7 research outputs found

    Epistemologie der Erziehungswissenschaft: Dilemmas, Fragen, mögliche Lösungen

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    U radu se polazi od tvrdnje da su epistemološke karakteristike temeljne odrednice znanstvenog digniteta znanosti. Na osnovi kritičke analize epistemoloških karakteristika pedagogije upozorava se na upitnost njezina znanstvenog digniteta. Navedena se tvrdnja obrazlaže odgovorima na nekoliko pitanja: Je li razina razvijenosti suvremenog društva nametnula potrebu redefiniranja semantičkog određenja osnovnih pojmova i pedagogije same? Može li se pedagogija koja desetljećima nije promijenila svoj osnovni teorijski, epistemološko-metodologijski koncept, smatrati suvremenom? Ima li Hrvatska suvremenu pedagogiju ili je riječ o tradicionalnoj (zastarjeloj) pedagogiji? Što je osnovna funkcija pedagogije? Je li pedagogija znanost o odgoju, znanost o odgoju i obrazovanju ili znanost o osposobljavanju ljudi? Jesu li cilj i zadaci pedagogijske znanosti jednoznačno određeni? Na kraju se navode moguća rješenja. Predlažu se nova suvremena jednoznačna semantička određenja temeljnih pojmova i s tog se aspekta utvrđuje osnovna funkcija pedagogije i kao znanstvene i kao praktične discipline, kao teorije osposobljavanja.The argumentation presented in the paper starts from the premise that epistemological characteristics are the elements that science builds its scientific dignity on. A critical analysis of the epistemological characteristics of pedagogy has led the author to question its scientific dignity. The doubts stated in the paper are raised by several questions. Is the level of development of the modern society forcing us to redefine the semantic components of basic pedagogical terms and pedagogy itself? Can pedagogy, which has not changed its basic theoretical, epistemological and methodological concept for decades, really be termed contemporary? Is pedagogy in Croatia contemporary or do we still practice the traditional (and outdated) form of pedagogy? What is the main function of pedagogy? Is pedagogy the science of education, the science of education and development, or the science of human resources development? Are the goals and tasks of pedagogy as a science unambiguously set? Finally, the author suggests possible answers, advocating new, modern and unambiguous semantic definitions of the basic terms, thus determining the primary function of pedagogy as both scientific and practical discipline – a human resources development theory.Den Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die These, dass epistemologische Charakteristiken die wissenschaftliche Dignität jeder Wissenschaft begründen. Anhand einer kritischen Analyse von epistemologischen Charakteristiken der Erziehungswissenschaft wird auf die Fragwürdigkeit ihrer wissenschaftlichen Dignität hingewiesen, Die angeführte Behauptung wird durch Antworten auf einige Fragen erklärt: Macht die Entwicklungsebene der modernen Gesellschaft eine Redefinition der semantischen Bestimmungen pädagogischer Grundbegriffe und der Pädagogik selbst erforderlichß Kann die Erziehungswissenschaft, die seit Jahrzehnten ihr theoretisches, epistemologisch – methodologisches Grundkonzept nicht geändert hat, als modern gelten? Hat Kroatien eine moderne Erziehungswissenschaft oder ob es um eine traditionelle (veraltete) Pädagogik handelt? Was ist die Grundaufgabe der Pädagogik? Ist die Pädagogik eine Wissenschaft über die Erziehung, Wissenschaft über die Erziehung und Bildung oder Wissenschaft über die Befähigung der Menschen? Lassen sich das Ziel und die Aufgaben der Erziehungswissenschaft eindeutig bestimmen? Am Ende werden mögliche Lösungen angeführt. Vorgeschlagen werden neue moderne eindeutige semantische Bestimmungen der pädagogischen Grundbegriffe und von diesem Standpunkt aus Grundaufgaben der Pädagogik sowohl als wissenschaftlicher als auch praktischer Disziplin sowie einer Befähigungstheorie festgelegt

    Effects of spin-orbit coupling and many-body interactions on the electronic structure of Srâ‚‚RuOâ‚„

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    The aim of the project is to investigate the effects of spin-orbit coupling and many-body interactions on the band structure of the single-layered strontium ruthenate Sr₂RuO₄. This material belongs to the large family of strongly correlated electron systems in which electron-electron interaction plays a crucial role in determining the macroscopic properties. The experimental method used for this purpose is Angular Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES), which probes the single-particle spectral function and allows direct measurements of the quasi-particle band structure. The analysis is based on comparison of experimental data with electronic structure calculations. Typical methods for the band structure calculations including density functional theory (DFT) in the local density approximation (LDA) and tight-binding calculations (TB) are one-electron approximations and do not give insight into many-body interactions. However, comparing the measured band structures with calculated ones allows estimating the strength of the interactions in the considered system. In Chapter 1 the earlier work on Sr₂RuO₄, which is relevant to this project is presented. This chapter is an introduction to the data analysis and discussion of the results. In Chapter 2 we describe the experimental setup, theoretical principles of the measurement and summarize important improvements made during this project. In Chapter 3 we give a brief introduction into density functional theory and describe methods used within DFT to calculate the band structure. We further give a brief description of a tight binding model for Sr₂RuO₄. The bulk of this chapter is devoted to present the effects of spin-orbit coupling on the band structure of Sr₂RuO₄. In particular, we use a tight binding model to simulate the anisotropy of the Zeeman splitting found experimentally. In Chapter 4 we present the ARPES results, their analysis and discussion. A particular focus is placed on the discussion of the surface layer Fermi surface topology and on the discovery of strong momentum dependence of the mass renormalization factors of the bulk β and γ bands

    Spin-orbit coupling and k-dependent Zeeman splitting in strontium ruthenate

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    We compare the relativistic LDA Fermi surface of Sr2RuO4 to direct experimental evidence of spin-orbit coupling from de Haas-van Alphen experiments. The k-dependence of the Zeeman splitting at the Fermi surface is modelled with a range of tight binding models of the quasi-particle bands. Only a very restricted class of parameters are consistent with evidence from the de Haas-van Alphen experiments for a strong k-dependent Zeeman splitting on the alpha Fermi surface sheet. The bare LDA bands do not lead to such a strong k-dependent Zeeman splitting on this sheet, and this suggests that additional charge transfer takes place as suggested by DMFT calculations. We conclude that the overall scale of the spin-orbit coupling must be at least as large as the several hundred kelvin deduced in previous work, and that this must call into question any theory postulating rotation of the triplet d-vector at small magnetic fields.</p

    Spin-orbit coupling and k-dependent Zeeman splitting in strontium ruthenate

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    We compare the relativistic LDA Fermi surface of Sr(2)RuO(4) to direct experimental evidence of spin-orbit coupling from de Haas-van Alphen experiments. The k-dependence of the Zeeman splitting at the Fermi surface is modelled with a range of tight binding models of the quasi-particle bands. Only a very restricted class of parameters are consistent with evidence from the de Haas-van Alphen experiments for a strong k-dependent Zeeman splitting on the alpha Fermi surface sheet. The bare LDA bands do not lead to such a strong k-dependent Zeeman splitting on this sheet, and this suggests that additional charge transfer takes place as suggested by DMFT calculations. We conclude that the overall scale of the spin-orbit coupling must be at least as large as the several hundred kelvin deduced in previous work, and that this must call into question any theory postulating rotation of the triplet d-vector at small magnetic fields

    Spectroscopic indications of polaronic behavior of the strong spin-orbit insulator Sr<sub>3</sub>Ir<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub>

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    We investigate the bilayer Ruddlesden-Popper iridate Sr3Ir2O7 by temperature-dependent angle-resolved photoemission. At low temperatures, we find a fully gapped correlated insulator, characterized by a small charge gap and narrow bandwidths. The low-energy spectral features show a pronounced temperature-dependent broadening and non-quasiparticle-like Gaussian line shapes. Together, these spectral features provide experimental evidence for a polaronic ground state. We observe similar behavior for the single-layer cousin Sr2IrO4, indicating that strong electron-boson coupling dominates the low-energy excitations of this exotic family of 5d compounds.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Structural Origin of Apparent Fermi Surface Pockets in Angle-Resolved Photoemission of Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2-x</sub>La<sub>x</sub>CuO<sub>6+δ</sub>

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    We observe apparent hole pockets in the Fermi surfaces of single-layer Bi-based cuprate superconductors from angle-resolved photoemission. From detailed low-energy electron diffraction measurements and an analysis of the angle-resolved photoemission polarization dependence, we show that these pockets are not intrinsic but arise from multiple overlapping superstructure replicas of the main and shadow bands. We further demonstrate that the hole pockets reported recently from angle-resolved photoemission [Meng et al., Nature (London) 462, 335 (2009)] have a similar structural origin and are inconsistent with an intrinsic hole pocket associated with the electronic structure of a doped CuO2 plane.</p