153 research outputs found

    A Nonlinear Inequality Arising in Geometry and Calabi-Bernstein Type Problems

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    A characterization for the entire solutions of a nonlinear inequality, which has a natural interpretation in terms of certain nonflat Robertson-Walker spacetimes, is given. As an application, new Calabi-Bernstein type problems are solved.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MEC-FEDER Grant MTM2007-60731 and the Junta de Andalucia Regional Grant P09-FQM-4496 with FEDER funds

    Strategies for teaching professional ethics to IT engineering degree students and evaluating the result

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    Abstract This paper presents an experience in developing professional ethics by an approach that integrates knowledge, teaching methodologies and assessment coherently. It has been implemented for students in both the Software Engineering and Computer Engineering degree programs of the Technical University of Madrid, in which professional ethics is studied as a part of a required course. Our contribution of this paper is a model for formative assessment that clarifies the learning goals, enhances the results, simplifies the scoring and can be replicated in other contexts. A quasi-experimental study that involves many of the students of the required course has been developed. To test the effectiveness of the teaching process, the analysis of ethical dilemmas and the use of deontological codes have been integrated, and a scoring rubric has been designed. Currently, this model is also being used to develop skills related to social responsibility and sustainability for undergraduate and postgraduate students of diverse academic context

    Designing a comprehensive methodology to integrate sustainability issues in CDIO projects

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    We present in this study the first steps in the design and implementation of a new methodology that aims to consider systematically the different dimensions of sustainability, including ethical and strategic aspects, attempting to balance all them. The pilot methodology was implemented in the course 2014-15 in the ?INGENIA? course, a 12 ECTS compulsory subject taught in the first year of the master in industrial engineering of the Technical University of Madrid. As this is an on-going process, we also introduce some practical guidelines we are currently addressing to the students by means of taking into account various approaches in particular socio-economic contexts or to differentiate specificities by industrial sectors or activity fields. Ultimately, we aim at enabling our INGENIA-CDIO students to raise reflections and assessments about the related impacts of their engineering projects

    Data about threatened vascular flora from the León province (NW Spain). Present position

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    En este trabajo se aportan datos sobre una serie de taxones presentes en la provincia de León e incluidos en la Lista Roja de la Flora Vascular Española. Asimismo, se analiza el estado actual de otros taxones interesantes desde el punto de vista conservacionista.In this paper, data about several taxa present in the province of León and included in the Red List of Spanish Vascular Flora are provided. Likewise, present position about other interesting taxa are studied from the conservation point of view

    La Imprescriptibilidad de la Acción Penal como Sistema Viable y Garantista contra los Delitos de Corrupción

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objeto principal realizar un estudio, referente a la prescripción de la acción penal contra los delitos de corrupción a manera de contrarrestar el impacto de la corrupción, que comenten los funcionarios públicos. Es por ello que se ha discutido la posibilidad de que los delitos relativos a la corrupción sean de carácter imprescriptibles, a fin de evitar que por cualquier límite temporal se pueda frustrar su persecución y sanción, así como investigación de sus hechos, y así procesar y sancionar a los responsables mediante un juicio previo, donde se respeten los derechos y garantías constitucionales del Debido Proceso Para ello analizamos la acción penal que contra los delitos relativos a la corrupción procede, así como el estudio y análisis de los efectos jurídicos del carácter normativo de la prescripción en materia penal y su incidencia en la corrupción de la administración pública, basándonos en el acontecer jurídico, político y social de nuestra realidad salvadoreña. Asimismo, con la presente investigación se pretende crear un mecanismo o garantía para que los delitos de corrupción cometidos por funcionarios o empleados públicos no queden impunes, es que estos no prescriban y teniendo el tiempo necesario se pueda realizar una investigación a fondo al que comete un delito de corrupción

    Consideraciones perioperatorias del síndrome de Noonan en el adulto.

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    Noonan syndrome (SN) is a monogenic disease with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with an incidence of 1: 1500-2500. This syndrome is of particular interest to the anesthesiologist because it is considered a probable difficult airway, presenting short stature, facial dysmorphia, haemostasis, musculoskeletal and cardiological alterations, among others, whose evolution determines life expectancy reaching more advanced ages at present thanks to the control of them. Consequently, they require interventions in adulthood where there are not as many cases as in childhood. We report a case of a 53-year-old patient with NS scheduled for cervical neuroma resection with increased bleeding during surgery. Our goal is to establish a specific anesthetic plan after exposing the characteristics of the disease to minimize perioperative complications.  El síndrome de Noonan (SN) es una enfermedad monogénica con patrón de herencia autosómico dominante con una incidencia de uno de 1:1500-2500. Este síndrome es de particular interés para el anestesiólogo por ser considerado probable vía aérea difícil, presentar talla baja, dismorfia facial, alteraciones en la hemostasia, musculoesqueléticas y cardiológicas, entre otras, cuya evolución condicionan la esperanza de vida alcanzando edades más avanzadas en la actualidad gracias al control de las mismas . Por consiguiente requieren intervenciones en la edad adulta donde no hay tantos casos reportados como en la infancia . Presentamos un caso de un paciente de 53 años con SN programado para resección de neurinoma cervical durante el cual destacó un sangrado aumentado durante la cirugía no esperado. Nuestro objetivo es establecer un plan anestésico específico tras exponer las características de la enfermedad para minimizar las complicaciones perioperatorias.      