85 research outputs found

    Fission Hindrance in hot 216Th: Evaporation Residue Measurements

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    The fusion evaporation-residue cross section for 32S+184W has been measured at beam energies of E_beam = 165, 174, 185, 196, 205, 215, 225, 236, 246,and 257 MeV using the ATLAS Fragment Mass Analyzer. The data are compared with Statistical Model calculations and it is found that a nuclear dissipation strength, which increases with excitation energy, is required to reproduce the excitation function. A comparison with previously published data show that the dissipation strength depends strongly on the shell structure of the nuclear system.Comment: 15 pages 9 figure

    Thermal and Chemical Freeze-out in Spectator Fragmentation

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    Isotope temperatures from double ratios of hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, and carbon isotopic yields, and excited-state temperatures from yield ratios of particle-unstable resonances in 4He, 5Li, and 8Be, were determined for spectator fragmentation, following collisions of 197Au with targets ranging from C to Au at incident energies of 600 and 1000 MeV per nucleon. A deviation of the isotopic from the excited-state temperatures is observed which coincides with the transition from residue formation to multi-fragment production, suggesting a chemical freeze-out prior to thermal freeze-out in bulk disintegrations.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C, small changes as suggested by the editors and referee

    Manifestation of transient effects in fission induced by relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We examine the manifestation of transient effects in fission by analysing experimental data where fission is induced by peripheral heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies. Available total nuclear fission cross sections of 238U at 1 A GeV on gold and uranium targets are compared with a nuclear-reaction code, where transient effects in fission are modelled using different approximations to the numerical time-dependent fission-decay width: a new analytical description based on the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation and two widely used but less realistic descriptions, a step function and an exponential-like function. The experimental data are only reproduced when transient effects are considered. The deduced value of the dissipation strength depends strongly on the approximation applied for the time-dependent fission-decay width and is estimated to be of the order of 2x10**21 s**(-1). A careful analysis sheds severe doubts on the use of the exponential-like in-growth function largely used in the past. Finally, we discuss which should be the characteristics of experimental observables to be most sensitive to transient effects in fissionComment: 18 pages, 2 figures, background information on http://www-w2k.gsi.de/kschmidt

    Particle emission following Coulomb excitation in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We study nuclear reactions induced by virtual photons associated with Lorentz-boosted Coulomb fields of ultrarelativistic heavy ions. Evaporation, fission and multifragmentation mechanisms are included in a new RELDIS code, which describes the deexcitation of residual nuclei formed after single and double photon absorption in peripheral heavy-ion collisions. Partial cross sections for different dissociation channels, including the multiple neutron emission ones, are calculated and compared with data when available. Rapidity and transverse momentum distributions of nucleons, nuclear fragments and pions, produced electromagnetically, are also calculated. These results provide important information for designing large-rapidity detectors and zero-degree calorimeters at RHIC and LHC. The electromagnetic dissociation of nuclei imposes some constrains on the investigation of exotic particle production in gamma-gamma fusion reactions.Comment: 26 LaTeX pages including 8 figures, uses epsf.st

    Breakup Temperature of Target Spectators in Au + Au Collisions at E/A = 1000 MeV

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    Breakup temperatures were deduced from double ratios of isotope yields for target spectators produced in the reaction Au + Au at 1000 MeV per nucleon. Pairs of 3,4^{3,4}He and 6,7^{6,7}Li isotopes and pairs of 3,4^{3,4}He and H isotopes (p, d and d, t) yield consistent temperatures after feeding corrections, based on the quantum statistical model, are applied. The temperatures rise with decreasing impact parameter from 4 MeV for peripheral to about 10 MeV for the most central collisions. The good agreement with the breakup temperatures measured previously for projectile spectators at an incident energy of 600 MeV per nucleon confirms the observed universality of the spectator decay at relativistic bombarding energies. The measured temperatures also agree with the breakup temperatures predicted by the statistical multifragmentation model. For these calculations a relation between the initial excitation energy and mass was derived which gives good simultaneous agreement for the fragment charge correlations. The energy spectra of light charged particles, measured at θlab\theta_{lab} = 150^{\circ}, exhibit Maxwellian shapes with inverse slope parameters much higher than the breakup temperatures. The statistical multifragmentation model, because Coulomb repulsion and sequential decay processes are included, yields light-particle spectra with inverse slope parameters higher than the breakup temperatures but considerably below the measured values. The systematic behavior of the differences suggests that they are caused by light-charged-particle emission prior to the final breakup stage. PACS numbers: 25.70.Mn, 25.70.Pq, 25.75.-qComment: 29 pages, TeX with 11 included figures; Revised version accepted for publication in Z. Phys. A Two additional figure

    Multidimensional Recording (MDR) and Data Sharing: An Ecological Open Research and Educational Platform for Neuroscience

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    Primate neurophysiology has revealed various neural mechanisms at the single-cell level and population level. However, because recording techniques have not been updated for several decades, the types of experimental design that can be applied in the emerging field of social neuroscience are limited, in particular those involving interactions within a realistic social environment. To address these limitations and allow more freedom in experimental design to understand dynamic adaptive neural functions, multidimensional recording (MDR) was developed. MDR obtains behavioral, neural, eye position, and other biological data simultaneously by using integrated multiple recording systems. MDR gives a wide degree of freedom in experimental design because the level of behavioral restraint is adjustable depending on the experimental requirements while still maintaining the signal quality. The biggest advantage of MDR is that it can provide a stable neural signal at higher temporal resolution at the network level from multiple subjects for months, which no other method can provide. Conventional event-related analysis of MDR data shows results consistent with previous findings, whereas new methods of analysis can reveal network mechanisms that could not have been investigated previously. MDR data are now shared in the public server Neurotycho.org. These recording and sharing methods support an ecological system that is open to everyone and will be a valuable and powerful research/educational platform for understanding the dynamic mechanisms of neural networks

    Charge correlations and dynamical instabilities in the multifragment emission process

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    A new, sensitive method allows one to search for the enhancement of events with nearly equal-sized fragments as predicted by theoretical calculations based on volume or surface instabilities. Simulations have been performed to investigate the sensitivity of the procedure. Experimentally, charge correlations of intermediate mass fragments emitted from heavy ion reactions at intermediate energies have been studied. No evidence for a preferred breakup into equal-sized fragments has been found.Comment: 12 pages, TeX type, psfig, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett, also available at http://csa5.lbl.gov/moretto/ps/zcor_pp.p

    NeuroGrid: recording action potentials from the surface of the brain.

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    Recording from neural networks at the resolution of action potentials is critical for understanding how information is processed in the brain. Here, we address this challenge by developing an organic material-based, ultraconformable, biocompatible and scalable neural interface array (the 'NeuroGrid') that can record both local field potentials(LFPs) and action potentials from superficial cortical neurons without penetrating the brain surface. Spikes with features of interneurons and pyramidal cells were simultaneously acquired by multiple neighboring electrodes of the NeuroGrid, allowing for the isolation of putative single neurons in rats. Spiking activity demonstrated consistent phase modulation by ongoing brain oscillations and was stable in recordings exceeding 1 week's duration. We also recorded LFP-modulated spiking activity intraoperatively in patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. The NeuroGrid constitutes an effective method for large-scale, stable recording of neuronal spikes in concert with local population synaptic activity, enhancing comprehension of neural processes across spatiotemporal scales and potentially facilitating diagnosis and therapy for brain disorders

    Illusions of Visual Motion Elicited by Electrical Stimulation of Human MT Complex

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    Human cortical area MT+ (hMT+) is known to respond to visual motion stimuli, but its causal role in the conscious experience of motion remains largely unexplored. Studies in non-human primates demonstrate that altering activity in area MT can influence motion perception judgments, but animal studies are inherently limited in assessing subjective conscious experience. In the current study, we use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), intracranial electrocorticography (ECoG), and electrical brain stimulation (EBS) in three patients implanted with intracranial electrodes to address the role of area hMT+ in conscious visual motion perception. We show that in conscious human subjects, reproducible illusory motion can be elicited by electrical stimulation of hMT+. These visual motion percepts only occurred when the site of stimulation overlapped directly with the region of the brain that had increased fMRI and electrophysiological activity during moving compared to static visual stimuli in the same individual subjects. Electrical stimulation in neighboring regions failed to produce illusory motion. Our study provides evidence for the sufficient causal link between the hMT+ network and the human conscious experience of visual motion. It also suggests a clear spatial relationship between fMRI signal and ECoG activity in the human brain