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    Over the past decade, there have been signs of improvement of the Black Sea. However, its unique water areas and coastline are still under serious threat. The Black Sea is unprotected from significant anthropogenic pressures, and has a low adaptive potential. If as the region's economy grows, these pressures will intensify, the problem will become more serious.The implementation of the Directive 2008/56/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of environmental policy on the marine environment (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) are important for Ukraine. The use of the marine environment, taking into account the ecosystem approach and the principle of integrated management improves the environment, biodiversity, development of industries marine complex, especially commercial fish and shellfish, recreation and tourism.Directive 2008/56/EC aims to achieve good environmental status of marine waters and to protect the marine resources that affect the economic and social activities. The main stages of the implementation of Directive 2008/56/EC include: 1) adoption of national legislation and designation the authority or authorities competent for the implementation of this Directive; 2) initial assessment of the current  environmental status of marine waters; determine good environmental status for marine waters and establishment environmental targets and associated indicators; establishment of monitoring program for the development of ongoing assessment and regular updating purposes; 3) development programme of measures to achieve good environmental status.Implementation of the MSFD requires more coordinated research, so that studies to evaluate benefits can be carried out across countries using comparable, state-of-the-art valuation methods. This could also include the combination of different valuation methods, e.g. of stated and revealed preference methods, to gain more reliable benefit estimates. Moreover, integrated modelling will be of utmost importance to link bio-geophysical and socio-economic systems and to trace the effects of changes in the marine environment to their impact on benefits.Focus is on methodological questions related to a common understanding of the funding, technical and scientific implications of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In particular, one of the objectives of the strategy is the development of non-legally binding and practical documents, such as co-financing of MSFD measures.За последнее десятилетие наблюдались признаки улучшения состояния Черного моря. Однако его уникальные акватории и побережья все еще находятся под серьезной угрозой. Черное море незащищено от значительных антропогенных воздействий, и имеет низкий адаптационный потенциал. Если по мере роста экономики региона эти давления усилятся, проблема может усилиться.Имплементация Директивы 2008/56/ ЕС об установлении рамок деятельности Сообщества в сфере экологической политики по морской среде (Рамочная Директива о морской стратегии) имеет важное значение, поскольку использование морской среды с учетом экосистемного подхода и принципа интегрированного управления способствует улучшению состояния окружающей среды, сохранению биоразнообразия, развития отраслей морехозяйственного комплекса, прежде всего рыбного промысла, аквакультуры, рекреации и туризма.Директива 2008/56/ЕС направлена на достижение хорошего экологического статуса морских вод и защиты морских ресурсов, от которых зависит экономическая и социальная активность. Основные этапы реализации этого документа включают: 1) вступления в силу законов, подзаконных актов и административными положениями, необходимыми для выполнения Директивы 2008/56 / ЕС; определение уполномоченного органа (органов) власти, ответственного за ее внедрение; 2) начальную оценку современного состояния морских вод; определения их хорошего экологического состояния; установление экологических целей и индикаторов для морских вод; разработку программы мониторинга для осуществления текущей оценки и регулярного обновления целей; 3) подготовку комплекса мероприятий для достижения хорошего экологического статуса.Основное внимание уделяется методологическим вопросам, связанным с общим пониманием финансовых , технических и научных последствий Рамочной директивы о морской стратегии. В частности, одной из целей стратегии является разработка не имеющих обязательной юридической силы и практических документов, таких как софинансирование мер РДМС.За останнє десятиліття спостерігалися ознаки поліпшення стану Чорного моря. Проте його унікальні акваторії та узбережжя все ще знаходяться під серйозною загрозою. Чорне море незахищене від значних антропогенних тисків, і має низький адаптаційний потенціал. Якщо по мірі зростання економіки регіону ці тиски посиляться, проблема стане серйознішою.Імплементація Директиви 2008/56/ЄС про встановлення рамок діяльності Співтовариства у сфері екологічної політики щодо морського середовища (Рамкова Директива про морську стратегію), оскільки використання морського середовища з урахуванням екосистемного підходу та принципу інтегрованого управління сприяє поліпшенню стану довкілля, збереженню біорізноманіття, розвитку галузей морегосподаського комплексу, перш за все рибальства, аквакультури, рекреації й туризму.Директива 2008/56/ЄС спрямована на досягнення доброго екологічного стану морських вод і захисту морських ресурсів, від яких залежить економічна та соціальна діяльність. Основні етапи реалізації цього документа включають: 1) набуття чинності законами, підзаконними актами та адміністративними положеннями, необхідними для виконання Директиви 2008/56/ЄС; визначення уповноваженого органу (органів) влади, відповідального за її впровадження; 2) початкову оцінку сучасного стану морських вод; визначення їх доброго екологічного стану; встановлення екологічних цілей та індикаторів для морських вод; розробку програми моніторингу для здійснення поточної оцінки та регулярного оновлення цілей; 3) підготовку комплексу заходів для досягнення доброго екологічного стану.Реалізація РДМС вимагає більш скоординованих досліджень, що мають проводитися в різних країнах, використовуючи порівняльні, найсучасніші методи оцінки. Це може також включати комбінацію різних методів оцінки, наприклад від заявлених та виявлених методів оцінки стану навколишнього середовища. Більше того, інтегроване моделювання матиме надзвичайно важливе значення для поєднання біогеофізичних та соціально-економічних систем та простежити вплив змін у морському середовищі.Зосереджено увагу на методологічних питаннях, пов'язаних із загальним розумінням фінансових, технічних та наукових наслідків Рамкової директиви Морської стратегії. Зокрема, однією з цілей цієї стратегії є розробка не юридично обов'язкових та практичних документів, таких як співфінансування заходів РДМС

    Macrophage recruitment and epithelial repair following hair cell injury in the mouse utricle

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    The sensory organs of the inner ear possess resident populations of macrophages, but the function of those cells is poorly understood. In many tissues, macrophages participate in the removal of cellular debris after injury and can also promote tissue repair. The present study examined injury-evoked macrophage activity in the mouse utricle. Experiments used transgenic mice in which the gene for the human diphtheria toxin receptor (huDTR) was inserted under regulation of the Pou4f3 promoter. Hair cells in such mice can be selectively lesioned by systemic treatment with diphtheria toxin (DT). In order to visualize macrophages, Pou4f3-huDTR mice were crossed with a second transgenic line, in which one or both copies of the gene for the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 were replaced with a gene for GFP. Such mice expressed GFP in all macrophages, and mice that were CX3CR1GFP/GFP lacked the necessary receptor for fractalkine signaling. Treatment with DT resulted in the death of ~70% of utricular hair cells within seven days, which was accompanied by increased numbers of macrophages within the utricular sensory epithelium. Many of these macrophages appeared to be actively engulfing hair cell debris, indicating that macrophages participate in the process of ‘corpse removal’ in the mammalian vestibular organs. However, we observed no apparent differences in injury-evoked macrophage numbers in the utricles of CX3CR1+/GFP mice vs. CX3CR1GFP/GFP mice, suggesting that fractalkine signaling is not necessary for macrophage recruitment in these sensory organs. Finally, we found that repair of sensory epithelia at short times after DT-induced hair cell lesions was mediated by relatively thin cables of F-actin. After 56 days recovery, however, all cell-cell junctions were characterized by very thick actin cables

    Selective deletion of cochlear hair cells causes rapid age-dependent changes in spiral ganglion and cochlear nucleus neurons

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    During nervous system development, critical periods are usually defined as early periods during which manipulations dramatically change neuronal structure or function, whereas the same manipulations in mature animals have little or no effect on the same property. Neurons in the ventral cochlear nucleus (CN) are dependent on excitatory afferent input for survival during a critical period of development. Cochlear removal in young mammals and birds results in rapid death of target neurons in the CN. Cochlear removal in older animals results in little or no neuron death. However, the extent to which hair-cell-specific afferent activity prevents neuronal death in the neonatal brain is unknown. We further explore this phenomenon using a new mouse model that allows temporal control of cochlear hair cell deletion. Hair cells express the human diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor behind the Pou4f3 promoter. Injections of DT resulted in nearly complete loss of organ of Corti hair cells within 1 week of injection regardless of the age of injection. Injection of DT did not influence surrounding supporting cells directly in the sensory epithelium or spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). Loss of hair cells in neonates resulted in rapid and profound neuronal loss in the ventral CN, but not when hair cells were eliminated at a more mature age. In addition, normal survival of SGNs was dependent on hair cell integrity early in development and less so in mature animals. This defines a previously undocumented critical period for SGN survival

    Fractalkine signaling regulates macrophage recruitment into the cochlea and promotes the survival of spiral ganglion neurons after selective hair cell lesion

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    Macrophages are recruited into the cochlea in response to injury caused by acoustic trauma or ototoxicity, but the nature of the interaction between macrophages and the sensory structures of the inner ear remains unclear. The present study examined the role of fractalkine signaling in regulating the injury-evoked behavior of macrophages following the selective ablation of cochlear hair cells. We used a novel transgenic mouse model in which the human diphtheria toxin receptor (huDTR) is selectively expressed under the control of Pou4f3, a hair cell-specific transcription factor. Administration of diphtheria toxin (DT) to these mice resulted in nearly complete ablation of cochlear hair cells, with no evident pathology among supporting cells, spiral ganglion neurons, or cells of the cochlear lateral wall. Hair cell death led to an increase in macrophages associated with the sensory epithelium of the cochlea. Their numbers peaked at 14 days after DT and then declined at later survival times. Increased macrophages were also observed within the spiral ganglion, but their numbers remained elevated for (at least) 56 d after DT. To investigate the role of fractalkine signaling in macrophage recruitment, we crossed huDTR mice to a mouse line that lacks expression of the fractalkine receptor (CX(3)CR1). Disruption of fractalkine signaling reduced macrophage recruitment into both the sensory epithelium and spiral ganglion and also resulted in diminished survival of spiral ganglion neurons after hair cell death. Our results suggest a fractalkine-mediated interaction between macrophages and the neurons of the cochlea. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT It is known that damage to the inner ear leads to recruitment of inflammatory cells (macrophages), but the chemical signals that initiate this recruitment and the functions of macrophages in the damaged ear are unclear. Here we show that fractalkine signaling regulates macrophage recruitment into the cochlea and also promotes the survival of cochlear afferents after selective hair cell lesion. Because these afferent neurons carry sound information from the cochlea to the auditory brainstem, their survival is a key determinant of the success of cochlear prosthetics. Our data suggest that fractalkine signaling in the cochlea is neuroprotective, and reveal a previously uncharacterized interaction between cells of the cochlea and the innate immune system

    Self-consistent Coulomb picture of an electron-electron bilayer system

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    In this work we implement the self-consistent Thomas-Fermi approach and a local conductivity model to an electron-electron bilayer system. The presence of an incompressible strip, originating from screening calculations at the top (or bottom) layer is considered as a source of an external potential fluctuation to the bottom (or top) layer. This essentially yields modifications to both screening properties and the magneto-transport quantities. The effect of the temperature, inter-layer distance and density mismatch on the density and the potential fluctuations are investigated. It is observed that the existence of the incompressible strips plays an important role simply due to their poor screening properties on both screening and the magneto-resistance (MR) properties. Here we also report and interpret the observed MR Hysteresis within our model.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to PR

    Frictional Drag between Two Dilute Two-Dimensional Hole Layers

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    We report drag measurements on dilute double layer two-dimensional hole systems in the regime of r_s=19~39. We observed a strong enhancement of the drag over the simple Boltzmann calculations of Coulomb interaction, and deviations from the T^2 dependence which cannot be explained by phonon-mediated, plasmon-enhanced, or disorder-related processes. We suggest that this deviation results from interaction effects in the dilute regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. Lett. Added single layer transport dat

    Studies of dust from JET with the ITER-Like Wall: Composition and internal structure

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    Results are presented for the dust survey performed at JET after the second experimental campaign with the ITER-Like Wall: 2013–2014. Samples were collected on adhesive stickers from several different posi- tions in the divertor both on the tiles and on the divertor carrier. Brittle dust-forming deposits on test mirrors from the inner divertor wall were also studied. Comprehensive characterization accomplished by a wide range of high-resolution microscopy techniques, including focused ion beam, has led to the iden- tification of several classes of particles: (i) beryllium flakes originating either from the Be coatings from the inner wall cladding or Be-rich mixed co-deposits resulting from material migration; (ii) beryllium droplets and splashes; (iii) tungsten and nickel-rich (from Inconel) droplets; (iv) mixed material layers with a various content of small (8–200 nm) W-Mo and Ni-based debris. A significant content of nitrogen from plasma edge cooling has been identified in all types of co-deposits. A comparison between particles collected after the first and second experimental campaign is also presented and discussed.EURATOM 63305

    Correlations of Online Search Engine Trends with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Incidence: Infodemiology Study

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    Background: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is the latest pandemic of the digital age. With the internet harvesting large amounts of data from the general population in real time, public databases such as Google Trends (GT) and the Baidu Index (BI) can be an expedient tool to assist public health efforts. Objective: The aim of this study is to apply digital epidemiology to the current COVID-19 pandemic to determine the utility of providing adjunctive epidemiologic information on outbreaks of this disease and evaluate this methodology in the case of future pandemics. Methods: An epidemiologic time series analysis of online search trends relating to the COVID-19 pandemic was performed from January 9, 2020, to April 6, 2020. BI was used to obtain online search data for China, while GT was used for worldwide data, the countries of Italy and Spain, and the US states of New York and Washington. These data were compared to real-world confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19. Chronologic patterns were assessed in relation to disease patterns, significant events, and media reports. Results: Worldwide search terms for shortness of breath, anosmia, dysgeusia and ageusia, headache, chest pain, and sneezing had strong correlations (r>0.60, P<.001) to both new daily confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19. GT COVID-19 (search term) and GT coronavirus (virus) searches predated real-world confirmed cases by 12 days (r=0.85, SD 0.10 and r=0.76, SD 0.09, respectively, P<.001). Searches for symptoms of diarrhea, fever, shortness of breath, cough, nasal obstruction, and rhinorrhea all had a negative lag greater than 1 week compared to new daily cases, while searches for anosmia and dysgeusia peaked worldwide and in China with positive lags of 5 days and 6 weeks, respectively, corresponding with widespread media coverage of these symptoms in COVID-19. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the utility of digital epidemiology in providing helpful surveillance data of disease outbreaks like COVID-19. Although certain online search trends for this disease were influenced by media coverage, many search terms reflected clinical manifestations of the disease and showed strong correlations with real-world cases and deaths