1,634 research outputs found

    Generalized estimators of avian abundance from count survey data

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    I consider modeling avian abundance from spatially referenced bird count data collected according to common protocols such as capture-recapture, multiple observer, removal sampling and simple point counts. Small sample sizes and large numbers of parameters have motivated many analyses that disregard the spatial indexing of the data, and thus do not provide an adequate treatment of spatial structure. I describe a general framework for modeling spatially replicated data that regards local abundance as a random process, motivated by the view that the set of spatially referenced local populations (at the sample locations) constitute a metapopulation. Under this view, attention can be focused on developing a model for the variation in local abundance independent of the sampling protocol being considered. The metapopulation model structure, when combined with the data generating model, define a simple hierarchical model that can be analyzed using conventional methods. The proposed modeling framework is completely general in the sense that broad classes of metapopulation models may be considered, site level covariates on detection and abundance may be considered, and estimates of abundance and related quantities may be obtained for sample locations, groups of locations, unsampled locations. Two brief examples are given, the first involving simple point counts, and the second based on temporary removal counts. Extension of these models to open systems is briefly discussed

    Estimadores generalizados de abundancia en aves a partir de datos de estudios de recuento

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    I consider modeling avian abundance from spatially referenced bird count data collected according to common protocols such as capture–recapture, multiple observer, removal sampling and simple point counts. Small sample sizes and large numbers of parameters have motivated many analyses that disregard the spatial indexing of the data, and thus do not provide an adequate treatment of spatial structure. I describe a general framework for modeling spatially replicated data that regards local abundance as a random process, motivated by the view that the set of spatially referenced local populations (at the sample locations) constitute a metapopulation. Under this view, attention can be focused on developing a model for the variation in local abundance independent of the sampling protocol being considered. The metapopulation model structure, when combined with the data generating model, define a simple hierarchical model that can be analyzed using conventional methods. The proposed modeling framework is completely general in the sense that broad classes of metapopulation models may be considered, site level covariates on detection and abundance may be considered, and estimates of abundance and related quantities may be obtained for sample locations, groups of locations, unsampled locations. Two brief examples are given, the first involving simple point counts, and the second based on temporary removal counts. Extension of these models to open systems is briefly discussed.En el presente estudio se analiza la modelación de la abundancia en aves mediante datos de recuento de aves, referenciados espacialmente y obtenidos a partir de protocolos comunes, como los de captura–recaptura, muestreo por observadores múltiples, muestreo por eliminación y recuentos de puntos simples. Las muestras de pequeño tamaño, así como el amplio número de parámetros, han propiciado numerosos análisis que no tienen en cuenta la indexación espacial de los datos y, por consiguiente, no proporcionan un tratamiento adecuado de la estructura espacial. En este trabajo se describe un marco general para la modelación de datos replicados en el espacio, que considera la abundancia local como un proceso aleatorio, todo ello basado en el punto de vista de que el conjunto de poblaciones locales referenciadas espacialmente (en los lugares de toma de muestras) constituye una metapoblación. De este modo, la atención puede centrarse en el desarrollo de un modelo para la variación en la abundancia local que sea independiente del protocolo de muestreo que se esté utilizando. La estructura del modelo metapoblacional, en combinación con el modelo de generación de datos, define un modelo jerárquico simple que puede analizarse mediante el empleo de métodos convencionales. El marco de modelación propuesto es de carácter general, en el sentido de que permite considerar amplias clases de modelos metapoblacionales, covariantes del nivel del emplazamiento sobre datos de detección, y la abundancia, pudiendo obtenerse estimaciones de abundancia y cantidades relacionadas para emplazamientos de muestreo, grupos de emplazamientos y emplazamientos no muestreados. A tal efecto, se incluyen dos breves ejemplos; el primero trata de los recuentos de puntos simples, mientras que el segundo se basa en los recuentos por extracción temporal. También se apunta la posibilidad de ampliar estos modelos a sistemas abiertos

    Spatial capture–recapture analysis of artificial cover board survey data reveals small scale spatial variation in slow-worm Anguis fragilis density

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    Vague and/or ad hoc definitions of the area sampled in monitoring efforts are common, and estimates of ecological state variables (e.g. distribution and abundance) can be sensitive to such specifications. The uncertainty in population metrics due to data deficiencies, vague definitions of space and lack of standardized protocols is a major challenge for monitoring, managing and conserving amphibian and reptile populations globally. This is especially true for the slow-worm (Anguis fragilis), a cryptic and fossorial legless lizard; uncertainty about spatial variation in density has hindered conservation efforts (e.g. in translocation projects). Spatial capture–recapture (SCR) methods can be used to estimate density while simultaneously and explicitly accounting for space and individual movement. We use SCR to analyse mark–recapture data of the slow-worm that were collected using artificial cover objects (ACO). Detectability varied among ACO grids and through the season. Estimates of slow-worm density varied across ACO grids (13, 45 and 46 individuals ha−1, respectively). The estimated 95% home range size of slow-worms was 0.38 ha. Our estimates provide valuable information about slow-worm spatial ecology that can be used to inform future conservation management

    The NAE Pathway : autobahn to the nucleus for cell surface receptors

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    Various growth factors and full-length cell surface receptors such as EGFR are translocated from the cell surface to the nucleoplasm, baffling cell biologists to the mechanisms and functions of this process. Elevated levels of nuclear EGFR correlate with poor prognosis in various cancers. In recent years, nuclear EGFR has been implicated in regulating gene transcription, cell proliferation and DNA damage repair. Different models have been proposed to explain how the receptors are transported into the nucleus. However, a clear consensus has yet to be reached. Recently, we described the nuclear envelope associated endosomes (NAE) pathway, which delivers EGFR from the cell surface to the nucleus. This pathway involves transport, docking and fusion of NAEs with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. EGFR is then presumed to be transported through the nuclear pore complex, extracted from membranes and solubilised. The SUN1/2 nuclear envelope proteins, Importin-beta, nuclear pore complex proteins and the Sec61 translocon have been implicated in the process. While this framework can explain the cell surface to nucleus traffic of EGFR and other cell surface receptors, it raises several questions that we consider in this review, together with implications for health and disease

    Environmental transmission of a personality trait: foster parent exploration behaviour predicts offspring exploration behaviour in zebra finches

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    Consistent behavioural differences among individuals are common in many species and can have important effects on offspring fitness. To understand such ‘personality’ variation, it is important to determine the mode ofinheritance, but this has been quantified for only a few species. Here, we report results from a breeding experiment in captive zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, in which we cross-fostered offspring to disentangle the importance of genetic and nongenetic transmission of behaviour. Genetic and foster-parents’ exploratory type was measured in a novel environment pre-breeding and offspring exploratory type was assessed at adulthood. Offspring exploratory type was predicted by the exploratory behaviour of the foster but not the genetic parents, whereas offspring sizewas predicted by genetic but not foster-parents’ size. Other aspects of the social environment, such as rearing regime (uni- versus biparental), hatching position, brood size or an individual’s sex did not influence offspring exploration. Our results therefore indicate that non-genetic transmission of behaviour can play an important role in shaping animal personality variation

    Marketing a tourism industry in late stage decline: The case of the Isle of Man

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    Qualitative interviews in the Isle of Man uncovered local perceptions of a tourism industry in late stage decline. Social impacts of decline are pronounced including facilities loss, cultural changes and a heightening of perceived peripherality: which taken together undermine local identity. Tourists are welcomed as they help to affirm the pride residents have in their island in creating a more active atmosphere, provide social interaction opportunities and to combat negative stereotyping. Thus findings emphasise the diverse, unique and persistent benefits of tourism in the Isle of Man, despite its decline. Destination marketing recommendations are therefore made to better address the experiences and desires of communities experiencing decline

    Counting Bears, P’s And Q’s: An Efficient Sample Design for a Spatial Capture Recapture Hair Snag Study of Grizzly Bears

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    Accurate assessment of abundance can be expensive and managers often seek to minimize costs. Because spatial capture recapture (SCR) methods explicitly account for variation in trap effort in space and time and permit the use of covariates to explain abundance, substantial flexibility in design and thus reduction in costs may be possible. Estimates of grizzly bear (Usus arctos) densities and abundances in 4 management units in Alberta were very low  (superpopulation n =  47-133) in the latest studies occurring from 2004-2008. Since these first provincial population estimates were obtained, management, landscape, and habitat conditions have changed. Managers would like updated abundance information but also seek to reduce the costs of acquiring these data. We assessed 1) the behavior of SCR models across several general sample designs and 2) whether we could eliminate sampling in helicopter-access-only areas in the Yellowhead management unit while maintaining accurate estimates. We used a combination of retrospective subsampling of existing data from a 2004 sampling effort and simulations to evaluate several designs. Placing sampling arrays in areas with high densities of bears decreased variance, while the fine-scale configuration of traps did not greatly influence estimates. Simulations of designs for Alberta with more intensive sampling of only the areas accessible by road and no sampling of more expensive helicopter-access-only areas provided robust estimates with little loss in precision. We will describe the framework and assumptions of SCR models with covariates for abundance in comparison with traditional capture recapture models