112 research outputs found

    Sonographic fatty liver in overweight and obese children, a cross sectional study in Isfahan

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    Introduction: Children’s obesity is a known health problem in the world and is a strong predictor of obesity in adulthood which increases the incidence of related diseases such as metabolic syndrome. According to the MONIKA project by the World Health Organization (WHO), Iran is one of the seven countries with a high rate of child obesity. Fatty liver is an abnormality related to metabolic syndrome, with higher prevalence in obese children according to some previous studies. This study investigates the presence of Sonographic Fatty Liver (SFL) in Iranian obese children in comparison with normal and overweight children. Material and methods: This was a cross-sectional study on 962 randomly selected children between the ages of 6 to 18 years. The subjects were divided into three groups of normal, overweight and obese based on body mass index (BMI). A questionnaire including demographic and anthropometric characteristics was filled for each one. To detect the presence of SFL all the subjects underwent assessments with ultrasonography by radiologist who was not aware of their BMI. The incidence of SFL was determined based on the ultrasonographic diagnosis criteria. Results: The average age of the children in the study was 12.59 ± 3.25 years. The mean of the liver span in the normal, overweight and obese groups were 111.36 ± 18.73, 121.18 ± 16.63 and 118.21 ± 19.15 respectively. The prevalence of SFL in obese children was 54.4%, which was significantly higher than overweight (10.5%) and normal ones (1%). According to present results, there was no significant difference in prevalence of SFL between sexes. Conclusions: The high rate of detected SFL in obese children in this study suggests that Iranian obese children are at risk of metabolic syndrome. Moreover, the WHO indicated Iran as one of the countries with high rate of obese children. Based on this information, we can conclude that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its related non-communicable diseases will be increasing future in . Therefore, it is necessary to develop some plan to control overweight problem including teaching healthy lifestyle in schools and kindergartens as well as mass media.Wstęp: Otyłość u dzieci jest znanym na świecie problemem zdrowotnym oraz silnym czynnikiem prognostycznym wystąpienia otyłości w wieku dorosłym, która zwiększa częstość chorób jej towarzyszących, takich jak zespół metaboliczny. Według projektu Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO, World Health Organization) MONIKA Iran jest jednym z siedmiu krajów o dużym odsetku dzieci otyłych. Stłuszczenie wątroby jest zaburzeniem towarzyszącym zespołowi metabolicznemu, zgodnie z wynikami niektórych wcześniejszych badań, często występującym u otyłych dzieci. W niniejszej pracy badano obecność ultrasonograficznie rozpoznanego stłuszczenia wątroby (SFL) w populacji otyłych dzieci irańskich w porównaniu z grupą dzieci z nadwagą i prawidłową masą ciała. Materiał i metody: Niniejsze badanie przekrojowe przeprowadzono w grupie 962 losowo wybranych dzieci w wieku 6-18 lat. Badani zostali podzieleni według wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI) na trzy grupy: o prawidłowej masie ciała, z nadwagą i na grupę dzieci otyłych. W przypadku każdego uczestnika wypełniano kwestionariusz zawierający charakterystykę demograficzną i antropometryczną. U wszystkich uczestników dla wykrycia SFL wykonywano badanie ultrasonograficzne przeprowadzane przez radiologa, który nie znał BMI badanych. Częstość SFL ustalano na podstawie ultrasonograficznych kryteriów diagnostycznych. Wyniki: Średni wiek dzieci uczestniczących w badaniu wynosił 12,59 ± 3,25 roku. Średnie wymiary pionowe wątroby wynosiły: 111,36 ± 18,73, 121,18 ± 16,63 i 118,21 ± 19,15 mm odpowiednio w grupach dzieci z prawidłową masą ciała, z nadwagą i otyłych. Częstość występowania SFL u dzieci otyłych wynosiła 54,4%, co było wartością istotnie wyższą w porównaniu z grupą dzieci z nadwagą (10,5%) i prawidłową masą ciała (1%). Według wyników tego badania nie było znamiennych różnic w częstości występowania SFL między płciami. Wnioski: Duży odsetek SFL wykrywanego u dzieci otyłych w tym badaniu sugeruje, że irańskie otyłe dzieci obciążone są ryzykiem wystąpienia zespołu metabolicznego. Co więcej, WHO określa Iran jako jeden z krajów o dużym odsetku dzieci otyłych. Opierając się na tych informacjach, można wysunąć wniosek, że częstość występowania zespołu metabolicznego i związanych z nim chorób niezakaźnych będzie się zwiększać w przyszłości. Dlatego konieczne jest opracowanie określonego planu dla kontroli problemu nadwagi, uwzględniającego nauczanie zdrowego stylu życia w szkołach, przedszkolach i środkach masowego przekazu

    Comparative study of measuring body temperature by mercury and digital thermometer‏

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    Background and Aim: Mercury is a dangerous substance for human health and mercury thermometers are major pollutant for environment. Using less dangerous and less expensive devices like digital thermometer can be an alternative for mercury thermometers. The aim of this study was to compare the body temperature measurement by mercury and digital thermometer. Material and Method: In this descriptive- analytical study, 542 patients (331 Female and 211 Males) were selected through convenience sampling. Data was gathered by demographic information form. Body temperature was measured simultaneously by digital and mercury thermometer while each thermometer was placed axillary, and after 5 minutes they were read by a nurse. Results: The mean temperature measured by mercury and digital thermometer was 36.48±0.84 and 36.51±0.87, respectively. There was no statistical significant difference between measurement by mercury and digital thermometer. For detecting fever, digital thermometer had 85.4% and 95.7% sensitivity and specificity respectively. Positive and negative predictive value for digital thermomentr were 81.1% and 96.8%, respectively. Conclusion: Regarding low sensitivity of digital thermometer, it can be concluded that mercury thermometer is still suitable device to detect fever

    Explaining the Structural Model of Social Anxiety Based on Early Maladaptive Schemas and Family Performance

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    Background: The purpose of study was to determine the mediation role of early maladaptive schemas in the relationship between family performance and social anxiety features of students.Materials and Methods: This study utilized a descriptive correlational design and statistical population of this study was included of all students of Marivan city, with the quantity of 4134 in 2016-2017, through them by an available sampling, 400 students were selected. Research tools were family assessment device by Epstein et al (1983), schema questionnaire- short form by Young (1990), social anxiety by Connor et al (2000).Results: Results showed that early maladaptive schemas mediate the relationship between family performances and social anxiety features (β=0.52, p=0.001).Conclusion: Since parental behaviors is one of the most important affecting factors on early maladaptive schemas and formulation of social anxiety features subsequently; Therefore it is necessary for the prevention and treatment of social anxiety disorder pay special attention to the parent’s behaviors and early maladaptive schemas

    Novel thermosensitive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-vinylpyrrolidone-co-methacrylic acid) nanosystems for delivery of natural products

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    The purpose of this research was to synthesize polymer based smart nanosystems for delivery of important bioactive natural products such as sesquiterpene coumarin derivatives of ferula szowitsiana, farnesiferol C as a potent anticancer. To this aim, polymeric micelles were prepared using N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAM), vinyl pyrrolidone (VP) and methacrylate (MAA) as monomers which were cross-linked with N, N-methylene bis-acrylamide (MBA). The molar ratio of the PNIPAAm: VP: MAA group was 75.7:9.5:14.8. These micelles were further characterized upon their physicochemical properties using particle size analyzer, FT-IR, H-/C-NMR, HPLC. Particle size analyzer resulted in ~500 nm micelles with ~95% drug entrapments. Drug release from the polymeric micelles after 300 hours at 37°C and 40°C were 60 and 98 %, respectively. Upon these findings, it is proposed that the P (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-Methacrylic acid-co-Vinylpyrrolidone) micelles may be considered as thermosensitive delivery nanosystem.Keywords: N-isopropylacrylamide; Thermosensitive; Nanoparticles; Farnesiferol C; Amphiphilic polymers

    Investigating the Impact of Inflation Frequency Path on the Structure of Labor Market Demand in Iran

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    The labor market is one of the four economic markets which possess a key role in adjusting the relationship between workforce demand and supply as well as the balance in macroeconomic variables such as employment. Hence, the basic question which is the main focus of the present paper is whether the current frequencies in inflation impact labor market demand or not? In order to answer this question based on the previous literature and theoretical concepts, labor market demand function, wage level function, gross domestic product (GDP), and the working population are considered. In this way, first labor market demand frequencies are identified for the period between 1996 and 2012 and then in order to determine the effects of inflation frequencies on labor market demand, this variable is entered into the function and it will be calculated again. The results show that wage level, gross domestic product, working population and inflation have a positive effect on the labor market demand and inflation frequencies influence labor market demand. Hence, if inflation were entered into the demand function, labor market demand structure functions would be increased and management of this market would be harder. Hence, in the case that inflation frequencies are managed it might be possible to manage the present frequencies in labor market demand

    The Role of the Identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Relations with the United States

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    The present article examines the role of the identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran in relations with the United States between 1979 and 2021. Accordingly, the main question is: What effect did the identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran have on relations with the United States of America between 1979 and 2021? The temporary answer to the question of the present article, which has been done by descriptive-analytical method, is: The revolutionary-Islamic identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with its increasingly anti-unilateralist and domineering role, has been in opposition to the interests of the United States of America, which has led to the termination of relations between the two countries between 1979 and 2021. Iran-US relations include the institutionalized structure of conflict in the relations between two political units, which on the one hand is rooted in the nature and type of their political system, and on the other hand is rooted in internal, regional and international causes and factors. In fact, what prevented the establishment of normal relations between the parties is not at the level of discourse or behavior, but due to the confrontational identity of Iran and the United States

    Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer Cells Using Novel pH-ResponsiveCellulose-Based Nanocomposites

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    Purpose: The objective of the current study was to compare the anticancer efficacy ofdoxorubicin-loaded cellulose based magnetic (Fe3O4), zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles on andfree doxorubicin (DOX) on MCF-7 breast cancer cells.Methods: Novel pH-sensitive cellulose-graft poly acrylic acid based Fe3O4 (Cellulose-g-PAAg-PAcMNPs) and ZnO (Cellulose-g-PAA-g-PAcZnO) nanocomposites were synthesized viapolymerization of acrylic acid and modified 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate onto thecellulosic backbone via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) method.Results: Cellulose-g-PAA-g-PAcMNPs and Cellulose-g-PAA-g-PAcZnO nanocarriers with meandiameter of 15 and 38 nm were prepared successfully. DOX was loaded effectively to theZnO and Fe3O4 nanocarriers via complexing and electrostatic force with great encapsulationefficiency of 99.07% and 98.92%, respectively. DOX-loaded nanocarriers showed obvious pHdependenttumor specific drug release pattern. MTT assay results indicated that IC50 of theDOX loaded Cellulose-g-PAA-g-PAcZnO, DOX loaded Cellulose-g-PAA-g-PAcMNPs and freeDOX after 48 hours treatment with MCF7 cell lines were about 24.03, 49.27 and 99.76 μg mL−1,respectively. Therefore both DOX nanoformulations significantly increase antitumor abilitycompared to free DOX (P < 0.05). The results of MTT assay and DAPI staining revealed thatDOX-loaded Cellulose-g-PAA-g-PAcZnO NPs show higher chemotherapy efficiency in MCF7breast cancer cell line compare to the DOX-loaded Cellulose-g-PAA-g-PAcMNPs due to highinteraction of ZnO with DOX.Conclusion: The formation of the complexes between the DOX and ZnO nanoparticles atthe chelating sites of the quinone and the phenolic oxygen molecules of DOX, lead to moresustained drug release and enhanced chemotherapy effectiveness by increasing the intracellularconcentration of DOX

    Mutations of Dual Oxidase 2 (DUOX2) Gene among patients with Permanent and Transient Congenital Hypothyroidism

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    Objective: The prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is high in Isfahan, Iran. In addition, it has different etiologies compared with other countries. The rate of parental consanguinity is also high in the city. Moreover, DUOX2 gene is effective in transient CH and permanent CH due to dyshormonogenesis. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the mutations of DUOX2 gene in patients with transient CH and permanent CH due to dyshormonogenesis. Methodology: In this descriptive, prospective study, patients diagnosed with transient and permanent CH due to dyshormonogenesis during CH screening program were selected. Venous blood samples were obtained to determine the 3 mutations (Q36H, R376W, and D506N) of DUOX2 gene using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method by specific primers and complementary methods such as restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and singlestrand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Results: In this study, 25 patients with transient CH and 33 subjects with permanent CH due to dyshormonogenesis were studied. In addition, 30 children were studied as the control group. We did not find any mutations of the 3 mentioned mutations of DUOX2 gene. Conclusion: Considering the findings of the current study, further studies with other methods are required to evaluate other gene mutations such as pendrin, sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) and thyroglobuli

    Increased Level of Caspase-1 in the Serum of Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) Patients

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, in which proinflammatory cytokines play a critical role in the pathogenic formation of lesions. Caspase-1 is a cysteine protease that proteolytically cleaves precursors of interleukin (IL)-18 and IL-1β and turns them into their active forms. These inflammatory cytokines play an important role in the development of MS. The aim of the present study was the investigation of caspase-1 and its downstream products, IL-18 and IL-1β, in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) patients. In this study, we used an ELISA assay to measure serum and cellular caspase-1 and serum levels of IL-18 and IL-1β in RRMS patients in the relapse phase (n=23) and healthy age-and gender-matched controls (n=19). We observed that the caspase-1 level was significantly increased in the serum of MS patients compared to the healthy controls (p=0.03). Although caspase-1 concentration in the lysate of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was higher than serum among patients and controls (p<0.001), no significant difference was found in cellular levels of caspase-1 between the two groups. There was no significant difference in serum levels of IL-18 and IL-1β between patients and controls. In this study, we found an elevation of extracellular caspase-1, as a reflection of its intracellular level, in the serum of RRMS patients during the relapse phase. Therefore, it suggests being a suitable peripheral biomarker of disease activity in multiple sclerosis

    Comparing strength and range of motion of the upper limb with AV fistula access with the contralateral upper limb among patients treated with hemodialysis

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    Introduction:The arteriovenous (AV) fistula is a gold standard method for safe and effective repeated vascular access for patients on hemodialysis (HD). The patients, with AV-fistula access in their upper limb, have some limitations in using the involved limb both in daily living and during the dialysis process. The aim of this study was to compare range of motion (ROM), muscle strength and arm circumference of fistula created limb with the contralateral upper limb. Material and Methods: 23 patients (50-85 year), receiving HD through AV fistula in one of their upper limbs, at least for 3 months, were enrolled. ROM, muscle strength, and arm circumference of both upper limbs were measured using goniometer, dynamometer and tape-measure, respectively. Then the values of the both sides were compared together. Results: In ROM tests shoulder forward flexion, backward extension, internal rotation, external rotation, horizontal extension, and horizontal adduction, and in muscle strength tests shoulder abduction and hand grip were significantly (p&lt;0.05) more limited or weaker at the fistula side. Arm circumference was significantly greater at the fistula created limb. Conclusion: The upper limb, which is involved during HD process, is weaker and has more limited ROM in comparison with the contralateral limb. We suggest more attention to develop specific exercise programs for maintaining the abilities of the limb with AV-fistula access. 