62 research outputs found
ATP Synthase Subunit a Supports Permeability Transition in Yeast Lacking Dimerization Subunits and Modulates yPTP Conductance
Background/Aims: Mitochondrial ATP synthase, in addition to being involved in ATP synthesis, is involved in permeability transition pore (PTP) formation, which precedes apoptosis in mammalian cells and programmed cell death in yeast. Mutations in genes encoding ATP synthase subunits cause neuromuscular disorders and have been identified in cancer samples. PTP is also involved in pathology. We previously found that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,two mutations in ATP synthase subunit a (atp6-P163S and atp6-K90E, equivalent to those detected in prostate and thyroid cancer samples, respectively) in the OM45-GFP background affected ROS and calcium homeostasis and delayed yeast PTP (yPTP) induction upon calcium treatment by modulating the dynamics of ATP synthase dimer/oligomer formation. The Om45 protein is a component of the porin complex, which is equivalent to mammalian VDAC. We aimed to investigate yPTP function in atp6-P163S and atp6-K90E mutants lacking the e and g dimerization subunits of ATP synthase. Methods: Triple mutants with the atp6-P163S or atp6-K90E mutation, the OM45-GFP gene and deletion of the TIM11 gene encoding subunit ewere constructed by crossing and tetrad dissection. In spores capable of growing, the original atp6 mutations reverted to wild type, and two compensatory mutations, namely, atp6-C33S-T215C, were selected. The effects of these mutations on cellular physiology, mitochondrial morphology, bioenergetics and permeability transition (PT) were analyzed by fluorescence and electron microscopy, mitochondrial respiration, ATP synthase activity, calcium retention capacity and swelling assays. Results: The atp6-C33S-T215Cmutationsin the OM45-GFPbackground led to delayed growth at elevated temperature on both fermentative and respiratory media and increased sensitivity to high calcium ions concentration or hydrogen peroxide in the medium. The ATP synthase activity was reduced by approximately 50% and mitochondrial network was hyperfused in these cells grown at elevated temperature. The atp6-C33S-T215Cstabilized ATP synthase dimers and restored the yPTP properties in Tim11∆ cells. In OM45-GFP cells, in which Tim11 is present, these mutations increased the fraction of swollen mitochondria by up to 85% vs 60% in the wild type, although the time required for calcium release doubled. Conclusion: ATP synthase subunit e is essential in the S. cerevisiaeatp6-P163S and atp6-K90E mutants. In addition to subunits e and g, subunit a is critical for yPTP induction and conduction. The increased yPTP conduction decrease the S. cerevisiae cell fitness
Molecular Basis of the Pathogenic Mechanism Induced by the m.9191T>C Mutation in Mitochondrial ATP6 Gene
International audienceProbing the pathogenicity and functional consequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations from patient's cells and tissues is difficult due to genetic heteroplasmy (co-existence of wild type and mutated mtDNA in cells), occurrence of numerous mtDNA polymorphisms, and absence of methods for genetically transforming human mitochondria. Owing to its good fermenting capacity that enables survival to loss-of-function mtDNA mutations, its amenability to mitochondrial genome manipulation, and lack of heteroplasmy, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an excellent model for studying and resolving the molecular bases of human diseases linked to mtDNA in a controlled genetic background. Using this model, we previously showed that a pathogenic mutation in mitochondrial ATP6 gene (m.9191T>C), that converts a highly conserved leucine residue into proline in human ATP synthase subunit a (aL222P), severely compromises the assembly of yeast ATP synthase and reduces by 90% the rate of mitochondrial ATP synthesis. Herein, we report the isolation of intragenic suppressors of this mutation. In light of recently described high resolution structures of ATP synthase, the results indicate that the m.9191T>C mutation disrupts a four α-helix bundle in subunit a and that the leucine residue it targets indirectly optimizes proton conduction through the membrane domain of ATP synthase
Molecular basis of diseases caused by the mtDNA mutation m.8969G>A in the subunit a of ATP synthase
The ATP synthase which provides aerobic eukaryotes with ATP, organizes into a membrane-extrinsic catalytic domain, where ATP is generated, and a membrane-embedded FO domain that shuttles protons across the membrane. We previously identified a mutation in the mitochondrial MT-ATP6 gene (m.8969G>A) in a 14-year-old Chinese female who developed an isolated nephropathy followed by brain and muscle problems. This mutation replaces a highly conserved serine residue into asparagine at amino acid position 148 of the membrane-embedded subunit a of ATP synthase. We showed that an equivalent of this mutation in yeast (aS175N) prevents FO-mediated proton translocation. Herein we identified four first-site intragenic suppressors (aN175D, aN175K, aN175I, and aN175T), which, in light of a recently published atomic structure of yeast FO indicates that the detrimental consequences of the original mutation result from the establishment of hydrogen bonds between aN175 and a nearby glutamate residue (aE172) that was proposed to be critical for the exit of protons from the ATP synthase towards the mitochondrial matrix. Interestingly also, we found that the aS175N mutation can be suppressed by second-site suppressors (aP12S, aI171F, aI171N, aI239F, and aI200M), of which some are very distantly located (by 20-30 Å) from the original mutation. The possibility to compensate through long-range effects the aS175N mutation is an interesting observation that holds promise for the development of therapeutic molecules
High-Conductance Channel Formation in Yeast Mitochondria is Mediated by F-ATP Synthase e and g Subunits
Background/Aims: The permeability transition pore (PTP) is an unselective, Ca2+-dependent high conductance channel of the inner mitochondrial membrane whose molecular identity has long remained a mystery. The most recent hypothesis is that pore formation involves the F-ATP synthase, which consistently generates Ca2+-activated channels. Available structures do not display obvious features that can accommodate a channel; thus, how the pore can form and whether its activity can be entirely assigned to F-ATP synthase is the matter of debate. In this study, we investigated the role of F-ATP synthase subunits e, g and b in PTP formation. Methods: Yeast null mutants for e, g and the first transmembrane (TM) α-helix of subunit b were generated and evaluated for mitochondrial morphology (electron microscopy), membrane potential (Rhodamine123 fluorescence) and respiration (Clark electrode). Homoplasmic C23S mutant of subunit a was generated by in vitro mutagenesis followed by biolistic transformation. F-ATP synthase assembly was evaluated by BN-PAGE analysis. Cu2+ treatment was used to induce the formation of F-ATP synthase dimers in the absence of e and g subunits. The electrophysiological properties of F-ATP synthase were assessed in planar lipid bilayers. Results: Null mutants for the subunits e and g display dimer formation upon Cu2+ treatment and show PTP-dependent mitochondrial Ca2+ release but not swelling. Cu2+ treatment causes formation of disulfide bridges between Cys23 of subunits a that stabilize dimers in absence of e and g subunits and favors the open state of wild-type F-ATP synthase channels. Absence of e and g subunits decreases conductance of the F-ATP synthase channel about tenfold. Ablation of the first TM of subunit b, which creates a distinct lateral domain with e and g, further affected channel activity. Conclusion: F-ATP synthase e, g and b subunits create a domain within the membrane that is critical for the generation of the high-conductance channel, thus is a prime candidate for PTP formation. Subunits e and g are only present in eukaryotes and may have evolved to confer this novel function to F-ATP synthase
Decreasing cytosolic translation is beneficial to yeast and human Tafazzin-deficient cells
Cardiolipin (CL) optimizes diverse mitochondrial processes, including oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). To function properly, CL needs to be unsaturated, which requires the acyltransferase Tafazzin (TAZ). Loss-of-function mutations in the TAZ gene are responsible for the Barth syndrome (BTHS), a rare X-linked cardiomyopathy, presumably because of a diminished OXPHOS capacity. Herein we show that a partial inhibition of cytosolic protein synthesis, either chemically with the use of cycloheximide or by specific genetic mutations, fully restores biogenesis and the activity of the oxidative phosphorylation system in a yeast BTHS model (taz1Δ). Interestingly, the defaults in CL were not suppressed, indicating that they are not primarily responsible for the OXPHOS deficiency in taz1Δ yeast. Low concentrations of cycloheximide in the picomolar range were beneficial to TAZ-deficient HeLa cells, as evidenced by the recovery of a good proliferative capacity. These findings reveal that a diminished capacity of CL remodeling deficient cells to preserve protein homeostasis is likely an important factor contributing to the pathogenesis of BTHS. This in turn, identifies cytosolic translation as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of this disease
The Suppressor of AAC2 Lethality SAL1 Modulates Sensitivity of Heterologously Expressed Artemia ADP/ATP Carrier to Bongkrekate in Yeast
The ADP/ATP carrier protein (AAC) expressed in Artemia franciscana is refractory to bongkrekate. We generated two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae where AAC1 and AAC3 were inactivated and the AAC2 isoform was replaced with Artemia AAC containing a hemagglutinin tag (ArAAC-HA). In one of the strains the suppressor of ΔAAC2 lethality, SAL1, was also inactivated but a plasmid coding for yeast AAC2 was included, because the ArAACΔsal1Δ strain was lethal. In both strains ArAAC-HA was expressed and correctly localized to the mitochondria. Peptide sequencing of ArAAC expressed in Artemia and that expressed in the modified yeasts revealed identical amino acid sequences. The isolated mitochondria from both modified strains developed 85% of the membrane potential attained by mitochondria of control strains, and addition of ADP yielded bongkrekate-sensitive depolarizations implying acquired sensitivity of ArAAC-mediated adenine nucleotide exchange to this poison, independent from SAL1. However, growth of ArAAC-expressing yeasts in glycerol-containing media was arrested by bongkrekate only in the presence of SAL1. We conclude that the mitochondrial environment of yeasts relying on respiratory growth conferred sensitivity of ArAAC to bongkrekate in a SAL1-dependent manner. © 2013 Wysocka-Kapcinska et al
Assembly-dependent translation of subunits 6 (Atp6) and 9 (Atp9) of ATP synthase in yeast mitochondria
The yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase is an assembly of 28 subunits of 17 types of which 3 (subunits 6, 8, and 9) are encoded by mitochondrial
genes, while the 14 others have a nuclear genetic origin. Within the membrane domain (FO) of this enzyme, the subunit 6 and a ring
of 10 identical subunits 9 transport protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane coupled to ATP synthesis in the extra-membrane
structure (F1) of ATP synthase. As a result of their dual genetic origin, the ATP synthase subunits are synthesized in the cytosol and inside
the mitochondrion. How they are produced in the proper stoichiometry from two different cellular compartments is still poorly understood.
The experiments herein reported show that the rate of translation of the subunits 9 and 6 is enhanced in strains with mutations leading to
specific defects in the assembly of these proteins. These translation modifications involve assembly intermediates interacting with subunits
6 and 9 within the final enzyme and cis-regulatory sequences that control gene expression in the organelle. In addition to enabling a balanced
output of the ATP synthase subunits, these assembly-dependent feedback loops are presumably important to limit the accumulation
of harmful assembly intermediates that have the potential to dissipate the mitochondrial membrane electrical potential and the main
source of chemical energy of the cell
Budowa, biogeneza i mechanizm działania kompleksu mitochondrialnej syntazy ATP
Mitochondria to organelle występujące u wszystkich organizmów eukariotycznych. Ich główną funkcją jest wytwarzanie energii w postaci ATP na drodze fosforylacji oksydacyjnej. Ostatni etap syntezy ATP katalizuje enzym wewnętrznej błony mitochondrialnej - syntaza ATP. Jest to kompleks złożony z co najmniej siedemnastu podjednostek (u drożdży, u kręgowców zidentyfikowano ich dotychczas szesnaście), tworzących część hydrofobową zagłębioną w błonie (nazwaną FO) i hydrofilową, skierowaną do macierzy mitochondrialnej (F1). Geny większości podjednostek znajdują się w genomie jądrowym, ale niektóre z nich, kodujące hydrofobowe podjednostki błonowe, u większości organizmów zachowane zostały w genomie mitochondrialnym. Biogeneza syntazy ATP jest procesem złożonym, wymaga bowiem udziału licznych białek niebędących podjednostkami enzymu, regulujących ekspresję genów syntazy oraz składanie podjednostek w dojrzały enzym. Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi podsumowanie aktualnego stanu wiedzy o budowie, biogenezie i mechanizmie działania kompleksu syntazy ATP
Molekularne podłoże chorób spowodowanych mutacjami w genach kodujących podjednostki syntazy ATP
Syntaza ATP jest ostatnim enzymem systemu OXPHOS, odpowiedzialnym za syntezę ATP. Mutacje zarówno w genach jądrowych jak i mitochondrialnych, kodujących podjednostki enzymu (17 białek), prowadzą do chorób neurodegeneracyjnych. Dwie podjednostki tego enzymu, 8 (ATP8, inna nazwa A6L) i a (ATP6), kodowane są w genomie mitochondrialnym przez geny MT-ATP8 i MT-ATP6. 17 mutacji związanych z chorobami zidentyfikowano w pięciu genach jądrowych kodujących podjednostki enzymu. 58 mutacji zostało opisanych w genach MT-ATP8 i MT-ATP6, 36 z nich zostało zdeponowanych w bazie danych MITOMAP. Dla większości z nich zarówno patogenny charakter jak i mechanizm choroby nie są znane. W tej pracy podsumowujemy aktualną wiedzę na temat molekularnych podstaw chorób spowodowanych dysfunkcjami syntazy ATP. Opisujemy mutacje w genach kodujących podjednostki enzymu oraz dane biochemiczne uzyskane w badaniach komórek pacjentów, modeli komórkowych i drożdżowych, a ponadto badania wykorzystujące drożdże mające na celu selekcję leków i poznanie ich mechanizmu działania. Mutacje w podjednostkach 8 i a wprowadziliśmy do ostatnio opublikowanej struktury domeny błonowej enzymu i dyskutujemy ich strukturalne i funkcjonalne konsekwencje
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