61 research outputs found

    Chinese Economy in 2050 - The Key Challenges on the way to Grow

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    China attracts people with its geographic and economic diversity, an impressive heritage of over three thousand years old civilisation and the size of population which creates different opportunities for business. Understanding past and current reality of this country seems to be difficult as its economic and political system is somewhere in between bureaucratic and authoritarian one-party state and market orientated modern economy. The State centre within last three decades became one of the most important players in the world on political, economic and military scenes. It has the largest population, the most numerous army, nuclear weapons, large surplus in foreign trade balance, central bank reserves amounting 3,5 trillion USD and its national currency named yuan, which already has become a part of SDR. Nowadays China is on the way to become the world largest economy with independent impact on global political and economic affairs.This country is also facing a list of problems, which seem to be very serious and which will be challenging authorities and society in coming years and decades. One of the most important is necessity to strength environmental regulations to improve quality of life and to decrease the level of destruction of nature, secondly to support human capital to facilitate transition to higher value-added economy, it means to increase internal consumption and the third to boost rural development, which is slow, ineffective and it creates significant differences in individual incomes between urban and country regions. The speed of economic growth seems to be essential for business, stock exchanges and foreign investors and therefore questions concerning the barriers on the road to grow seem to be essential for coming years. This article is a trial to indicate these key challenges and threats for China on the way to grow

    Nauczanie języka specjalistycznego i przedmiotów w przygotowaniu do studiów wyższych

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    International trade as a key factor for sustainable economic development

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    PURPOSE: Sustainable economic development is a very ambitious goal of many countries and international organisations. It ensures optimal use of existing resources, a fair distribution of revenues and an overall increase in the level of prosperity. International trade, which is an important factor for economic growth, will undoubtedly play an important role in the implementation of this programme. Efficient external trade is not only a source of national income and economies of scale for companies, but also a harmonious development of all countries and peoples. Sustainable development should help prevent all people on our planet from becoming delimited and create the conditions for development. Hence, the purpose of this article is to present the main objectives of the Sustainable Economic Development Agenda and to link them to the development of international trade.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The applied scientific methodology is concerned with analysing selected literary and statistical sources on the Sustainable Development Agenda, linking the individual points of the programme with the growth process and attempting to establish links between the two programmes and international trade.FINDINGS: The hypothesis put forward in the paper states that stable economic growth is a prerequisite for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda and that this depends on dynamic international trade. Although not all items of the Sustainable Development Agenda are directly linked to trade, they require all stable sources of revenue that can only be derived from strong economies.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The publication has a very current dimension and its conclusions can be taken into account in formulating further steps and demands under the Sustainable Development Agenda.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The undeniable added value of the publication is to find a completely new approach to the Sustainable Development Agenda, which is to generate the revenue needed to implement it. The answer to this challenge is stable economic growth linked to international trade. This new approach paves the way for further research and reflection on the close links between the Sustainable Growth and Sustainable Development programmes.peer-reviewe

    Emerging markets as key drivers of the global economy

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    PURPOSE: Rapid economic and demographic development of emerging markets signifies that their importance in the world economy is growing steadily in the 21st century, as evidenced by their growing share of world GDP. These markets are undoubtedly becoming the main centres of the world economy. Countries such as China, India, and Brazil have brought cutting-edge innovations to the world rendering the global market increasingly competitive. The aim of the publication is to present the factors determining the dynamic development of emerging markets and their current and future importance in the global economy.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY: The methodology used in the publication is based on the analysis of literature and statistical sources, presentation of available international reports relating to the problem of the role and importance of emerging markets in the modern world. This topic is extended by statistical analyses and descriptive descriptions of presented economic problems.FINDINGS: The role and importance of the current leaders of global economic growth is declining and the countries in question are encountering a diminishment in rankings pertaining to global significance. There is no doubt that, in the near future, the economies of emerging countries will be the main driving force of global economic growth. The article confirms this thesis by presenting relevant substantive arguments.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The publication has a very up-to-date theoretical and practical dimension, and its conclusions can be applied both theoretically, in the sense of continuing research, as well as practically in relation to business activities in the markets of emerging countries.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The publication analyses and forecasts the current and future importance of emerging market countries in terms of their role and importance in the global economy. It is an important voice in the debate on the changing balance of power in the world in economic, demographic and social dimensions.peer-reviewe

    Niektóre czynniki warunkujące efektywność nauczania fizyki w Studium Języka Polskiego dla Cudzoziemców Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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    Celem pracy dydaktycznej w Studium Języka Polskiego dla Cudzoziemców UŁ Jest przygotowanie zagranicznych maturzystów do rozpoczęcia studiów w polskich wyższych uczelniach. Przygotowanie to obejmuje przede wszystkim język polski i zakłada jego opanowanie w stopniu umożliwiającym korzystanie z wykładów i literatury, sporządzanie notatek, opracowywanie sprawozdań z ćwiczeń. Jest to więc nauka języka ukierunkowana pod kątem przyszłych potrzeb. Praktyka pierwszych lat działalności Studium wykazała, że w tym przypadku konieczne jest również zapoznanie słuchaczy z terminologią specjalistyczną przedmiotów ważnych dla wybranego kierunku studiów oraz powtórzenie - a często i uzupełnienie - wiadomości merytorycznych. Z tych to powodów, poza językiem polskim, w obowiązującym tu planie zajęć znalazły się tzw. przedmioty kierunkowe: matematyka, fizyka i chemia - dla kandydatów na studia politechniczne bądź uniwersyteckie o kierunku matematyczno- -fizycznym oraz oiologia, chemia i fizyka - dla kandydatów na studia medyczne lub uniwersyteckie przyrodnicze.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Civil szervezetek szerepe a területi foglalkoztatási megállapodásokban

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    In present study I would like to demonstrate the role of civil organizations in the territorial employment pacts of the South Transdanubian region. In changing number and to various ex-tent, but civil organizations take a part in all employment pacts of the region. The collaboration and the participation in the elaboration of the local employment development ideas are impor-tant, because they are in a daily contact with the target groups of the pact. The results of my study show that the civil organizations participating in the pacts are diverse and unique. To exploit the opportunity arising from these characteristics, civil organizations should cooperate in the planning and execution of their programs. The resulting synergy effect can significantly contribute to the achievement of both individual civil organizations' and pacts' goals

    Testy w nauczaniu fizyki w Studium Języka Polskiego dla Cudzoziemców Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Risk mitigation in business activities on emerging markets

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the publication is to present and classify forms of risk in foreign trade. Risk in international business is a common and objective phenomenon, but it is particularly intense on the emerging markets. Unpredictability is usually the main reason that restrains companies from doing business in developing countries. There is a significant demand for the business tools which can mitigate risk in foreign trade, particularly on emerging markets.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The methodology used in the publication is based on the analysis of business literature, empirical studies and international reports relating to the problem of risk in foreign trade.FINDINGS: Emerging countries are undoubtedly the most attractive places in the world to invest capital and to obtain above average rates of return. Their explosive economic and demographic development guarantees growing demand for goods and services, and thus virtually unlimited opportunities in business activities. However, the key problem for business in these markets is their high economic instability, political unpredictability and social immaturity. This constant volatility can be described as a state of permanent risk, which is an immanent feature of emerging markets. The most important scientific problem included in the paper concerns the effectiveness of particular forms of risk mitigation in business practice. The study also presents the major financial and trade tools to increase safeness of investments.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The present publication undoubtedly has a practical aspect and its conclusions may be applied in formulating business strategies of companies operating in emerging countries.peer-reviewe

    Investment funds of emerging markets as alternative forms of capital investment in the conditions of low interest rates

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    PURPOSE: The present paper aims to analyze the Polish investment funds of emerging markets in 2015-2019 based on selected measures of investment effectiveness. The research problem formulated in this way is supposed to answer whether these funds are an attractive and secure form of investing capital in the conditions of meager interest rates offered by commercial banks.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study's methodology comprises a descriptive part, which deals with the typology of emerging markets, and an empirical part referring to the analysis of the economic effects of Polish investment funds active on these markets. The empirical part makes use of the data included in information prospectuses of the funds as well as in financial statements. The descriptive part conducts literature studies in the subject area under discussion, above all the non-serial literature, reports, and information from the websites of financial institutions.FINDINGS: Meager reference rates of central banks do not make traditional and safe forms of investing the capital very attractive. Moreover, they do not even ensure the maintenance of the value of the deposited means. In this situation, it becomes necessary both for individual and institutional investors to search for alternative forms of multiplying the capital. Higher rates of return on capital can offer stock investments, including those realized through specialized investment funds.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The added value resulting from the conducted studies confirms that financial investments on capital markers of emerging countries can be an excellent alternative to the traditional financial instruments characterized by a meager rate of return.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The originality and innovativeness of the present paper have two dimensions, namely the analytical one - consisting in the assessment of the new Polish market of investments funds, and the practical one - indicating new investment possibilities for individual and institutional investors.peer-reviewe