598 research outputs found

    Reduced Basis Method for Parametrized Elliptic Optimal Control Problems

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    We propose a suitable model reduction paradigm-the certified reduced basis method (RB)-for the rapid and reliable solution of parametrized optimal control problems governed by partial differential equations. In particular, we develop the methodology for parametrized quadratic optimization problems with elliptic equations as a constraint and infinite-dimensional control variable. First, we recast the optimal control problem in the framework of saddle-point problems in order to take advantage of the already developed RB theory for Stokes-type problems. Then, the usual ingredients of the RB methodology are called into play: a Galerkin projection onto a low-dimensional space of basis functions properly selected by an adaptive procedure; an affine parametric dependence enabling one to perform competitive offline-online splitting in the computational procedure; and an efficient and rigorous a posteriori error estimate on the state, control, and adjoint variables as well as on the cost functional. Finally, we address some numerical tests that confirm our theoretical results and show the efficiency of the proposed technique. Copyright \ua9 by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited

    A Reduced Order Approach for the Embedded Shifted Boundary FEM and a Heat Exchange System on Parametrized Geometries

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    A model order reduction technique is combined with an embedded boundary finite element method with a POD-Galerkin strategy. The proposed methodology is applied to parametrized heat transfer problems and we rely on a sufficiently refined shape-regular background mesh to account for parametrized geometries. In particular, the employed embedded boundary element method is the Shifted Boundary Method (SBM), recently proposed in Main and Scovazzi, J Comput Phys [17]. This approach is based on the idea of shifting the location of true boundary conditions to a surrogate boundary, with the goal of avoiding cut cells near the boundary of the computational domain. This combination of methodologies has multiple advantages. In the first place, since the Shifted Boundary Method always relies on the same background mesh, there is no need to update the discretized parametric domain. Secondly, we avoid the treatment of cut cell elements, which usually need particular attention. Thirdly, since the whole background mesh is considered in the reduced basis construction, the SBM allows for a smooth transition of the reduced modes across the immersed domain boundary. The performances of the method are verified in two dimensional heat transfer numerical examples

    Reduced-order semi-implicit schemes for fluid-structure interaction problems

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    POD-Galerkin reduced-order models (ROMs) for fluid-structure interaction problems (incompressible fluid and thin structure) are proposed in this paper. Both the high-fidelity and reduced-order methods are based on a Chorin-Temam operator-splitting approach. Two different reduced-order methods are proposed, which differ on velocity continuity condition, imposed weakly or strongly, respectively. The resulting ROMs are tested and compared on a representative haemodynamics test case characterized by wave propagation, in order to assess the capabilities of the proposed strategies

    Advances in geometrical parametrization and reduced order models and methods for computational fluid dynamics problems in applied sciences and engineering: Overview and perspectives

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    Several problems in applied sciences and engineering require reduction techniques in order to allow computational tools to be employed in the daily practice, especially in iterative procedures such as optimization or sensitivity analysis. Reduced order methods need to face increasingly complex problems in computational mechanics, especially into a multiphysics setting. Several issues should be faced: stability of the approximation, efficient treatment of nonlinearities, uniqueness or possible bifurcations of the state solutions, proper coupling between fields, as well as offline-online computing, computational savings and certification of errors as measure of accuracy. Moreover, efficient geometrical parametrization techniques should be devised to efficiently face shape optimization problems, as well as shape reconstruction and shape assimilation problems. A related aspect deals with the management of parametrized interfaces in multiphysics problems, such as fluid-structure interaction problems, and also a domain decomposition based approach for complex parametrized networks. We present some illustrative industrial and biomedical problems as examples of recent advances on methodological developments

    Reduced basis isogeometric mortar approximations for eigenvalue problems in vibroacoustics

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    We simulate the vibration of a violin bridge in a multi-query context using reduced basis techniques. The mathematical model is based on an eigenvalue problem for the orthotropic linear elasticity equation. In addition to the nine material parameters, a geometrical thickness parameter is considered. This parameter enters as a 10th material parameter into the system by a mapping onto a parameter independent reference domain. The detailed simulation is carried out by isogeometric mortar methods. Weakly coupled patch-wise tensorial structured isogeometric elements are of special interest for complex geometries with piecewise smooth but curvilinear boundaries. To obtain locality in the detailed system, we use the saddle point approach and do not apply static condensation techniques. However within the reduced basis context, it is natural to eliminate the Lagrange multiplier and formulate a reduced eigenvalue problem for a symmetric positive definite matrix. The selection of the snapshots is controlled by a multi-query greedy strategy taking into account an error indicator allowing for multiple eigenvalues

    Reduced order isogeometric analysis approach for PDEs in parametrized domains

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    In this contribution, we coupled the isogeometric analysis to a reduced order modelling technique in order to provide a computationally efficient solution in parametric domains. In details, we adopt the free-form deformation method to obtain the parametric formulation of the domain and proper orthogonal decomposition with interpolation for the computational reduction of the model. This technique provides a real-time solution for any parameter by combining several solutions, in this case computed using isogeometric analysis on different geometrical configurations of the domain, properly mapped into a reference configuration. We underline that this reduced order model requires only the full-order solutions, making this approach non-intrusive. We present in this work the results of the application of this methodology to a heat conduction problem inside a deformable collector pipe

    The gastroprotective effect of menthol: involvement of anti-apoptotic, antioxidant and anti-Inflammatory activities

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the anti-apoptotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of menthol against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats. Wistar rats were orally treated with vehicle, carbenoxolone (100 mg/kg) or menthol (50 mg/kg) and then treated with ethanol to induce gastric ulcers. After euthanasia, stomach samples were prepared for histological slides and biochemical analyses. Immunohistochemical analyses of the cytoprotective and anti-apoptotic heat-shock protein-70 (HSP-70) and the apoptotic Bax protein were performed. The neutrophils were manually counted. The activity of the myeloperoxidase (MPO) was measured. To determine the level of antioxidant functions, the levels of glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured using ELISA. The levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) and the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) were assessed using ELISA kits. The menthol treated group presented 92% gastroprotection compared to the vehicle-treated group. An increased immunolabeled area was observed for HSP-70, and a decreased immunolabeled area was observed for the Bax protein in the menthol treated group. Menthol treatment induced a decrease in the activity of MPO and SOD, and the protein levels of GSH, GSH-Px and GR were increased. There was also a decrease in the levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 and an increase in the level of IL-10. In conclusion, oral treatment with menthol displayed a gastroprotective activity through anti-apoptotic, antixidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms91FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2010/08536-

    Impact of security on speech quality

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    This paper deals with impact of secured environment on speech quality of IP telephony. There are presented the results of the analyzing of voice over secure communication links based on TLS. The using of secure network environments can affect a speech quality. There is the performance comparision of cipher alghorithms and description how the used security mechanisms influence the final R- factor. The presented results are based on numerous of experiments which have been performed in real IP networ