6 research outputs found

    The impact of landscape setting and architectural element on the outdoor and indoor microclimate: a case study of Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara

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    Being in the tropical region, Malaysia experience relatively high air temperature and humidity throughout the year. People are trying to avoid the sun. Improper landscape design could contribute further in the increasing outdoor air temperature. This would further affect the indoor microclimate. Nowadays people are turning to the mechanical solution when indoors. Hence, this paper aims to identify the impact of landscape setting and its microclimate, and the architectural dimension on the indoor microclimate of a mosque, by taking the Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Seri Damansara in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur as a case study. Variables of this study includes environmental data such as relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature and surface temperature for the outdoor microclimate, air temperature and relative humidity for the indoor microclimate; landscape setting that involves ground surface material, vegetation, landscape furniture; as well as the orientation of the mosque. Therefore, this paper deals with the understanding of two components which are the architectural dimension and the landscape setting of the mosque that affects its indoor and outdoor environment. For the indoor, the focus is given to the main prayer hall of the mosque. The data were obtained through site inventories and analysis; and the environmental data collection using several equipment. The result shows that the air temperature differ between the west and east area of the indoor prayer hall following the orientation of the mosque

    An investigation of significant architectural settings of a Malacca traditional mosque: a case study of Tengkera Mosque

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    Throughout Islamic history, the mosque has been known as a house of worship, a centre of community gatherings, meetings, and learning. In Southeast Asia, the traditional mosque's design started receiving the blended culture of Javanese, Chinese, and Malay design influences from various communities. Each mosque's significant design and beauty lie in the invention's form, ornamentation, and decorations. Traditional mosques in Malaysia are believed to be constructed initially around 1300-1800, and some of them are still standing now. However, some historical and heritage mosques are not recognised due to degradation or demolition and lack of promotion by the authorities, resulting in tourists only experiencing the tangible heritage portrayed in the mosque's faƧade and style. Other than that, the limited resources, such as the historical background of the mosque and its characteristics, need to be studied and revealed to the tourists, as it can engage tourists' experience in the historical sites and provide interactive learning purposes to tourists. Learning new cultures, engaging in new experiences, and community involvement could enhance tourists' motivation during travel. Subsequently, the study focuses on one of the oldest traditional mosques in Malacca, Tengkera Mosque, as a tourism destination. This study used the qualitative method, the literature review and the structured observation to investigate and identify the significant exterior and interior components of the mosque, including the formative aesthetics, materials, and decorative features, to gain detailed information on the characteristics of the mosque. The main findings of the case study revealed the external components of the mosque (roof form, tower, and archway) and internal components (layout plan, prayer hall, mihrab, minbar) showcases a remarkable multi-cultural influence of Javanese, Chinese, and local portrayed at the mosque's faƧade design. Moreover, the material aspects of the mosque also showed a combination of foreign materials like main pillars originating from the Kalimantan, Indonesia, and tiles from China. The case study's findings will benefit the locals and tourism industry by better understanding of historical and cultural heritage buildings and creating tourists' engagement with the cultural values of Malacca, a historical city

    Exploring the relevance of outdoor classroom for adaptive Problem Based Learning (PBL) among students in selected Malaysian universities

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    This book explores the relevancy of an outdoor classroom for adaptive Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach in Malaysian Higher Institutions. The purpose of this book is to examine the significant criteria of the outdoor classroom in the university campus design and to analyse the relevancy of the outdoor classroom in adapting the PBL approach for students effective learning. Currently, students have limited exposure to learning sessions in outdoor classrooms due to the limitation of the physical environment and cultural context. Students tend to minimise their use of outdoor spaces and utilise indoor classroom more often. This leads to less connectivity between outdoor spaces and indoor classrooms, causes students to create a ā€˜space barrierā€™ and limit their learning activities outdoors. This also hinders students to facilitate the usage of outdoor spaces, as the PBL approach encourages students to utilise outdoor classrooms effectively. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative approaches, where a mixed-method of data collection is structured for table research and questionnaire survey. The purpose of the table research is to gather secondary data, to provide in-depth understanding and to further analyse the relationship between campus environment and studentsā€™ physical and psychological development. A survey is conducted to examine studentsā€™ effective learning with the PBL approach in the outdoor classrooms. For the survey, targeted participants are students from Architecture and Landscape Architecture students in three selected universities; Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and Universiti Teknologi Mara Kampus Puncak Alam (UiTM). The questionnaire survey has obtained 300 samples, and analyse of the survey are used to determine the statistical relationship between outdoor classrooms with student learning activities and performances, and also to provide a correlation analysis between intervening variables to establish the connections on the physical qualities of an outdoor classroom and student PBL processes.The result of the analysis indicates that the criteria for an outdoor classroom and PBL practices in the studio design-based programme promote positive benefits to student learning performances, as well as increase the positive influence on student personal and social skills. The book then provides recommendations to improve outdoor landscape environment on campus layout that integrate with the PBL approach for future reference

    Exploring the relevancy of outdoor classroom for adaptive problem-based learning (PBL) among students in selected Malaysian universities

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    This book explores the relevancy of an outdoor classroom for adaptive Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach in Malaysian Higher Institutions. The purpose of this book is to examine the significant criteria of the outdoor classroom in the university campus design and to analyse the relevancy of the outdoor classroom in adapting the PBL approach for students effective learning. Currently, students have limited exposure to learning sessions in outdoor classrooms due to the limitation of the physical environment and cultural context. Students tend to minimise their use of outdoor spaces and utilise indoor classroom more often. This leads to less connectivity between outdoor spaces and indoor classrooms, causes students to create a ā€˜space barrierā€™ and limit their learning activities outdoors. This also hinders students to facilitate the usage of outdoor spaces, as the PBL approach encourages students to utilise outdoor classrooms effectively. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative approaches, where a mixed-method of data collection is structured for table research and questionnaire survey. The purpose of the table research is to gather secondary data, to provide in-depth understanding and to further analyse the relationship between campus environment and studentsā€™ physical and psychological development. A survey is conducted to examine studentsā€™ effective learning with the PBL approach in the outdoor classrooms. For the survey, targeted participants are students from Architecture and Landscape Architecture students in three selected universities; Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and Universiti Teknologi Mara Kampus Puncak Alam (UiTM). The questionnaire survey has obtained 300 samples, and analyse of the survey are used to determine the statistical relationship between outdoor classrooms with student learning activities and performances, and also to provide a correlation analysis between intervening variables to establish the connections on the physical qualities of an outdoor classroom and student PBL processes. The result of the analysis indicates that the criteria for an outdoor classroom and PBL practices in the studio design-based programme promote positive benefits to student learning performances, as well as increase the positive influence on student personal and social skills. The book then provides recommendations to improve outdoor landscape environment on campus layout that integrate with the PBL approach for future reference.This book explores the relevancy of an outdoor classroom for adaptive Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach in Malaysian Higher Institutions. The purpose of this book is to examine the significant criteria of the outdoor classroom in the university campus design and to analyse the relevancy of the outdoor classroom in adapting the PBL approach for students effective learning. Currently, students have limited exposure to learning sessions in outdoor classrooms due to the limitation of the physical environment and cultural context. Students tend to minimise their use of outdoor spaces and utilise indoor classroom more often. This leads to less connectivity between outdoor spaces and indoor classrooms, causes students to create a ā€˜space barrierā€™ and limit their learning activities outdoors. This also hinders students to facilitate the usage of outdoor spaces, as the PBL approach encourages students to utilise outdoor classrooms effectively. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative approaches, where a mixed-method of data collection is structured for table research and questionnaire survey. The purpose of the table research is to gather secondary data, to provide in-depth understanding and to further analyse the relationship between campus environment and studentsā€™ physical and psychological development. A survey is conducted to examine studentsā€™ effective learning with the PBL approach in the outdoor classrooms. For the survey, targeted participants are students from Architecture and Landscape Architecture students in three selected universities; Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and Universiti Teknologi Mara Kampus Puncak Alam (UiTM). The questionnaire survey has obtained 300 samples, and analyse of the survey are used to determine the statistical relationship between outdoor classrooms with student learning activities and performances, and also to provide a correlation analysis between intervening variables to establish the connections on the physical qualities of an outdoor classroom and student PBL processes. The result of the analysis indicates that the criteria for an outdoor classroom and PBL practices in the studio design-based programme promote positive benefits to student learning performances, as well as increase the positive influence on student personal and social skills. The book then provides recommendations to improve outdoor landscape environment on campus layout that integrate with the PBL approach for future reference

    The relevancy of outdoor classroom for PBL approach in selected university in Kuala Lumpur

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    Outdoor classroom could be described as outdoor learning space that provides varying experiences and learning activities that could enhance studentsā€™ learning performances, particularly in Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach. It also has become the main role in providing effective and dynamic learning environment for PBL practices. By investigating the relationship between the outdoor classroom and the studentsā€™ PBL approach, one could reveal the interconnectedness between the outdoor classrooms in campus settings with the studentsā€™ learning performances in PBL approach. Hence, the objective of this study is to analyze the relevance of outdoor classroom in adapting PBL approach in selected universities in Malaysia. A questionnaire survey, was conducted among landscape architecture and architecture students in UIAM, UPM and UiTM Puncak Alam. The results of this study confirm that outdoor classroom improves students learning performances, particularly in designing skills and work presentations. Furthermore, the results also indicate that outdoor classroom enhance studentsā€™ ideas and inspiration in designing


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    Abstrak Pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formula baru untuk pembagian laba usaha yang lebih efektif dan dapat diterapkan di semua kondisi keuangan perusahaan dengan menerapkan sistem dividen. Kegiatan pendampingan dilaksanakan kurang lebih dua bulan, dimulai dari pembentukan tim dan menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak DPMD Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Kegiatan pendampingan dilaksanakan melalui diskusi dengan pihak-pihak yang terlibat, seperti dosen pendamping dan juga pengelola unit usaha BUMDes. Dari hasil diskusi, didapatkan dua formula baru yang dapat digunakan untuk membagikan laba kepada para pemegang saham di unit PT Tirta Wangi Sejahtera. Namun, kedua formula tersebut belum dapat diimplementasikan karena perlunya persetujuan para pemegang saham. Perubahan akan disampaikan oleh pengelola BUMDes pada rapat umum pemegang saham yang akan dilaksanakan di tahun ini.   Kata Kunci: Dividen, Bagi Hasil Usaha, BUMDes Abstract This assistance aims to obtain a new formula for business profit distribution that is more effective and can be implemented in all company financial conditions by implementing a dividend system. The mentoring activities were retrieved for approximately two months, starting with forming a team and establishing cooperation with the DPMD of Bandung Barat Regency. The Mentoring activities were held in the form of discussions with the parties involved, such as the mentoring lecturers and managers of BUMDes business units. From the discussion, two new formulas were obtained that can be used to distribute profits to shareholders in the PT Tirta Wangi Sejahtera unit. However, both formulas are yet to be implemented due to the need for shareholder approval. The changes will be submitted by the BUMDes manager at the general meeting of shareholders that will be held this year. Keywords: Dividend, Business Profit Sharing, BUMDe