717 research outputs found

    X-ray observations of the hot phase in Sgr~A*

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    We analyze 134 ks Chandra ACIS-I observations of the Galactic Centre (GC) performed in July 2011. The X-ray image with the field of view 17×1717' \times 17' contains the hot plasma surrounding the Sgr~A*. The obtained surface brightness map allow us to fit Bondi hot accretion flow to the innermost hot plasma around the GC. We have fitted spectra from region up to 5"5" from Sgr~A* using a thermal bremsstrahlung model and four Gaussian profiles responsible for Kα_{\alpha} emission lines of Fe, S, Ar, and Ca. The X-ray surface brightness profile up to 3"3" from Sgr~A* found in our data image, was successfully fitted with the dynamical model of Bondi spherical accretion. By modelling the surface brightness profile, we derived the temperature and number density profiles in the vicinity of the black hole. The best fitted model of spherical Bondi accretion shows that this type of flow works only up to 3"3" and implies outer plasma density and temperature to be: neout=18.3±0.1n_{\rm e}^{\rm out}=18.3 \pm {0.1} cm3^{-3} and Teout=3.5±0.3T_{\rm e}^{\rm out}= 3.5 \pm {0.3} keV respectively. We show that the Bondi flow can reproduce observed surface brightness profile up to 3"3" from Sgr~A* in the Galactic Center. This result strongly suggests the position of stagnation radius in the complicated dynamics around GC. The Faraday rotation computed from our model towards the pulsar PSR J1745-2900 near the GC agrees with the observed one, recently reported.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Tau longitudinal polarization in B -> D tau nu and its role in the search for charged Higgs boson

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    We study the longitudinal polarization of the tau lepton in B -> D tau nu decay. After discussing possible sensitivities of tau decay modes to the tau polarization, we examine the effect of charged Higgs boson on the tau polarization in B -> D tau nu. We find a relation between the decay rate and the tau polarization, and clarify the role of the tau polarization measurement in the search for the charged Higgs boson.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Tau -> l nu nu is included in Sec. II. Accordingly the title is changed. References are adde

    X-ray Variability of AGN and the Flare Model

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    Short-term variability of X-ray continuum spectra has been reported for several Active Galactic Nuclei. Significant X-ray flux variations are observed within time scales down to 10^3-10^5 seconds. We discuss short variability time scales in the frame of the X-ray flare model, which assumes the release of a large hard X-ray flux above a small portion of the accretion disk. The resulting observed X-ray spectrum is composed of the primary radiation and of a reprocessed Compton reflection component that we model with numerical radiative transfer simulations. The incident hard X-rays of the flare will heat up the atmosphere of the accretion disk and hence induce thermal expansion. Eventually, the flare source will be surrounded by an optically thick medium, which should modify the observed spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted proceedings for a talk at the conference "AGN variability from the X-rays to the radio", June 2004, Crimean Observator

    Iron lines from transient and persisting hot spots on AGN accretion disks

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    [abridged] We model the X-ray reprocessing from a strong co-rotating flare above an accretion disk in active galactic nuclei. We explore the horizontal structure and evolution of the underlying hot spot. To obtain the spectral evolution seen by a distant observer, we apply a general relativity ray-tracing technique. We concentrate on the energy band around the iron K-line, where the relativistic effects are most pronounced. Persistent flares lasting for a significant fraction of the orbital time scale and short, transient flares are considered. In our time-resolved analysis, the spectra recorded by a distant observer depend on the position of the flare/spot with respect to the central black hole. If the flare duration significantly exceeds the light travel time across the spot, then the spot horizontal stratification is unimportant. On the other hand, if the flare duration is comparable to the light travel time across the spot radius, the lightcurves exhibit a typical asymmetry in their time profiles. The sequence of dynamical spectra proceeds from more strongly to less strongly ionized re-emission. At all locations within the spot the spectral intensity increases towards edge-on emission angles, revealing the limb brightening effect. Future X-ray observatories with significantly larger effective collecting areas will enable to spectroscopically map out the azimuthal irradiation structure of the accretion disk and to localize persistent flares. If the hot spot is not located too close to the marginally stable orbit of the black hole, it will be possible to probe the reflecting medium via the sub-structure of the iron K-line. Indications for transient flares will only be obtained from analyzing the observed lightcurves on the gravitational time scale of the accreting supermassive black hole.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Testing wind as an explanation for the spin problem in the continuum-fitting method

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    The continuum-fitting method is one of the two most advanced methods of determining the black hole spin in accreting X-ray binary systems. There are, however, still some unresolved issues with the underlying disk models. One of them manifests as an apparent decrease in spin for increasing source luminosity. Here, we perform a few simple tests to establish whether outflows from the disk close to the inner radius can address this problem. We employ four different parametric models to describe the wind and compare these to the apparent decrease in spin with luminosity measured in the sources LMC~X-3 and GRS~1915+105. Wind models in which parameters do not explicitly depend on the accretion rate cannot reproduce the spin measurements. Models with mass accretion rate dependent outflows, however, have spectra that emulate the observed ones. The assumption of a wind thus effectively removes the artifact of spin decrease. This solution is not unique; the same conclusion can be obtained with a truncated inner disk model. To distinguish among valid models, high resolution X-ray data and a realistic description of the Comptonization in the wind will be needed.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    Constraints on New Scalars from the LHC 125 GeV Higgs Signal

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    We study the implications the recent results from the LHC Higgs searches have on scalar new physics. We study the impact on both the Higgs production and decay from scalars with and without colour, and in cases where decoupling do and do not happen. We investigate possible constraints on scalar parameters from the production rate in the diphoton channel, and also the two vector boson channels. Measurements from both channels can help disentangle new physics due to colour from that due to charge, and thus reveal the nature of the new scalar states.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; references addded, typos corrected. Published in PR