122 research outputs found

    Хранение электронных книг в библиотеках: сравнительный анализ различных графических форматов

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    The author begins with discussing the key provisions of document digitization. He characterizes the unified requirements of the National Electronic Library. Further, he analyzes the graphic formats for digitized copies (TIFF, JPEG, PNG). The advantages and drawbacks of each of the formats are discussed. Due to the rapid technologies advance and emergence of reader devices, the libraries that purchase now affordable HD-scanners can increase digitization efficiency with heavy graphic formats and to increase the rate of filling the servers’ storage. The modern text recognition technologies and programs enable to initiate collections digitization. Having analyzed the formats, the author expectedly asks the following question: how to use less resources for digitization and further storage without losing the documents cultural and historical value? To solve this problem, the author suggests to modify document classification and use text recognition technologies with further storing in files which would enable to use the text directly (TXT, DOC, PDF). The author concludes that there is the need for a new consistent technology deprived of the existing drawbacks.В статье приведены основные положения, связанные с оцифровкой документов. Дана краткая характеристика единых требований к оцифровке изданий для Национальной электронной библиотеки. Проанализированы графические форматы файлов, с помощью которых можно сохранять оцифрованные копии (TIFF, JPEG, PNG). Отмечены достоинства и недостатки каждого формата. Подчёркнуто, что в связи с быстрым развитием технологий и появлением устройств «автоматизированный читатель» библиотеки приобретают ставшее доступным сканирующее оборудование высокого разрешения и увеличивают скорость оцифровки с использованием тяжёлых графических форматов в своих фондах. Это позволяет наращивать темпы заполнения хранилищ серверов. Современные компьютерные технологии и программы распознавания текста позволяют начать оцифровку фонда. Автор задаёт закономерный вопрос: как затратить меньше ресурсов на оцифровку и дальнейшее хранение без потери культурной и исторической ценности документов? Предложено модифицировать классификацию документов и использовать технологию распознавания текста с последующим сохранением в файл, позволяющую работать с текстом напрямую (TXT, DOC, PDF). Автор приходит к выводу: существует объективная необходимость разработать новую технологию, лишенную недостатков уже существующих технологий, но сохраняющую их преемственность

    Financial support for the development of the northern territories of the country

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    This article studies the issues related to the economic development of the Lower Angara region located in Krasnoyarsk Territory, analyzes the state programs for the development of the Soviet and post-Soviet era territory, and makes an attempt to determine the reasons for the unsuccessful implementation of it. Based on the conclusions made, a new approach to the socio-economic development of the area has been proposed. It consists in the application of a number of specialized industrial clusters on the territory. It is proposed to use bond financing for the financial basis of its formation. To substantiate it, the analysis of the current state of the national bond market in terms of volumes of issuance, maturity has been made and segments of the corporate bond market in the country have been considered. It is suggested that the use of an appropriate financial infrastructure would make the bond financing mechanism operation more effective

    Role of badger setts in life of other carnivores

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    A study of interspecific interactions of European (Meles meles) and Asian (M. leucurus) badgers with other carnivores at badger setts was carried out in Darwin Reserve (European part  of Russia) and in Ussuriisk Reserve (Russian Far East) in 2006-2011. We used camera traps for the registration of visits of carnivore mammals to the badger setts. Overall, 11 species were recorded. In both reserves, badger setts attract carnivore species during the whole year. Some predators visit badger setts regularly. The visitors can be divided into two groups: species searching shelter, or searching prey. The first group includes raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides and red fox Vulpes vulpes. Raccoon dog was the most frequent visitor in both study areas (34 visits in Darwin reserve and 73 in Ussuriisk reserve). The second group includes lynx Lynx lynx and wolf Canis lupus in Darwin reserve and Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus, brown bear U. arctos, yellow-throated marten Martes flavigula aterrima and lynx Lynx lynx in Ussuriisk reserve. Smaller predators are also included into the second group because they can find prey at badger setts too: leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis euptilura, sable Martes zibellina and Siberian weasel Mustela sibirica in Ussuriisk reserve and European pine marten Martes martes in Darwin reserve. No cases of  aggressive interactions between the badgers and the visitors were recorded. But we noted two cases of change of sett owners and one case when raccoon dog removed dead badger cubs from the sett

    Assessment of physiological status of felids as indicator of their welfare in the wild

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    One of the main approaches to monitoring the welfare of wild mammal populations in the wild is animal health estimation based on an analysis of their physiological parameters. To assess that for the natural felid populations, we analyzed adrenal activity level, white blood cells (WBC) counts and occurrence of seropositive reactions to different diseases. The first study was conducted in the Southwest Primorye, in natural habitats of Far Eastern leopard. Unevenly cold and snowy winters in 2010 and 2011 provided extreme natural conditions for overwintering mammals across the Russian Far East. Adrenocortical activity of leopards was significantly higher in 2011 (fecal cortisol level was 712.7 ± 92.4  ng g-1) than in 2010 (361.4 ± 80.5 ng g-1). We suggest that abundance and availability of weakened deer and carcasses could facilitate hunting for leopards and help them to avoid starvation. In the second study we used WBC counts as a health index for three felid species: Pallas cat (Daursky State Nature Biosphere Reserve, 2010), Far Eastern leopard (Southwestern Prymorie, 2011), Siberian tiger (Ussuriskii Reserve, 2010-2011). The ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes (N:L) was used as an indicator of stress and/or disease state. Occurrence of seropositive reactions to 12 different pathogens was analyzed in all the animals after the hematological analysis. Pallas cats had the lowest N:L ratio (1.0 ± 0.1), significantly differing from leopards (42.8 ± 16.0) and tigers (24.5 ± 9.2). The N:L ratio correlated with the occurrence of seropositive reactions but not with the pathogen diversity. Pallas cats had the lowest occurrence of positive reactions to 4 pathogens: Toxoplasma gondii (12.5%), Mycoplasma sp. (12.5%), influenza A (7.1%), and feline leukemia virus (8.3%). Leopards had the highest N:L and occurrence of seropositive reactions only to 2 infections: T. gondii (16.6%) and Candida sp. (100%). On the contrary, tigers had positive responses to 6 pathogens, including canine distemper (7.7%), feline immunodeficiency virus (8.3%) and Aujeszky’s disease (31%), which were not found in other cats. Values of N:L depended also on the time spent to get blood samples. In the big felid species effects of glucocorticoids on the WBC ratio (neutrophilia) were obtained in blood samples from anesthetized animals, taken more than 2 hours after capture. In Pallas cats blood samples were collected within 13 ± 2 min without anesthesia. Thus the high N:L ratio in big felids can be explained by several reasons: stress of capture, immunosuppression and a high diversity of detected infections. The present findings may have important implications for creation of effective conservation strategies of rare felid species in the wild

    Serum prevalence to non-viral pathogens in wild felids of Southern Primorye, Russia

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    Serum prevalence to six different non-viral pathogens was estimated for big Russian cats (Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and the Far Eastern leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)) in Southern Primorye, Russia (n = 26) in 2008–2016. Serum samples from smaller cats (Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and Far Eastern wildcat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus)) were also tested for these pathogens (n = 28) during the same period. Felids of Russian Southern Primorye showed serum prevalence to five out of six tested pathogens. Antibodies to Candida sp. and Trichinella sp. were found to be much more widespread in cats (47% and 42%) than antibodies to other tested pathogens (20% and less). Large cats demonstrated a higher serum prevalence to these pathogens than smaller ones. We did not detect animals seropositive to Coxiella burnetii

    The movement patterns and foraging resources of Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in Franz Josef Land archipelago and connectivity with the Kara-Barents Sea population

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    The Franz Josef Land population of the Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) remains one of the least studied. Here, 26 walruses were tagged with satellite-linked radio transmitters in Franz Josef Land archipelago and Victoria Island in summer-autumn 2020 and 2021 to assess movements patterns and area utilization. In addition, 65 grab samples were taken to evaluate macrobenthic foraging resources. The mean duration of data records was 53 ± 27 days. The walruses traveled on average 29 ± 13.5 km/day with a mean speed of 1.2 ± 0.6 km/hr. The travel speed and distance were statistically different for male, female, and immature walruses. The individuals tagged on Victoria Island remained in the vicinity of the island, while walruses tagged within the Franz Josef Land archipelago moved between the islands, utilizing the entire area for foraging trips. One walrus migrated from Franz Josef Land to Novaya Zemlya in late November, providing evidence of connectivity with the Kara-Barents Sea population. The area was characterized by high average biomass of macrobenthos. Bivalve mollusks, Hiatella arctica, were dominating macrobenthic biomass, likely being the main foraging resource for the walruses. Further observations are needed to better understand winter behaviors of Franz Josef Land walruses and possible impacts of climate change on movement patterns

    Technology for designing an individual educational trajectory of university students

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    The continuity of education has to ensure the possibility of a person’s multidimensional progression of a person in the educational space and create optimal conditions for such progression. The continuous education system is currently one of the priorities in the state development policy in Russi


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    The aim of the study is to share the experience and views on improving methods of continuous medical education under health care reform.The main body. The article deals with the problem of district pediatricians continuous education and to set out own reading of educational process optimization. The educational process optimization is specified by valuable intentional aspects of doctor training, application of effective pedagogical methods, wide implementation of informational technologies. It allows doctor to use education services directly at working place or at home, to improve level of individualization and differentiation of training, to improve motivation, and also to decrease financial dependence that is just as important nowadays. Under heltcare reform it is desirable, that cycles of advanced thematic training are short-time: 5, 10, 14 days, and their amount are not restricted during the year.Subjects of the advanced thematic training of district pediatricians must be aimed at children health preventive, maintenance and strengthening and oriented to evidence-based medicine. This kind of approach is going to promote high-quality training of highly experienced specialists, forming his professional competency at all the stages of continuous professional development.Using modern computer equipment and teaching aids (right amount of computers, interactive boards, simulators, Smart-system for interactive testing), the introduction of advanced teaching techniques, methods and technologies contributes the necessary level of knowledge of pediatricians.During cycles (including on-site ones) binary lectures, which increase the effectiveness of learning material assimilation and promote students’ activeness are held; the elements of distance learning platform based on Moodle KhMAPE (moodle.med.edu.ua) with additional review sessions on Skype at the Center of Distance Education of Academy are used.Looking forward, in conditions of concurrent education environment, it will be possible «to make free choice of educational establishment, education form (courses, internship, e-Learning)». District pediatricians will choose and estimate the work of medical educational organization by themselves corresponding to given education service.Conclusions. Information technologies for medical education optimize and increase the effectiveness of continuous modern pediatrician professional development. The introduction of new advanced methods into district doctors’ medical education promotes new thinking, increases interest and satisfaction with the educational process.Мета роботи – поділитись власним досвідом та думками про вдосконалення методів безперервної медичної освіти в умовах реформування охорони здоров’я.Основна частина. У статі висвітлено проблеми безперервної медичної освіти дільничних педіатрів. Представлено власний погляд на оптимізацію навчального процесу, що полягає в підвищенні змістовних аспектів підготовки лікаря, застосуванні ефективних педагогічних прийомів і методик, а також широкому впровадженні новітніх інформаційних технологій. Це дозволяє лікарю одержати освітні послуги прямо на робочому місці чи вдома, підвищити ступінь індивідуалізації і диференціації навчання, покращити мотиваційну активність, окрім цього, знизити фінансову залежність, що є не менш важливим у наш час.В умовах реформування охорони здоров’я бажано, щоб  цикли тематичного удосконалення бути короткотривалими: 5, 10, 14 днів, а їх кількість – не обмежувалася протягом року.Тематика циклів тематичного удосконалення сучасних дільничних педіатрів обов’язково має бути спрямована на профілактику, збереження й зміцнення здоров’я дітей і орієнтована на доказову медицину. Такий підхід сприятиме якісній підготовці висококваліфікованого спеціаліста, формуванню його професійної компетенції на всіх етапах безперервного професійного розвитку.Використовуючи сучасне комп’ютерне обладнання та технічні засоби навчання (достатня кількість комп’ютерів, інтерактивна дошка, симулятори, Smart-система для інтерактивного тестування), впровадження передових педагогічних прийомів, методів і технологій сприяє формуванню необхідного рівня знань  педіатрів. На циклах (у тому числі й на виїзних) проводяться бінарні лекції, що підвищує ефективність засвоєння матеріалу заняття та сприяє активності слухачів, використовуються елементи дистанційного навчання на базі платформи Moodle ХМАПО (moodle.med.edu.ua) з додатковими консультаціями викладачів по Skype у Центрі дистанційної освіти академії.У перспективі, в умовах конкурентного освітнього середовища відбудеться “вільний вибір закладу, форми навчання (курси, стажування, e-Learning)”. Дільничні педіатри будуть самі обирати й оцінювати роботу вищого медичного навчального закладу за якістю наданої їм навчальної послуги.Висновки. Інформаційні технології в медичній освіті оптимізують та підвищують ефективність безперервного професійного розвитку сучасного лікаря-педіатра.Впровадження нових сучасних методів у медичну освіту дільничних лікарів сприяє формуванню нового мислення, підвищенню зацікавленості та задоволеності навчальним процесом


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    The literature review presents the modern methods of treatment of inoperable recurrent squamous cell cancer of the larynx. The application of radiation and chemotherapy.В обзоре литературы представлены данные о современных методах лечения неоперабельного рецидивного плоскоклеточного рака гортани. Рассматриваются вопросы применения лучевой и лекарственной терапии


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    The treatment outcomes of unresectable laryngeal cancer have been presented. The techniques of radiation therapy (RT) alone and concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT), as well as the effect of changes in the fractionation regimens on the treatment outcome have been analyzed. No differences in overall survival (OS) and locoregional control (LC) between the RT and CRT techniques were found (p<0.8). There is a trend toward improvement in OS (p<0.1) and LC (p<0.05) in laryngeal cancer patients treated with hyperftactionated radiation therapy.Представлены результаты лучевого лечения нерезектабельного плоскоклеточного рака гортани. Проанализированы методики самостоятельной лучевой терапии и одновременного химиолучевого лечения, а также влияние изменения режима фракционирования на результаты лечения в целом. Исходя из полученных данных, можно сделать вывод, что между методами только лучевой и химиолучевой терапии нет достоверных различий в показателях как общей выживаемости, так и локорегионарного контроля (p<0,8). Имеется тенденция к улучшению показателей общей выживаемости (p<0,1), а также достоверные данные об увеличении степени локорегионарного контроля (p<0,05) при облучении в режиме гиперфракционирования