100 research outputs found

    Efeito de um programa de exercícios no tempo de reacção dos peroniais

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    Introdução: o futebol é o desporto mais popular e possui características que se traduzem numa grande incidência de lesões, sendo que a FIFA desenvolveu um programa de prevenção de lesões. Objectivos: o objectivo de estudo foi verificar se o programa promove alterações proprioceptivas, no tempo de reacção dos peroniais. Metodologia: é um estudo quase-experimental com 14 atletas, 7 em cada um dos grupos, experimental e controlo. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram um valor p=0,038 no tempo de reacção do curto peroneal. Conclusão: Verificaram-se algumas alterações significativas no tempo de reacção em resposta ao programa de exercícios.Introduction: football is the most popular sport of all and has characteristics which reflect a high incidence of injuries, for which FIFA has developed a program for injury prevention. Objectives: This study’s main goal was to verify if that program promotes proprioceptive changes in the peroneal reaction time. Methodology: This is a quasi-experimental study with 14 athletes, 7 in each one of the groups, experimental and control. Results: The results showed a p-value=0,038 in the peroneal reaction time Conclusion: There were some significant changes in the peroneal reaction time, in response to the exercise program

    EMG of the transverse abdominus and multifidus during pilates exercises

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    The purpose of this research study was to evaluate the intensity of muscle activation of Transverse Abdominus /Oblique Internal (TrA/OI) and Multifidus (Mu) during the performance of four Pilates exercises (and variations), compared, in order to understand the importance of these exercises in the lumbopelvic stability in healthy subjects. The sample consisted of 8 individuals. Using the surface electromyography (EMG), it was found that there are differences in the intensity of muscle activation in the analyzed exercises and, therefore, “Shoulder bridge” and “ShoulderBridge_extension (right and left legs)“ are the more appropriate exercises for co-activation between TrA/OI and Mu muscles for the reeducation of lumbopelvic stability

    Altered abdominal muscle recruitment in lumbopelvic pain

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    Objectivo: Verificar se existem alterações no padrão de recrutamento do transverso do abdómen/oblíquo interno, recto abdominal e oblíquo externo em indivíduos com história de dor lombopélvica aguda. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo do tipo observacional, analítico e transversal, cuja amostra consistia num grupo de 15 indivíduos que nunca tiveram dor lombopélvica e por outro de 14 indivíduos do sexo feminino que tiveram pelo menos episódio de dor lombopélvica aguda nos últimos 6 meses. Foi recolhida e avaliada por electromiografia de superfície a actividade dos músculos acima referenciados e do deltóide, durante os movimentos rápidos de flexão, abdução e extensão do ombro. Analisou-se e foi comparado entre os dois grupos o padrão de recrutamento dos músculos abdominais. O teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparar a média do tempo de activação muscular entre os dois grupos. O teste de Friedman foi efectuado para comparar o tempo de activação entre os músculos avaliados em cada direcção de movimento (com nível de significância de 5%). Resultados: Registou-se um atraso na activação do transverso do abdómen no movimento de flexão e abdução do ombro e ainda perda da activação independente entre os músculos superficiais e profundos estudados. Conclusão: O padrão de recrutamento dos músculos abdominais associado ao movimento do ombro encontra-se alterado em indivíduos com história de dor lombopélvica aguda.Objective: To verify the existence of modifications in the recruitment of transverses abdominus /obliquus internus abdominus, rectus abdominus and obliquus abdominus externus in individuals with a story of acute lumbopelvic pain. Methods: It was made an analytical, observational and transversal study whose sample was composed by a group of 15 women that never experienced acute lumbopelvic pain and by another group of 14 women, which had at least one episode of acute lumbopelvic pain in the last 6 months. The activity of the muscles above mentioned and of deltoid was collected and accessed by surface electromyography during fast flexion, abduction and extension movements of the shoulder. The abdominal muscles recruitment was comparatively analyzed. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the average of the time of muscular activation between two groups. The Friedman test was used to compare the activation time between the evaluated muscles in the three movement directions (with a significance level of 5%). Results: It was registered a delay in the activation of the transverses abdominus in the flexion and abduction movement of the shoulder and loss of the independent activation of the surface and deep muscles studied. These results are in concordance with previous studies conducted with subjects with chronic low back pain. Conclusion: The recruitment of the abdominal muscles associated with shoulder movement is modified in subjects with a story of acute lumbo-pelvic pain

    Muscle strength assessment of knee flexors and extensors. Comparative study between basketball, football, handball and volleyball athletes

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    Muscle strength of lower limbs is considered a key factor in handball, basketball, football and volleyball athletes’ performance, as support of specific motor skills and actions. One of the methods used to assess muscle strength is isokinetic dynamometry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ajustes posturais antecipatórios no movimento de alcançar em indivíduos pós-acidente vascular encefálico

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    Pretendeu-se verificar a existência de alterações nos timings de activação dos músculos estabilizadores da omoplata em indivíduos pós-acidente vascular encefálico e a sua relação com a velocidade. Metodologia: Amostra (n = 17) dividida nos Grupos 1 (n = 10 indivíduos sem patologia) e 2 (n = 7 indivíduos pós-acidente vascular encefálico). Análise electromiográfica e cinemática no alcance de um copo. Resultados: Nas fibras inferiores do trapézio esquerdo (p = 0,043) e grande dentado bilateralmente (p = 0,028), encontraram-se diferenças entre os Grupos. Não se verificou uma relação com a velocidade. Conclusões: Foram encontrados ajustes posturais antecipatórios em alguns dos músculos.This study aimed to verify the existence of impairments at the activation timings of the scapular stabilizers in post-stroke subjects and their relation to the velocity. Methods: The sample (n = 17) was divided in Groups 1 (n = 10 healthy subjects) and 2 (n = 7 post-stroke subjects). Electromyographic and kinematic analysis was performed during reaching. Results: Differences between the groups were found at the inferior fibers of the left trapezius (p = 0,043) and serratus anterior bilaterally (p = 0,028). No relation was found to the velocity. Conclusions: In some muscles were found anticipatory postural adjustments

    Avaliação da função muscular do ombro, em jogadores de voleibol, com e sem dor

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    Introdução: A sequência de activação e a actividade muscular, são importantes na coordenação do movimento da omoplata com a elevação do úmero. Objectivos: Avaliar sequência de activação, actividade e força de músculos do ombro comparando jogadores com/sem dor. Metodologia: Amostra de 15 atletas (7 - grupo experimental; 8 - grupo controlo). Avaliou-se electromiograficamente o Deltóide Anterior, Grande Peitoral, Trapézio Superior, Trapézio Inferior e Infra- Espinhoso na diagonal do Isocinético (90°/s; 180°/s). Resultados: Encontraram-se diferenças na sequência e tempos de activação; não havendo diferenças na actividade, peak torque e rácio antagonistas/agonistas. Conclusão: A dor crónica afectou sequência e tempos de activação muscular.Introduction: Muscles recruitment patterns and activity, are important in coordinating scapular motion with humeral elevation. Purpose: Evaluate shoulder muscles recruitment patterns, muscles activity and strength, comparing volleyball players with/without shoulder pain. Methods: Study with fifteen subjects (7 - experimental group; 8 - control group). It was analyzed the electromyographic activity of Anterior Deltoid, Pectoralis Major, Lower and Upper Trapezius and Infraspinatus, in the Isokinetic diagonal (90º/s; 180º/s). Results: There were differences of muscles recruitment patterns, however it didn´t happen for muscles activity, peak torque and ratio antagonist/agonist. Conclusion: Chronic pain influenced temporal sequence of muscles recruitment and muscles activation time

    Imbalance and fall—risk improvements in the elderly: effects of combined strength and aerobic training

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    Falls among the elderly are an important clinical and health problem due to their high incidence and their functional and social repercussions. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a combined strength and aerobic exercise program (EP) on the fall risk (FR) in older adults by use of a measure of postural stability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Core muscles activity levels during lumbar stabilization exercises

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    This study examined the muscle activity levels of abdominal and back muscles while subjects performed specific exercises for lumbar stabilization training with abdominal bracing and drawing-in.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Entrevista com Gilberto Gil

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    Entrevista realizada em 30 de março de 2009, Salvador, Bahia