9 research outputs found

    Lifelong learning for inmates

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    Lifelong learning could not only be learnt by the public but also by inmates in prisons. Open University Malaysia (OUM) had given the opportunity to inmates in Sekolah Integriti Kajang (SIK), Kajang Prison to obtain higher education in their fields of interest. As a university, OUM emphasized on the concept of Service to Society – not only to the public but also to inmates in prison. All this while, a stigma exists; the inmates have no place in the society and their future is assumed to be bleak. Nevertheless, the perception is changed after collaboration between OUM and the Prison Department of Malaysia. This had given the inmates a learning opportunity in pursuing their studies from the first degree to the master’s degree. Being a university that focused on online learning, OUM had provided a flexible learning system to the inmates. Hence, they were able to follow the courses in the programs offered to them. The role played by OUM in offering the education programs mark significant efforts in changing the path for inmates to lead productive lives in society. This had enabled a change in the society’s perception towards the inmates in leading a better future after life in prison. The impact of education is especially evident in prison. Rigorous study gives prisoners the intellectual leverage they need to revise their views of themselves and leave prison better equipped to contribute positively to their families and communities. Studies have shown that those released prisoners who received an education had a significantly lower rate of recidivism. (Abstract by author

    Dasar British terhadap isu keselamatan Singapura-Malaysia pada tahun 1955-1959

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    British berusaha mengekalkan penguasaannya ke atas Singapura berasaskan kepentingan ekonomi, keselamatan dan pertahanan di Asia Tenggara. Isu keselamatan merupakan perkara utama dasar British dalam memastikan kepentingan di Singapura dan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu terjamin. Perkembangan pengaruh Parti Komunis Malaya di Singapura membimbangkan British terutama menerusi gerakan Barisan Bersatu Komunis (Communist United Front). Pengaruh komunis di Singapura telah menular dalam kesatuan sekerja, persatuan pelajar, pertubuhan wanita, pertubuhan budaya dan parti-parti politik. Bagi menjamin keselamatan Singapura, British bertindak menjadikan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sebagai `buffer state’ yang akan bertanggungjawab ke atas faktor keselamatan Singapura. Pada tahun 1959 apabila Singapura diberikan status berkerajaan sendiri oleh British, satu badan keselamatan dibentuk iaitu Majlis Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISC) yang terdiri daripada wakil-wakil British, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan Singapura. British tidak mahu Singapura dibiarkan diperintah secara bersendirian pada ketika pengaruh komunis begitu kuat berkembang di Singapura. British menekankan faktor keselamatan Singapura adalah tanggungjawab bersama antara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, British dan Singapura. Pada masa yang sama British mempunyai kepentingan yang begitu tinggi ke atas pangkalan-pangkalan tentera mereka di Singapura dalam usaha menyekat pengaruh komunis di Asia Tenggara. (Author's abstract

    E-Kamus for Teaching and Learning Effectiveness at Open University Malaysia

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    E-Kamus is an approach introduced by Open University Malaysia (OUM) to improve the English language proficiency of the students. Since early 2009, English has been fully used in the aspect of teaching and learning process in OUM. The change of using bahasa Melayu to English was indeed a great challenge to OUM. Moreover the students were from various levels of background and proficiency of English. Most of them lack the grasp of basic language skills and thus affect their understanding in the teaching and learning process. OUM had taken the initiative to provide the e-Kamus software in order to cater to flexible and accessible education. This paper discusses the usage of e- Kamus among the OUM students in mastering English through the ‘Double Click’ and ‘Mouse Move’ functions without the on-line system. The process does not need students to type the words and to highlight them in finding the meaning. By using e-Kamus, it helps the students to find the meanings of words more quickly, exactly and easily by using the applications based on texts like Web browser, Microsoft Word, Notepad and others. With the usage of the e- Kamus, OUM students will be able to follow the process of teaching and learning effectively and to enrich their vocabulary. (Authors' abstract

    Mengenali dan mentafsir sumber-sumber sejarah

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    Mengenali dan mentafsir sumber-sumber sejarah merupakan satu hasil penulisan ilmu sejarah yang menjerus kepada penggunaan, pendedahan dan pengetahuan kepada pelajar dan pembaca terhadap sumber-sumber sejarah.memberi satu gambaran dan kefahaman yang terperinci tentang sumber-sumber sejarah daripada pelbagai aspek pentafsiran

    Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato' Hussein : dasar luar Malaysia 1970-1976

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    Biografi Aminuddin Baki : arkitek pendidikan negara

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    Lifelong learning could not only be learnt by the public but also by inmates in prisons. Open University Malaysia (OUM) had given the opportunity to inmates in Sekolah Integriti Kajang (SIK), Kajang Prison to obtain higher education in their fields of interest. As a university, OUM emphasized on the concept of Service to Society – not only to the public but also to inmates in prison. All this while, a stigma exists; the inmates have no place in the society and their future is assumed to be bleak. Nevertheless, the perception is changed after collaboration between OUM and the Prison Department of Malaysia. This had given the inmates a learning opportunity in pursuing their studies from the first degree to the master’s degree. Being a university that focused on online learning, OUM had provided a flexible learning system to the inmates. Hence, they were able to follow the courses in the programs offered to them. The role played by OUM in offering the education programs mark significant efforts in changing the path for inmates to lead productive lives in society. This had enabled a change in the society’s perception towards the inmates in leading a better future after life in prison. The impact of education is especially evident in prison. Rigorous study gives prisoners the intellectual leverage they need to revise their views of themselves and leave prison better equipped to contribute positively to their families and communities. Studies have shown that those released prisoners who received an education had a significantly lower rate of recidivis