6 research outputs found

    El diseño urbano y el futuro cercano de la logística urbana: un enfoque de placemaking sostenible

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    La logística urbana se refiere al transporte de bienes y materiales en entornos urbanos. Los sistemas tradicionales generan externalidades negativas en las ciudades y el planeta, como la degradación del entorno construido y la contaminación ambiental. Para enfrentar estos problemas, ciudades de Europa occidental están probando nuevas estrategias, modos de transporte y tipos de infraestructura. Aunque existen estudios de ingeniería y gestión, hay un vacío en el campo del diseño urbano. Esta investigación explora cómo las innovaciones en la logística urbana en Europa occidental se relacionan con el entorno construido y las implicancias de esto en la teoría y práctica del diseño urbano, adoptando un enfoque de placemaking sostenible. El análisis revela algunas relaciones e implicaciones. Parece existir una relación bidireccional entre la logística y la morfología urbanas. Estas innovaciones pueden tener un impacto, positivo o negativo, en la experiencia perceptiva, la búsqueda del carácter local y la identidad del lugar, así como en la calidad de la vida pública y la estética urbana. Además, las innovaciones en la logística urbana desafían algunas suposiciones sobre qué es un diseño apropiado. Por último, esta investigación identifica la necesidad de algunos cambios en la teoría del diseño urbano y esboza principios de diseño.CheveningTrabajo de investigació

    Ciclos Económicos e Inversión en Bolivia

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    Los ciclos económicos en Bolivia son estables en el largo plazo pero no en el corto plazo, aun así los ciclos límite muestran que existe equilibrio. Tanto el acelerador como el tiempo de fabricación de nuevos bienes de capital dependen de las percepciones de las políticas del gobierno, si estas políticas permiten que el tiempo de fabricación de nuevos bienes de capital se reduzca o el impacto del acelerador fuera mayor, mejoraría el impacto de la inversión sobre el producto, teniendo como resultado ciclos estables en el corto plazo y largo plazo.Ciclos Económicos; Inversión; Equilibrio; Estabilidad; Corto Plazo; Largo Plazo; Acelerador; Producto

    Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis In Nopal ( Opuntia ficus - indica )

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    The appraisal of soil fertility and the assessment of plant mineral requirements are fundamental for crop management. This study was conducted to determine nutrient norms and to identify significant nutrient interactions in nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica). Preliminary compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) norms were developed from a small database as means and standard deviations of row-centered log ratios (Vx) of five nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) and a filling value, R, which comprises all nutrients not chemically analyzed and quantified in nopal plants. Preliminary CND norms are: * N V = -1.13336 ±0.0766, * VP = -2.26110 ±0.1093, * VK = 0.36715 ±0.2329, * VCa = 0.37021 ±0.1047, * VMg = -0.7257 ±0.1413, and * VR5 = 3.38281 ±0.0833. These norms qualify yields higher than 35 kg pl-1 (fresh matter of cladodes oneyear old) registered in an experimental plot with a plant density of 10000 plants per hectare, and are associated to 0.97% N, 0.31% P, 4.47% K, 4.37% Ca, and 1.47% Mg. Four important nutrient interactions were evidenced through principal component analyses: Ca-Mg, Ca-N, Mg-N, and K-P

    Population Genetic Structure of Traditional Populations in the Peruvian Central Andes and Implications for South American Population History

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    Molecular-based characterizations of Andean peoples are traditionally conducted in the service of elucidating continent-level evolutionary processes in South America. Consequently, genetic variation among “western” Andean populations is often represented in relation to variation among “eastern” Amazon and Orinoco River Basin populations. This west-east contrast in patterns of population genetic variation is typically attributed to large-scale phenomena, such as dual founder colonization events or difffering long-term microevolutionary histories. However, alternative explanations that consider the nature and causes of population genetic diversity within the Andean region remain underexplored. Here we examine population genetic diversity in the Peruvian Central Andes using data from the mtDNA first hypervariable region and Y-chromosome short tandem repeats among 17 newly sampled populations and 15 published samples. Using this geographically comprehensive data set, we first reassessed the currently accepted pattern of western versus eastern population genetic structure, which our results ultimately reject: mtDNA population diversities were lower, rather than higher, within Andean versus eastern populations, and only highland Y-chromosomes exhibited significantly higher within-population diversities compared with eastern groups. Multiple populations, including several highland samples, exhibited low genetic diversities for both genetic systems. Second, we explored whether the implementation of Inca state and Spanish colonial policies starting at about ad 1400 could have substantially restructured population genetic variation and consequently constitute a primary explanation for the extant pattern of population diversity in the Peruvian Central Andes. Our results suggest that Peruvian Central Andean population structure cannot be parsimoniously explained as the sole outcome of combined Inca and Spanish policies on the region’s population demography: highland populations difffered from coastal and lowland populations in mtDNA genetic structure only; highland groups also showed strong evidence of female-biased gene flow and/or efffective sizes relative to other Peruvian ecozones. Taken together, these findings indicate that population genetic structure in the Peruvian Central Andes is considerably more complex than previously reported and that characterizations of and explanations for genetic variation may be best pursued within more localized regions and defined time periods