54 research outputs found

    Combining machine learning and spatial data processing techniques for allocation of large-scale nature-based solutions

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from IWA Publishing via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: All relevant data are available from an online repository or repositories: (https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets; https://search.asf.alaska.edu/#/; https://geo.gob.bo/; https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=7/52.154/5.295; https://rsis.ramsar.org/; https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?layers=cfcb7609de5f478eb7666240902d4d3d; https://land.copernicus.eu/en/products/corine-land-cover; https://worldcover2020.esa.int/viewer).The escalating impacts of climate change trigger the necessity to deal with hydro-meteorological hazards. Nature-based solutions (NBSs) seem to be a suitable response, integrating the hydrology, geomorphology, hydraulic, and ecological dynamics. While there are some methods and tools for suitability mapping of small-scale NBSs, literature concerning the spatial allocation of large-scale NBSs is still lacking. The present work aims to develop new toolboxes and enhance an existing methodology by developing spatial analysis tools within a geographic information system (GIS) environment to allocate large-scale NBSs based on a multi-criteria algorithm. The methodologies combine machine learning spatial data processing techniques and hydrodynamic modelling for allocation of large-scale NBSs. The case studies concern selected areas in the Netherlands, Serbia, and Bolivia, focusing on three large-scale NBS: rainwater harvesting, wetland restoration, and natural riverbank stabilisation. Information available from the EC H2020 RECONECT project as well as other available data for the specific study areas was used. The research highlights the significance of incorporating machine learning, GIS, and remote sensing techniques for the suitable allocation of large-scale NBSs. The findings may offer new insights for decision-makers and other stakeholders involved in future sustainable environmental planning and climate change adaptation.European Union Horizon 202

    A Nonluminescent and Highly Virulent Vibrio harveyi Strain Is Associated with “Bacterial White Tail Disease” of Litopenaeus vannamei Shrimp

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    Recurrent outbreaks of a disease in pond-cultured juvenile and subadult Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp in several districts in China remain an important problem in recent years. The disease was characterized by “white tail” and generally accompanied by mass mortalities. Based on data from the microscopical analyses, PCR detection and 16S rRNA sequencing, a new Vibrio harveyi strain (designated as strain HLB0905) was identified as the etiologic pathogen. The bacterial isolation and challenge tests demonstrated that the HLB0905 strain was nonluminescent but highly virulent. It could cause mass mortality in affected shrimp during a short time period with a low dose of infection. Meanwhile, the histopathological and electron microscopical analysis both showed that the HLB0905 strain could cause severe fiber cell damages and striated muscle necrosis by accumulating in the tail muscle of L. vannamei shrimp, which led the affected shrimp to exhibit white or opaque lesions in the tail. The typical sign was closely similar to that caused by infectious myonecrosis (IMN), white tail disease (WTD) or penaeid white tail disease (PWTD). To differentiate from such diseases as with a sign of “white tail” but of non-bacterial origin, the present disease was named as “bacterial white tail disease (BWTD)”. Present study revealed that, just like IMN and WTD, BWTD could also cause mass mortalities in pond-cultured shrimp. These results suggested that some bacterial strains are changing themselves from secondary to primary pathogens by enhancing their virulence in current shrimp aquaculture system

    Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners

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    The Handbook aims to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive NBS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions across 12 societal challenge areas: Climate Resilience; Water Management; Natural and Climate Hazards; Green Space Management; Biodiversity; Air Quality; Place Regeneration; Knowledge and Social Capacity Building for Sustainable Urban Transformation; Participatory Planning and Governance; Social Justice and Social Cohesion; Health and Well-being; New Economic Opportunities and Green Jobs. Indicators have been developed collaboratively by representatives of 17 individual EU-funded NBS projects and collaborating institutions such as the EEA and JRC, as part of the European Taskforce for NBS Impact Assessment, with the four-fold objective of: serving as a reference for relevant EU policies and activities; orient urban practitioners in developing robust impact evaluation frameworks for nature-based solutions at different scales; expand upon the pioneering work of the EKLIPSE framework by providing a comprehensive set of indicators and methodologies; and build the European evidence base regarding NBS impacts. They reflect the state of the art in current scientific research on impacts of nature-based solutions and valid and standardized methods of assessment, as well as the state of play in urban implementation of evaluation frameworks

    Protective Efficacy of Clinacanthus nutans on Yellow-head Disease in Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon)

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    The leaves of Clinacanthus nutans Lindua, a well-known Thai traditional medicine against viral disease in human being, were used to extract antiviral substances by ethanol using soxhlet apparatus. The extract was tested for its activity against yellow-head rhabdovirus (YRV) in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Virucidal effect was investigated by observation of mortality of the shrimp injected with the extract-treated virus. The results showed that extract of C. nutans inhibited YRV in vitro with the minimum concentration of 1μg/ml. Protective efficacy of the extract on YRV infection in shrimp was tested by oral administration of the extract mixed pellet. As the result, the protective efficacies obtained were 44.6, 57.4 and 4.2% in the shrimp groups fed the extract at 0.1, 1 and 10g/kg pellet, respectively, indicating that the C. nutans extract mixed with pellet at 1 g/kg could most effectively control YRV infection in shrimp

    A Framework for Evaluating Performance of Large-Scale Nature-Based Solutions to Reduce Hydro-Meteorological Risks and Enhance Co-benefits

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    Over recent decades, hydro-meteorological disasters appear to be becoming more intense and frequent. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been introduced to address hydro-meteorological risks as they offer the possibility of working closely with nature. This provides solutions to adapt to future changes in climate and society, as well as to achieve multiple benefits to services and functions of ecosystems. However, the performance and efficiency of NBS for hydro-meteorological risk reduction are still highly uncertain. Scientists and decision-makers require holistic perspectives and frameworks to help understand, evaluate and design NBS in such a way that can minimize social and economic losses, reduce environmental impacts and increase resilience to hydro-meteorological events. Therefore, methods or frameworks that can be used to evaluate NBS performance are necessary. In this work, a framework for evaluating large-scale NBS for hydro-meteorological risks is presented. The evaluation framework is separated into three main stages; identification of Indicators, before implementation (ex-ante) evaluation and after implementation (ex-post) evaluation. Developing a framework will be useful in assisting and supporting communities that wish to implement NBS for hydro-meteorological risk reduction, as well as communities that have implemented NBS and wish to assess their effectiveness. The work presented here is part of the EC-funded HORIZON 2020 RECONECT project (Regenerating Ecosystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion).Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.BT/Biotechnologi

    Multi-objective Optimisation Framework for Assessment of Trade-Offs between Benefits and Co-benefits of Nature-based Solutions

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    Urbanization and climate change are producing an escalation in the prevalence of urban problems, particularly those connected to flooding, prompting authorities and stakeholders to recognize the need for sustainable solutions. Nature-Based Solutions are progressively replacing traditional engineering solutions as an alternative since they are more eco-friendly. By re-activating the urban hydrological cycle processes, NBS intends to increase the natural water storage capacity to help decrease urban flooding. The work described here outlines a framework for optimising the efficacy of NBS for flood risk reduction and its co-benefits, as well as defining the trade-offs among these co-benefits. The framework integrates 1D hydrodynamic models with multi-objective optimisation techniques. To demonstrate the applicability of the framework and its methods it has been used in Sint Maarten, which is an island located in the Caribbean Sea. Four NBS measure were identified as having good potential to be applied in the case study, namely: green roof, permeable pavement, bio-retention pond, and open detention basin. The results showed that the developed framework has the ability to represent the link between benefits and costs when evaluating various NBS, hence aiding the decision-making process to select and implement NBS

    Planning and Suitability Assessment of Large-scale Nature-based Solutions for Flood-risk Reduction

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    Adverse effects of climate change are increasing around the world and the floods are posing significant challenges for water managers. With climate projections showing increased risks of storms and extreme precipitation, the use of traditional measures alone is no longer an option. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) offer a suitable alternative to reduce the risk of flooding and provide multiple benefits. However, planning such interventions requires careful consideration of various factors and local contexts. The present paper provides contribution in this direction and it proposes a methodology for allocation of large-scale NBS using suitability mapping. The methodology was implemented within the toolboxes of ESRI ArcMap software in order to map suitability for four types of NBS interventions: floodplain restoration, detention basins, retention ponds, and river widening. The toolboxes developed were applied to the case study area in Serbia, i.e., the Tamnava River basin. Flood maps were used to determine the volume of floodwater that needs to be stored for reducing flood risk in the basin and subsequent downstream areas. The suitability maps produced indicate the potential of the new methodology and its application as a decision-support tool for selection and allocation of large-scale NBS