67 research outputs found

    Intelligent transport system for motorcycle safety and issues

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    This paper provides a review of Intelligent Transport System for motorcycles safety and related issues with some existing or emerging ITS technologies to enhanced vehicles safety. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have significant potential to enhance traffic safety. Numerous ITS technologies have been developed to improve the safety and efficiency of cars, commercial vehicles, public transport and infrastructure. ITS applications have been developed with car safety in mind, but the potential for developments for motorcycle is great. Very few ITS have been developed specially for motorcycles, and all of those that do exist are in-vehicle systems. Many ITS exist or are emerging for other classes of vehicle that have potential to enhance motorcycle safety directly or indirectly. There several ITS technologies in-vehicle system to be introduced and adapted to motorcycles; advanced driver assistance system, intelligent speed adaptation, driver monitoring system, collision warning and avoidance system, lane keeping and lane-change warning system, visibility enhancing system, seat belt/helmet reminder system. However, there is a need for the development of standards for the design of ITS technologies for motorcycles, as there is for the design of ITS technologies for other vehicles. Motorcycle pose particular problem when it comes to the technical adaptation of certain ITS systems, particularly those that have not been custom-designed for motorcycle

    Middle East and African Student (MEAS) perceptions of Islam and Islamic moderation: a case study

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    Islamic Moderation is such a fundamental concept that without it understanding faith is inadequate at best. Muslims are required by definition of the term ‘Muslim’ to remain on the middle path in everything pertaining to the life ways. They must not overstep the bounds (tafrit) and become trapped in the extremist quagmire (ifrat). As an Islamic doctrine par excellence, moderation inherently finds solutions for injustice and the violation of human rights. Nonetheless, some schools of Islamic thought (madhhabs) attend extremist ideology, particularly those of Middle East and African savour. These have spread a frightful spirit of intolerance throughout the world that has indelibly blackened Islam’s image by choosing to deny Islam’s characteristic spirit of moderation. In so doing, they marginalize any proper implementation of authentic Islam and block all corrective political discourse. Militant radicals clearly neglect moderation as a doctrinal position that is traditionally essential to the creed. This paper presents a broad exposure to Islam’s middle path with a focus on 192 respondents in a survey taken by Middle Eastern and African students (MEAS) studying in Malaysia. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to achieve four significant findings indicating these students do not understand the nature of being a good Muslim

    Passengers preference and satisfaction of public transport in Malaysia

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    Nowadays, Malaysia facing with an explosive growth in vehicle ownership and utilization, which led to traffic congestion and pollution. In this situation, government policy encourages people to use public transportation. However, Malaysia are prefer to use private vehicle become many reasons including bad quality of services. In this regard, public transport operators are forced to place emphasis on the monitoring and improvements of the services provided. This study focuses on traveler’s satisfaction and preference towards public transport with service quality attributes. Self rate questionnaire was used to investigate overall customer satisfaction and factor that influence public transport users’ satisfaction. A survey was conducted on an actual public transportation network in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The aim was to evaluate the parameters in passenger preference and satisfaction on public transportation network using statistical model included variable such as facilities, comfortness and quality of services. Data were analyzed using descriptive, correlation, factor and multiple regression analysis. Result show that influences of satisfaction parameters are more than preference parameters. The application of this study suggest that the public transport operation especially buses must improve their quality of services to the prospect passengers

    Istilah ‘Rempit'; Pengertian Dan Penggunaannya Dalam Isu Lumba Motorsikal Haram Di Malaysia

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    Rempit term (race) is very popular in Malaysia to use for identifying illegal motorcycle race. This research aimed to know the uses of rempit concept in the Mat Rempit group itself. The Study using 2 types of interview, the first is individual interview with 16 subjects whom had involved in rempit activity in a school at Semenyih, Selangor; the second is focus group discussion consist of 3 groups of defendant under section 42 as a result of riding motorcyle dongerously in Pulau Pinang, Johor Baharu and Kuala Lumpur. Result of the analysis, found that rempit can be redefine as an activity of motorcycle race as together (at least consist of 2 persons) which involves race (i.e sprint or lap) and/or stunt action (i.e wheelie or wheekang) triggered by trial behavior trough engine signal from motorcycle (ramp), communication or hand gesture. A Mat Rempit (racer) is an individu who get involved in this activity. This research reviews the definition throughly by formulating rempit activity comprehensively. The implication of the research is rempit word has to be used cautiosly, especially when trying to give a label to an individual as Mat Rempit. For the future research, the definition that has to be used is the one which proposed in this research and not other vague definition

    Kebolehgajian bekas penagih dadah dari perspektif majikan

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    Kebanyakan bekas penagih dadah masih sukar untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam sektor tertentu, meskipun pelbagai inisiatif telah diambil oleh pihak kerajaan. Objektif utama kajian adalah untuk mengukur persepsi serta mengenalpasti pandangan majikan terhadap bekas penagih dadah dalam konteks kebolehgajian. Reka bentuk kajian ‘mix-method’ telah digunakan untuk mengkaji persepsi majikan dan penerimaan mereka berdasarkan indikator yang telah diukur. Seramai 56 orang majikan telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Kaedah temu bual secara ‘open space discussion’ dan soal selidik berkaitan kebolehgajian bekas penagih turut digunakan. Berdasarkan dapatan kualitatif, terdapat empat tema utama terhadap penerimaan bekas penagih oleh majikan iaitu imej bekas penagih dadah, keputusan tidak menggajikan mereka, memberi peluang kepada mereka dan bekas penagih berhenti kerja. Hasil dapatan kuantitatif menunjukkan bahawa majoriti majikan berpandangan bekas penagih mempunyai tahap yang sederhana dari segi kemahiran serta nilai yang dimiliki. Namun, penerimaan majikan terhadap bekas penagih umumnya masih terpengaruh dengan stigma negatif masyarakat. Dari aspek yang lain, mereka masih melihat beberapa aspek positif yang ada pada diri bekas penagih seperti rajin dan menjalankan tugas sehingga majikan bersedia memberi peluang kedua kepada mereka

    Impact of peer bullying on school students with and without ADHD symptoms: a cross-sectional study from Pakistan

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    The present study aims to identify the impact of peer bullying on school students with and without ADHD symptoms. Sample comprised of one thousand (N=1000) school going children with an age range 9-15 years whom belong to grades 6-10, were selected by using purposive sampling technique, taken from two major cities of Southern Punjab (Multan & Bahawalpur) Pakistan. Two scales were used for data collection; Conners Teacher Rating Scale – (Revised) developed by © Conners (1997), followed by Olweus Bullying Questionnaire by © Olweus (2007). Tools were formally translated by following the guidelines of Eremenco, Cella, and Arnold (2005) into national language of Pakistan (Urdu) and employing pilot study. ANOVA, standard deviation, t-test, and mean were calculated using SPSS (21.0) to process the results. Findings suggest (t=10.096, P-Value=0.000) showing that there is significant difference between the mean scores of bullying with ADHD and without ADHD symptoms students. However, results on gender differences indicate (t=2.260, P-Value=0.024) there is a significant difference between the impact of bullying on boys and girls. Results also show (F= 7.783, P= 0.000) there is also noticeable difference in terms of bullying among all students in different grades at 5% level of significance. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are also enclosed

    Faktor analisis pendorong dan penghalang kepada kenderaan tidak bermotor di Bangi

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    Kenderaan tidak bermotor adalah penting bagi menjamin kehidupan dalam persekitaran yang bersih, sihat dan berkualiti tinggi. Hari ini, sistem pengangkutan di bandar-bandar Malaysia sering dikaitkan dengan imej buruk seperti kesesakan, kemalangan dan ketidakcekapan pengangkutan awam sebagai alternatif. Selain itu kesan pembebasan gas karbon ke ruang atmosfera menyumbang kepada pencemaran alam dan menjejaskan aspek kualiti kehidupan secara umumnya. Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi responden untuk membuat pemilihan kepada penggunaan kenderaan tidak bermotor berdasarkan kepada faktor pendorong dan penghalang. Bagi tujuan ini, faktor analisis dan CFA digunakan untuk menjelaskan situasi penggunaan kenderaan tidak bermotor berdasarkan borang soal selidik dengan 39 item yang dipecahkan kepada empat aspek utama yang menjadi instrumen soal selidik. Seramai 400 responden di Bandar Baru Bangi telah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kumpulan faktor yang amat mempengaruhi keinginan menggunakan kenderaan tidak bermotor adalah faktor halangan iaitu cuaca dan jarak perjalanan (10.879), keperluan asas yang tidak disediakan (1.945), keadaan laluan (1.589), persekitaran (1.142) dan halangan perundangan (1.044). Manakala faktor kedua yang mempengaruhi mempengaruhi keputusan untuk memilih kepada kenderaan tidak bermotor adalah faktor kesenangan (2.233), galakan (1.401) dan keselamatan (1.002). Manakala factor yang paling rendah mempengaruhi keputusan untuk bertukar kepada penggunaan kenderaaan tidak bermotor ialah faktor sekatan iaitu tiada kemudahan untuk kenderaan tidak bermotor (1.302). Hasil kajian ini memberi implikasi bahawa elemen kesenangan dan kesejahteraan kepada pengguna perlu diberi keutamaan dalam membentuk polisi ke arah penggunaan kenderaan tidak bermotor di Malaysia

    Using Structural Equation Modeling and the Behavioral Sciences Theories in Predicting Helmet Use

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    In Malaysia, according to road accidents data statistics motorcycle users contributes more than 50% of fatalities in traffic accidents, and the major cause due to head injuries. One strategy that can be used to reduce the severity of head injuries is by proper usage of helmet. Although the safety helmet is the best protective equipment to prevents head injury, majority motorcycle user did not use or did not fasten properly. In understanding this problem, the behavioral sciences theory and engineering aspect are needed to provide better explanation and comprehensive insights into solutions. The Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) and Health Belief Model (HBM) were used in predicting the behavioral intention toward proper helmet usage among motorcyclist. While, a new intervention approach were used in Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that based on the perception of a conceptual system called Safety Helmet Reminder System (SHR). Results show that the constructs variables are reliable and statistically significant with the exogenous and endogenous variables. The full structured models were proposed and tested, thus the significant predictors were identified. A multivariate analysis technique, known as Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used in modeling exercise.  Finally, the good-of-fit models were used in interpreting the implication of intervention strategy toward motorcyclist injury prevention program