3,716 research outputs found

    A possibility to measure elastic photon--photon scattering in vacuum

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    Photon--photon scattering in vacuum due to the interaction with virtual electron-positron pairs is a consequence of quantum electrodynamics. A way for detecting this phenomenon has been devised based on interacting modes generated in microwave waveguides or cavities [G. Brodin, M. Marklund and L. Stenflo, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{87} 171801 (2001)]. Here we materialize these ideas, suggest a concrete cavity geometry, make quantitative estimates and propose experimental details. It is found that detection of photon-photon scattering can be within the reach of present day technology.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Theory of Z boson decays

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    The precision data on Z boson decays from LEP-I and SLC colliders are compared with the predictions based on the Minimal Standard Theory. The Born approximation of the theory is based on three most accurately known observables: G_mu -- the four fermion coupling constant of muon decay, m_Z -- the mass of the Z boson, and alpha(m_Z) -- the value of the running fine structure constant at the scale of m_Z. The electroweak loop corrections are expressed, in addition, in terms of the masses of higgs, m_H, of the top and bottom quarks, m_t and m_b, and of the strong interaction constant alpha_s(m_Z). The main emphasis of the review is focused on the one-electroweak-loop approximation. Two electroweak loops have been calculated in the literature only partly. Possible manifestations of new physics are briefly discussed.Comment: 80 pages, 16 figures, accepted in Reports on Progress in Physic

    Electroweak radiative corrections in Z boson decays

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    Contribution to A.D.Sakharov memorial volume. A detailed review of the electroweak radiative corrections to the Z-boson decays in the framework of the Minimal Standard Modelm (MSM) is presented. After a short historical introduction we describe the optimal parametrization of the MSM, especially of the Born approximation, and derive expressions for the one-loop electroweak corrections. Finally a global fit of all relevant experimental data is performed, resulting in fitted values of the top-quark mass, m_t, and strong coupling constant /alpha_s. Allowed range for the value of the Higgs mass, m_H, is discussed. Various details of calculations are described in 16 appendices.Comment: 98 pages,21 EPS and PS figures,uses epsf.sty, separate file with the tared, compressed and uuencoded figures is awailable at http://wwwtheor.itep.ru/~vysotsky/figures.u

    On the search for 50 GeV neutrinos

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    Using the computer code CompHEP we estimate the number of events and the background, at LEP II and TESLA, for the reaction e+eNNˉγe^+ e^- \to N\bar{N}\gamma, where NN is a hypothetical Dirac neutrino with mass of the order of 50 GeV.Comment: Standard LaTeX, 9 pages, 2 tables, 3 figure

    Precision measurements, extra generations and heavy neutrino

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    The existence of extra chiral generations with all fermions heavier than MZM_Z is strongly disfavored by the precision electroweak data. The exclusion of one additional generation of heavy fermions in SUSY extension of Standard Model is less forbidden if chargino and neutralino have low degenerate masses with Δm1\Delta m \simeq 1 GeV. However the data are fitted nicely even by a few extra generations, if one allows neutral leptons to have masses close to 50 GeV. Such heavy neutrino can be searched in the reaction e+eNNˉγe^+ e^- \to N\bar{N}\gamma at LEP-200 with total final luminosity of 2600pb12600 pb^{-1}.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings ICHEP2000 Osaka conferenc

    Short-Wave Excitations in Non-Local Gross-Pitaevskii Model

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    It is shown, that a non-local form of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation allows to describe not only the long-wave excitations, but also the short-wave ones in the systems with Bose-condensate. At given parameter values, the excitation spectrum mimics the Landau spectrum of quasi-particle excitations in superfluid Helium with roton minimum. The excitation wavelength, at which the roton minimum exists, is close to the inter-particle interaction range. It is shown, that the existence domain of the spectrum with a roton minimum is reduced, if one accounts for an inter-particle attraction.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, UJP style; presented at Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference "Modern Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", September 15-18, 200

    Mass of the higgs versus fourth generation masses

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    The predicted value of the higgs mass mHm_H is analyzed assuming the existence of the fourth generation of leptons (N,EN, E) and quarks (U,DU, D). The steep and flat directions are found in the five-dimensional parameter space: mHm_H, mUm_U, mDm_D, mNm_N, mEm_E. The LEPTOP fit of the precision electroweak data is compatible (in particular) with mH300m_H \sim 300 GeV, mN50m_N \sim 50 GeV, mE100m_E \sim 100 GeV, mU+mD500m_U +m_D \sim 500 GeV, and mUmD75|m_U -m_D| \sim 75 GeV. The quality of fits drastically improves when the data on b- and c-quark asymmetries and new NuTeV data on deep inelastic scattering are ignored.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Spectral Analysis of Multi-dimensional Self-similar Markov Processes

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    In this paper we consider a discrete scale invariant (DSI) process {X(t),tR+}\{X(t), t\in {\bf R^+}\} with scale l>1l>1. We consider to have some fix number of observations in every scale, say TT, and to get our samples at discrete points αk,kW\alpha^k, k\in {\bf W} where α\alpha is obtained by the equality l=αTl=\alpha^T and W={0,1,...}{\bf W}=\{0, 1,...\}. So we provide a discrete time scale invariant (DT-SI) process X()X(\cdot) with parameter space {αk,kW}\{\alpha^k, k\in {\bf W}\}. We find the spectral representation of the covariance function of such DT-SI process. By providing harmonic like representation of multi-dimensional self-similar processes, spectral density function of them are presented. We assume that the process {X(t),tR+}\{X(t), t\in {\bf R^+}\} is also Markov in the wide sense and provide a discrete time scale invariant Markov (DT-SIM) process with the above scheme of sampling. We present an example of DT-SIM process, simple Brownian motion, by the above sampling scheme and verify our results. Finally we find the spectral density matrix of such DT-SIM process and show that its associated TT-dimensional self-similar Markov process is fully specified by {RjH(1),RjH(0),j=0,1,...,T1}\{R_{j}^H(1),R_{j}^H(0),j=0, 1,..., T-1\} where RjH(τ)R_j^H(\tau) is the covariance function of jjth and (j+τ)(j+\tau)th observations of the process.Comment: 16 page

    Laser photon merging in proton-laser collisions

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    The quantum electrodynamical vacuum polarization effects arising in the collision of a high-energy proton beam and a strong, linearly polarized laser field are investigated. The probability that laser photons merge into one photon by interacting with the proton`s electromagnetic field is calculated taking into account the laser field exactly. Asymptotics of the probability are then derived according to different experimental setups suitable for detecting perturbative and nonperturbative vacuum polarization effects. The experimentally most feasible setup involves the use of a strong optical laser field. It is shown that in this case measurements of the polarization of the outgoing photon and and of its angular distribution provide promising tools to detect these effects for the first time.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figure

    Nitrogen dynamics in land cleared of alien vegetation (Acacia saligna) and impacts on groundwater at Riverlands Nature Reserve (Western Cape, South Africa)

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    Woody invading alien plants, many of which are nitrogen-fixing legumes (Fabaceae family), are currently cleared in South African catchments to reduce water loss and preserve streamflow, and for the restoration of the ecosystem. This study tested the hypothesis that clearing invasive alien vegetation may disturb the vegetation-micro-organism-soil N cycling system by producing a large once-off input of fresh tree litterfall rich in N and by eliminating a large N sink. Three experimental plots were established at the Riverlands Nature Reserve (Western Cape, South Africa): a site invaded by Acacia saligna to be used as control; a site cleared of Acacia saligna; and a site with natural vegetation to be used as background. Nitrogen concentrations in soil and groundwater, volumetric soil water contents, root density and weather conditions were measured during 2007. Oxidised forms of nitrogen, in particular NO3-, were dominant in the system. Recharge and leachate were simulated with the HYDRUS-2D model and used as inputs into Visual MODFLOW to predict the spatial distribution of nitrate plus nitrite (NOx) in groundwater. NOx levels in soil and groundwater were higher in alien-invaded areas compared to fynbos-covered land. A quick release of NOx into groundwater was observed due to high residual N reserves in the rooting zone, decreased  evapotranspiration and increased recharge in the treatment cleared of alien vegetation. In the long run, high NOx concentrations in groundwater underlying cleared land will last only until all the excess nitrogen has been leached from the soil. A decrease in NOx concentration in groundwater can be expected thereafter. Clearing land of alien invasive legumes may therefore have a beneficial effect by reducing groundwater contamination from NOx and reducing water losses in catchments