224 research outputs found

    Asymptotic analysis of MMPP/M/1 retrial queueing system with unreliable server

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    In this paper, we study a single-server retrial queueing system with arrival Markov Modulated Poisson Process and an exponential law of the service time on an unreliable server. If the server is idle, an arrival customer occupies it for the servicing. When the server is busy, a customer goes into the orbit and waits a random time distributed exponentially. It is assumed that the server is unreliable, so it may fail. The server’s repairing and working times are exponentially distributed. The method of asymptotic analysis is proposed to find the stationary distribution of the number of customers in the orbit. It is shown that the asymptotic probability distribution under the condition of a long delay has the Gaussian form with obtained parameters

    Digitalisation of state companies

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    The article analyzes the legal acts that regulate public relations regarding the digital transformation of tate corporations and companies with state participation. The economic and managerial directions of reform of the highest priority are established. The article describes the goals of the digital transformation of a state-owned company, including: creating a target business model, a system of goals and key performance indicators of digital transformation, and determining a digital transformation strategy. Special attention is paid to the development and implementation of initiatives for the implementation of digital infrastructure; the development of digital solutions providers; organizational activities within the framework of digital transformation; measures for programmed import substitution; and measures to ensure information security within the framework of digital transformation. Considering independent directions the digital transformation of state-owned companies can take, one such is the improvement of the “quality” of the staff and the formation of a culture of digital transformation. The article highlights such areas of work as: the creation of a model of digital competencies and the staffing of digital transformation within a state company; an assessment of the need for employees with special competence; teaching digital skills; the development of employees’ digital competencies within a state company; digital workforce management; and planning and holding an event to develop digital culture and the information security culture of a state company. In conclusion, it is determined that the proposed areas of the digitalization of state-owned companies are universal. It is suggested that these recommendations be used in relation to other organizations (primarily private)

    The relevance of the contemporary landscape-ecological and biogeochemical studies of the Ob floodplain

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    We have systematized and summarized the results of the Ob River floodplain studies and have shown that the flood and the floodplain influence all the territory of Western Siberia due to the processes happening there. The floodplain at different times was the object of interest of many scientists, but the total level of study of the Ob and the associated ground and the lake network water resources and quality can be generally assessed as low. The waters of the Ob middle course are quite polluted according to bacteria content. It is possible that a significant part oforganic and biogenic substances, microorganisms and some microelements come into the Ob floodplain waters from anthropogenic and natural sources distributed in the watersheds area. The soils of the Ob Riverfloodplain can be considered to be clean andfree ofany chemical pollution. In these soils, the amount of trace elements is small. To study the floodplain changes after a flood the methods of landscape ecology are used, such as the collection and analysis of stock and descriptive materials, literature and maps; the preparation of a series of component and general landscape maps. Nowadays a complex research of the Ob River and the adjacent surface waters is relevant

    Criminal Liability for Unlawful Actions in Bankruptcy: the Current State, Problems and Methods of Resolution

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    Bankruptcy is a legally justified mechanism of a market economy and must comply with modern social realities. Despite the fact that the legal field in this area is well developed, the existing problems in implementing the provisions of the insolvency institution make it vulnerable and subject it to criminalization. The article describes the main problems that the law enforcer could find and ways to solve them in the Russian Federation. The Authors propose to define the presence of signs of bankruptcy as identical to the situation in which the crimes committed under Part 1 and Part 2 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “if there are signs of bankruptcy”, that is, apply a literal interpretation, guided by the provisions of Art. 3 of the Bankruptcy Law. The legislator has created conditions restricting the application of Part 3 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since it established that criminal liability can only arise in cases where the functions of the head of an organization are either assigned to an arbitration manager or to the head of the provisional administration of a credit organization. To resolve this problem, we believe that the legislator needs to state Part 3 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as amended, which takes into account the possibility for the law enforcer to involve the guilty person at all stages of the bankruptcy procedure. When assessing major damage, arbitration prejudice should be taken into account in the first place, in order to increase the preventive potential of this article, the Authors propose an exception to the category of “major damage” with the corresponding loss of force, Parts 1,2,4 of Art. 14.12 Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the issues of determining the subject composition of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Interpretation of Part 2 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that the subject of this crime can also be a creditor who exhibits dishonest behavior, whose property claims are illegally satisfied to the detriment of other creditors. The article also deals with the legal technique of the offense under of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and a number of novel recommendations are proposed for improving this norm and the norms that bind the institution of bankruptcy, as well as for their application

    Filtering in Stochastic Systems: Analysis for the case of continuous observations with memory of arbitrary multiplicity

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    We consider stochastic systems with continuous time over observations with memory in the presence of an anomalous noise. The paper is devoted to analysis of some properties of an optimal unbiased in mean-square sense filter. In the case of anomalous noises action in the observation channel with memory, we have proved insensitivity of the filter to inaccurate knowledge of the matrix of anomalous noise intensity and its equivalence to a truncated filter constructed only over non-anomalous components of an observation vector


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    Breast is the organ with low natural visibility, this fact don’t let us to produce an image of milk ducts on the plain film. Assessment of the milk ducts is an important condition to identify the earliest signs of diseases like cancer and benign nature. It is known that up to 80% of the cancer develops ductal epithelium of the breast. Traditional ultrasonic scanning because of it’s inefficient resolution capability and physical peculiarities of method enables us to define only 4-5 mm intraductal tumors. Many attempts of improvement of intraductal breast deceases diagnostic were made for many years to come. Different technologies: cytological analysis, radiography, US, MRI were used for achieving these purposes. They didn’t always allow us to think definitely of one ore other process. It led to a need to improve the objective methods of visual diagnostics due to increasing contrast of objects being investigated including radiography.Молочная железа - орган, обладающий низкой естественной контрастностью, что ограничивает возможности получения изображения млечных протоков на обзорном рентгеновском снимке. Оценка состояния млечных протоков - важное условие для выявления самых ранних признаков заболеваний как злокачественной, так и доброкачественной природы. Известно, что до 80% случаев рака развивается из эпителия протоков молочной железы. Традиционное УЗИ в силу недостаточной разрешающей способности и физических особенностей метода позволяет увидеть протоковые разрастания размерами лишь от 4-5 мм. В течение многих лет предпринимались попытки улучшения диагностики внутрипротоковых заболеваний молочной железы. Для этих целей использовались различные технологии: цитологическое исследование, рентгенография, УЗИ, МРТ. Они далеко не всегда позволяли достоверно судить о том или ином процессе. Это привело к необходимости усовершенствования объективных методов визуальной диагностики за счет повышения контрастности изучаемого объекта, в том числе при рентгенографии