranes. Sequence similarity between bacterial and vertebrate MACPF domains suggests that the fold of the CDCs, a family of proteins important for bacterial pathogenesis, is probably used by vertebrates for defense against infection