412 research outputs found

    Translingual Negotiation Strategies Used by English Students to Build Classroom Interaction in a Translation Class

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    This research aimed at revealing what kind of translingual strategies that were practiced by the sixth-semester students to build interaction in the translation class. This qualitative research conducted through observing students' interaction in translation class (using English, bahasa Indonesia, and Minangkabau languages). The researcher finds that four macro strategies proposed by Canagarajah (2013): envoicing, recontextualization, interactional, and entextualization strategies are consciously used by students during communication. Envoicing strategies are used by way of word coinage, foreignization, as well as code switching and code mixing dominantly by students while asking and clarifying information. Recontextualization strategies are done through the use of the feature of linguistic form such formulaic Islamic greeting in Arabic preceding the talk. Interactional strategies used are confirmation check, check, clarification request, and recast. Interestingly more competent students use simplification in communication, and less competent speakers use leveling as entextualizationstrategies. The use of these strategies in speaking helps students (as speakers) to establish classroom interaction

    β-band analysis from simulated flight experiments

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    Several safety-related improvements are applied every year to try to minimize the total number of civil aviation accidents. Fortunately, these improvements work well, reducing the number of accident occurrences. However, while the number of accidents due to mechanical failures has decreased, the number of accidents due to human errors seems to grow. On that basis, this work presents a contribution regarding the brain’s β-band activities for different levels of volunteers’ expertise on flight simulator, i.e., experienced, mid-level and beginner, in which they acted as pilots in command during several simulated flights. Spectrogram analysis and statistical measurements of each volunteer’s brain’s β-band were carried out. These were based on seven flight tasks: takeoff, climb, cruise flight, descent, approach, final approach and landing. The results of the proposed experiment showed that the takeoff, approach and landing corresponded to the highest brain activities, i.e., close to 37.06–67.33% more than the brain activity of the other flight tasks: when some accidents were about to occur, the intensities of the brain activity were similar to those of the final approach task. When the volunteers’ expertise and confidence on flight simulation were considered, it was shown that the highest brain magnitudes and oscillations observed of more experienced and confident volunteers were on average close to 68.44% less, compared to less experienced and less confident volunteers. Moreover, more experienced and confident volunteers in general presented different patterns of brain activities compared to volunteers with less expertise or less familiarity with fight simulations and/or electronic games.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multimodal approach for emotion recognition based on simulated flight experiments

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    The present work tries to fill part of the gap regarding the pilots' emotions and their bio-reactions during some flight procedures such as, takeoff, climbing, cruising, descent, initial approach, final approach and landing. A sensing architecture and a set of experiments were developed, associating it to several simulated flights ( N f l i g h t s = 13 ) using the Microsoft Flight Simulator Steam Edition (FSX-SE). The approach was carried out with eight beginner users on the flight simulator ( N p i l o t s = 8 ). It is shown that it is possible to recognize emotions from different pilots in flight, combining their present and previous emotions. The cardiac system based on Heart Rate (HR), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Electroencephalography (EEG), were used to extract emotions, as well as the intensities of emotions detected from the pilot face. We also considered five main emotions: happy, sad, angry, surprise and scared. The emotion recognition is based on Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning techniques. The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) were the main methods used to measure the quality of the regression output models. The tests of the produced output models showed that the lowest recognition errors were reached when all data were considered or when the GSR datasets were omitted from the model training. It also showed that the emotion surprised was the easiest to recognize, having a mean RMSE of 0.13 and mean MAE of 0.01; while the emotion sad was the hardest to recognize, having a mean RMSE of 0.82 and mean MAE of 0.08. When we considered only the higher emotion intensities by time, the most matches accuracies were between 55% and 100%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A multi-sensing physical therapy assessment for children with cerebral palsy

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    This work presents the development of a multi-sensing interface called Palsy Thera Sense, to provide information data obtained during physical therapy of the children with cerebral palsy. It allows the monitoring the children's motor skills, and provide metrics that can be later used for proper and effective training. This interface is based on distributed force measurement system characterized by two different load cells. The signals from signals from the load cells distributed on the level of a force platform and at the level of child's body support ropes that are tied on the cerebral palsy spider cage are acquired and wireless transmitted to a client computation platform. Thus different tests can be carried out including, center of forces measurements and gait simulations. These tests can be study of children balance during different activities such as serious game playing for upper limb rehabilitation. The interface shown to be an important tool that provide support to cerebral palsy rehabilitation process, and for objective evaluation of the patients during the rehabilitation period. Several experimental results are included in the paper highlighting the capabilities of the designed and implemented multi-sensing system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi, Peran Pengelola Keuangan Daerah, Partisipasi Anggaran, dan Akuntabilitas Publik terhadap Kinerja Pimpinan Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kota Payakumbuh

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    This study aims to examine the Influence of Organizational Commitment, Role of Regional Financial Management, Budget and Public Accountability Participation on Performance Leadership. The object of this study conducted at SKPD Payakumbuh, consisting of 25 SKPD. The population of this study was a leader who works at SKPD Payakumbuh. Selection of the sample in this study was based on a purposive sampling method. Respondents in this study were the Head SKPD, Secretary of SKPD, Head of Sub Division of Finance, Head of Sub Division of Administration. The Method of collecting primary data was survey techniques and giving the questions to the respondents by questionnaires. From 100 questionnaires sent, there were 94 respondents who returned the questionnaire and which can be processed and analyzed. The processing and analysis of data were using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 17. The results showed that organizational commitment had a significant effect on the performance of the leadership, the role of regional financial managers had a significant effect on the performance of the leadership, the participation had a significant effect on the budget performance management, and public accountability also had a significant effect on the performance of the leadership.Keywords: Commitment, Role of Regional, Participation, Accountability, and Performanc


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    Purpose: The paper is devoted to the study of verbalizing the social and cultural notion "family" in the second volume of the novel “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy and the novel “In Chancery” by J. Galsworthy. It describes the stylistic devices enabling to realize positive and negative connotative components of the meaning of linguistic units verbalizing the notion “family”. Methodology: In order to achieve the goal of our research we conducted a thorough comparative analysis of the texts of the works under study. Result: The results of our study allow us to draw a conclusion regarding the linguistic means enabling to realize ameliorative and pejorative connotative components in the meaning of the word “family” used in combination with it. Furthermore, the evidence from this study allowed us to compare the images of the British and Russian in the studied works represented by the analyzed linguistic means. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Verbalization of “Family” as a Cultural Notion in the Novels “War and Peace” BY L. Tolstoy and “In Chancery” by J. Galsworthy is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Emotions Assessment on Simulated Flights

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    Trabalho apresentado em 14th edition of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurement and Applications (MeMeA'19), junho 2019, Istanbul, TurquiaN/

    Perancangan Lingkungan Pondok Sosial Kota Malang Dengan Pendekatan Perilaku

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    Jumlah penyandang masalah kesejahteraan sosial (PMKS) cenderung mengalami kenaikan tiap tahunnya dan menjadi permasalahan yang belum dapat terselesaikan hingga saat ini. Permasalahan yang sering dijumpai di kota-kota besar adalah gelandangan dan pengemis (gepeng), anak jalanan (anjal), lansia terlantar, gelandangan psikotik, dan wanita tuna susila (WTS) yang sering dijumpai di sudut-sudut kota sehingga meresahkan warga dan mengurangi keindahan kota. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi jumlah PMKS yang berkeliaran di sudut-sudut kota adalah dengan menyediakan tempat penampungan berupa Lingkungan Pondok Sosial (Liponsos). Akan tetapi, Liponsos yang ada saat ini belum mampu menjalankan tugasnya sebagai tempat penampungan dan rehabilitasi sosial karena kurangnya fasilitas penunjang dan kurang layaknya bangunan penampungan yang ada. Karena Liponsos mewadahi beberapa karakter manusia yang berbeda-beda, diperlukan pendekatan yang berbasis pada perilaku setiap jenis PMKS. Dengan menggunakan metode Place Centered Mapping dan Annotated Diagram pada perancangan Liponsos, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan kebutuhan ruang dan jenis ruang yang cocok bagi setiap jenis PMKS

    Design of an artificial neural network and feature extraction to identify arrhythmias from ECG

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    This paper presents a design of an artificial neural network (ANN) and feature extraction methods to identify two types of arrhythmias in datasets obtained through electrocardiography (ECG) signals, namely arrhythmia dataset (AD) and supraventricular arrhythmia dataset (SAD). No special ANN toolkit was used; instead, each neuron and necessary calculus were modeled and individually programmed. Thus, four temporal-based features are used: heart rate (HR), R-peaks root mean square (R-RMS), RR-peaks variance (RR-VAR), and QSR-complex standard deviation (QSR-SD). The network architecture presents four neurons in the input layer, eight in hidden layer and an output layer with two neurons. The proposed classification method uses the MIT-BIH Dataset (Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital) for training, validation and execution or test phases. Preliminary results show the high efficiency of the proposed ANN design and its classification method, reaching accuracies between 98.76% and 98.91%, when in the identification of NSRD and arrhythmic ECG; and accuracies of 86.37% (AD) and 76.35% (SAD), when analyzing only classifications between both arrhythmias.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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