32,037 research outputs found

    Reiter v. Cooper and Unreasonable Rates: Are Reports of the Field Rate Doctrine’s Death Greatly Exaggerated?

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    Denna studies huvudsyfte Àr att ta reda pÄ hur pedagoger planerar och arbetar med att hos sina elever utveckla de fem stora förmÄgorna inom matematik. Dessa fem förmÄgor Àr: BegreppsförmÄga, kommunikationsförmÄga, procedurförmÄga, analysförmÄga samt metakognitiv förmÄga. För att finna svar pÄ den frÄgestÀllning som studien har, gÀllande hur planeringen och arbetet med förmÄgorna ser ut, anvÀndes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Genom kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med sex pedagoger samlades data in. De data som intervjuerna genererade analyserades sedan med hjÀlp av tidigare forskning och litteratur inom omrÄdet. I den tidigare forskningen och litteraturen presenteras hur en planering och arbetet med de fem stora förmÄgorna kan och bör se ut. I studien presenteras Àven en bakgrund till begreppet The Big Five samt hur dessa kan och bör planeras och arbetas med i relation till matematiken. Avslutningsvis presenteras de resultat som framkommit. I dessa framgÄr att de pedagoger jag intervjuat pÄ de flesta sÀtten, följde de rÄd, tips och kriterier som tidigare forskning och övrig litteratur ansÄg att planering och undervisning i de matematiska förmÄgorna bör bygga pÄ. Dock fann jag tvÄ punkter dÀr förbÀttringar kan och bör ske. Dessa gÀller hur material vid genomgÄngar och under arbetet med förmÄgorna pÄ ett bÀttre sÀtt bör anpassas för eleverna, sÄ att de oavsett var de ligger kunskapsmÀssigt kan fÄ ta del av och förstÄ vad och hur förmÄgorna ska trÀnas. Pedagogerna bör Àven bli bÀttre pÄ att samarbeta med övriga skolÀmnen och pÄ sÄ sÀtt förbÀttra förutsÀttningarna för- och utvecklandet i förstÄelsen i förmÄgorna samt ytterligare inse nyttan av att kunna och anvÀnda sig av matematik

    Toxicologic evaluation of the migration of a plasticizer, DI (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from vinyl plastics

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    The intravenous administration of DEHP solubilized by means of a number of different detergents leads to respiratory distress and death in rats. At autopsy the lungs are grossly enlarged, edamatous, and hemorrhagic. Light and electron microscopic evaluation of the lungs indicate engorgement of the interalveolar septa with edema fluid and polymorphonuclear leucocytes, degranulation of the leukocytes, and progessive destruction of the endothelial and epithelial cells. Consistent with the conclusion that solubilized DEHP results in a syndrome of "shock lung" is the associated massive fall in arterial blood pressure and the prevention of the lung pathology by pretreatment with pharmacologic doses of an antiinflammatory steroid, methylprednisolone. Evidence is also presented that suggests that the DEHP inadvertently administered to humans during transfusions is also in a solubilized state in the plasma

    Analysis of Problems Encountered in R and D Project Management

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    Types and frequencies of problems encountered by project and laboratory managers working on 32 government-supported projects in aerospace and electronics industrie

    A Proposal for a Comprehensive Restructuring of the Public Information System

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    After more than ten years of legislative, judicial and bureaucratic tinkering, the public information system created by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is still far from satisfactory. The present public information system has not been successful because its drafters lacked imagination and failed to do the basic work necessary to create a sound foundation for such a comprehensive program. They failed to analyze the realistic goals of a public information system; they ignored the ultimate goals of improved government performance; they misrepresented the system\u27s costs, both in monetary expense to taxpayers and in diminished government performance. They considered neither alternative techniques nor the problem of designing the public information system as an integral part of the total governmental structure. Actual open government for the benefit of the general populace will be possible only if the basic weaknesses of the present system are explored in depth. This Article is an appeal to Congress to undertake the careful analysis necessary to construct a workable, useful public information system

    Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation: Prevention of Isotopic Fractionation

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    Chondrules are considered to have much information on dust particles and processes in the solar nebula. It is naturally expected that protoplanetary disks observed in present star forming regions have similar dust particles and processes, so study of chondrule formation may provide us great information on the formation of the planetary systems. Evaporation during chondrule melting may have resulted in depletion of volatile elements in chondrules. However, no evidence for a large degree of heavy-isotope enrichment has been reported in chondrules. In order to meet this observed constraint, the rapid heating rate at temperatures below the silicate solidus is required to suppress the isotopic fractionation. We have developed a new shock-wave heating model taking into account the radiative transfer of the dust thermal continuum emission and the line emission of gas molecules and calculated the thermal history of chondrules. We have found that optically-thin shock waves for the thermal continuum emission from dust particles can meet the rapid heating constraint, because the dust thermal emission does not keep the dust particles high temperature for a long time in the pre-shock region and dust particles are abruptly heated by the gas drag heating in the post-shock region. We have also derived the upper limit of optical depth of the pre-shock region using the radiative diffusion approximation, above which the rapid heating constraint is not satisfied. It is about 1 - 10.Comment: 58 pages, including 5 tables and 15 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
