4 research outputs found

    Sequence matters: Combining Prolonged Exposure and EMDR therapy for PTSD

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    Objective Investigating the influence of the sequence in which two evidence-based trauma-focused treatments are offered to PTSD-patients. Methods PTSD-patients were treated using an intensive eight-day treatment program, combining Prolonged Exposure (PE) and EMDR therapy. Forty-four patients received a PE session in the morning and an EMDR session in the afternoon, while 62 patients received the reversed sequence (EMDR followed by PE). Outcome measures were PTSD symptom severity and subjective experiences. Results Patients who received PE first and EMDR second showed a significantly greater reduction in PTSD symptoms, patients preferred this sequence and valued the treatment sessions as significantly more helpful compared to patients in the EMDR-first condition. Conclusion Albeit explorative, PE and EMDR therapy can be successfully combined, but sequence matters. First applying PE sessions before EMDR sessions resulted in better treatment outcome, and better subjective patient's evaluations in terms of treatment helpfulness and preference

    Comparing intensive trauma-focused treatment outcome on PTSD symptom severity in older and younger adults

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    Objective: To examine the treatment outcome of an intensive trauma-focused treatment program for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in older and younger adults. Methods: A non-randomized outcome study was conducted with 62 consecutively admitted older PTSD patients (60–78 years) and 62 younger PTSD patients (19–58 years), matched on gender and availability of follow-up data. Patients participated in an intensive eight-day trauma-focused treatment program consisting of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), prolonged exposure (PE), physical activity, and group psycho-education. PTSD symptom severity (Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale-5 (CAPS-5)) was assessed, at pre- and post-treatment, and for a subsample (n = 31 older; n = 31 younger patients) at six-month follow-up. Results: A repeated-measures ANCOVA (centered CAPS pre-treatment score as covariate) indicated a significant decrease in CAPS-5-scores from pre- to post-treatment for the total sample (partial η2 = 0.808). The treatment outcome was not significantly different across age groups (partial η2 = 0.002). There were no significant differences in treatment response across age groups for the follow-up subsample (pre- to post-treatment partial η2 80)