20,702 research outputs found

    Day 3 - Creative Collaborations II: Workshop on Trust, Communication, and Negotiation

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    Let’s face it: teamwork can be a real challenge sometimes. Conflicts that arise within a research team can negatively impact the careers of team members and the outcomes of the research itself, so learning to avoid and solve conflicts through trust, communication, and negotiation is key to research team success. In this session, Dr. Monika Markowitz, Director of the Office of Research Integrity and Ethics, and Mark Rubin, Executive Director of the Virginia Center for Consensus Building, will help attendees understand some of the most common research, professional, and interpersonal conflicts that occur in research teams, as well as how to help prevent these conflicts and what to do when they occur. Attendees will see negotiation skills modeled and have the opportunity to practice their own skills as they analyze and respond to example conflicts

    Disconnected and unplugged: experiences of technology induced anxieties and tensions while traveling

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of being disconnected while traveling for technologically savvy travelers. This paper will explore how new technologies ‘separate’ travelers from the physical and embodied travel experience, and how experiences and tensions caused by being disconnected or unplugged are negotiated. For this study, travelers’ experiences were elicited through a series of online interviews conducted primarily through email and Facebook. Pearce and Gretzel (2012)’s technology-induced tensions and recent literature on internet/technology addiction provide a conceptual framework for the analysis

    The Stellar and Gas Kinematics of Several Irregular Galaxies

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    We present long-slit spectra of three irregular galaxies from which we determinethe stellar kinematics in two of the galaxies (NGC 1156 and NGC 4449) and ionized-gas kinematics in all three (including NGC 2366). We compare this to the optical morphology and to the HI kinematics of the galaxies. In the ionized gas, we see a linear velocity gradient in all three galaxies. In NGC 1156 we also detect a weak linear velocity gradient in the stars of (5+/-1/sin i) km/s/kpc to a radius of 1.6 kpc. The stars and gas are rotating about the same axis, but this is different from the major axis of the stellar bar which dominates the optical light of the galaxy. In NGC 4449 we do not detect organized rotation of the stars and place an upper limit of (3/sin i) km/s/kpc to a radius of 1.2 kpc. For NGC 4449, which has signs of a past interaction with another galaxy, we develop a model to fit the observed kinematics of the stars and gas. In this model the stellar component is in a rotating disk seen nearly face-on while the gas is in a tilted disk with orbits whose planes precess in the gravitational potential. This model reproduces the apparent counter-rotation of the inner gas of the galaxy. The peculiar orbits of the gas are presumed due to acquisition of gas in the past interaction.Comment: To be published in ApJ, November 20, 200

    Spatial Degrees of Freedom in Everett Quantum Mechanics

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    Stapp claims that, when spatial degrees of freedom are taken into account, Everett quantum mechanics is ambiguous due to a "core basis problem." To examine an aspect of this claim I generalize the ideal measurement model to include translational degrees of freedom for both the measured system and the measuring apparatus. Analysis of this generalized model using the Everett interpretation in the Heisenberg picture shows that it makes unambiguous predictions for the possible results of measurements and their respective probabilities. The presence of translational degrees of freedom for the measuring apparatus affects the probabilities of measurement outcomes in the same way that a mixed state for the measured system would. Examination of a measurement scenario involving several observers illustrates the consistency of the model with perceived spatial localization of the measuring apparatus.Comment: 34 pp., no figs. Introduction, discussion revised. Material tangential to main point remove

    Evidence for Cosmic Acceleration is Robust to Observed Correlations Between Type Ia Supernova Luminosity and Stellar Age

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    Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are powerful standardizable candles for constraining cosmological models and provided the first evidence of the accelerated expansion of the universe. Their precision derives from empirical correlations, now measured from >1000>1000 SNe Ia, between their luminosities, light-curve shapes, colors and most recently with the stellar mass of their host galaxy. As mass correlates with other galaxy properties, alternative parameters have been investigated to improve SN Ia standardization though none have been shown to significantly alter the determination of cosmological parameters. We re-examine a recent claim, based on 34 SN Ia in nearby passive host galaxies, of a 0.05 mag/Gyr dependence of standardized SN Ia luminosity on host age which if extrapolated to higher redshifts, would be a bias up to 0.25 mag, challenging the inference of dark energy. We reanalyze this sample of hosts using both the original method and a Bayesian hierarchical model and find after a fuller accounting of the uncertainties the significance of a dependence on age to be ≤2σ\leq2\sigma and ∼1σ\sim1\sigma after the removal of a single poorly-sampled SN Ia. To test the claim that a trend seen in old stellar populations can be applied to younger ages, we extend our analysis to a larger sample which includes young hosts. We find the residual dependence of host age (after all standardization typically employed for cosmological measurements) to be consistent with zero for 254 SNe Ia from the Pantheon sample, ruling out the large but low significance trend seen in passive hosts.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Clinical impact of double protease inhibitor boosting with Lopinavir/Ritonavir and Amprenavir as part of salvage antiretroviral therapy

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    Purpose: Double protease inhibitor (PI) boosting is being explored as a new strategy in salvage antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. However, if a negative drug interaction leads to decreased drug levels of either or both PIs, double PI boosting could lead to decreased virologic response. A negative drug interaction has been described between amprenavir (APV) and lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r). This observational cohort study assessed the virologic impact of the addition of APV to a salvage ARV regimen, which also contains LPV/r, compared to a regimen containing LPV/r alone. Method: Patients initiated on a salvage ARV regimen that included LPV/r obtained from the expanded access program in Toronto, Canada, were evaluated. APV (600-1,200 mg bid) was added at the discretion of the treating physician. Results: Using multivariate Cox proportional hazards models, we found that the addition of APV to a LPV/r-containing salvage regimen was not significantly associated with time to virologic suppression (< 50 copies/mL; adjusted hazard ratio [HR] = 0.75, p = .12) or with time to virologic rebound (adjusted HR = 1.46, p = .34). Those patients who received higher doses of APV had an increased chance of virologic suppression (p = .03). In a subset of 27 patients, the median LPV Ctrough was significantly lower in patients receiving APV (p = .04), and the median APV Ctrough was reduced compared to reported controls. Conclusion: Our data do not support an additional benefit in virologic reduction of double boosting with APV and LPV/r relative to LPV/r alone in salvage ARV therapy. Our study's limitations include its retrospective nature and the imbalance between the two groups potentially confounding the results. Although these factors were adjusted for in the multivariate analysis, a prospective randomized controlled trial is warranted to confirm our findings

    12^{12}C/13^{13}C ratio in planetary nebulae from the IUE archives

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    We investigated the abundance ratio of 12^{12}C/13^{13}C in planetary nebulae by examining emission lines arising from \ion{C}{3} 2s2p ^3P_{2,1,0} \to 2s^2 ^1S_0. Spectra were retrieved from the International Ultraviolet Explorer archives, and multiple spectra of the same object were coadded to achieve improved signal-to-noise. The 13^{13}C hyperfine structure line at 1909.6 \AA was detected in NGC 2440. The 12^{12}C/13^{13}C ratio was found to be ∼4.4±\sim4.4\pm1.2. In all other objects, we provide an upper limit for the flux of the 1910 \AA line. For 23 of these sources, a lower limit for the 12^{12}C/13^{13}C ratio was established. The impact on our current understanding of stellar evolution is discussed. The resulting high signal-to-noise \ion{C}{3} spectrum helps constrain the atomic physics of the line formation process. Some objects have the measured 1907/1909 flux ratio outside the low-electron density theoretical limit for 12^{12}C. A mixture of 13^{13}C with 12^{12}C helps to close the gap somewhat. Nevertheless, some observed 1907/1909 flux ratios still appear too high to conform to the presently predicted limits. It is shown that this limit, as well as the 1910/1909 flux ratio, are predominantly influenced by using the standard partitioning among the collision strengths for the multiplet 1S0^1S_0--3PJ^3P_J according to the statistical weights. A detailed calculation for the fine structure collision strengths between these individual levels would be valuable.Comment: ApJ accepted: 19 pages, 3 Figures, 2 Table

    Nonlinear elastic-viscoplastic constitutive equations for aging facial tissues

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    This paper reports on the initial stages of a project to simulate the nonlinear mechanical behavior of an aging human face. A cross-section of the facial structure is considered to consist of a multilayered composite of tissues with differing mechanical behavior. The constitutive properties of these tissues are incorporated into a finite element model of the three-dimensional facial geometry. Relatively short time (elastic-viscoplastic) behavior is governed by equations previously developed which are consistent with mechanical tests. The long time response is controlled by the aging elastic components of the tissues. An aging function is introduced which, in a simplified manner, captures the observed loss of stiffness of these aging elastic components due to the history of straining as well as other physiological and environmental influences. Calculations have been performed for 30years of exposure to gravitational forces. Progressive gravimetric soft tissue descent is simulated, which is regarded as the main indication of facial aging. Results are presented for the deformations and stress distributions in the layers of the soft tissue
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