10 research outputs found

    The State Regulation of Labor Market from the Standpoint of Strategic and Stakeholder-Oriented Approaches

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    The article is aimed at studying the process of the State regulation of the labor market from the standpoint of strategic and stakeholder-oriented approaches. The strategic approach to formation of the conception of the State regulation of labor market is researched. Within the framework of the strategic approach the selective strategy of formation of the mentioned conception is considered. The basic criteria of formation of the selective strategy are defined. The stakeholder-oriented approach to formation of the conception of the State regulation of labor market is explored. A definition of the concept of stakeholder of labor market is formulated. The process of interaction of stakeholders in the labor market is characterized with the help of the bridging model based on bipartism, tripartism and multipartism. It is concluded that the process of forming the concept of the State regulation of labor market should be based on strategic and stakeholder-oriented approaches. The strategic approach involves the implementation of a selective strategy. A stakeholder-oriented approach emphasizes the need to achieve a balance of interests, which consists in organization of the public and economic space of the labor market through the efficient implementation of joint-distribution relations


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    Introduction and optimization of the use of the energy and resource saving innovations in the production process of enterprises is one of the main conditions ensuring stable development of the economy of any country. Due to the high level of consumption of fuel, energy raw and auxiliary materials, the introduction of these innovations is relevant for processing plants. At the same time, management of the energy and resource saving innovations at these enterprises is complicated by the lack of investment in the processing industry as a whole, low efficiency of use of the enterprise own financial resources and high level of the credit risk inherent in the innovation projects. In this regard, the aim of the article is to develop a methodology for evaluating the economic efficiency of innovative energy and resource saving projects. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: system analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, abstract and logical method. The proposed as a result of the study method of assessing economic efficiency of innovative projects on the energy and resource saving can be used in the process of integrated management of the energy and resource saving innovations at the processing plants by implementing basic standards of resource management taking into account possible risks


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    The efficiency of innovation activities of agro-industrial enterprises is provided by the choice of the optimal innovation-investment program, which consists of a set of innovative projects and the appropriate amount of money needed for their implementation. At the same time, given the limited financial resources required for the development of production, it is important to form an optimal set of projects by allocating funds not to local projects, but to the entire innovation and investment program as a whole. In this regard, the article aims to form an effective innovation-investment program of the development of agro-industrial enterprises based on modeling the choice of the optimal set of projects of the development of new innovative products and projects of the introduction of ready innovations on the market. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: systems analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, abstract-logical method, graphical method. According to the research results the proposed economic-mathematical model can be used in the process of choosing an innovative strategy of the development of agro-industrial production, as well as to form targeted programs of innovative development and investment support of agro-industrial enterprises as a whole

    Improvement of controlling in the financial management of enterprises

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    One of the components of a highly effective management system is operational controlling at the enterprise. At the same time, the most important indicator characterising the efficiency of the functioning of the enterprise and, ccordingly, subject to controlling is its solvency, which affects the level of competitiveness of the enterprise and the efficiency of its adaptation to the changing conditions of the market environment. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to modernize the procedure of financial controlling based on the development of an integral model for determining and analysing the transformational solvency index. The article forms a universal model of financial condition assessment, in which all threshold values of the coefficients, calculated according to existing methods of financial stability assessment, are reduced to one scale and the accumulated impact of indicator values for previous periods of economic activity is taken into account. On the basis of the correlation analysis, the nature and strength of the dependence of the transformational solvency index on the factors influencing its formation and causing tendentious trends in the dynamics of its change during a certain period are determined

    The Logic of Introducing Innovation Activities into the Regional Labor Market in the Context of its Cyclical Development

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    The article is aimed at implementing an implication of the theory of wave-like (cyclical) evolutionary development of the economic system with regard to the regional labor market and determining the time for the most effective introduction of innovation influence according to development cycle of the labor markets in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The article schematically depicts the dissipative system of the cyclical evolutionary development of the regional labor market. The status of the regional labor market in each of the phases of the development cycle has been characterized. An evaluation of the efficiency of introducing innovations in the regional labor market, depending on the development cycle of this market, has been provided. The phase of the development cycle in which the labor markets of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions are effective has been defined, and the causal relationships that show these markets being in the «crisis» phase, have been described. It has been concluded that it would be useful to modify the existing policy of innovation impact on the regional labor markets of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in line with the development phase of the markets indicated


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    The basis for the development of an innovative economy in Ukraine is to ensure the functioning of innovative entrepreneurship. At the same time, the efficiency of enterprises is conditioned by the use of innovative types of employment, aimed at providing them with highly qualified specialists with the necessary level of motivation to work. In their turn, the processes of effective formation of innovative employment involve the control by the state authorities. The aim of the study is to develop the architectonics of the state regulation mechanism of the innovative employment in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the following methods of scientific research were used: the method of statistical analysis; the method of comparison and synthesis; the abstract-logical method; the graphic method. According to the results of the study, the recommendations on implementation of the regulation mechanism of innovative employment in Ukraine were suggested for use in practical activity of public authorities.Inovatyvios ekonominės plėtros Ukrainoje pagrindas yra užtikrinti novatorišką verslumo funkcionavimą. Tuo pat metu įmonių efektyvumą lemia inovatyvių užimtumo būdų panaudojimas, siekiant suteikti rinkai aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistus, turinčius reikiamą motyvaciją dirbti. Savo ruožtu, efektyvaus novatoriško darbo formavimo procesai apima valstybės institucijų kontrolę. Tyrimo tikslas - plėtoti Ukrainos novatoriško užimtumo valstybės reguliavimo mechanizmo architektoniką. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo naudojami tokie mokslinio tyrimo metodai: statistinės analizės metodas; palyginimo ir sintezės metodas; abstraktus-loginis metodas; grafinis metodas. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, rekomenduojamos rekomendacijos dėl naujoviško užimtumo reguliavimo mechanizmo įgyvendinimo Ukrainoje, siekiant jas panaudoti praktinėje valdžios institucijų veikloje.Reikšminiai žodžiai: inovacinė veikla, novatoriškas užimtumas, novatoriškas verslumas, inovacijų užimtumo reguliavimo mechanizmas, darbo rinka.JEL kodai E24, L26, O32, O38


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    International experience in managing the innovation development of national economies demonstrates the synthesis of scientific, industrial, economic and social policies in the form of specific entities – innovation clusters in order to create and active use of innovations. In its turn, the competitiveness of the modern economy is directly dependent on technological advances and organizational changes that contribute to the commercialization of the results of scientific and technological developments. In this regard, ensuring the effective functioning and development of innovative clusters that positively affect the competitiveness of the economy of any country in the world is of particular relevance. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the enterprises interaction in the innovation cluster for further planning of measures to improve its functioning. To achieve this goal, the following methods of scientific research were used: the method of comparison and synthesis; the econometric method; abstract-logical method; the graphic method. The methodology developed in the course of the study should be used in forming the directions of the development strategy of new cluster members, in adjusting the existing strategy to the acting clusters of enterprises and in developing measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their interaction

    Modelización de las decisiones de gestión del arrendamiento financiero en el sector agroalimentario

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    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and systemic crisis phenomena in the economy of many countries, limited financial and logistical resources in most agri-food enterprises, financial leasing is one of the innovative procedures aimed at upgrading fixed assets of economic entities by obtaining the latest equipment without a significant expenditure of funds for a one-time payment of its full value. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to form a procedure for optimizing management decisions on the selection of cost-effective partners in the field of financial leasing to increase the level of profitability of the enterprise. The article, based on direct methods of decisionmaking theory, adapts three decisive conditions for determining the economic feasibility of relationships with counterparties in the field of financial leasing. As a result of the research, the procedure of rating the economic utility of financial and economic relations of the agri-food enterprise-lessor with partners by synthesizing, normalizing and comparing the main parameters that characterize the specifics of leasing relations with each potential counterparty-lessee of a particular agri-food enterprise-lessor.No contexto dos fenômenos de crise pandêmica e sistêmica COVID-19 na economia de muitos países, recursos financeiros e logísticos limitados na maioria das empresas agroalimentares, a locação financeira é um dos procedimentos inovadores que visam atualizar os ativos fixos das entidades econômicas, obtendo os equipamentos mais recentes sem uma despesa significativa de recursos para um pagamento único de seu valor total. Nesse sentido, o objetivo da pesquisa é formar um procedimento para otimizar as decisões de gestão sobre a seleção de parceiros econômicos no campo da locação financeira para aumentar o nível de rentabilidade do empreendimento. O artigo, baseado em métodos diretos de teoria da tomada de decisão, adapta três condições decisivas para determinar a viabilidade econômica das relações com contrapartes no campo da locação financeira. Como resultado da pesquisa, o procedimento de classificação da utilidade econômica das relações financeiras e econômicas do agrifood empresa-locador com parceiros, sintetizando, normalizando e comparando os principais parâmetros que caracterizam as especificidades das relações de arrendamento com cada potencial contraparte de um determinado agri-food empresalocador.En el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 y los fenómenos de crisis sistémica en la economía de muchos países, los recursos financieros y logísticos limitados en la mayoría de las empresas agroalimentarias, el arrendamiento financiero es uno de los procedimientos innovadores destinados a mejorar los activos fijos de las entidades económicas. Este sentido, el propósito de la investigación es formar un procedimiento para optimizar las decisiones de gestión sobre la selección de socios rentables en el campo del arrendamiento financiero para aumentar el nivel de rentabilidad de la empresa. El artículo, basado en métodos directos de la teoría de la toma de decisiones, adapta tres condiciones decisivas para determinar la viabilidad económica de las relaciones con las contrapartes en el campo del arrendamiento financiero. Como resultado de la investigación, el procedimiento de calificación de la utilidad económica de las relaciones financieras y económicas de la empresa agroalimentariaarrendadora con los socios mediante la síntesis, normalización y comparación de los principales parámetros que caracterizan las especificidades de las relaciones de arrendamiento con cada contraparte potencial-arrendatario de una determinada empresa agroalimentaria-arrendadora

    Синергетичний ефект в інноваційних кластерах: сутність та особливості оцінювання

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    The purpose of the research. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the synergistic effect and to develop a common method for evaluating the phenomenon for further possible use in the analysis of the innovation cluster effectiveness. Methodology. In the course of the research, there were used general scientific theoretical methods: system analysis – to clarify the main categories of research; abstract-logical method – for realization of theoretical generalizations and conclusions about the essence of synergistic effect and peculiarities of its evaluation; graphical method – for visual presentation of theoretical and analytical material for the reflection of the main characteristics of synergetic effect in innovation clusters. Results. The article outlines the main characteristics of the innovation cluster and defines its role in formation of the competitive advantages for the national economy. The essence of the synergistic effect that arises in the process of interaction of innovation cluster participants is investigated. On the example of the functioning of large and small enterprises in the cluster the author illustrates schematically the positive synergistic effect of their interaction, and describes the main specific features of this effect. A general methodology for evaluating the synergistic effect in an innovation cluster is proposed based on grouping of the indicators system that will allow to evaluate the effectiveness of interaction processes between the innovation cluster participants. Practical meaning. The proposed general methodology for evaluating the synergistic effect in an innovation cluster can be used by its participants in the process of determining the effectiveness of their integration and developing appropriate measures to regulate the activity of the cluster. Prospects for further research. Carrying-out of the theoretical substantiation of the choice and calculation of certain indicators for the evaluation of the synergistic effect in the innovation cluster. Development of alternative forecasts for the innovation cluster development based on the results of the evaluation.Мета дослідження. Мета статті – визначення сутності синергетичного ефекту та розробка загальної методики оцінювання зазначеного явища для подальшого можливого використання в процесі аналізу ефективності функціонування інноваційного кластера. Методологія. У процесі виконання дослідження використано загальнонаукові теоретичні методи: системний аналіз – для з’ясування основних категорій дослідження; абстрактно-логічний метод – для здійснення теоретичних узагальнень та висновків про сутність синергетичного ефекту та особливості його оцінювання, графічний метод – для наочного представлення теоретичного й аналітичного матеріалу щодо відображення основних характеристик синергетичного ефекту в інноваційних кластерах. Результати. У статті виділено основні характеристики інноваційного кластеру та визначено його роль у формуванні конкурентних переваг для національної економіки. Досліджено сутність синергетичного ефекту, який виникає в процесі взаємодії учасників інноваційного кластеру. Авторами на прикладі функціонування великого та малого підприємства у складі кластера схематично відображено позитивний синергетичний ефект від їхньої взаємодії, охарактеризовано основні специфічні ознаки зазначеного ефекту. Запропоновано загальну методику проведення оцінювання синергетичного ефекту в інноваційному кластері на основі групування системи показників, які дозволять оцінити ефективність процесів взаємодії між учасниками інноваційного кластера. Практичне значення. Запропонована загальна методика оцінювання синергетичного ефекту в інноваційному кластері може бути використана його учасниками в процесі визначення ефективності функціонування їх об’єднання та розробки відповідних заходів з регулювання діяльністю кластера. Перспективи подальших досліджень. Здійснення теоретичного обґрунтування вибору та розрахунку певних показників для проведення оцінювання синергетичного ефекту в інноваційному кластері. Розробка альтернативних прогнозів розвитку інноваційного кластера на основі результатів зазначеного оцінювання


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    In a global economic competition, the countries that provide favorable conditions for efficient investment and innovation are winning. At the same time, the problem of sufficient investment support for enterprises, which, in turn, can be solved by economic and mathematical modeling of the investment management process becomes especially relevant. In this regard, the purpose of our study is to develop an algorithm for making the optimal decision on the feasibility of implementing a particular innovation project based on the calculation of optimization models of investment management. To achieve this goal, the following methods of scientific research were used: economic-mathematical modeling, abstract-logical method, graphical method. According to the results of the research, the decision-making algorithm on the feasibility of implementing a particular innovation project can be used by entrepreneurs-innovators to plan, forecast, control production processes, cash, material and investment flows at the enterprise, as well as to determine the necessary financial capabilities, efficiency, risk innovative project.Pasaulinėje ekonominėje konkurencijoje laimi šalys, sudarančios palankias sąlygas efektyvioms investicijoms ir inovacijoms. Tuo pat metu ypač aktuali tampa pakankamos investicinės paramos įmonėms problema, kurią savo ruožtu galima išspręsti ekonominiu ir matematiniu investicijų valdymo proceso modeliavimu. Šiuo atžvilgiu mūsų tyrimo tikslas yra sukurti optimalaus sprendimo dėl konkretaus inovacijų projekto įgyvendinimo pagrįstumo, pagrįsto investicijų valdymo optimizavimo modelių skaičiavimu, priėmimo algoritmą. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo naudojami šie mokslinių tyrimų metodai: ekonominis-matematinis modeliavimas, abstraktus-loginis metodas, grafinis metodas. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, sprendimų priėmimo algoritmą dėl konkretaus inovacijų projekto įgyvendinimo galimybių verslininkai-novatoriai gali naudoti planuodami, prognozuodami, kontroliuodami gamybos procesus, grynųjų pinigų, medžiagų ir investicijų srautus įmonėje, taip pat reikalingų finansinių galimybių, efektyvumo, rizikos novatoriško projekto nustatymui