12 research outputs found

    Psychosocial environment for the integrated education opportunities of the disabled in Lithuania

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    BACKGROUND: The policy of the diminution of the social isolation of the disabled is the main objective of the strategy of the EU new policy concerning the disabled. Lithuanian society faces this objective as well. For this reason, this study aiming at providing the theoretical basis for and predicting the possible psycho-social environment in an integrated education system, as well as at the evaluation of the reasons for the formation of a positive approach to the disabled, is especially relevant, since it creates the prerequisites for the optimisation of the process of the integration of disabled schoolchildren into the general system of education. METHOD: The sample of the study consisted of 2471 children from the same schools: not integrated (1958), integrated (126) and special schools (382). Empirical methods: questionnaire poll, comparative analysis. The statistical analysis was carried out using SAS. RESULTS: Our study showed that the majority of schoolchildren without disabilities and disabled schoolchildren have positive intentions for interpersonal interactions (>82%) and positive emotions (>69%) independently of the discrepant character of interpersonal contacts, different conditions of education and family life, and despite of low level of knowledge. CONCLUSION: The results of the study confirmed positive intentions for interpersonal interaction between disabled schoolchildren and schoolchildren without disabilities, as well as a positive character of emotions, and disprove the unsound myth of the opponents of the social integration of the disabled stating that disabled children in comprehensive schools would undoubtedly experience offence from their peers without disabilities

    Arts Education of Pupils with Special Educational Needs: Objectives and Principles

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    Nepriklausomybės laikotarpiu prasidėjusią neįgaliųjų integraciją Lietuvoje keičia įtraukiojo (inkliuzinio) ugdymo poreikis. Atliekami moksliniai tyrimai, analizuojantys, kaip keičiasi visuomenės požiūris į negalią turinčius žmones, tiriama meno įtaka neįgaliųjų socializacijai, stiprinama juridinė šių asmenų ugdymo bazė. Meninio ugdymo dalykai (muzika, dailė, šokis, teatras) taip pat padeda ugdyti mokinių kompetencijas, reikalingas mokymuisi ir bendravimui, kūrybingai saviraiškai, komunikacijai ir individo vidinei darnai. Straipsnio tikslas – pasitelkiant mokslinės literatūros analizės metodą išryškinti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių meninio ugdymo tikslus ir principus.Changes in society, democratisation of education enable to shift towards persons with disabilities, in order to integrate them into society without causing discomfort neither the person, nor those around him. Categorization of disabilities and disorders according to medical criteria does not meet the educational objectives of pupils with special educational needs, as both developmental disorders and learning difficulties create the variety of abilities, needs and interests of pupils in the class. Such variety refers to school for all pupils, to involving (inclusive) education. According to the results of surveys, although the pupils with special educational needs are involved in general education, the teacher still remains alone with his philosophy and methods, without being offered an opportunity for cooperation, consultancy support, which is one of conditions for success in the involving (inclusive) education. Lack of systematic research is still observed, which brings out the didactics issues of art education of pupils with special educational needs, therefore, the analysed scientific problem is relevant. The objectives of special art education are focused not only on the pupils having special educational needs, but also to the surrounding people – teachers, classmates, family, society, and even more, to their mutual interactions. Such change of didactic goals reveals the new art education principles. The subjects of the article are the didactic goals and principles, educating the pupils with special needs by art. Applying the method of analysis of the scientific literature, the article reveals the research of the world and Lithuanian scientists in the field of special art pedagogy and theoretically justifies six principles of art education: art education focused on the emotionally positive interaction between the learner and teacher, directed to the learner’s family and society; art education is of moral aspect; content of art education is integral and perceived; educational methods are applied in complex; in the process of art education the verbal and nonverbal reflections predominate; art education is personally and socially meaningful for the pupils with special educational needs

    Social Health Dimension of People With Mental Disabilities: Reflections on Social Policy

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    Pagrindinis straipsnio tikslas - psichikos negalią turinčių asmenų patirties pagrindu atskleisti socialinius sveikatos aspektus, jų problemų struktūrą ir turinį. Tyrimo empirinę bazę sudarė 18 giluminių interviu su 9 psichinę negalią turinčiais tyrimo dalyviais medžiaga. Tyrimas atskleidė tai, jog psichinę negalią turinčių asmenų socialinės sveikatos problemas sąlygoja tarpusavyje sąveikaujančių socialinių veiksnių visuma: kiekybiniai ir kokybiniai socialinio tinklo pokyčiai, ribotos socialinio dalyvavimo galimybės, užimtumo stoka, bedarbystė, skurdas ir išlaikytinio vaidmuo, neigiamas visuomenės požiūris, diskriminacija ir stigmatizacija, išryškėjo psichikos neįgaliųjų susitaikymas su viešoje erdvėje vyraujančiais stereotipais, t.y. ilgainiui vyksta stigmų ir jiems priskiriamo vaidmens perėmimas. Bene ryškiausia socialinių sveikatos problemų linija yra susijusi su stigmatizacija ir neįgaliųjų diskriminacija. Šis reiškinys persmelkia visus kitus socialinės sveikatos aspektus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Neįgalumas; Psichinė negalia; Psichologinė negalia; Socialinė sveikatos dimensija; Disability; Mental disability; Mental disibility; Social dimension of healthThe interacting biological, psychological and social factors are equally important in the genesis of mental health problems, so the social aspects of health will inevitably become a ground for an effective treatment and care. The aim of the study is to reveal the structure and content of the social-related health problems on the basis of the mentally disabled people experience. The in-depth interview was conducted with four mentally ill participants. The study revealed that the social health aspects of mentally ill persons causes the set of interacting social factors such as quantitative and qualitative changes in the social network, limited opportunities for social articipation, lack of activities, unemployment, poverty and dependent status, negative public attitudes, stigma and discrimination, revealed to terms with the prevailing stereotypes in a public area. Perhaps the most notable social health problem is connected to the stigma and discrimination against disabled people. This phenomenon pervades all other aspects of social health. On stereotypical assumptions employers reluctant to hire people with mental disabilities. In this case, limited social participation, employment opportunities increased social isolation, leads to "rebound" phenomenon - the growing social exclusion and poverty, declining social experiences decreases the efficiency of the treatment and prognosis. And vice versa

    Pacientų įsitraukimas kaip inovacijų sveikatos priežiūroje veiksnys

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    Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje sveikatos priežiūra patiria didelius ir nuolatinius iššūkius. Jiems įveikti siekiama kurti inovatyvius produktus, kurie suteiktų galimybes taikyti efektyvius gydymo būdus. Tačiau šiuolaikinė sveikatos priežiūros sistema yra labai kompleksinis reiškinys. Todėl pagrindinis iššūkis tenka sveikatos priežiūros sistemos valdymui, kuris užtikrintų šios sistemos integralumą. Šia prasme pacientų įsitraukimas yra tas veiksnys, kuris turi potencialą stiprinti atskirų sveikatos priežiūros sistemos elementų darnų funkcionavimą. Tačiau pacientų įsitraukimui reikia sukurti ir palaikyti tam tikras organizacines struktūras, pavyzdžiui, savitarpio paramos grupes. Inovacijų kontekste svarbu, kad pacientų dalyvavimas būtų ne savitikslis, o kuriantis pridėtinę vertę reiškinys. Todėl yra svarbi atskirų reiškinių sisteminė analizė. Straipsnyje pateikiama teorinė analizė ir empirinis tyrimas.Health care faces great and constant challenges in contemporary society. On the one hand, there is a policy to encourage creation of new products, which enable for effective treatment. On the other hand, the main challenge is related with effective management of huge complexity in health care system. Patients’ involvement has a great potential for integration in health care. However, it is important to create organizational structures (i.e. support groups). Furthermore, it is important to ensure that patients’ involvement generate added value. Article presents theoretical analysis and empirical results

    School-based education to address pornography’s influence on young people:A proposed practice framework

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    There is growing community and policy interest in educational efforts among children and young people to address pornography. Education on pornography increasingly is seen as a necessary strategy in the context of young people’s widespread exposure to pornography and the potential shifts in young people’s sexual and gendered lives and relations which this entails. What, then, does promising practice in education to address pornography’s influence look like? This article offers a framework for school-based pornography education. It begins with the rationale for conducting pornography education in schools in particular. The article then offers a detailed account of a proposed practice framework for school-based pornography education, emphasizing such principles as a whole-school approach, a robust conceptual approach, grounding in sexuality education, and participatory teaching and learning. It concludes by assessing an existing school curriculum resource, In The Picture, against this framework.</p

    Values in General Education School: Teachers’ Approach

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    Moral values are characterized as meaning of human life and plenitude condition. The basis of moral values are always spiritual and ensuring human as individual united becoming. The influence of moral values to better pupil achievements and thinking are based on academic research. Attention is drawn, that values of educators are related not only with their own work but also with ability to create more humane relations and educational process – to work with all age group students and base communication in educational process on self-esteem and creativity. The values of educators have an influence on student maturity – education based on moral values determine positive social behavior, allows the better understanding of behaviour impact on yourself and others, develop his ethic vocabulary. The research discovers that in modern school moral values are not frequent – they formed a quarter of all identified values. Values can be considered as aspect of organization of educational process, school management and work with parents. However by this way the attitude is expressed to school management and education based on humane relations, establishment of conditions is emphasized to correspond not only the need of educator but also the needs of other schools community members. Discussing values, educators often express problems arising while organizing educational process. So it must be assumed that various pedagogical difficulties have influence on value education – giving a sense to student activities require considerable amount of effort. Therefore short-term goals are set and pupil moral position is understood in school. Little attention to spiritual learning perspectives.Straipsnyje aptariama vertybinio ugdymo svarba bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, analizuojama, kokioms vertybėms edukacinėje praktikoje skiriama didžiausia reikšmė. Atsiremiant į tai, kad dorovinės vertybės laikomos būtina žmoniškumo prielaida, kad nepriklausomos Lietuvos švietimo sistema grindžiama dorovinėmis nuostatomis, straipsnyje analizuojamas pedagogų požiūris į dorovines vertybes bei jų formavimosi kontekstą