186 research outputs found

    A fundamental archive for the European Pleistocene: The Manzanares and Jarama valleys (Madrid, Spain)

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    Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEpu

    La inversión Matuyama-Brunhes en la secuencia de terrazas del río Jarama entre Velilla de San Antonio y Altos de la Mejorada, al SE de Madrid (España)

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    Al Este de la ciudad de Madrid, en el valle del río Jarama y entre Mejorada del Campo y Velilla de San Antonio se han estudiado las propiedades paleomagnéticas de una secuencia de terrazas comprendidas entre El Rasillo y Altos de la Mejorada, a lo largo de la autopista M-203 de reciente construcción. La cartografía geomorfológica realizada permitió separar además de la llanura aluvial a +4-5 m, terrazas a +20 m, +30-35 m, +60-65 m, +85-90 m, +105-110 m y +125-130 m. De ellas se muestrearon 5 niveles, a excepción de la de +20 m, en taludes frescos de la autovía que permiten situar a las terrazas con altitudes relativas igual o mayores a +60-65 m en el Chron Matuyama, mientras que las terrazas a +20 m y +30-35 m pertenecerían al Chron Brunhes (< 0.780 Ma). Dataciones por ESR en terrazas del valle del río Arlanzón en Burgos (Moreno et al., 2012), sugieren que en el valle del Jarama la inversión Matuyama-Brunhes podría establecerse entre el final de la sedimentación de la terraza a +60-65 m y el encajamiento de la terraza a +50-55 m subsiguiente, representada aguas arriba de Mejorada del Campo, en Marchamalo (Pérez-González, 1994)

    Maximize Resolution or Minimize Error? Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing to Investigate the Recent Diversification of Helianthemum (Cistaceae)

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    A robust phylogenetic framework, in terms of extensive geographical and taxonomic sampling, well-resolved species relationships and high certainty of tree topologies and branch length estimations, is critical in the study of macroevolutionary patterns. Whereas Sanger sequencing-based methods usually recover insufficient phylogenetic signal, especially in recently diversified lineages, reduced-representation sequencing methods tend to provide well-supported phylogenetic relationships, but usually entail remarkable bioinformatic challenges due to the inherent trade-off between the number of SNPs and the magnitude of associated error rates. The genus Helianthemum (Cistaceae) is a species-rich and taxonomically complex Palearctic group of plants that diversified mainly since the Upper Miocene. It is a challenging case study since previous attempts using Sanger sequencing were unable to resolve the intrageneric phylogenetic relationships. Aiming to obtain a robust phylogenetic reconstruction based on genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), we established a rigorous methodological workflow in which we i) explored how variable settings during dataset assembly have an impact on error rates and on the degree of resolution under concatenation and coalescent approaches, ii) assessed the effect of two extreme parameter configurations (minimizing error rates vs. maximizing phylogenetic resolution) on tree topology and branch lengths, and iii) evaluated the effects of these two configurations on estimates of divergence times and diversification rates. Our analyses produced highly supported topologically congruent phylogenetic trees for both configurations. However, minimizing error rates did produce more reliable branch lengths, critically affecting the accuracy of downstream analyses (i.e. divergence times and diversification rates). In addition to recommending a revision of intrageneric systematics, our results enabled us to identify three highly diversified lineages in Helianthemum in contrasting geographical areas and ecological conditions, which started radiating in the Upper Miocene.España, MINECO grants CGL2014- 52459-P and CGL2017-82465-PEspaña, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, reference IJCI-2015-2345

    Métodos de datación y sus aplicaciones en las terrazas y depósitos aluviales de la región de Madrid.

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    Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEpu

    Mini instructivo técnico comunitario para la producción de plátanos y bananos en patios y parcelas (Original)

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    In Cuba, bananas and bananas are a matter of high priority within the national food program, due to their ability to produce every month of the year, their high productive potential, deep-rooted consumption habit and diversity of uses. The work was carried out in the community of the Cay of the Baire town council of the Contramaestre municipality in the Santiago de Cuba, as of November 2016, comprising 201 homes in the semi-urban perimeter with a total of 844 inhabitants, in the that most of the inhabitants do not have the knowledge to obtain acceptable production results, presenting as problematic that the application of science and technology in the production of bananas in this area is insufficient, which limits the production of larger volumes of the product . Considering the objective of developing a mini community technical instruction manual for the production of bananas and bananas in patios and plots, which served as a basis for a better understanding of the management of this crop in the aforementioned context, drawing intervention actions in the training of the community in function of achieving best agroecological practices. Considering the number of inhabitants, the bunches to be produced in the year, with an average weight of 8 kg, the needs of food at 14% are satisfied considering the FAO standard of 150 g of food per day per inhabitant. It also manages to ensure the application of technical requirements, to produce organic plantain locally, encouraging activity among the residents of the community.En Cuba, los bananos y plátanos constituyen una cuestión de elevada prioridad dentro del programa alimentario nacional, debido a su capacidad de producir todos los meses del año, su elevado potencial productivo, arraigado hábito de consumo y diversidad de usos. El trabajo se desarrolló en la comunidad el Cayo del consejo de poblado Baire del municipio Contramaestre en Santiago de Cuba, a partir del mes de noviembre de 2016 ,&nbsp; compuesta por 201 viviendas en el perímetro semiurbano&nbsp; con un total de 844 habitantes, en los que la mayoría de los habitantes no poseen los conocimientos para obtener resultados de producción aceptables, presentándose como problemática que es insuficiente la aplicación de la ciencia y la técnica en la producción del plátano en esta zona, lo que limita la producción de mayores volúmenes del producto . Considerando como objetivo elaborar un mini instructivo técnico comunitario para la producción de plátanos y bananos en patios y parcelas, lo cual sirvió de base para conocer mejor el manejo de este cultivo en el citado contexto, trazándose acciones de intervención en la capacitación de la comunidad en función de lograr mejores prácticas agroecológicas. Considerando la cantidad de habitantes, los racimos a producir en el año, con un peso promedio de 8 kg se satisfacen las necesidades de viandas a un 14% considerando la norma FAO de 150 g de viandas diario por&nbsp; habitante. Se logra además asegurar la aplicación de las exigencias técnicas, para de forma local producir plátano ecológico, incentivando la actividad entre los pobladores de la comunidad

    Malacofauna of the late Middle Pleistocene in the Jarama valley: The Valdocarros site (Madrid, Spain)

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    Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEsubmitte

    Spatial analysis of an early middle palaeolithic kill/butchering site: the case of the cuesta de la bajada (Teruel, Spain)

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    Kill/butchering sites are some of the most important places for understanding the subsistence strategies of hunter-gatherer groups. However, these sites are not common in the archaeological record, and they have not been sufficiently analysed in order to know all their possible variability for ancient periods of the human evolution. In the present study, we have carried out the spatial analysis of the Early Middle Palaeolithic (MIS 9-8) site of Cuesta de la Bajada site (Teruel, Spain), which has been previously identified as a kill/butchering site through the taphonomic analysis of the faunal remains. Our results show that the spatial properties of the faunal and lithic tools distribution in levels CB2 and CB3 are well-preserved although the site is an open-air location. Both levels show a similar segregated (i.e. regular) spatial point pattern (SPP) which is different from the SPP identified at other sites with similar nature from the ethnographic and the archaeological records. However, although the archaeological materials have a regular distribution pattern, the lithic and faunal remains are positively associated, which is indicating that most parts of both types of materials were accumulated during the same occupation episodes, which were probably sporadic and focused on getting only few animal carcasses at a time.Post-Doc Xunta de Galicia Grant (ED481D-2022/023); ERC Consolidator grant (CoG—101045506).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio