1,028 research outputs found

    Extreme learning machines for reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks from expression time series

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    The reconstruction of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from genes profiles has a growing interest in bioinformatics for understanding the complex regulatory mechanisms in cellular systems. GRNs explicitly represent the cause-effect of regulation among a group of genes and its reconstruction is today a challenging computational problem. Several methods were proposed, but most of them require different input sources to provide an acceptable prediction. Thus, it is a great challenge to reconstruct a GRN only from temporal gene-expression data. Results: Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is a new supervised neural model that has gained interest in the last years because of its higher learning rate and better performance than existing supervised models in terms of predictive power. This work proposes a novel approach for GRNs reconstruction in which ELMs are used for modeling the relationships between gene expression time series. Artificial datasets generated with the well-known benchmark tool used in DREAM competitions were used. Real datasets were used for validation of this novel proposal with well-known GRNs underlying the time series. The impact of increasing the size of GRNs was analyzed in detail for the compared methods. The results obtained confirm the superiority of the ELM approach against very recent state-of-the-art methods in the same experimental conditions.Fil: Rubiolo, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Milone, Diego Humberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Stegmayer, Georgina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; Argentin

    Esquema de evolución tectonosedimentaria para las Cuencas Cenozoicas de la Cordillera Oriental (22º a 23º lat. S.), Argentina

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    The structural style of the Eastern Cordillera between 22" and 23" S. L. is the result of stacking of Precambrian sheets. In the Cenozoic, the sedimentary basins were developed under the control of this type of thick skinned structure. The combined study of the regional tectonics, sedimentary Cenozoic deposits and the magmatic arc units allows to present a schematic evolution of the Cenozoic basins. The sedimentary deposits of Pozuelos, Tres Cruces, Santa Victoria Range and Western Subandean Ranges basins are considered. The Tres Cruces basin presents Cretaceous to Eocene synrift and postrift deposits (Salta Group). They are covered by a Paleogene initial stage of a foreland basin (Lumbrera 11, Casa Grande and Río Grande Formations) and it ends with an overfilling stage during Lower Miocene (Pisungo Formation). At the Pozuelos basin, the Moreta and Cara-Cara Formations represent typical piggyback deposits. During the Middle to Upper Miocene, the orogenic front migrated towards the east elevating the Sierra de Santa Victoria. The Tres Cruces basin, which was formerly a foreland basin is incorporated to the orogenic system and continued its evolution as a piggyback basin. Consequently, in the subandean area, a new foreland basin was developed, starting with an underfilling stage (Tranquitas Formation and Terciario Subandino Inferior), followed by a prograding sequence (Terciario Subandino Medio) and since the Upper Miocene an overfilling stage was built (Terciario Subandino Superior and Simbolar Formation). An important crustal thickening with an extensive volcanic activity took place in the Puna and part of the Eastem Cordillera during Upper Miocene

    Esquema de evolución tectonosedimentaria para las Cuencas Cenozoicas de la Cordillera Oriental (22º a 23º lat. S.), Argentina

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    The structural style of the Eastern Cordillera between 22" and 23" S. L. is the result of stacking of Precambrian sheets. In the Cenozoic, the sedimentary basins were developed under the control of this type of thick skinned structure. The combined study of the regional tectonics, sedimentary Cenozoic deposits and the magmatic arc units allows to present a schematic evolution of the Cenozoic basins. The sedimentary deposits of Pozuelos, Tres Cruces, Santa Victoria Range and Western Subandean Ranges basins are considered. The Tres Cruces basin presents Cretaceous to Eocene synrift and postrift deposits (Salta Group). They are covered by a Paleogene initial stage of a foreland basin (Lumbrera 11, Casa Grande and Río Grande Formations) and it ends with an overfilling stage during Lower Miocene (Pisungo Formation). At the Pozuelos basin, the Moreta and Cara-Cara Formations represent typical piggyback deposits. During the Middle to Upper Miocene, the orogenic front migrated towards the east elevating the Sierra de Santa Victoria. The Tres Cruces basin, which was formerly a foreland basin is incorporated to the orogenic system and continued its evolution as a piggyback basin. Consequently, in the subandean area, a new foreland basin was developed, starting with an underfilling stage (Tranquitas Formation and Terciario Subandino Inferior), followed by a prograding sequence (Terciario Subandino Medio) and since the Upper Miocene an overfilling stage was built (Terciario Subandino Superior and Simbolar Formation). An important crustal thickening with an extensive volcanic activity took place in the Puna and part of the Eastem Cordillera during Upper Miocene

    O novo conceito de segurança da china e as relações multilaterais estratégicas com o Sudeste Asiático

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    A política exterior chinesa desde 1978 até a atualidade sofreu numerosas modificações. Considera-se que a mudança que em grande medida afetou o seu comportamento externo foi a virada para o pragmatismo que começou a ser concebida nos últimos anos da era maoísta e passou a ser implementada nos anos posteriores. Esta nova orientação, combinada com as mudanças produzidas anos depois no sistema internacional com o fim da Guerra Fria, favoreceu a aproximação da República Popular da China (RPC) com iniciativas multilaterais da região. Neste artigo tenta-se abordar o realismo das relações internacionais na política exterior chinesa com o Sudeste da Ásia no plano estratégico multilateral. Para isso, vai concentrar-se em dois casos, o conflito pelas Ilhas Spratly e a participação no Fórum Regional da Associação de Nações do Sudeste Asiático – Asean (ARF).Since 1978 Chinese foreign policy has gone through many changes. We understand that the change that affected its behavior the most was the turn to pragmatism that took shape in Mao’s final years and developed in the post-Mao era. This new orientation combined with the changes introduced into the international system some years later with the end of the Cold War, encouraged Beijing to approach regional multilateral initiatives. In this article we aim to analyze, from a realist perspective, China’s foreign policy to Southeast Asia in the multilateral strategic sphere. We will examine two cases: the Spratly dispute and Chinese participation in the Asean Regional Forum.Fil: Rubiolo, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin


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    Dependency on the power structure and on the most powerful actors within it, has been a constant variable in foreign policy calculation for the developing world. South American countries have shown in the last two decades an increasing will to overcome dependency on few traditional powers through diversification. It has led to a growing rapprochement to East Asia, mainly underpinned by the trade relation with China. Although the level of dependency is not the same in every country, there are some common features that show that bilateral relations are not interdependent: 1) it reinforces the concentration on low value-added products for South America, reproducing an extractivist export based model, undermining industrialization processes and 2) it reflects the profound power asymmetries between the two sides undermining, in the long run, state autonomy. In this paper, we aim to analyze the bilateral relations of the main South American economies –Argentina, Brazil and Chile- with China and their major ASEAN partners between 2002-2017. Our theoretical perspective is built upon the concepts of diversification, autonomy and dependency. Our goal is to understand the emergence of the dependent relationship with Beijing and the consequences it might bring to South America in terms of economic policy and development. On the other hand, we aim to explore the alternative scenario SEA countries constitute for a broader, less dependent and more symmetrical economic and political relation with East Asia

    El conflicto del Mar de China Meridional en clave geopolítica

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    El Mar de China Meridional tiene un valor estratégico crucial para las economías que tienen costas sobre él. Tanto su valor en recursos como su centralidad como vía de comunicación juegan un rol fundamental al momento de comprender los ejes de este conflicto. En los últimos diez años China ha mostrado con creces su intención de fortalecer su presencia en el área a través de buques pesqueros, islas artificiales, ejercicios militares y establecimiento de guardias costeras. El devenir de los acontecimientos es incierto, aunque puede vislumbrarse que no tendrá una solución diplomática en el corto plazo.Fil: Rubiolo, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    A disputa pelo mar da China Meridional: um reflexo dos dilemas econômicos e estratégicos do sudeste asiático (2009-2018)

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    La distribución asimétrica del poder en la región marítima asiática favorece cada vez más a China, lo que aumenta la aprensión de sus vecinos que, ante su evidente vulnerabilidad, temen a las intenciones de Beijing. En este contexto, el equilibrio de poder permite mantener el status quo y limitar el comportamiento de China contra otros países costeros. Dada la disparidad del poder militar y económico entre el sudeste asiático y China, este equilibrio solo se puede lograr mediante la intervención de un poder extrarregional: los Estados Unidos. La renovada participación estadounidense como garante de la seguridad regional ha creado nuevos lazos de dependencia estratégica para el sudeste asiático, que a su vez tienen economías que dependen principalmente de China. El conflicto por el mar de la China Meridional plantea dos dilemas para la región: la creciente influencia económica de China y la política reactiva y desafiante de Washington sobre el Indo-Pacífico, lo que posibilitaría aún más un estancamiento en el conflicto marítimo.A distribuição assimétrica do poder na região marítima asiática favorece cada vez mais a China, o que aumenta a apreensão de seus vizinhos que, ante sua evidente vulnerabilidade, temem as intenções de Pequim. Nesse contexto, o equilíbrio de poder permite manter o status quo e limitar o comportamento da China contra outros países litorâneos. Tendo em vista a disparidade do poder militar e econômico entre o sudeste asiático e a China, esse equilíbrio somente pode ser atingido com a intervenção de um poder extrarregional: os Estados Unidos. A renovada participação estadunidense como garantia da segurança regional tem criado novos vínculos de dependência estratégica para o sudeste asiático, que, por sua vez, tem economias que dependem principalmente da China. O conflito pelo mar da China Meridional apresenta dois dilemas para a região: a crescente influência econômica da China e a política reativa e desafiante de Washington sobre o Indo-Pacífico, o que possibilitaria ainda mais uma estagnação no conflito marítimo.The asymmetric distribution of power in the Asian maritime region is favoring China, increasing the apprehension of its neighbors that, faced with their evident vulnerability, fear about Beijing’s intentions. In this context, the balance of power maintains the status quo and limits China’s behavior against other coastal countries. Given the disparity of military and economic power between Southeast Asia and China, this balance can only be achieved with the intervention of an extra-regional power, the United States. The renewed American participation as a guarantor of regional security has created new bonds of strategic dependence for Southeast Asia, which in turn have economies that mainly rely on China. The South China Sea conflict is then posing two dilemmas for the region: China’s increasing economic leverage and Washington’s reactive and challenging Indo-Pacific policy, which might make a stalemate in the maritime conflict possible.Fil: Rubiolo, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Foreign policy, development, and international strategies towards asia pacific : The cases of Argentina and Chile

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    In the 21st century, the links between South America and the Asian region have been more constant, and these links have had different interpretations according to their consequences in the domestic South American economies, as well as their relation with the current integration processes in the region and the different economic insertion strategies. It is observed that there are differences in the way in which the South American countries insert in Asia, so the aim of this work is to analyze the characteristics of the foreign policy and the strategies of foreign insertion of Argentina and Chile towards China, South East Asia and India, highlighting the articulation between the economic and productive structures, the international insertion models and some economic implications. The case studies selected represent two different development models that have chosen dissimilar foreign insertion strategies, with the consequence of diverse relationships with the Asian region. The research was carried out through a qualitative methodology and a South American theoretical perspective.Fil: Rubiolo, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Baroni, Paola Andrea. Universidad Empresarial Siglo XXI; Argentin