201 research outputs found

    Verspreiding inlaatwater in beeld met nieuwe tracer

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    Inlaatwater heeft in de polder Quarles van Ufford zelfs in een droge periode geen invloed op de waterkwaliteit van kleine landbouwsloten. Dat blijkt uit metingen van de concentratie gadolinium, die zijn uitgevoerd voor het project Monitoring Stroomgebieden. Hiermee komt voor dit gebied een einde aan de twijfel over de invloed van inlaatwater op de oppervlaktewaterkwaliteit en is er meer duidelijkheid over de belasting vanuit de landbouw

    Документи Державного архіву Чернігівської області як джерело захисту прав жертв нацистського окупаційного режиму

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    The retention of phosphorus in surface waters through co-precipitation of phosphate with Fe-oxyhydroxides during exfiltration of anaerobic Fe(II) rich groundwater is not well understood. We developed an experimental field set-up to study Fe(II) oxidation and P immobilization along the flow-path from groundwater into surface water in an agricultural experimental catchment of a small lowland river. We physically separated tube drain effluent from groundwater discharge before it entered a ditch in an agricultural field. Through continuous discharge measurements and weekly water quality sampling of groundwater, tube drain water, exfiltrated groundwater, and surface water, we investigated Fe(II) oxidation kinetics and P immobilization processes. The oxidation rate inferred from our field measurements closely agreed with the general rate law for abiotic oxidation of Fe(II) by O<sub>2</sub>. Seasonal changes in climatic conditions affected the Fe(II) oxidation process. Lower pH and lower temperatures in winter (compared to summer) resulted in low Fe oxidation rates. After exfiltration to the surface water, it took a couple of days to more than a week before complete oxidation of Fe(II) is reached. In summer time, Fe oxidation rates were much higher. The Fe concentrations in the exfiltrated groundwater were low, indicating that dissolved Fe(II) is completely oxidized prior to inflow into a ditch. While the Fe oxidation rates reduce drastically from summer to winter, P concentrations remained high in the groundwater and an order of magnitude lower in the surface water throughout the year. This study shows very fast immobilization of dissolved P during the initial stage of the Fe(II) oxidation process which results in P-depleted water before Fe(II) is completely depleted. This cannot be explained by surface complexation of phosphate to freshly formed Fe-oxyhydroxides but indicates the formation of Fe(III)-phosphate precipitates. The formation of Fe(III)-phosphates at redox gradients seems an important geochemical mechanism in the transformation of dissolved phosphate to structural phosphate and, therefore, a major control on the P retention in natural waters that drain anaerobic aquifers

    De invloed van de waterbodem op de waterkwaliteitsdoelen van het Noordzeekanaal : met specifieke aandacht voor de dioxineproblematiek

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    De waterbodem in het Noordzeekanaal is in het verleden ernstig verontreinigd geraakt met dioxines, onder andere door een explosie van een reactorvat bij Philips Duphar in 1963 bij de Jan van Riebeeckhaven. Een aanvankelijk geplande waterbodemsanering is in 2009 vanwege een bezuinigingstaakstelling komen te vervallen. Daaropvolgend is Rijkswaterstaat West-Nederland Noord in 2010 als beheermaatregel begonnen met monitoring van het gebied om na te gaan in hoeverre er verspreiding optreedt van dioxines naar de omliggende waterbodem en biota. De verkregen data zijn aangevuld met andere beschikbare monitoringgegevens en verwerkt tot een totaaloverzicht van het Noordzeekanaal van de waterbodem- en zwevend-stofkwaliteit en van bioaccumulatie van verontreinigingen

    Securing legal domestic lumber supply through multi-stakeholder dialogue in Ghana

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    Nearing the end of the first phase of the EU-funded “chainsaw milling project” and preparing for the second phase the project staff working in ten different forest districts all over Ghana met in Kumasi in July 2011 to take stock of the achievements so far. In addition to the usual plans and reports they were asked to write down and share with colleagues the highlights of their work in their respective districts. This exercise resulted in an impressive collection of stories and news from the forest which are presented in this booklet

    Tracing the spatial propagation of river inlet water into an agricultural polder area using anthropogenic gadolinium

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    Diverting river water into agricultural areas or nature reserves is a frequently applied management strategy to prevent fresh water shortage. However, the river water might have negative consequences for chemical and ecological water quality in the receiving water bodies. This study aimed to obtain a spatial image of the diverted river water propagation into a hydrologically complex polder area, the polder Quarles van Ufford in The Netherlands. We used anthropogenic gadolinium (Gd-anomaly) as a tracer for river water that was diverted into the polder. A clear reduction in the river water contribution was found between very dry conditions on 5 August 2010 and very wet conditions on 22 October. Despite the large river water impact on 5 August, the diverted river water did not propagate up into the small agricultural headwater ditches. Gadolinium proved to be an effective tracer for diverted river water in a polder system. We applied our results to upgrade the interpretation of water quality monitoring data and to validate an integrated nutrient transport mode

    Het Monitoring en Evaluatie Programma Zandwinning RWS LaMER 2007 en 2008 - 2012: overzicht, resultaten en evaluatie

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    Zandwinning en -transport kunnen potentieel leiden tot diverse effecten zoals verminderde productie van algen en schelpdieren door extra slib in de waterkolom en verstoring. Geschatte effecten van zandwinning volgens de MERren. Visuele verstoring van zeehonden en vogels: de dieren worden verstoord doordat ze de sleephopperzuiger zien en reageren door bv weg te vluchten en andere vormen van onrust wat kan resulteren in (tijdelijke) effecten op de conditie van het dier en zelfs voortplanting en populatiedynamica. Geluidverstoring van vissen, vogels en zeezoogdieren: geluid wordt geproduceerd tijdens het baggeren op de winlocatie en tijdens het varen, waarbij de geluidsbron zich verplaatst. Verstoringseffecten kunnen ook optreden door het geluid tijdens baggeren (zowel boven als onderwater). Dit heeft op hoofdlijnen het zelfde effect als visuele verstoring maar via een andere effectroute

    Statistical Studies on the Growth of Japanese Breed of Cattle (II) : Special reference to the body growth from 10 to 15 months age

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    BACKGROUND: We compared the sensitivity and specificity of liquid-based cytology (LBC) and computer-assisted reading for SurePath/FocalPoint and ThinPrep with those of manually read conventional cytology in routine cervical screening in four Danish laboratories. METHODS: Using data from five nationwide registers, technological phases were identified by slide preparation, reading technique, and triage of borderline cytology. Trends in the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) were an indicator of the technology's relative sensitivity, and trends in false-positive tests an indicator of relative specificity. RESULTS: At 23–29 years, SurePath/FocalPoint statistically significantly increased the detection of ⩾CIN3 by 85% compared with manually read conventional cytology. The 11% increase with ThinPrep was not significant. At 30–44 years, the increase with SurePath/FocalPoint was 58% the 16% increase with ThinPrep was not significant. At 45–59 years, both technologies led to nonsignificant decreases in the detection. SurePath/FocalPoint doubled the frequency of false-positive tests at any age. With ThinPrep, these proportions remained the same at 23–29 years, but decreased by two-thirds at 45–59 years. In a fourth laboratory with continuous use of manually read conventional cytology, no such trends were seen. CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity and specificity of modern LBC and computer-assisted reading technologies may be brand- and age-dependent